Step It Up! September 2020



  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Haven't been on except to log food, so here's my catch-up:
    Calories good, protein 104g, carbs 129g net
    Exercise - rode 21.7 miles in the morning, then bought mulch and re-mulched all of the flower beds plus other active stuff - steps 15.8k (took the day off work and the BH put me to work around the yard).
    Calories good, protein 133g, 106g net carbs
    Exercise - mowed and edged both yards, spent the majority of the day digging out around a stump in the yard and cutting roots, etc (got about 1/2 of that job done - had to quit because of a storm that blew thru the area) - steps 13.4k
    Calories good, protein 116g, 122g net carbs
    Exercise - active rest day, spent most of the day running errands and cleaning around the house - steps 5.5k
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited September 2020
    Back from camping for the holiday weekend. Food was well planned but had more to drink than normal. Kayaked and walked so I think it was ok. Will weigh in tomorrow.

    I have a Leslie Sansone dvd as well and love the steps and 1/3/5 mile options but really can't stand the music. Will have to time hers out and find some of my own to play, thanks for the idea @Megan_smartiepants1970

    @baconslave I like 'Eyes on 167'. That mindset was a great motivator for me a few years ago and I need to restart my mini weight loss goals/rewards. All rewards are nonfood to boot o:)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Food - calories were good, 130g protein, 123g net carbs
    Exercise - bike ride in the morning (21 miles), active the rest of the day (9.7k steps for the day).
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    on-plan (the right plan. The LOGGING PLAN, Jess!!! :rage: : :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: 5 miles of Leslie Sansone vids

    I love Leslie Sansone Vids ...Now that I am pain free I am planning on doing some of her dvd's ...I just bought a new one of hers the other day called Just Walk ...walk to the hits party songs featuring HIIT ...I have not tried it but I am thinking about doing it today is a 3 mile one :smile:

    She is fabulous! I started using her stuff in college. But quit exercising. Then used her to start exercising when I began my weightloss journey 6 years ago. I started with her 2 and 3 mile walks DVD-set. They are great. Get your steps in inside. You can up the intensity with a lot of boosts or adding extra arms or reduce it based on your level or how you are feeling. There are so many on YouTube now and I ordered 3 other 5 MILES (1 came damaged. I ordered it from Goodwill via Amazon and it didn't work so I was out 7 dollars. I'll reorder it some day.)

    I have quite a few of her dvd's .... I don't like her music on most of them so I mute her and turn on my own music and do her steps .... :)


    To be honest I find her quite boring I blast my music and follow her steps .,..Its a win win for me :)

    Whatever works, right?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Back from camping for the holiday weekend. Food was well planned but had more to drink than normal. Kayaked and walked so I think it was ok. Will weigh in tomorrow.

    I have a Leslie Sansone dvd as well and love the steps and 1/3/5 mile options but really can't stand the music. Will have to time hers out and find some of my own to play, thanks for the idea @Megan_smartiepants1970

    @baconslave I like 'Eyes on 167'. That mindset was a great motivator for me a few years ago and I need to restart my mini weight loss goals/rewards. All rewards are nonfood to boot o:)

    Yeah, the videos can be annoying. Sometimes I just tolerate the video, but sometimes listen to music or podcasts as if I were doing my yard stomps.

    My reward is getting rid of this annoying pooch-belly I have going on right now. And being able to wear my jeans when it's finally cool enough to wear them.

    Now it's truly time to Step It Up. Camping trip is done. Le Grand Saboteur is back to work, which is at home theses days anyway but he's too busy to interfere with my eating plan.
    Here we go.
    Eyes on 167.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    I am proud of myself .... I did the entire Leslie Sansone walking to party hits that features HIIT .... great workout and the songs are NOT boring :p I did it for 47 minutes ...she has stretching at the end of the dvd
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    I did a 2nd workout today ...A cheesy one but I like it ..Aerobics on Broadway with Richard Simmons 60 minutes :) so far 10,118 steps so far ...I have energy for days :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    Back from camping for the holiday weekend. Food was well planned but had more to drink than normal. Kayaked and walked so I think it was ok. Will weigh in tomorrow.

    I have a Leslie Sansone dvd as well and love the steps and 1/3/5 mile options but really can't stand the music. Will have to time hers out and find some of my own to play, thanks for the idea @Megan_smartiepants1970

    @baconslave I like 'Eyes on 167'. That mindset was a great motivator for me a few years ago and I need to restart my mini weight loss goals/rewards. All rewards are nonfood to boot o:)

    You are very welcome for the idea :)
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Catching up from a busy long weekend.
    Close watch rings- 👍🏻👎👍🏻👍🏻Kept up the workouts and had decent steps (21k, 11k, 13k, 16k).

    Calorie goals- 👍🏻👎👍🏻 and maintenance today. Sunday was bad news for carbs and drinks but it felt like a relatively balanced weekend. My carbs were up from more veggies than normal plus some off plan stuff. I’m not technically working this week but will be in and out so my schedule may be out of whack. Will have to watch what I eat more closely as I tend to fall out of rhythm when off schedule.
  • Mermaid828
    Mermaid828 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I’m new to this group but have been keto (lazy/dirty) for two years. I lost 50 pounds the first year and now have been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for a year but still have 45 more to lose to hit my goal. So, here I am for accountability:) Goals for September:
    1. Logging my food
    2. Drinking at least 64 ounces of water
    3. Doing yoga 3-4times a week and challenging myself with more difficult work outs.
    4. Lose 5 pounds.

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Food - calories good (no mindless munchies!)
    Protein - 131g
    Carbs - 102g net
    Exercise - rode 17.5 miles in the morning and got 8700 steps for the day

    We are supposed to have a cold front moving thru today, so that should make the morning rides a little easier to take. It's been real muggy the last few days and I come in off the bike dripping sweat everywhere (also takes longer to recover when I get that hot riding).
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Food - calories good (no mindless munchies!)
    Protein - 131g
    Carbs - 102g net
    Exercise - rode 17.5 miles in the morning and got 8700 steps for the day

    We are supposed to have a cold front moving thru today, so that should make the morning rides a little easier to take. It's been real muggy the last few days and I come in off the bike dripping sweat everywhere (also takes longer to recover when I get that hot riding).[/quote]

    logged and on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: 1 hour Sydney video for strength
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Sorry for the mess in my post. They've made a change in MFP that boogers up group mods ability to edit. They look like they've tried to give us delete and edit powers for individual posts within the thread, but it doesn't work. It just says "you don't have permission to do that." But it kills the Edit function for our own posts. :unamused:
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Food - calories were good, logged everything
    Protein - 149g
    Carbs - 79g net
    Exercise - rode 17.7 miles in the morning and finished the day with 7500 steps.

    The cold front made it last night... temp was 56 this morning! Made the morning ride somewhat chilly!
  • rich41n
    rich41n Posts: 25 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Food - calories were good, logged everything
    Protein - 149g
    Carbs - 79g net
    Exercise - rode 17.7 miles in the morning and finished the day with 7500 steps.

    The cold front made it last night... temp was 56 this morning! Made the morning ride somewhat chilly!

    Any tips for building endurance for biking? I've been doing ~10 miles two mornings each week and a longer ride on the weekends somewhere between 20-25.....going on 6 weeks now and my quads get burned up every ride. Also, should mention that 3 days/week I do full body strength training (including quads). I feel like my legs never recover. Or is this normal?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Food - calories were good, logged everything
    Protein - 149g
    Carbs - 79g net
    Exercise - rode 17.7 miles in the morning and finished the day with 7500 steps.

    The cold front made it last night... temp was 56 this morning! Made the morning ride somewhat chilly!

    Bet that was brisk! :grimace:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    logged and on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: 5ish Miles of Leslie. Durn rain!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Close watch rings: ✅✅ 14k steps and nearly 19k with strength thrown in on the 9th. Almost didn’t squeak out the move goal yesterday so I got my bit in gear.
    Calorie goal: maintenance both days. Yesterday was a planned off plan dinner but I ate way more than I needed. I knew it would be a tough week!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    rich41n wrote: »
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Food - calories were good, logged everything
    Protein - 149g
    Carbs - 79g net
    Exercise - rode 17.7 miles in the morning and finished the day with 7500 steps.

    The cold front made it last night... temp was 56 this morning! Made the morning ride somewhat chilly!

    Any tips for building endurance for biking? I've been doing ~10 miles two mornings each week and a longer ride on the weekends somewhere between 20-25.....going on 6 weeks now and my quads get burned up every ride. Also, should mention that 3 days/week I do full body strength training (including quads). I feel like my legs never recover. Or is this normal?

    In my experience, if my quads are burning, I am peddling too hard (too much pressure on the peddles). Riding should be a cardio burn and not a strength burn... if your quads are burning, shift to a lower gear and peddle faster but not harder. My general rule is to keep just enough pressure on my feet to keep them on the peddles without slipping. Try to keep your cadence (number of times your feet make a complete circle) at least at 45 and its better to go for 60 spins per minutes. It will feel awkward until you get used to it, but it will make the rides easier and your quads will not be on fire the entire ride.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Food good, logged everything and kept calories in check.
    Protein - 153g
    Carbs - 116g net (little high)
    Exercise - bike ride for 15 miles and 9500 steps for the day.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    logged and on-plan:innocent:
    exercise:innocent: 1 hr of strength with Sydney vid
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    9 - food on target some workouts missed, kind of tired and sluggish thus the not working out

    10 - food on target, all workouts done, super tired and went to bed early

    Overall ok...I think a lot of the tired is the usual post-monthly and will go away in a few days.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    9/8-9/11 goals met :)
  • gerripo
    gerripo Posts: 10 Member
    After a well earned weight loss to begin the month, it kind of stalled out the next week. But, drum roll, it's starting to melt away again. The horrible part is me recognizing the loss is due in part to having no whiskey since late August. The only thing that makes zero whiskey possible is not having it in the house. If it's here, it freely flows. If it's not here, I can do without. I don't much like doing without, but it's possible.

    Today is food prep day. I'll make several Keto casserole type things to portion out and freeze for future use. That helps, too.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    gerripo wrote: »
    After a well earned weight loss to begin the month, it kind of stalled out the next week. But, drum roll, it's starting to melt away again. The horrible part is me recognizing the loss is due in part to having no whiskey since late August. The only thing that makes zero whiskey possible is not having it in the house. If it's here, it freely flows. If it's not here, I can do without. I don't much like doing without, but it's possible.

    Today is food prep day. I'll make several Keto casserole type things to portion out and freeze for future use. That helps, too.

    My heart goes out to you. Whiskey doesn't last long around me either. Hubby keeps vodka. And so I will have a really frickin large drink once a week, but I'm otherwise able to stay out of it b/'s just not whiskey. :wink:

    Congrats on finally getting your losses going again!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    logged and on-plan:innocent:
    exercise:innocent:5 Miles of Leslie
  • amckholmes
    amckholmes Posts: 119 Member
    I am still here, logging my food and bike rides, reading everyone’s posts and trying to not be so discouraged that I give up on this way of eating. The binges are frequent, I have tried upping my protein, upping my fat, increasing my water, even raising my calories - but once the cravings hit I don’t seem to have any will power. It has almost always been sweets, albeit low carb sweets, it’s lots of calories and my weight is inching upward. I have reached the point where two good days in a row is an accomplishment. How long can stress/anxiety eating last before one just decides to move on?! Thank you to everyone who continues to share their stories and their encouragement. Stay well!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    9/12 Goals met and I even worked out today because I didn't on Monday
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Close watch rings 👍🏻👎missed the move goal a bit today but still got in over 13k steps both days and a short, leisurely bike ride with hubs.
    Calorie goal- maintenance again both days. Likely didn’t burn as much as I took in today as I drank while we grilled dinner. I tend to only eat once a day on weekends and was ravenous by dinner along with the alcohol. Oh well, I’m going to enjoy these nice days outdoors while they last.