Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    1/8 Steps 11,916
    1/9 Steps 11,029
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Week 2 (Sunday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 96 oz. Water ✔️
    🍽 Under Calories ✔️
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    SUN 1/10: 8,246 (weight lifting) + 14,350 = 22,596
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    Checkin 1/10/2021
    Weigh in on Fridays

    1/9/2021 - Steps 1833
    1/10/2021 - steps 2009
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Hi lovelies! Just a quick check in.

    Today was my last day at work for a little while. After about half an hour the pain got really bad so most of my shift was just sitting in the back and trying not to cry from the pain! Dramatic much? (lol not really) I got someone to cover the last few hours of my shift and I left early.

    I did a fair bit of studying tonight, I really want to get caught up on things and get ahead of the game. I'm going to make the most of my time off by focussing on my studies and doing some batch cooking!

    Yesterday I made a nice bolognese in the slow cooker, and I had enough for dinner for the wife and I for 2 days as well as NINE portions that I added spaghetti and cheese to and put in the freezer, now I have healthy ready-meals! We have some plans for a beef roast and some chicken breasts (I'm going to make a fajita casserole with rice) I need more tupperware containers!!!!

    Anyhoo, my exercise has been non-existent because of the pain but my food and water intake has been on point. I am being kind to myself and doing as much self-care as possible.

    I am going to read through all of the posts now, I won't have time to reply to them all, because it's nearly bedtime. But I know that if I don't at least check in with y'all, that is a slippery slope for me!

    Big hugs all round!

  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    Yesterday's steps 8,786

  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Check in for Jan. 10
    Logging - yes
    exercise - yes
    Steps - 11 448
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
    Monday check in
    So was doing really great on my goals and then Friday hit. I talked my husband into fastfood on Friday because I had a headache and didn't want to cook. Strike 1. Woke up Saturday to drizzle and cold. Spent the day under a blanket binge watching criminal minds. Then it started to snow. Strike 2. I live in a desert we don't do snow. Woke Sunday to a blanket of white stuff and said forget it. Curled up on the couch and continued the binge watching and eating. Strike 3 and I was out.. gained a lb back which sucks but it is what is. Can you northern folks come get your weather please?
    CW 167.4
    PW 166.4j93blcsk9acs.jpg
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post January 9
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 3231

    Yesterday was another good day. Husband and I had a relaxing morning drinking coffee and talking. After lunch I went and got the kids from my parents and we had some family time. I also made a batch of Creamy Roasted Broccoli Soup, divided it into servings and put them in the fridge for lunches. I had a piece of the birthday cake I made as planned. Honestly, I'm not sure it was really worth it. It tasted good I guess, but I just don't crave things like that anymore and it kind of made me sick to my stomach for the rest of the day, and even this morning.

    That soup sounds delicious. Can you share the recipe?

    363days wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 I'm so glad you have made the move but I know from experience how horrible cleaning out the old place can be - good luck! I hope you are sleeping better, knowing the hard part is over and you can begin to make your new house your home. On our educational tv we have a show that is chair exercise, and it comes on daily. I hope you are able to find something like that where you live. I did it when my leg was broken and it was a good workout!

    We got it done but unfortunately my husband had to do most of the work because my back and hip hurt so much from the fall. I am going to look later today for exercises I can do once I don’t hurt anymore.

    Good Morning Awesome Downsizers.... I am definitely sore today from my 8.26 mile walk yesterday ... My hips are on fire ... my foot with the screw in it is bothering me other foot goes numb and tingles (it is weird) my tailbone has been bothering me ... I am kinda in lingo with making other Dr's appointments since starting physical therapy ughhh .... I need to make an appt with my General Surgeon I think I might have another hernia ... I need to make an appt. with a new urologist (kidney stones) ..It is never ending and getting older suckssssssss LOL

    I feel you on getting old. I was supposed to start physical therapy for my hips but had to cancel the appointment when I got covid. One of the things on my to do list is to rebook all my appointments I missed when sick. Have you checked with the doctor yet for your foot. That is how my right foot goes because of the neuropathy which is a result of my diabetes. You have to take care of yourself. Do you think you could be walking too much and it is aggravating your hips, and feet? Listen to your body if it is telling you to slow down. I would hate to see you sidelined like you were a few months ago.

    azkunk wrote: »
    Username : azkunk
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 178.2
    CW: 178.8
    LTD: 28.2

    This week was rough. My almost 50 year old body cannot handle 10 hr shifts on my feet like it once was able to. I literally was on my feet every minute of the shift except for the one and only break that we got which was 30 minutes. My calories were under most days but I did not eat as planned as they provided lunch and I was too beat at the end of the day to make dinner. The scale jumped around this week and hit a new low ... 177.5 but that did not stick around for weigh-in and I ended with a slight gain. I am still pretty sore and I know there is inflammation and water retention at play. Next week I am in the pharmacy tent drawing up the vaccine. Still 10 hour shifts but I will be sitting. Hopefully, I can get some stretch breaks. I will do a better job prepping my meals and staying on track.

    Your week sound hard. I agree that you are experiencing water retention and inflammation. You are probably using muscles that you haven’t in awhile. You are doing such an important job. Thank you!

    Username: Beautyofdreams
    PW: 156.8
    CW: 156.1
    LTD: 67.3

    Awesome loss!

    cabman wrote: »

    Sw 94.8
    Pw 94.7
    Cw 94.6

    It has been a week of trying to get in routine. It better this week with being back at work.

    Completed all my training runs. 3,4,4,5kms - feel like I am making progress, but only week 2 of this plan.
    Plan this week is 4,4,4,6kms

    I discovered McDonalds hot choc has far too many cals, and also banana thickshake. They will now be on the special treats list

    Goals for this week, continue with ensuring I drink enough water. Correct and true logging of foods.

    Nice loss! It is so sad to discover our favourites have so many calories but it is good to have them as a treat every now and then. Just curious about your running. What program are you doing? Awesome job on completing 2 weeks of the program.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Steps 11,936

    Did my upper body workout. Got to run out by myself for a few errands and even remembered to throw dinner in the crockpot early in the am. So I will call it a success!

    Got to love that slow cooker. I am going to be looking for tips from you guys on strength training once we are out of lockdown. Do you train at home.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    363days wrote: »
    Way to go @hustle4muscle @sripalbhansali @beautyofdreams.
    Feel free to share your piece of advice for the week. I love hearing what makes people successful.

    Impressive steps! Great job hitting all your goals. I was very excited to see your big loss this week. Congrats! Can you tell us some of the things that has helped you get on track?

    Thank you @363days and @lindamtuck2018 😊

    In case it helps anyone, and because you asked, but not as to say it's the right thing for all*; last week I did my usual workout routine (trying to burn about 1000 active calories each day while also focusing on strength work) and I dedicated more effort on my diet. I did carb cycling and intermittent fasting (20 hour fasts, eating in a 4 hour window). Kept my carbs under 100g mostly, and ate high protein (about 1g per my pound of body weight). Trying not to eat anything processed. Under 1400 calories per day. Planning to continue this week with the same. I made it through the weekend without cheats!

    On Sundays I prep food for the week. Today: 12 boneless chicken breasts in the pressure cooker (takes 10 minutes!), steamed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, parsnips, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, asparagus) and one dozen boiled eggs (my spouse eats from this prep also).

    *It is important to do what works for your own lifestyle, goals and nutritional needs.

    It is interesting to read your routine. I love hearing about different ways to lose weight. I have picked up so much from my teammates. Just curious if you did your eggs in the instant pot. I got one for Christmas and I thought I read somewhere that it is so easy to do them in there and the shell comes off super easy.
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member

    It is interesting to read your routine. I love hearing about different ways to lose weight. I have picked up so much from my teammates. Just curious if you did your eggs in the instant pot. I got one for Christmas and I thought I read somewhere that it is so easy to do them in there and the shell comes off super easy.

    Good morning Linda. No, I didn't do my egg in the pressure cooker and haven't tried that yet. I use this: Dash Deluxe Rapid Egg Cooker

    So I can boil the eggs while I'm cooking the chicken, etc. I already had the egg boiler and find it so easy to use.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    this is very helpful, thank you. I noticed that on my suggested carbs on my food page, it seems pretty high. I'm going to work to cut those down.
    @littleflutterby Dang! I hope you are feeling better. Your cooking made me hungry for spaghetti! I'm seeing that successful people prep meals ahead.
    @lelbarou I am always impressed that you do not let the scale reflect your mood. Gluten is an issue for me and I think maybe also corn. Of course, I LOVE the products that include each.
    @mszoueb Wow, great weight loss and efforts.
    @jimboden3 I struggle with emotional/boredom eating. I work from home and I'm not busy - I'm bored at night, lonely, it's cloudy, the Cleveland Brown's won (!) so many reasons to eat. This week I'm focused on one of the lessons in Beck's notebook to determine if I'm hungry or if I'm craving. I started this focus yesterday and I was amazed to see how many of my reactions were cravings. I have a coloring book, a game I can play by myself and other things from the list of things to do in the evening, in order to not boredom eat. I'm always one bite away from a binge and I'm one pound over where I started in October. A positive, however, is that I did not have a large weight gain over the holidays. Now I'm getting serious.
    @shortyjmorgan1 Wow, your documentation of your eating and binge watching is very similar to my behavior!! Beautiful picture!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    Hi lovelies! Just a quick check in.

    Today was my last day at work for a little while. After about half an hour the pain got really bad so most of my shift was just sitting in the back and trying not to cry from the pain! Dramatic much? (lol not really) I got someone to cover the last few hours of my shift and I left early.

    I did a fair bit of studying tonight, I really want to get caught up on things and get ahead of the game. I'm going to make the most of my time off by focussing on my studies and doing some batch cooking!

    Yesterday I made a nice bolognese in the slow cooker, and I had enough for dinner for the wife and I for 2 days as well as NINE portions that I added spaghetti and cheese to and put in the freezer, now I have healthy ready-meals! We have some plans for a beef roast and some chicken breasts (I'm going to make a fajita casserole with rice) I need more tupperware containers!!!!

    Anyhoo, my exercise has been non-existent because of the pain but my food and water intake has been on point. I am being kind to myself and doing as much self-care as possible.

    I am going to read through all of the posts now, I won't have time to reply to them all, because it's nearly bedtime. But I know that if I don't at least check in with y'all, that is a slippery slope for me!

    Big hugs all round!


    Would you like me to excuse you from the step challenge for now? ....I hope you feel better soon ...hugs
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Hi lovelies! Just a quick check in.

    Today was my last day at work for a little while. After about half an hour the pain got really bad so most of my shift was just sitting in the back and trying not to cry from the pain! Dramatic much? (lol not really) I got someone to cover the last few hours of my shift and I left early.

    I did a fair bit of studying tonight, I really want to get caught up on things and get ahead of the game. I'm going to make the most of my time off by focussing on my studies and doing some batch cooking!

    Yesterday I made a nice bolognese in the slow cooker, and I had enough for dinner for the wife and I for 2 days as well as NINE portions that I added spaghetti and cheese to and put in the freezer, now I have healthy ready-meals! We have some plans for a beef roast and some chicken breasts (I'm going to make a fajita casserole with rice) I need more tupperware containers!!!!

    Anyhoo, my exercise has been non-existent because of the pain but my food and water intake has been on point. I am being kind to myself and doing as much self-care as possible.

    I am going to read through all of the posts now, I won't have time to reply to them all, because it's nearly bedtime. But I know that if I don't at least check in with y'all, that is a slippery slope for me!

    Big hugs all round!


    Everyone has been mentioning food in their checks ins and I love the ideas. I didn’t know you can freeze spaghetti. Fajita casserole sound yummy. You need to take care of yourself. Have you heard from the surgeon yet?

    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Monday (Jan 11, 2020)
    CW: 218.3
    PW: 219.8
    Starting Weight: 240

    After a zero loss the prior week, it’ nice to see some movement in the right direction. I think a series of small changes in my diet plan helped out which I tried to keep pretty simple:

    Track food intake and stay under my daily 2,000 net calories (after deducting for exercise) at least 5 days / week and don’t exceed 2,500 calories / day (unless it’s a ‘special occasion’).

    I already eat a relatively balanced diet, so I didn’t feel it necessary to require eating a certain number of fruits and vegetables or macro nutrients each day and just continue to make common sense healthy choices for most of my intake. To lose weight in a sustainable way, I will have to make some sacrifices … remember, it’s called a DIET because all of the other 4-letter words were already taken 😊!

    I came up with 3 ‘flexible’ restrictions or guidelines but if I stay within the 2,000 net calories, I’m comfortable with the idea of indulging as long as I offset it in some other way (ie. a slice of cheesecake for dessert = extra time exercising or having a leaner lunch and dinner that day).

    My Diet Guidelines
    1. Avoid eating before 6 am or after 8 pm
    2. Limit junk food items (chips, popcorn, etc.) to 1 serving / day and only after some fruits or vegetables
    3. Avoid having more than 5 alcoholic drinks (beer, cocktail, or glass of wine) / week

    This doesn’t mean you'll find potato chips and beer on my daily Food Diary but that I can have both (in moderation) on say, Super Bowl Sunday (qualifies as Special occasion) for example. It’s all about choices but still staying within the limits of my plan. Of course this is just my personal approach and I may take a harder line if I struggle to see results however, keeping it simple and flexible is appealing to me for now.

    I’d be interested in hearing what other Downsizers are doing if anyone else is willing to share what works for them.

    I am full of questions today. With your calories, do you save calories from the 5 days to allow the extra calories the other 2 days? I work on a calorie average for the week so I guess it would be similar but lately I have been having too many treats on the weekends which put me over the average for the week. I really like your diet guidelines. I have struggled for a while now but I set some simple goals for this month. I am working on my sleep, healthy snacks, a step goal and to track everything that I eat. These are what I did 2 years ago when I started so I guess I am going back to the basics.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Weekly weight check in
    PW - 314.4
    CW - 314. 4
    LTD - 50.6 pounds

    So, this is the first time my weight the same in a weekly check in . However, I was 312 on Saturday, so I am assuming this 2.4 pound difference over two days relates to a water weight gain? I have recently altered my diet to eating more grains. I felt I might be allergic to many grains, and potentially I am correct. I think I will limit my serving of grains to once a day as opposed to twice and wait one more week to see the results. If things continue, I am assuming I have a potential issue with grains.

    I refuse to get excited about this lack of change in weight. If things don't progress in a week, then I will simply change or modify what I eat again.

    Anyway, I hope everyone is well!

    I am really glad that you are not upset about maintaining. With our weight loss journey we will experience losses, gains and maintaining. I think you are right and it is water gain from Saturday. You are approaching this very logically.

    mszoueb wrote: »
    Weigh in:

    SW: 259.4
    PW: 255.4
    CW: 251

    Hi all,

    Here for Monday check in. I've had a good week as was under my calories all week and got at least 1.6 litres of water (6 cups) of water in each day. I did two 25 min yoga sessions and 30 min dog walk and I'm still filling out the calorie counting food diet diary that I posted about last week, still in two minds whether to get another or do my own thing. From my first week on the meal plan, I have noticed how I had been boredom or emotional eating, those aspects still come into my mind, but, I have kept strong and stuck to the plan with a few additions i.e. added 2 rashers of bacon to the cream cheese bagel. I think going forward I may have to add some bits and bobs into the food like, fresh fruit or side salad, but, I am conscious of not going too far with it or what's the point of even buying meal prep. The company asked customers for feedback for this past week's meals and I've offered suggestions to them, hoping they take them on board.

    Got another 3 weeks or so, then will assess. A few days ago I was leaning towards not continuing for various reasons, but, a voice in my head is saying keep the structure of getting meal prep for a few more months at least if there is a continuous weight loss then, I can maybe do my own thing after. I've set an additional goal in not getting any takeaways (takeout) until on my birthday towards the end of April.

    Have a great week everyone :)

    Awesome loss. I think making little changes to the meals you have delivered is a good way to keep eating eating out of boredom at bay. One thing my dietitian has told me is to always look at what is working and to repeat it. I know my food diary is very helpful as I go back and look at what was working when I was doing well with my weight loss. I think your goal of no takeout for a few months is great. I know for myself the sodium in takeout really affects my weight loss.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Jan. 10
    Logging - yes
    exercise - yes
    Steps - 11 448

    Great job!
    Monday check in
    So was doing really great on my goals and then Friday hit. I talked my husband into fastfood on Friday because I had a headache and didn't want to cook. Strike 1. Woke up Saturday to drizzle and cold. Spent the day under a blanket binge watching criminal minds. Then it started to snow. Strike 2. I live in a desert we don't do snow. Woke Sunday to a blanket of white stuff and said forget it. Curled up on the couch and continued the binge watching and eating. Strike 3 and I was out.. gained a lb back which sucks but it is what is. Can you northern folks come get your weather please?
    CW 167.4
    PW 166.4j93blcsk9acs.jpg

    Sometimes we just need a weekend off. Get back to your goals and you should lose that pound this week. On the snow I have to say no thank you. I am really enjoying the lack of snow this winter.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    I need the following people's steps by the end of the day please so that I can do our weekly winners post

    @Beautyofdreams 1/9
    @draby2011 1/7-1/9
    @Sripalbhansali 1/8 & 1/9
    @eaturpasta 1/8 & 1/9

    Thank you for your cooperation :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 ...I just need to stop being stubborn and realize that I can't do my 10 to 12 mile walks anymore like I did before my foot injuries ....I also wish PT would get their act together so that I can make these other Dr. appointments so that I can be on the mend .. I hate being in lingo
This discussion has been closed.