Lets inspire each other to be healthy through *¤#DECEMBER#¤*



  • LizAsch2015
    LizAsch2015 Posts: 23 Member
    I’m about 10 days into the new program ( high protein). I got on the scale about a week ago and it was up a pound ( even though I hadn’t been over my calorie count). I guess I should give it time... I’ll try to get back on track again tomorrow. Thanks!!
  • marganit1
    marganit1 Posts: 13 Member
    02.12.2020. 70,1kg
    03.12.2020. 69,4kg yeee

    Is the Beck book good??? I’ve been thinking about getting it.
    I have just bought the book few days ago. I already like it.

    Here what
    Antiopelle wrote: »

    I've read the Beck solution a long time ago (and did all the exercises), and it was a game changer for me.
    I'm obviously still struggling, but I have some very handy tools from it that I still use today.

  • marganit1
    marganit1 Posts: 13 Member
    Jannicke7 wrote: »
    Wow what a good recommandation I really love Noom. Thanks!

    Noom commercials on You Tube inspired me to start dieting. Before I was convinced it is impossible to lose weight. I swiched to MFP, I liked bar code scanner.

  • LizAsch2015
    LizAsch2015 Posts: 23 Member
    I’ll get a copy.. Thanks! It sounds really good!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,999 Member
    Checked off Day 2 of 75, now into Day 3. Most annoying thing so far are the CONSTANT trips to the bathroom LOL! I know there will be days when other things get harder to do (especially over the holiday, or if things radically change in my job department from what I am prepared for right now).
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    I read the Beck book quickly and it was an easy read. I’ll read it again (and truly study it and do the exercises) over the next couple of weeks.

    **Spoiler alert**
    The book suggested writing out your advantages for losing weight onto cards and to read them twice a day. I probably would have skipped some of the light snacking I did tonight if I read this card before I ate dinner… I’ll get on that tomorrow so I can review it before meals or when I feel like snacking.

    The section on just on “Food Pushers” exactly describes what my friends do. Only they are insulted when I say “Thank you but no. I’m watching what I’m eating” or “I’m eating healthy”. They take it as in insult since they made the dish from scratch and I’ve implied their cooking/baking is unhealthy. I’ve tried saying “I’ll have some later” but that’s only a temporary stall tactic. I’m torn about accepting a “slice” when I know I will not eat it and throw it away. The resources, water, energy, and pollution to grow the food and not consume it doesn’t sit right. I still need to work on this one.

    I'd love to hear about what others think about the book.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Emmie112 wrote: »
    I read the Beck book quickly and it was an easy read. I’ll read it again (and truly study it and do the exercises) over the next couple of weeks.

    **Spoiler alert**
    The book suggested writing out your advantages for losing weight onto cards and to read them twice a day. I probably would have skipped some of the light snacking I did tonight if I read this card before I ate dinner… I’ll get on that tomorrow so I can review it before meals or when I feel like snacking.

    The section on just on “Food Pushers” exactly describes what my friends do. Only they are insulted when I say “Thank you but no. I’m watching what I’m eating” or “I’m eating healthy”. They take it as in insult since they made the dish from scratch and I’ve implied their cooking/baking is unhealthy. I’ve tried saying “I’ll have some later” but that’s only a temporary stall tactic. I’m torn about accepting a “slice” when I know I will not eat it and throw it away. The resources, water, energy, and pollution to grow the food and not consume it doesn’t sit right. I still need to work on this one.

    I'd love to hear about what others think about the book.

    If you accept something you really can't refuse and you go home with it, it sits in your fridge or on your counter. Then you have two options:
    1. you eat it without any guilt and because you are really enjoying it, not because "you have to".
    2. you throw it away because this food will go down the drain eventually, only you choose not to let it pass through your body before it does. I'm also really against food going to waste, but my body is more important.
    Ultimately it is just your choice and there is no right or wrong.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Hi and welcome to the newbies ! I'm in for December as it is indeed a difficult month.

    However, I see some positive in the Covid situation this year. No large family dinners, so hubby and I will get some high end take-away on Christmas eve and a similar menu for New Years eve. Those will be the two splurges we'll do and for the rest every day will be business as usual. On New Years eve, we will eat the same menu with some family and comment through Zoom so we will have a little virtual contact at least.

    My goals for this month:

    1. Get down to 72,5 - which is exactly the same goal for months now, the trend is down but it is extremely slooooooow
    2. Keep to the plan to only splurge twice (24th and 31st).
    3. Get out of the house to walk and ride as much as possible within daytime to keep a certain level of fitness and to keep my sanity.

    01/12: 73.6
    02/12: 72.9
    03/12: 73.4

    An example of my help with the Beck solution: yesterday I got very upsetting news around 10h00, right between breakfast and lunch. My first impuls was to go to the fridge and I mindlessly ate a yoghurt (because that was the first thing that caught my eye). Then I went for something else.
    At that point I remembered a tool from the book: that gnawing feeling in my stomach, is it really hunger? And I realized that I wasn't hungry at all, but that my stomach was feeling itchy because I was sad and upset and I needed to do something else to clear my mind instead of continuing eating to ease that itchy feeling. Realizing this worked, I went to do something else and didn't eat anything else until lunch.
    That's how the Beck solution worked for me so far.
  • LizAsch2015
    LizAsch2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks. This is really helpful. I ordered the book. I think it will be another tool to help me.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    I felt strong and flying on the treadmill today and thought: what is different?
    Last night, I went out with my daughter and had sushi rolls! CARBS!
    Normally I go extra light on carbs at dinner and skip breakfast before workout.
    It was much easier to work and burn calories than an empty tank.
    I feel like I learned something 🎶
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    5’4” 43
    12/01: 130.0
    12/03: 129.8

    My husband tried Noom for a couple of months back in March. He loved it. Since you guys were talking about the book, I decided to get the audio version (looks like it might have been better to get the hard copy. Oh, well.). I used Quizlet on my phone for the index cards and set a reminder on my phone to look at them. We’ll see how it goes!
  • marganit1
    marganit1 Posts: 13 Member
    01.12. 69,5kg
    02.12. 70,1kg
    03.-05.12. 69,4kg
    06.12. 68,8kg Happy
    First time I see number 68 on scale. I decided to cut in December seriously. I bought smoked packaged fish ready to eat for protein.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @HoneyBadger155 ! Gorgeous!! Such a beautiful place!!
  • kristingjertsen
    kristingjertsen Posts: 239 Member
    Definitely need this thread. I got a little careless about tracking my meals and eating sweet treats over the Thanksgiving holiday, never ending bad Covid-19 and election news, and cooler weather. Up to 154.4 pounds, 4.4 pounds more than I was in October. So tracking again, making sure I get enough exercise (walking and biking daily), and going back to my Dr. Gregor's daily dozen app to stay on track.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hi and welcome to the newbies ! I'm in for December as it is indeed a difficult month.

    However, I see some positive in the Covid situation this year. No large family dinners, so hubby and I will get some high end take-away on Christmas eve and a similar menu for New Years eve. Those will be the two splurges we'll do and for the rest every day will be business as usual. On New Years eve, we will eat the same menu with some family and comment through Zoom so we will have a little virtual contact at least.

    My goals for this month:

    1. Get down to 72,5 - which is exactly the same goal for months now, the trend is down but it is extremely slooooooow
    2. Keep to the plan to only splurge twice (24th and 31st).
    3. Get out of the house to walk and ride as much as possible within daytime to keep a certain level of fitness and to keep my sanity.

    01/12: 73.6
    02/12: 72.9
    03/12: 73.4
    04/12: 73.4
    05/12: 72.9
    06/12: 72.8
    07/12: 72.3

    Well, that is grief mainly. I'm an emotional eater, but when stress gets to a certain level I get a lump in my throat and my appetite disappears. This is what is happening now, as since Thursday my most beloved cat is on a drip in a kitty ICU fighting to get better after being in shock. He's 14 so not the youngest and it just happened after a routine surgery on his teeth. I am now losing weight, but not in a good way.
    (Edit: this is just on top of the whole Covid situation, a major reorg at my company where my job is uncertain and chronic pain of my frozen shoulder. Enough is enough - there is only so much one can take.)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Beautiful day here, so for the outdoor workout today le_floof_dog (Nymeria) and I headed out to the local state park for a hike. Most of our hike was spent exploring a trail-less peninsula we had not checked out before. Makes for a very - varied - workout, and great for my fubared ankle and increasing my overall stability with that leg when on unstable and unexpected terrain (which has been proving to help with tripping - not that I don't still trip on random roots or rocks, but generally catch myself while staying on my feet rather than catching myself with my hands).

    Great pics !! :smiley:
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    @Antiopelle I’m so sorry about your cat.
  • LizAsch2015
    LizAsch2015 Posts: 23 Member
    So sorry about your cat. It is always difficult when a beloved pet is ill. I hope your cat is feeling better. I think we get so much more from our pets than we give. I’m trying to hang in for now, and hoping we can get through the rest of this pandemic.
    On another note, I got my copy of the Beck book today and will start it later today. My weight is still stuck on the same spot (160 lbs) and hasn’t moved for a few weeks.
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    36, 5’3
    April SW: 146
    Goals for Dec: Lose 6 lbs and get into the 120s!
    Dec 1: 135
    Dec 2: 136.2
    Dec 3: 134.8
    Dec 4: 134.4
    Dec 5: 132
    Dec 6: 134.2
    Dec 7: 135.2
    Dec 8: 134.4

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat and the re-orgs at work @Antiopelle I hope you find time for a massages or physio for your shoulder... And it never hurts to update your resume and to be ready for new opportunities. I updated mine last week :smiley:

    I survived the weekend of surprised Food Pushers showing up on my door step with birthday wishes and food. Fortunately I really watched what I ate last week… It was really hard to resist all the Food Pushers as determined as I was. They really expected me to have a bite of every dish and cake... I guess I need to loose 5 lbs before Dec or accept I'll gain 5 lbs in Dec if I give into Food Pushers.

    I’m binge reading the Beck diet books. I borrowed the Complete Beck Diet Solution for life and Diet Trap Solution ebooks from the library. I’m surprised they were available. They are really easy reads.