Lets inspire each other to be healthy through *¤#DECEMBER#¤*



  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get down to 72,5 - which is exactly the same goal for months now, the trend is down but it is extremely slooooooow
    2. Keep to the plan to only splurge twice (24th and 31st).
    3. Get out of the house to walk and ride as much as possible within daytime to keep a certain level of fitness and to keep my sanity.

    01/12: 73.6
    02/12: 72.9
    03/12: 73.4
    04/12: 73.4
    05/12: 72.9
    06/12: 72.8
    07/12: 72.3
    08/12: 72.2
    09/12: 72.0

    Thanks for your kind words @Emmie112 , @Cora0477 and @LizAsch2015 . Our cat seems to have had an autoimmune reaction to the surgery attacking his red bloodcells. On top of that, they found he has lymph-node cancer. Worst case he doesn't come home anymore, best case we can have him here at home pain-free on cortisone for a few months. We are hoping for the latter!
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    5’4” 43
    12/01: 130.0
    12/03: 129.8
    12/09: 129.2

    The Beck book was enlightening but I didn’t really relate to very much of it. I did incorporate a couple of ideas from it though. And started a couple of audiobooks about habits. Feels like New Years resolutions come early :)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get down to 72,5 - which is exactly the same goal for months now, the trend is down but it is extremely slooooooow
    2. Keep to the plan to only splurge twice (24th and 31st).
    3. Get out of the house to walk and ride as much as possible within daytime to keep a certain level of fitness and to keep my sanity.

    01/12: 73.6
    02/12: 72.9
    03/12: 73.4
    04/12: 73.4
    05/12: 72.9
    06/12: 72.8
    07/12: 72.3
    08/12: 72.2
    09/12: 72.0
    10/12: 72.2

    Still waiting for news about our tomcat...
  • LizAsch2015
    LizAsch2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Started reading the Beck book, which helps! I was massively disappointed when I got on the scale this morning and was UP a pound. I’ve worked out several times a week, and eaten under the calorie count almost every day for several weeks. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I know I’m just venting, but I’m a little discouraged right now. I’m inspired by all of you and your journeys
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get down to 72,5 - which is exactly the same goal for months now, the trend is down but it is extremely slooooooow
    2. Keep to the plan to only splurge twice (24th and 31st).
    3. Get out of the house to walk and ride as much as possible within daytime to keep a certain level of fitness and to keep my sanity.

    01/12: 73.6
    02/12: 72.9
    03/12: 73.4
    04/12: 73.4
    05/12: 72.9
    06/12: 72.8
    07/12: 72.3
    08/12: 72.2
    09/12: 72.0
    10/12: 72.2
    11/12: 72.2

    Our cat is back home where he will be cuddled as much as he wants and will eat whatever he wants for his remaining weeks/months. So grateful that we can slowly say our goodbyes this way !! :smile:
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Started reading the Beck book, which helps! I was massively disappointed when I got on the scale this morning and was UP a pound. I’ve worked out several times a week, and eaten under the calorie count almost every day for several weeks. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I know I’m just venting, but I’m a little discouraged right now. I’m inspired by all of you and your journeys

    Don't get discouraged, maybe you just need to give a week or two more, but maybe you are also underestimating your cal intake, or overestimating your expenditure.
    Try to read this thread, which I think is very helpful: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    36, 5’3
    April SW: 146
    Goals for Dec: Lose 6 lbs and get into the 120s!
    Dec 1: 135
    Dec 2: 136.2
    Dec 3: 134.8
    Dec 4: 134.4
    Dec 5: 132
    Dec 6: 134.2
    Dec 7: 135.2
    Dec 8: 134.4
    Dec 9: 132.4
    Dec 10: 133
    Dec 11: 132.4

    It’s taken me all week to rebound from the weekend. I certainly don’t feel like cheating again this weekend after being extra careful this week. I saved my high starch carbs for dinner so I could have bagels and brownies left over from the weekend. And last night we had butter chicken and rice. I feel a bit bloated in the morning from the carbs but the needle is moving on the scale.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    5’4” 43
    12/01: 130.0
    12/03: 129.8
    12/09: 129.2
    12/11: 128.4

    I am starting to feel the effects of eating better. My energy is better. It feels really good to be back into running even though I’m not yet at the point that it’s enjoyable. My bloat is also better, though I’m still feeling squishy.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,999 Member
    Yesterday was a tough day to keep up with my 75 Hard - but muscled through it.

    Got the call that the layoff that has been pending all year was happening. There was almost no warning, which kind of surprised me - our meeting was at 4pm my time, and that was to be my last day online. Technically I'll be "employed" through Monday, but Monday will just be returning my laptop and phone to the local office.

    I've known it was coming, so there's no shock in it, but now the maybe's are gone. I'm getting my severance (our company's plans suck compared to most similar size companies, but it's a lot more than nothing so I'm happy to be getting it and happy they aren't trying to weasel out of it like they originally tried to do).

    Between the PTO I've been hoarding and the severance, I'll have time to get my part-now-full-time business really up and running, some time to hunt down a side gig to stretch my funds, and a tiny bit of spending money.

    The job had gotten toxic for the past couple years (a big reason why I started 75 Hard as that toxicity was one of the big factors that had caused me to let my mental toughness muscle weaken), so this is ultimately a good thing.

    All that said, however, I really wanted that glass of wine, I really wanted that fresh donut, and to enjoy those with my friend relaxing on the couch at her place. Instead I passed on the wine, put my foot down on the donuts, and headed home at 10PM to start my second workout of the day.

    I still really want that glass of wine though LOL!!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,999 Member
    On a happier note, I purchased a small rack + pulley set up + bench + bar + weights from a guy on FB marketplace, at a great price for everything that was included. It's not a "pro" set up, but it's plenty to keep me happy for quite some time!
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Nothing like last month but still trying to stay active.

    Keeping myself accountable: Meal prepping and Orangetheory. Getting through this month of work and then I’m done!
    I got my mammogram, IUD in, my daughter got her braces... just getting everything done while I have my work health insurance.
    I really hope this IUD isn’t going to mess me up. I was quite happy with Nuva Ring for years but after finding out it was going to be $90/month I decided to bite the bullet. So far ok. No more pain and I am just fine.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    5’4” 43
    12/01: 130.0
    12/03: 129.8
    12/09: 129.2
    12/11: 128.4
    12/13: 127.6

    I know it was an artificial drop, but as predicted, I’m enjoying the artificial boost in motivation.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,999 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Sadly, our cat passed away anyway Friday evening. It was a sad weekend, with lots of munchies and mindless eating. Yesterday, I went for a 50km bike ride to clear my head and that helped. Yesterday evening I had a pizza and some chocolate, thus not surprised to see that the scales went up again.
    But anyway, today I'll pull myself together and focus on the diet again.

    Sorry to hear about your kitty - it's always heart wrenching when a pet passes (((HUGS)))
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited December 2020
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get down to 72,5 - which is exactly the same goal for months now, the trend is down but it is extremely slooooooow
    2. Keep to the plan to only splurge twice (24th and 31st).
    3. Get out of the house to walk and ride as much as possible within daytime to keep a certain level of fitness and to keep my sanity.

    01/12: 73.6
    02/12: 72.9
    03/12: 73.4
    04/12: 73.4
    05/12: 72.9
    06/12: 72.8
    07/12: 72.3
    08/12: 72.2
    09/12: 72.0
    10/12: 72.2
    11/12: 72.2
    14/12: 73.0
    15/12: 73.1

    Thanks @HoneyBadger155 - it is heart wrenching indeed.
  • LizAsch2015
    LizAsch2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Finally down one pound this month. I feel more motivated now and hope to continue with eating healthy. I’ll try increasing workouts as well. Thanks for all the encouragement!!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get down to 72,5 - which is exactly the same goal for months now, the trend is down but it is extremely slooooooow
    2. Keep to the plan to only splurge twice (24th and 31st).
    3. Get out of the house to walk and ride as much as possible within daytime to keep a certain level of fitness and to keep my sanity.

    01/12: 73.6
    02/12: 72.9
    03/12: 73.4
    04/12: 73.4
    05/12: 72.9
    06/12: 72.8
    07/12: 72.3
    08/12: 72.2
    09/12: 72.0
    10/12: 72.2
    11/12: 72.2
    14/12: 73.0
    15/12: 73.1
    16/12: 72.6
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get down to 72,5 - which is exactly the same goal for months now, the trend is down but it is extremely slooooooow
    2. Keep to the plan to only splurge twice (24th and 31st).
    3. Get out of the house to walk and ride as much as possible within daytime to keep a certain level of fitness and to keep my sanity.

    01/12: 73.6
    02/12: 72.9
    03/12: 73.4
    04/12: 73.4
    05/12: 72.9
    06/12: 72.8
    07/12: 72.3
    08/12: 72.2
    09/12: 72.0
    10/12: 72.2
    11/12: 72.2
    14/12: 73.0
    15/12: 73.1
    16/12: 72.6
    17/12: 73.5
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    5’4” 43
    12/01: 130.0
    12/03: 129.8
    12/09: 129.2
    12/11: 128.4
    12/13: 127.6
    12/17: 127.0

    I’m annoyed that MPF will give me calorie credits for exercise and then take them away. How can you stay on track if you don’t know what number you are actually going for?!? Last night when I went to bed it said I had 222 calories from exercise. It had been higher earlier in the day. And then this morning it was 178 for yesterday. Gah.

    Whatever. It doesn’t give you credit for weight training and I did that yesterday, so I know I was still in the green. Even if just barely.