Shrinking Assets Team Chat AUGUST 2020



  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    @Luciicul -- you have done an amazing job in Maintenance. You make maintenance look easy, but I know many find it harder than weight loss.

    @hipari - I am still in shock about the clothing victory. My daughter was right, it did happen overnight. I took my measurements this morning. I lost 10.75" from 7/15-8/17!!! I feel like this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up and this not be real.

    @Xiaolongbao - I understand packing light. Where will you be moving to?

    @imgwendolyn2015 - are you petite in stature? I think it is time to retire the 18s! I wish we lived close. I could hook you up with some 16s and 14s. I'm still making the 12s work a bit longer.

    @iamworthy14 - You've got this. This is just a hiccup. don't get discouraged!

    @cre804 and @LaurieWrobo - YAY for the clothing victory. Isn't this the best feeling... at least pretty darn good!

    @Dogmom1978 - my thrift store comment was meant in reply to being frugal. Check them out. A new piece or two will do wonders for your motivation and ego.

    I am 5' 4" but have "child bearing" hips! LOL. I swear most of my weight is in my stomach hips and thighs!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    @Luciicul -- you have done an amazing job in Maintenance. You make maintenance look easy, but I know many find it harder than weight loss.

    @hipari - I am still in shock about the clothing victory. My daughter was right, it did happen overnight. I took my measurements this morning. I lost 10.75" from 7/15-8/17!!! I feel like this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up and this not be real.

    @Xiaolongbao - I understand packing light. Where will you be moving to?

    @imgwendolyn2015 - are you petite in stature? I think it is time to retire the 18s! I wish we lived close. I could hook you up with some 16s and 14s. I'm still making the 12s work a bit longer.

    @iamworthy14 - You've got this. This is just a hiccup. don't get discouraged!

    @cre804 and @LaurieWrobo - YAY for the clothing victory. Isn't this the best feeling... at least pretty darn good!

    @Dogmom1978 - my thrift store comment was meant in reply to being frugal. Check them out. A new piece or two will do wonders for your motivation and ego.

    I am 5' 4" but have "child bearing" hips! LOL. I swear most of my weight is in my stomach hips and thighs!

    Gotcha!!! I’m built like a thumb 👍🏼 Lol.
  • Curvybaja55
    Curvybaja55 Posts: 114 Member
    Happy Wednesday😀😀😀😀
    Weigh in
    PW 170
    CW 170.1
    This month has been a struggle I am in a funk and cannot seem to get my act together. Hoping as the weather get a bit cooler things will start to get a bit better. Hope everyone have a nice day. 😀😀😀💓💓💓
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    Weigh In Wednesday:


    I've been struggling this week. There's been a heat warning for days, it's just suffocating heat and humidity. I eat salads cuz who wants to cook, but I am chugging flavored water and such which I am sure has an effect on the weight. Like I drink a ton and hardly have to use the washroom LOL. It's hard to say if the weight is even "real" if that makes sense... but gosh I want it to cool down!!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    I thought this was worth a share
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    I just learned something new: apparently I can fake a hangover by making my muscles too sore. Pretty much every single muscle in my body is sore from the two acrobatics classes, and I must have slept funny due to the soreness because my neck is so stiff and messed up that I woke up with a banging headache. I sometimes manage to sleep this funny and mess my neck up if I fall asleep drunk, but now I feel like I gave myself a raging hangover without a single drop of alcohol.

    Fun times. Hopefully the painkiller kicks in soon.
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    I just learned something new: apparently I can fake a hangover by making my muscles too sore. Pretty much every single muscle in my body is sore from the two acrobatics classes, and I must have slept funny due to the soreness because my neck is so stiff and messed up that I woke up with a banging headache. I sometimes manage to sleep this funny and mess my neck up if I fall asleep drunk, but now I feel like I gave myself a raging hangover without a single drop of alcohol.

    Fun times. Hopefully the painkiller kicks in soon.

    I know how you feel! I woke up in the same foggy headache feeling like I would when drinking too much the night before, but I too had a more intense day of exercise. For me, that is walking 3 miles in the heat and incorporating hills! I thought I was going to tip over on the last leg of my walk yesterday!

    Hope you feel better soon!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    I just learned something new: apparently I can fake a hangover by making my muscles too sore. Pretty much every single muscle in my body is sore from the two acrobatics classes, and I must have slept funny due to the soreness because my neck is so stiff and messed up that I woke up with a banging headache. I sometimes manage to sleep this funny and mess my neck up if I fall asleep drunk, but now I feel like I gave myself a raging hangover without a single drop of alcohol.

    Fun times. Hopefully the painkiller kicks in soon.

    I know how you feel! I woke up in the same foggy headache feeling like I would when drinking too much the night before, but I too had a more intense day of exercise. For me, that is walking 3 miles in the heat and incorporating hills! I thought I was going to tip over on the last leg of my walk yesterday!

    Hope you feel better soon!!

    Ditto the heat/hill thing. I did this a few weeks ago. Woke up with a nasty headache and felt like poo all day. Hangover was the best description. I now check the heat index and will not go out for a walk/run if the heat index over 100. AND I listen to my body a little better.

    Speaking of listening to my body - some of you long time members might recall my horrible trip to the Dominican Republic where I injured my back and received little till returning to the states a week later .... well I have aggravated that injury. Either the nerve in my back is aggravated and causing faux soreness in my left calf, or the calf atrophied last year and is sore from working it. Not sure, but I’m going to take it easy a couple days.

    This is quite disappointing as I had just started really running again - also probably the cause. I thought I was taking baby steps reintroducing running. Maybe power walk is as fast as I will get?? Idk
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    This is quite disappointing as I had just started really running again - also probably the cause. I thought I was taking baby steps reintroducing running. Maybe power walk is as fast as I will get?? Idk

    I've started running again about 4 times so far this year. Every time I get some sort of silly injury with no real identifiable cause (eg a pulled muscle) that takes weeks to heal. It's frustrating. I feel like I have been so so gentle (ie just repeating week 1 or 2 of C25K) but regardless it seems like my body is not a fan. I'm hoping that when I'm a bit lighter and the weather warms up I might be able to at least introduce a little running. Running was a big part of previous weight loss so it would be nice to have at least a little sprinkled in to my routine.

    Take care and listen to your body. You definitely don't want to push it and cause problems that make even walking problematic.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Fun app to play with :)
    App is called My Model
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    I just learned something new: apparently I can fake a hangover by making my muscles too sore. Pretty much every single muscle in my body is sore from the two acrobatics classes, and I must have slept funny due to the soreness because my neck is so stiff and messed up that I woke up with a banging headache. I sometimes manage to sleep this funny and mess my neck up if I fall asleep drunk, but now I feel like I gave myself a raging hangover without a single drop of alcohol.

    Fun times. Hopefully the painkiller kicks in soon.

    I know how you feel! I woke up in the same foggy headache feeling like I would when drinking too much the night before, but I too had a more intense day of exercise. For me, that is walking 3 miles in the heat and incorporating hills! I thought I was going to tip over on the last leg of my walk yesterday!

    Hope you feel better soon!!

    Thanks, hun! I do feel a lot better and barely even sore anymore. Now I’m just in a different kind of hell, also known as my mother-in-law’s house. I would like to like her and she really tries to be nice, but it would be a lot better if she just stopped trying, honestly. She’s one of the most overstepping and disrespectful people I’ve ever experienced and it’s largely due to the fact that she seems to be unable to treat us as capable adults in any capacity, ranging from basic household tasks to driving a car to choosing medical treatment (she thinks her herbal remedies are better and because she successfully ran a herbal remedy store she’s more qualified to treat my health issues than a trained and specialized medical doctor. She doesn’t even know my diagnosis.)

    We’re staying the night and we honestly just had a discussion about whether we know how to turn the light on downstairs if we need to go there for some reason during the night. It’s a regular lightswitch.
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Username: imgwendolyn2015
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight):187.2
    CW (Current Weight):185.8

  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    hipari wrote: »
    I just learned something new: apparently I can fake a hangover by making my muscles too sore. Pretty much every single muscle in my body is sore from the two acrobatics classes, and I must have slept funny due to the soreness because my neck is so stiff and messed up that I woke up with a banging headache. I sometimes manage to sleep this funny and mess my neck up if I fall asleep drunk, but now I feel like I gave myself a raging hangover without a single drop of alcohol.

    Fun times. Hopefully the painkiller kicks in soon.

    I know how you feel! I woke up in the same foggy headache feeling like I would when drinking too much the night before, but I too had a more intense day of exercise. For me, that is walking 3 miles in the heat and incorporating hills! I thought I was going to tip over on the last leg of my walk yesterday!

    Hope you feel better soon!!

    Ditto the heat/hill thing. I did this a few weeks ago. Woke up with a nasty headache and felt like poo all day. Hangover was the best description. I now check the heat index and will not go out for a walk/run if the heat index over 100. AND I listen to my body a little better.

    Speaking of listening to my body - some of you long time members might recall my horrible trip to the Dominican Republic where I injured my back and received little till returning to the states a week later .... well I have aggravated that injury. Either the nerve in my back is aggravated and causing faux soreness in my left calf, or the calf atrophied last year and is sore from working it. Not sure, but I’m going to take it easy a couple days.

    This is quite disappointing as I had just started really running again - also probably the cause. I thought I was taking baby steps reintroducing running. Maybe power walk is as fast as I will get?? Idk

    Good to take it easy. Hope you have some stretches that could help or massage? Don't let it get you down or break your rythym. Until you feel up to it again I hope you can find another form of exercise to keep you motivated!! I hope you feel better soon!
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    hipari wrote: »
    I just learned something new: apparently I can fake a hangover by making my muscles too sore. Pretty much every single muscle in my body is sore from the two acrobatics classes, and I must have slept funny due to the soreness because my neck is so stiff and messed up that I woke up with a banging headache. I sometimes manage to sleep this funny and mess my neck up if I fall asleep drunk, but now I feel like I gave myself a raging hangover without a single drop of alcohol.

    Fun times. Hopefully the painkiller kicks in soon.

    I know how you feel! I woke up in the same foggy headache feeling like I would when drinking too much the night before, but I too had a more intense day of exercise. For me, that is walking 3 miles in the heat and incorporating hills! I thought I was going to tip over on the last leg of my walk yesterday!

    Hope you feel better soon!!

    Thanks, hun! I do feel a lot better and barely even sore anymore. Now I’m just in a different kind of hell, also known as my mother-in-law’s house. I would like to like her and she really tries to be nice, but it would be a lot better if she just stopped trying, honestly. She’s one of the most overstepping and disrespectful people I’ve ever experienced and it’s largely due to the fact that she seems to be unable to treat us as capable adults in any capacity, ranging from basic household tasks to driving a car to choosing medical treatment (she thinks her herbal remedies are better and because she successfully ran a herbal remedy store she’s more qualified to treat my health issues than a trained and specialized medical doctor. She doesn’t even know my diagnosis.)

    We’re staying the night and we honestly just had a discussion about whether we know how to turn the light on downstairs if we need to go there for some reason during the night. It’s a regular lightswitch.
    Oh my goodness. That is ridiculous. Thankfully it's just one night! Good luck!
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    @Beka3695 it is fun! vhzr2k26ach4.png
  • carriestrine
    carriestrine Posts: 214 Member
    Weigh in Fridays
    PW: 202.8 lb
    CW: 204.4 lb
    LTD: 31.2 lb
This discussion has been closed.