


  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    @human_bean - I was with you this weekend! Started off ok and then just didn't have the mental stamina to make it through the weekend with gold stars. But, that's ok!! This is a new day/week!

    Thought today was gonna be another hard slog but went out with the hubby for a tiny run today and it picked up my spirits. I try to remember that exercise ALWAYS makes me feel better!! I won't get a weight lifting session in today so it will be all about paying attention to foods.

    Monday on a short week!! :-)
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Thank you sosososososo much for your support, it seriously helped me not be miserable, I didn't expect it to be that effective! :)))

    @mugginskate amazing progress, good job!! And you husband sounds just awesome :))

    Agree with @Pushkinnz would love to see the holiday decorations from anyone who's willling to share!

    @CurvyCalorie woohoo!! Amazing job!!

    @violetanderson39 alright, we are gonna power through it together! :)) How is your week going so far?

    In general, how's everyone?

    I am not doing my regular exercise routine, but every time I skipped a workout this week, I went for a long walk(which is great progress, because my habit is to skip a workout and eat instead :))) In terms of food - doing okay, I really want to start cooking my food, right now I live on deliveries, but I am in the middle of a big move, so I am aiming to start cooking once I'm in my new place.

    Also, I'm gonna share the most embarrassing guilty pleasure with all of you :)) I have downloaded Pokemon Go and that stupid game is actually forcing me to get out of the house and go for walks! So super helpful guilty pleasure :)))

    So, this week is going good for everyone, would love to hear more!

  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @human_bean pokemon go is great for getting out. My husband and kids love it!

    I have about 5kg left to lose and my loss has slowed down significantly. Food is good and I'm happy with my exercise, I know I just need to be patient. Which is hard!

    I'm having a rest day today, as I feel a little tired. I try to listen to my body and it usually tells me when it needs a day off!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Hey everyone!

    It's Wednesday. I think I can make it to the end of the week... whew. I can't wait for Christmas break. I'm struggling with my job, it really affects my mental health. So I try to make sure I do all the good things, like exercise, use my SAD light, and meditation (haven't gotten back into the habit of this one yet though).

    @human_bean ain't no shame in Pokemon Go! Great job!

    @Katerr1kk patience is so hard, I agree. But i believe in you!!!

    My cat has been the worst lately. We adopted two kittens in May, and lately one of them has been waking me up in the middle of the night by munching on my hair. And if we put him outside the room he scratches the door like nobody's business. Little runt.

  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Good morning!
    Today is Wednesday and my baking day for Thanksgiving. May the force be with me!!

    @human_bean haha I never thought about Pokémon Go. I may have to try that.

    @mugginskate I’m so glad you do all you can for you. It’s so important! I want to get into yoga. I bought a 4 pack of classes and have been twice. I just don’t think about it in the evenings. I’ll work on that.

    I went to dinner last night with a friend and pre planned my meal. I was very good. Plus it was an Italian place. I’m SO glad I stuck to my plan. Pasta is my Kryptonite!!

    Have a great day!
  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    Morning everyone

    @humanbean Pokemon Go - thats a great fun way to get some exercise

    @violetanderson39 we can do this :)

    @CurvyCalorie well done on sticking to the plan on your dinner, pasta one of my kryptonites also (bread and cheese aswell)

    @Katerr1kk patience... horrible thing isn't it

    @mugginskate hang on its nearly Christmas break, was thinking bout you hair munching cat, i had one that used to suck on my chin - very cute until he decided to try it in the middle of the night when i was asleep and gave me a scare lol, but anyway i hand raised him from when he was 2 weeks old and i was told he did it because he wasn't weened off his mum in a normal way. I gave him a soft toy and it seemed to help him, might be worth a try with your fur baby.

    Yesterday i was checking 'Trade Me' (New Zealand version of eBay) and someone had a Total Gym for sale at a reasonable price(been looking for one for a couple of months), one of the larger ones that hold 400lbs, so instead of going to the pools my partner and I went and got It. Im about 3 lbs over its weight limit so cant use it straight away but real soon.
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Ooh @Pushkinnz is that the type with the bench on an incline pulley type thing? (great description, I know!) I have one of those that was used for throwing laundry on for years and it came in really handy when we first went into lockdown. There is a lot you can do with them, enjoy!

    Wishing those of you in the US happy Thanksgiving!

    It has been an absolutely beautiful day here (UK) and I went for a lovely run earlier. I am not a natural runner and don't enjoy it but do enjoy the fresh air and getting moving.
  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    @Katerr1kk 'the bench on an incline pulley type thing' yeah thats the one and i love that description :)
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Yes! @Pushkinnz that's the one. Mine is a bit more basic (and 20 years older) but it's a great workout. Rosalie Brown has some videos on youtube that left me really sweating. I found one that used it a little like a pilates reformer, and my abs were so sore the next day.
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    @Pushkinnz that looks fun! Its awesome to have something to look forward to when it comes to working out! I'm camping the rest.of the week and struggle to do a workout when I'm out of my normal space and routine.

    Hope everyone's Thanksgiving is good if you celebrate! We aren't doing traditional food this year... hard to cook a turkey on a campfire!
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Happy thanksgiving!
    Happy Day!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, Americans!
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Do the festivities carry on into the weekend?

    I'm so pleased to see the weekend. I will hunker down at home (like there is anything else to do 🤣) and put our Christmas decorations up and watch a Christmas film or two. Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are.
  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    @Katerr1kk - I looked up that Rosalie Brown on Utube, her videos look great so i subscribed to her channel, thanks for that

    Hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a lovely day
  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member

    New to the group and very excited to get to know all of you. Hope all of my American friends had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday.

    Due to quarantine, my local yoga studio closed so I'm going to try and find some good yoga videos online. The gym is still open but I'm hesitant to join.

    I'm trying to overhaul my food intake. I've been eating terribly and have to put more thought into it.

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! :)

  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    @momofthree9845 Hi Sam, Welcome
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @momofthree9845 welcome!
    I’m recovered from Thanksgiving now my house is a wreck with Christmas! Haha Trying to decorate as we’re having a family cookie night next Sunday. It’s alway a fun day!
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome @momofthree9845! I bet you'll be able to find some great yoga videos!!

    Packing up camp here and then heading back to civilization. Staying on track will be easier, although it's so easy to get movement in when you're outdoors all the time!

    I'm gonna look at the weekly goals on the drive home. Hopefully pick up some ideas to spark my goals this week as well!!
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    @momofthree9845 Have you tried any of the yoga workouts on here? I've been poking around a bit - trying to get more familiar with MFP and saw they have some.

    I'm also curious if any of you guys are willing to share if you the premium version?