This September I Will...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    @PackerFanInGB I was sooo tired last night when I was trying to get a post finished, before I gave up and went to sleep, that I entirely missed page two. Tonight I was ....whoa .... 👀 I missed you and the whole page two 👀! But of course I ended up way down on page two whether I realized it or not 🤪😴. Like I blinked and missed it all 😵🧐 . Because I surely didn't mean to ignore everyone on page two 💐.

    I'm so glad to see you here!!! OK, I'm gonna read and post at the same time then see who and what else I also missed 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🥴 ......

    @PackerFanInGB I am sorry that it is still a rough time for you. Loosing a job, let alone at this time in your life and also during this stupid pandemic, has got to be truly very awful. Having been through much in my lifetime, and have done my share of wallowing, in one form or another
    (OK, I never thought it as that word, but that truly fits the bill for a description of it. Uggg, I'm gonna end up remembering that word the next time I am heading towards another 'wallow', because, you must realize, that you ruined it for me now that I now know that I'm 'wallowing'. 🤪😣). Any way.....

    The only thing that I can say that helps me now is when I decide, finally, that 'today' is my start over, however tiny that baby step is going to be to start over. (How or when we get to that day is so individual and no one size fits all.) is that my messed up 'today' could no longer be held up in comparison to my best day before the wallow started.

    For instance, like if it was starting over with exercise, for example, I finally, finally,finally, learned never to compare my lack of endurance today to my best day before my wallow started. It had to be a start over today with no comparisons, no regrets. No scolding myself or unkind talking to myself.
    Now I'm not talking about the sadness, or grief, or the losses or whatever swallowed us up and tossed us into wallow land, I'm only talking about what we lost touch with during that time. Realizing we might still be in the midst of grief or sadness even still.

    Like I said, I'm only talking about what we lost touch with within the midst of the loss or grief etc. Be it exercising, weight, cleaning the house, self care in whatever form, connection with others, letting the garden go to weeds, on and on and on. It can feel all encompassing and totally overwhelming.

    Just begin your do over even if your still feeling the loss or sadness or confusion. Or whatever it is. But never compare today to yesterday or the day 'it all started to fall apart'. It keeps destroying what we are trying to get a grip back onto again.
    You can make tiny goals to get started to get back to whatever it is looked like before it fell apart, but consider it today's new goal and not yesterday's lost achievement. If that makes sense. We know we lost track of doing something, or time, or like you mentioned a whole season, but all we can do is baby step toward doing or being what we want to do or be now. Even within our new normal whatever that is.

    I am only explaining what I am also going through now, again. In a different way than you are going through it. But the affects on our lives are similar each time, in one way or another, as well as there are common threads even from person to person. And I've done more often than I like to realize, what I'm writing about, so I know it is not easy. Feel sadness for a bit over your lost summer but don't lose autumn because of summer.

    I only hope I was able to write what my heart meant, and that this doesn't sound horrible or unfeeling. Because I've been telling this very same thing all over once again, to myself, and I'm in the midst of restarting. and accepting my, again, another new normal. This time because of a medical diagnosis which caused the loss of achieving my goal that I set two years before. And I am worse off physically now than I was two years ago. And those same two years older but not as strong as I thought I'd be, which was what my my goal was. And never saw it coming. But I have to, once again, stop looking back and get back on with it. And it is hard. So please jump back in and make it happen again. I'm right with you in attempting to do the same. And it is not easy.

    👉 Oh, by the way... check out the declutter thread... you only missed August, but it was designed specifically to be an ongoing come and go declutterfest! We all come in or take a break, as it fits any of our lives. It has been fun so far....

    Can't wait to see what/ where you are going to start decluttering first! And how amazing your Autumn is going to be when you look back on it, come Winter.

    Hugs and blessings,


    Beautiful & important post. This will help me as the fires (unhealthy air) definitely knocked my fitness back a tad. Thank you!!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    I created last night (Sept 4) ✔️so all good! 15 mins ended up being 45!

    Sept 5

    1. I will do “5 mins” on Medicare M-F
    Weekend - day off!

    2. I will do at least 15 minsof
    MWF arms/back/plank
    TThSat yoga stretching/flexibility
    Sun none
    Not yet :) it hurts lol
    🔲 Will do tonight

    3. I will do “5 mins” of mindfulness (on yoga mat - not in bed) daily
    ✔️35 mins
    Wow, no resistance at all!! This is really helping me! Also provides fuel for my

    4. I will do “5 mins” of art making daily.
    ✔️1hr 30 minutes!!!!!!
    Less resistance- Saved & completed a piece I did yesterday. Now I live it. Last night - not so much. Am working to remember that I have a creative PRACTICE which means sometimes it goes you way & other times not so much, but you show up & practice daily.
    Began another piece!

    ➕extra Journaled 15 mins about insights, intentions, and ideas. Reread what I wrote for my novel 2 days last week “15 mins” & it was good.

    ➕extra Wrote scenes for my novel for 43 mins (was just going to do it for 15 mins, but I got inspired after reading the other pieces!) 10 minutes was clarifying an inconsistency (timing sequence)!

    —->>So I’m going to have to add one more - probably the most important...
    5. I have got to reduce my protein intake to support my one kidney to 70-85 grams daily.

    My average intake is about 94g for the past 12 months...
    So my Sept I Will is keeping my protein grams Between 70 to 85g Every Day.
    Each day I do it, I will place a star ⭐️

    9/1 108 1.5X yikes
    9/2 97.5 1.36 just ok by kidney doc
    9/3 110 1.5X yikes
    9/4 90 1.25X still too high <—spoke with dietician (This will take me awhile to figure out a new pattern for meals.)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    The talk about trees yesterday was particularly poignant for me. We have a cedar grove that runs to the north of our house about a quarter mile to the west and all the way south to our property line, another quarter mile or so. We also have a smaller grove along our lane east of the house and a few trees to the south as well. They are around 75 years old and have been a great source of happiness and comfort to me for 20 years. Now they are getting to the point where bad winter and summer storms have started dropping them, mostly breaking off part way up. So it's time to renovate. We would only do the ones north of the house, probably about 100 trees. I called a Natural Resources District person who came out in June to assess them. He said it's time and the NRD would do a lot of cost sharing except for the removal. That would be up to the state forester to decide. The forester decided they weren't bad enough (as viewed from 300 yards from the road). So I called the NRD guy and he said at least the south half of the trees right by the house should go and he is going to make another attempt to get the forester to agree. I am trying to be upbeat about this because my head says, yes, it's time. What's upsetting me is that if we can't find someone to take the trees for making wood products, the trees will be burned and buried. I love these trees as I loved my pets. They're part of me. They deserve so much better than burning after the pleasure they have given me and so many woodland creatures throughout their lifetime. So I have made a decision. I WILL find someone who will take them to use but I don't have a lot of time if the forester agrees. They will come out this fall and I have to be ready. The search is on. If anyone has ideas of what kind of companies to call, any ideas are so welcome.

    Now on to my day:
    Goal: fill out daily planner sheet with first cup of coffee:
    Sept 4 - yes
    Sept 5 - yes
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 You have the most thought out plan ever! I like how specific you are. Progress is all in the planning (as well as the implementation). How exciting that you're writing a novel!

    My daughter and 2 grandkids are here today and tomorrow so I am not doing a lot of my activities, but that's OK. I have 100% on the two most important ones since Sept 1. I increased my walking before noon another 100 steps, so am up to 1200. I'm finding that I have to pay attention or I'm cutting it close some days (late mornings, that darn comfy chair, book, and morning shows reel me in sometimes) but I've managed to get the steps in if it meant walking around in my house reading my book. And I have been logging my food and balancing my macros 100% so far, too. This is pretty unreal for me since I've always struggled with logging. But I think I have figured out the ratio that works for me Instead of looking at macros and trying to balance them late in the day, I do it after every meal so I know what I'm missing and it dictates what I will have for a snack if I need/want one. I am also doing a daily study in one area, either French, photography, or birds. So far I've done French every day, except today, and I won't have time but that's OK too. I plan to register for a zoom class for Conversational French 2 that starts in Oct. and I need to brush up on what few skills I have. And I am drinking one cup of tea every evening because it has such good heart benefits. I'm starting to like it a little better after the first 5 days. That iPad goes off 10 minutes earlier by 11:05 this month (100%) and I'm getting to bed earlier as a result. One of these days I'll post a pick of my chart. There's more!

    I need to go pump up an air mattress now because the kids will be tired when they get back from their cousins' house. My son put up a screen outside in his yard so they could watch a movie together 6 feet apart. We want to go look for the big dipper when they get back so I better get a move on.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I haven't landed on what my additional 'I will' ought to be yet, so I continue...

    I will read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 = reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    September 1: 📖 📜
    September 2: 📖 📜
    September 3: 📖 📜
    September 4: 📜
    September 5: 📖 📜

    I've decided that I have no clue which additional 'I will' I should focus on specifically, because there are a number of them. So I'm going to stay with repeating my August I will in September. And keep making general progress where else I need to. So I'll remove this extra writing tomorrow 🌷

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @MadisonMolly2017 You have the most thought out plan ever! I like how specific you are. Progress is all in the planning (as well as the implementation). How exciting that you're writing a novel!

    My daughter and 2 grandkids are here today and tomorrow so I am not doing a lot of my activities, but that's OK. I have 100% on the two most important ones since Sept 1. I increased my walking before noon another 100 steps, so am up to 1200. I'm finding that I have to pay attention or I'm cutting it close some days (late mornings, that darn comfy chair, book, and morning shows reel me in sometimes) but I've managed to get the steps in if it meant walking around in my house reading my book. And I have been logging my food and balancing my macros 100% so far, too. This is pretty unreal for me since I've always struggled with logging. But I think I have figured out the ratio that works for me Instead of looking at macros and trying to balance them late in the day, I do it after every meal so I know what I'm missing and it dictates what I will have for a snack if I need/want one. I am also doing a daily study in one area, either French, photography, or birds. So far I've done French every day, except today, and I won't have time but that's OK too. I plan to register for a zoom class for Conversational French 2 that starts in Oct. and I need to brush up on what few skills I have. And I am drinking one cup of tea every evening because it has such good heart benefits. I'm starting to like it a little better after the first 5 days. That iPad goes off 10 minutes earlier by 11:05 this month (100%) and I'm getting to bed earlier as a result. One of these days I'll post a pick of my chart. There's more!

    I need to go pump up an air mattress now because the kids will be tired when they get back from their cousins' house. My son put up a screen outside in his yard so they could watch a movie together 6 feet apart. We want to go look for the big dipper when they get back so I better get a move on.

    Wow @nebslp!! How successful you have been!!

    I would like to assist with your tree situation- nice to be with kindred tree lovers in this group. What country/stare are you in? I will do some Googling...
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,781 Member
    Ack! Post lost. I’ll try again later. Here’s my tracker as of last night. I’ve been journaling every day. So far I’ve filled in 8 pages, so my 1 word habit is working out.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    Today started out ok but by supper time my macro plan was way off the rails so I will just look forward to tomorrow. Other goals may or may not have been met 🤔🙄. My daughter and kids left tonight😥but made it home ok🙂

    @MadisonMolly2017 Thank you so much for your offer to help find a place for my trees. I’m in Eastern Nebraska about 50 miles NW of Omaha. My daughter suggested asking people I know who work with wood where they get it and maybe they know of someone with a saw mill who would take our trees and make planks or other usable products from them. To my surprise she said my son’s father-in-law has some equipment and to ask him. Also a nearby city sells wood chips and she suggested that they might take them. So there are a few possibilities.🤞and I’m feeling more hopeful.
    And I have to make a correction. Sorry. I woke up thinking about the trees and realized I had overestimated the distance of them, they’re probably closer to 1/8 mile in each direction than 1/4. I know that from how many steps it takes to walk around the outside of them so I’m making a better estimate this time.

    Nice tracking ladies! We’re off to a good start to September!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @SummerSkier. I keep thinking about your goblet idea and I think I have 2 pretty red glass goblets from Avon (From 40 years ago!??) in the basement. I will hunt them down tomorrow and use beads instead of marbles to count down the pounds. Great visual and moving one or more beads will be a mini reward for making progress.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,799 Member
    @nebslp I meant to comment on your tree dilemna (or shoot however you spell that!) also. It is sad when trees reach the end of their lifespan naturally also. But it is wonderful that you are going to make sure they are useful if possible. When I first moved here I did not realize but the builders planted a lot of Ash trees. They are lovely in the spring and fall and they grow very fast. But they also have a fairly short (like 20 yr) life span so it is sad to see so many breaking now and being torn down but they are hazardous. When I first moved into my house with my ex in 91 there was a tiny little pine tree in the front yard they had planted from a Xmas tree I believe. It grew and grew to be a magnificent tree over 2 stories tall. But after 20 years it got sick and no one will help a pine tree in Tx. Eventually it died in 2004 and had to be removed. My ex and I planted another Xmas tree in 2005 and it is pretty much the last reminder to me of something we did joyfully tgether. It is dying and there is no way to save it. Again it is very large. I think in a year or so it will need to be removed also and perhaps I will put a last pine tree up there as I don't expect to be here much later than my 80's. Or perhaps something different but I am someone who loves traditions so maybe not. ANyway, I chatter on and on sometimes in the mornings when I am drinking coffee. The marbles in the goblet no longer track pounds for me but they track days "off the rollercoaster". It was a nice visual when I wanted to lose weight tho for sure and beads would work. I just like the heft and clank that marbles make plus I had some. The goblets are trophies from horse shows I did with Bandit a long time ago (we retired from showing in 2005 or 6 I think).

    Anyway gals. I have been going back and trying to read some of the earlier 2020 months so I would not be constantly asking all the questions all the time. LOL. What a wonderful group we have here. I hope that I can be consistent and remain for many months/years to come and continue to learn.

    My Sept can do continued from August.f05vevyhklz0.png

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I will read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 = reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    September 1: 📖 📜
    September 2: 📖 📜
    September 3: 📖 📜
    September 4: 📜
    September 5: 📖 📜

    September 6: 📖 📜
    September 5: 📖 📜

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member

    Sept 6-7
    1. I will do “5 mins” on Medicare M-F
    Weekend - day off!
    Monday - US holiday - day off

    2. I will do at least 15 minsof
    MWF arms/back/plank
    TThSat yoga stretching/flexibility
    Sun none
    ✔️Sunday- Did yoga 30+ to get some exercise as we couldnt go outside
    ✔️Monday arms back chest yoga stretches 30+

    3. I will do “5 mins” of mindfulness (on yoga mat - not in bed) daily
    I ❤️ This!
    ✔️Sunday - 30 mins- maybe more
    ✔️Monday - 10 mins - quicker than I wanted but had to make breakfast -

    4. I will do “5 mins” of art making daily.
    ✔️Sunday Hours & hours!!! One of my best days in months!!! It’s working!
    ✔️Monday Took photos of some of the work & edited them on my phone. About to do my 15 mins!!

    (Optional) Journaled 15 mins about insights or ideas/inspirations

    (Optional) novel

    5. I have got to reduce my protein intake to support my one kidney to 70-85 grams daily.

    My average intake is about 94g for the past 12 months...
    So my Sept I Will is keeping my protein grams Between 70 to 85g Every Day.
    Each day I do it, I will place a star ⭐️

    9/1 108 1.5X yikes
    9/2 97.5 1.36 just ok by kidney doc
    9/3 110 1.5X yikes
    9/4 90 1.25X still too high <—spoke with dietician (This will take me awhile to figure out a new pattern for meals.)
    9/5 76🌟
    Sunday 84🌟
    Monday 83🌟

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,799 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 Well done on getting your protein down! Like you I don't like to make radical changes in diet which is my get off the rollercoaster thing. I think in my case it doesn't effect my BP so much as my heart. Everyone forgets that your heart is a muscle also and whenever I think of the added stress sudden dietary changes puts on it or any other system I cringe.

    @texasgardnr (Mary) looks like you are totally on track with you reading and coloring. Have you gotten any interesting insights to share from Pride and Predjudice?

    @nebslp How is the planning coming along? Have the spirits been trying to throw you off your game again? Hope that yesterday was a better day for you. again my little goblet with red marbles (bad) is so much emptier than my green one that bad days just don't seem to have a huge effect on overall progress.

    @77tes such a beautiful tracker. Even without using a tracker I realized this morning (as I cleaned a small portion of the shower stall) that I end up doing a lot of different tasks each day to accomplish larger ones without thinking. It's part of how I think or how I was trained years ago or something.

    @packerfaninGB (Tracie) please check in! How was the water intake this weekend?

    So I am settled into accepting that I will be biking for aerobic activity for the next however long it takes. My knee was actually coming along quite nicely until I did "something" to it about a week ago at the barn which was a little different. Who knows. <shrugs in acceptance> I like being active but I can also accept that as long as I don't start messing around with cals too much this month I will be fine.

    Sept 7th "clink" goes the marble in the almost full goblet. :)
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,799 Member
    And good morning from rainy (every drought in Tx ends in a flood) flash flood watch Tx. Perfect for me to accept a rest day. LOL. Woke up at 5 am with my knee absolutely screaming at me. No idea if I twisted it in my sleep or something but I totally suspect it was the front coming thru. It was yelling at me the other day when we had a pop up thunderstorm at the barn which dropped the pressure like a rock.

    Hope that everyone is staying well and keeping up with Sept I wills. Sept 8th clink goes the marble. I think that reducing my cals by 200 and sticking to them for Sept was a smart move. It's not anything new in maintenance for me to have an injury or illness, but sometimes a judgement call. Fortunately with not a lot of cardio seems like I am still on track.


  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @SummerSkier Planting a tree when another dies or is removed is a wonderful tradition, I think especially if it's the same species to keep the memory of previous ones alive. But I get carried away easily when there's something sentimental, so you should plant whatever your heart tells you to. Our drought finally broke yesterday and we went from 100 degrees on Sunday to 40 something yesterday and today with rain. Love it because it will warm up a bit this weekend. Congrats on staying off the roller coaster. And most of all, I hope your knee will improve quickly. Sometimes sleeping with my leg turned just the wrong way will cause pain in morning. Hopefully yours will clear up soon.

    @MadisonMolly2017 I'm trying to do the opposite with my protein intake. I am always always (yes, I said it twice :( ) low on protein and too high on fat. My goal is 109 but I'm lucky to hit 80 most days. I have discovered cottage cheese works well for low fat and higher protein, so I'm trying to learn to love it. So far it's just meh! Good job to you on getting your numbers where you want them. It's such a balancing act, isn't it!?!

    My planning plan is going great! Sometimes I don't stay long enough to finish a cup of coffee but I definitely come up and write my daily plan. It always includes 1 activity related to each of these:
    Exercise (which I have failed miserably so far),
    study (yes, I have studied French or photography 5/7 days),
    Create (only 3/7 days),
    Walk 1200 steps by noon (yes, every day exept maybe not the day my daughter was here...forgot to check),
    iPad off at 11:05 (definitely is a decision and I am good 6/7 days),
    log and track macros (7/7 days)
    Digital photo organization ( :o 0/7)
    And I noticed I am still keeping up with previous goals such as picking up the bathroom in the morning, taking my vitamins, and drinking a cup of water before my coffee at least 80%. So I guess that's how habits are day at a time :)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    I had a tree removal service come out today to give us an estimate. Woah! He said we were looking at removing 250 trees and their cost when they do one at a time is $500 or so :o , so... next step is to call the NRD and ask for their advice. Then get an estimate from a neighbor who has an excavation business. Looks like cedar is used for wood chips by all the companies I’ve called so far, not planks or poles. But I’ll keep working on finding a positive solution. It’s a good thing we’re only doing less than 1/4 of the grove!!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,799 Member
    @nebslp yah.. Tree services always seem REALLY expensive around here too. are the cedar trees actively dying and dropping limbs due to age? When i think of a cedar tree here I think of a pointy tall tree which turns bright gold in the fall and drops all it's leaves. And OH MY GOODNESS on those photo logs. I guess they are from digital camera(s) you have. wow. OK those photos were in declutter but still. I can remember when the first digital cameras came out and I had to have the Mavica. It took the small floppy to put the pictures on. HAHAHAHAHAH. I still have it in the cupboard somewhere. Shhh. don't tell anyone but the ONLY reason I update my phone frequently is for the improved cameras!

    Hard to believe we are 10 days and One Third into September already.... Yesterday was REALLY difficult for me to stick to my I will because it was basically a completely down day with rain hard all morning and a zillion zoom meetings which I had to talk at. My throat started feeling sore later on and I thought oh great I am getting sick. Then I realized it was just from talking too much.. I hope not to do that today!

    Anyway successful no rollercoaster day yesterday and with so little exercise it's SO tempting for me to feel guilty about eating all my cals but I know that is the way to success (for me) in not overreacting day to day and staying the course steady state! So KKKKAAAACHINK!!! goes the marble.

    bONinCHILLY texas wow.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hi! I did my planner last night but made myself go upstairs this morning anyway because I said I would. I was able to review my planner AND have enough time to draw a grid on fabric for my next sashiko project which is the first of four coasters I’m making. I find myself saying “I don’t feel like it” a lot and have noticed that I have been doing that for a long time. This month I’m adding “but I’ll do it anyway” and it’s helping me get more done and feel better about myself, too. I walked around reading my book to get my steps in so I hit 2 birds with one stone ( a saying I really dont like🤔).

    @MadisonMolly2017 I watched the news this morning and could not believe the devastation in the CA forests. I hope you and your loved ones are far away and save. The sky must be incredible to see in real life. 🙏for everyone there.

    I’m adding a picture of the worst part of the grove by the house. Winter blizzards and summer storms with high winds have taken their toll. Drought also stresses the trees and we’ve had plenty of that as well. They used to be so thick you couldn’t see to the other side.😥

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @SummerSkier I got my first DSLR in 2008 so some of the pics on my newer computer date back to then. This list is for that computer. I have again as many on my old computer and a second list. If I don’t clean these up, they’ll be forgotten and there are too many good memories to lose from the last 12 years. Then there are all of the boxes that go WAY back.

    I checked off most things today except exercise. I want to start working on yoga but I’m afraid to get on the floor🤣 My macros are perfect today! Woohoo!!

    How are y’all doing?
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,799 Member
    I love this line. “I don’t feel like it but I will do it anyway. “ Sometimes my brain really gets in the way of my accomplishments. You should hear the entire self dialogue I have when I go jogging. However today I have a new approach. Instead of trying to jog at the beginning of my exercise. Now I’ve left it to the very end so that not only do I limit it but I am also sure that if it bothers me I can stop because I’m close to the end.