This September I Will...



  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,781 Member
    @SummerSkier , I’m so glad you can be riding your horse! I’m really jealous!

    You asked if I am teaching in person. The answer is no. In fact, we already have been told that we will still be remote through the Spring semester. But me - I’m NOT going back to campus. 2020 has shown me I can ease into retirement by working online. I’m pretty High on the seniority list, so I should be able to get online classes once the campus reopens.

    @nebslp , that tracker is terrific! So clear!

    @texasgardnr , great idea to pass along any pencils or coloring books you don’t love. I think the pretty journal I’m using is helping to support my journaling habit.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @SummerSkier I know, right? I'm going to have to work on that color thing and see what happens in September Phase 2.

    And totally agree with how great it would be to have more posters, but am so grateful for the amazing ones we have already!

    Ritastilldrinkingcoffeebecausemythermosisnotemptyyet (I had no idea how difficult is is to write without spaces)! :#
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    I Will’s going great here.
    I will definitely make a tracker for October! Much easier than typing it all on my phone hehe

    Only issue I’m having is the yoga is making my left hip sore. I was a lot more gentle this morning, so hopefully this will just be a first month thing.

    I’m doing the yoga, mindfulness, cleaning etc, and creating each day. Ditto Medicare..although soon my husband will need to do next step & speak with his HR rep.

    I don’t know why I didn’t come up with this decades ago, but at least I have it now 😃
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    and BOOM here we are driving hard for the 2nd half of the month. @nebslp you inspired me yesterday with the idea of being BRAVE and why not TRY. I am such a chicken at some things that I really need to give myself a talking to. Today's brave thing was to just RUN. In the past few weeks I have tried that and ended up with my knee hurting overnight but I thought it was time. So I did. And yeah it doesn't feel perfect but when was the last time my body felt physically perfect???? ROTFLOL... like when I was 17 maybe? oh yeah it is hard to type without spaces... ;)

    @MadisonMolly2017 ohoh on the hip. I had to quit aerobics years ago even tho I loved those classes like dancing/exercising to music because my hips did NOT like all the lateral motion. Hopefully you have figured out what specific thing is causing the problem and you can avoid it. ;) Glad the time with hubby in the ER turned out OK. Does he need surgery? I have spent time just the same way and I tell you it led me at one point to decide to break up with a 2 year boyfriend. WHy? Because I found myself wondering the halls of the hospital by myself way too often that year with my Dad or Mom, and his support was missing.

    @77tes so happy to hear you are not teaching in person! And a pandemic positive is that you are now figuring out how to ease into retirement. NICE!!!!! And yes the horse gets bONtime daily and mostly we are retired and just head out to the hay fields to loosen up our stiff joints chase armidillos, cows, Robert cat, hawks, etc etc... I love all the wild life there and even saw a mountain lion in the distance one time. He was so REGAL (or she?) and stopped in the middle of crossing the stream to look haughtily back at us before floating/trotting to the other side.

    @texasgardnr You give us an important lesson that we should do FUN things. Sometimes in our planning we forget to leave time for that. And it's partly why I go to the barn every evening even if I feel lazy and not like driving. I always get energized once I start.

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,781 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 I’m so sorry to hear the yoga is causing hip pain, that’s not okay. Try not to push yourself too much. Fear of overdoing kept me away from yoga for years. My sister had an over enthusiastic instructor who kept telling her to try harder (not knowing my sister is a serious overachiever). Anyhow- my point is modify and stop doing any pose that causes pain. ❤️

    So nice you can enjoy the wildlife as you ride @SummerSkier. It’s actually surprising how much wildlife I see on my walks in suburban So. Cal. And with the fires,there is even more. A friend who lives in the foothills was sharing pictures of her yard, complete with Bobcats, deer, a momma opossum with about 10 babies hanging off her, foxes, and a bear who like her swimming pool. 😳

    Today, they were actually tearing down the house where I rescued the rose bushes, so I thought I’d update you all on the rescues. They are alive -even the one that looked pretty dead has given us a bloom. I have the daffodil bulbs in the refrigerator and hope to plant them next month.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    Thank you @nebslp! I will follow your yoga advice❣️

    Thank you for your update on the roses & daffodils you saved!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hi everyone! It's taken me a few hours yesterday and today to get caught up reading posts on this thread and one more that I belong to. Gee, if I made time EVERY DAY to hop on for a few minutes, it might not take me that long...duh!

    I finally got some resolution to some things I've been stressing out and isolating myself over, so I'm happy to say that today I feel so happy and so far today I'm feeling free of anxiety! My husband and I sat down and looked over our finances and situation, and yesterday at noon I got to officially declare myself as RETIRED! No more stressing about finding a new job at 60 years old and learning something new. No more stressing about interviews or clothing that fits appropriate for work, no more worrying about being exposed to COVID-19 at work site or wearing a mask 8-10 hours a day. Just retired. And the coolest thing that I'm really looking forward to is that I won't have to go outside this winter if I don't want to!!! It gets awful cold here in Green Bay, and I've always thought to myself how lucky retired people are who don't have to step outside into the -20 degrees with a 30 mph wind chill factor! Now I'm one of them! Whoop Whoop!

    I see so many nice comments on here to me and to each other! I don't remember who to reply to on each thing, but just know I'm happy all seems to be well at this time. I hope the cedar wood found a good home, and I'm glad husbands are out of the hospital and I love the trackers everyone is using! I really need to dig one up to post on the fridge. I'm such a visual person!

    Have a wonderful day! Talk to you all later or tomorrow! :smiley:

    1. My goal for this month (This September I will..."): Drink half my weight in ounces of water
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: I will keep my teal stainless steel 25 oz water bottle next to me and make sure I fill it at least 3x daily. :
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: When I'm done with my morning coffee, I will put cup in sink and grab the teal water bottle.
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible) Daily
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? (Small positive feedbacks reinforce the habit you are trying to build.) Updated: Each day I drink half my weight in water, I will sit down and spend 30 minutes reading for fun!
    6. What help do you need from us? It would be really great if one of you could come stay with me this month and whack me with a yard stick whenever I start whining or feeling sorry for myself! :mrgreen:
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of September? My fingers will be less swollen and hopefully I will be able to wear my wedding ring again. 💍

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  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    @77tes I am so totally jealous that you have been successful with the transplanted ROSES!!!! My Mom passed in 2014 and my Dad in 2010. My Dad had an amazing green thumb and his roses were just wonderful. We mostly kept them alive for my Mom at their house until she passed. Then I hired a local guy to help transplant them. He was a jerk and pulled them out bare root. I have only 1 left and it is struggling because he did not prep the new area well either. SO MAD..... Anyway, he got fired years ago. Below is a picture of my Mom with one of the huge ones which I could not get moved. They really were that big and fragrant. I used to stop over every week to get a fresh vase. As far as bulbs. I hope @texasgardnr will pop in. I am receiving some gorgeous IRIS bulbs and I am going to have to figure out where and when and HOW to plant them as the tree rats are notorious along with other critturs for digging things up.

    @packerfaninGB welcome back! You look to be doing really well on your Sept I will. And congratulations on your decision to retire. I am 62 and single and hope to stretch my current job until I can get SS and Medicare but if I were to get the ax (which you never know) than I would definitely bridge to "retire" esp if I got a decent package for severance.

    @themedalist hope that things are going well with you and the parents and that your Dad continues to beat the odds and recover his mobility from the stroke.

    @MadisonMolly2017 how is the hip doing a few days later? And hubby still doing ok?

    @texasgardnr waiting on updates of course
    @nebslp I was struggling this week as my mouse for work died and I could not find in ALL my junk drawers an MS mouse to replace it. My neighbor gave me a apple trackpad which only sort of halfway worked so like you trying to type without spaces me trying to work without a right click was just hilarious. So far behind that even tho I am taking tomorrow off work officially I might have to see if I can clean out the hundreds of emails which are jammed in my inbox to find the few gems which are waiting on ME to take action or follow up.

    For my Sept I will. KKKKkaaaachink for 16 Sept. And I was so happy because I actually got brave and ran. My knee was hurting some but it wasn't getting worse so I just kept going to get a decent run in. Of course the true test was how it felt overnight or this morning. And the answer is my thigh hurt but my knee felt fine. :) So... I am taking a fairly easy day (walking but not running etc) because our weather is supposed to be amazing the next few days and I want to run some miles...

    Happy Friday on Thursday everyone and thank you for being such amazing Ladies!!!


  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member

    oops forget the photo and can't edit in this group.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    I have so many comments to make but I can't do them all at one time so I'm just going to jump around in and out of here. First comment is about editing. @SummerSkier and maybe others, I have found that once I post something, if I go to the previous page and go back to the last one it will have the little circle thingy at the top right of the post I just did that allows me to edit. This is on my computer. I don't remember what happens on my iPad so maybe just experiment a little. Also, I was wondering how the candle experiment worked out when you put a new wick in the holder and added wax from old candles to make one new one.

    There are other things that pop into my brain at weird times but right now I can't remember the one I was thinking about this morning when I was outside. Give me awhile :D
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    edited September 2020
    @MadisonMolly2017 I'm afraid I can't take credit for the good advice on yoga. That was all @77tes but I do totally agree with her :) I did yin yoga on Tuesday for one of my first attempts at yoga in general and it was AHmazing!!!! Getting up is a challenge since it hurts to kneel but I managed. My heart rate was lower for hours afterward in spite of the acrobatics I performed to get off the floor. Definitely will do more of it.

    @PackerFaninGB It's good to see you're sticking with the plan. Your quote sums up this group pretty well. It's a whole body experience and collectively we do better than if we go it alone. So far no home for the cedar, but I've been researching how to sell cedar products on Etsy, and all I need is a chainsaw and some baggies and I should be good to go :#:D I just need to convince my husband as I'm sure he would play a big part in this endeavor.

    @77tes Those roses are tough and will give you lots of blooms in the coming years after the care you have given them. @SummerSkier What a beautiful picture of your mom and her rose. I don't think I've ever seen a rose that big before. How heartbreaking it must be to lose the plants after she took such good care of them. @77tes And isn't is funny how the pandemic has shifted mindsets in so many ways. I'm glad you're going to be able to go gently into retirement in the not so distant future.

    @PackerFanInGB You must feel so relieved to have made that final decision to retire. It's a huge decision at any time and I remember wondering if I could do it at 62, but it worked out wonderfully. I ended up working the next year in a job I had only dreamed about. My 60's have been the best decade of my entire life! Retirement and being able to be responsible for myself and not so many other people has certainly made life easier and more fun. It was a big adjustment but once I caught on that this is it and everything will be OK, it got to be really awesome. Best wishes for an amazing retirement! It's YOUR time now!!!

    It's great to hear about the wildlife you're all seeing in different parts of America. I love it all!!

    @texasgardnr I know one of my random questions was for you but can't for the life of me remember it now. Oh yeah! I went outside this morning to put out pear cores/peelings for the butterflies if they are interested and I thought about what you said about counting yard work as exercise. After 1/2 hour of intense labor of moving things and weeding, I realized that I agree that it's probably more of a total body workout than most of my workouts! So definitely worthy of counting it.

    @themedalist We do miss you! I hope all is going well where you are.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    @nebslp what does your username mean? I can come up with a few ideas but..... >:)

    As far as the candle making. It is so easy and it has allowed me to DeCLUTTER a bunch of candles which were around the house which I never used because they were too strong. When I melt the wax for the new ones I have been using some beeswax (no scent but longevity plus!) and then mixing bits and pieces of others. My favorite scent is french vanilla but I don't mind a layer of say strawberry or some other scent which was just sitting collecting dust. I just light them and put the run off as a layer in the new container. Once the wick is centered the hard part is done.

    Right now for some reason I am imagining you setting up a shop and putting bits of trees into baggies by the millions to sell on ebay. hmmm

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,781 Member
    @SummerSkier I’m so sorry the transplanted roses from your folks place didn’t make it! I can’t take any credit for knowing what I was doing. Fortunately, we have very good soil and the spring and early summer didn’t get too hot. Also, I must credit one of the habiteers in this group either @nebslp or @texasgardnr for encouraging me to just keep watering them - I probably would have given up without that advice.

    I’ve been reading Tiny Habits by B.J. Fogg. Something I read really hit home. I wish I could quote it, but basically celebrating your success for even the tiniest habit (floss one tooth) is key to helping establish an automatic habit, so I’m going to work on that.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,781 Member
    @PackerFanInGB , Hooray for deciding to embrace retirement. Let’s do a retirement dance! 🎉👏🙌👌
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    Ah yes, thank you @nebslp
    I knew it was @77tes - just mistyped, I guess!!

    I have decided to do the yoga MUCH more gently going forwards, but I agree, it is so lovely!

    Re: yard work - yes definitely good workout.
    Recently, I accidentally noticed that active house work is, too! I’m planning to use that as part of my Exercise from now on.

    Thank you for asking about hip & husband, @SummerSkier Means a lot to me. :)

    My husband is doing great. He’s not a worrier. We talked with his PCP this morning & he will have a follow up call with general surgery to discuss further. ER never put in the referral Grrr but PCP did.

    Hip got a bit better with some rest. Like you, it’s difficult for me not to exercise, but I knew my body needed to recuperate. And then...late last night my back tweaked - first time in years. Was just annoying enough yo keep me awake until 4 AM. So I took my first Advil in years. Took hot shower in am & almost all of back hip quads got better! Will do that more often.

    @77tes Great point about celebrating tiny habits - makes me think of @themedalist post re “I Will’s” - something like What will you do when you accomplish the habit. Many of us do an arm pump, hi5, “You Rock”, “Way to go” etc. I think coloring a tracker works well too! The first time I Self-congratulated myself I found it much more encouraging (and less weird) than I had anticipated—-And then I realized that being able to be our own mentor/cheerleader is KEY❣️❣️
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    @77tes I’ve been reading Tiny Habits by B.J. Fogg. Something I read really hit home. I wish I could quote it, but basically celebrating your success for even the tiniest habit (floss one tooth) is key to helping establish an automatic habit, so I’m going to work on that.

    I definitely like this idea. So often we beat ourselves up because we have not accomplished some major task or habit when we cannot see the individual small things which are helping. It's why my marbles in a jar somehow encouraged me to lose weight as well as keep off the rollercoaster the past few months. I have read a zillion books and most of them say DO NOT COUNT. Well dangit. counting helps me and seeing physical evidence of success every time I walk by the goblet does also.

    Good Morning ALL! KKkkkkkkk CHINK for my Sept I will yesterday. :)

    I am not working today so I may be chatty or I might get busy. ya never know with bONs. They are sort of like tiggers and eeyores. Somedays they are bouncy and somedays they are mopey.

    this pretty little bush I see in the neighborhood is flowering again and it always makes me think of Christmas and trees with those little pinpoint lights decorating them.


  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    from a friend "I've spent a lot of my life waiting to be good enough, definitely time wasted."

    would it not be wonderful if we could teach our children this idea early in their lives? Honestly I have not really had this issue too much because a lot of times I have an inflated image of how things really are. LOL. I remember how I loved snow skiing (until I injured my knee) and imagined myself so gracefully whooshing down the blue slopes. At some point someone took a video and I saw it and thought who is that beginner snow plowing. Burst my bubble. But for some reason I still have the imagination and self confidence which lets me move forward. Is that avoidance or self delusion? I dunno.

    Just some breakfast musings for the group ... And I know it relates to I will and habit forming in some way but my brain is too fuzzy to complete the connection just yet.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,335 Member
    Good morning! Drinking my 2nd cup of coffee, watching the news, looking at beautiful blue skies and trying to decide what to do with my day. So many things I SHOULD do, but none of them are necessarily on the thinks I WANT to do list... I might spend some time in my sewing room. I got some new fabrics and am thinking about making an autumn table runner or quilted wall hanging. But the blue skies say "don't go into a dark basement! Come outside and play!" :wink:

    I do need to bring my little Maddie (dog) to the vet this morning. She has been licking and chewing at her foot and it's becoming raw and there's no hair left in the area. She always looks at me like I'm such a traitor when I hand them the leash to take her inside! I know she is fine the minute I'm out of sight, but man oh man...those brown eyes look so betrayed!

    I see a lot of you do yoga, and it reminded me of a Gentle Chair Yoga video I was doing for a while. I think I'm going to add that to my daily routine again. I've been waking up with a headache every morning and today it feels like it is radiating from the back of my neck. I probably need a new pillow or something, but in the meantime maybe gentle stretching will help? I don't like to have to take ibuprofen every morning.

    @nebslp You seriously could sell round disks of cedar on Etsy! Maybe even on Marketplace or Craigslist. When my husband and I built a house back in 2005, we had to cut down many cedars to clear a spot in the woods to build. My husband found a guy who cut them into boards for us, and he took those boards and built a cedar room in the basement and we put a hot tub in it. The cedar soaks up the moisture of the steam and it was the most beautiful room ever... I miss that house! I was wondering if you are still quilting at all?

    @77tes I am still drawn to your tracker! I really need to find one like it. I think coloring in my goals would be motivating to me. Have you been sewing lately?

    @MadisonMolly2017 I'm glad to hear your hip is feeling better! I have to tell you, when I read your post about "wallowing", I smiled all the way through it. I really appreciate you taking the time to write such insightful advice. I do need to focus on what is and let go of what is past. I need to start being grateful and acknowledging the small good things and not being frustrated when I don't reach the whole big picture goals right away. I really appreciate you.

    @SummerSkier Beautiful rose and beautiful picture of your mother holding it! I've never seen such a large rose in my life! I have to ask you what bONs is....I've tried to figure it out and coming up with blanks... :mrgreen:

    1. My goal for this month (This September I will..."): Drink half my weight in ounces of water
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: I will keep my teal stainless steel 25 oz water bottle next to me and make sure I fill it at least 3x daily. :
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: When I'm done with my morning coffee, I will put cup in sink and grab the teal water bottle.
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible) Daily
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? (Small positive feedbacks reinforce the habit you are trying to build.) Updated: Each day I drink half my weight in water, I will sit down and spend 30 minutes reading for fun!
    6. What help do you need from us? It would be really great if one of you could come stay with me this month and whack me with a yard stick whenever I start whining or feeling sorry for myself! :mrgreen:
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of September? My fingers will be less swollen and hopefully I will be able to wear my wedding ring again. 💍

    9/3: 🥛
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    9/17: :naughty:


  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    Just here to say good morning and gotta run! LoVed reading all your posts and have WAy too much to ramble on about so I’ll be back later. Hope you all make your day amazing and 👋
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    @PackerFanInGB I totally agree with you! Blue skies and sunshine always call to me. Looks like you are on track with your water.

    @nebslp thanks for stopping by, I think we all need to give ourselves permission NOT to feel obligated to respond to everyone all the time. I try to read everything and absorb but a lot of times work is too busy or I just don't feel too chatty so it's nice just to see that you are checking in! Hope you had an amazing day yesterday.

    For my Sept I will to stay off the rollercoaster (which was a continuation of July and Aug actually) I feel like things are becoming ingrained... fingers crossed of course but I can say that the urges to rollercoaster reside deep in my psyche and are often dormant for years. Sort of like being in remission from a disease. I am hoping that I have put this one there again and can move on to other important (or not so important more fun!) I dos for the last qtr of the year. I liked using the tracker in August but it was also a bit too much because I tend to be a regimented and planning type of person anyway it was just adding another layer of "to do" which was too much for me to keep up all the time. Anyway. I am running out of marbles to KKKKKaaacHInk but perhaps I will buy some more (they are fairly cheap) or perhaps I will just recycle back the other way. thoughts to ponder.
