Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    363days wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 @ihustle4muscle Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I have been ordering Mexican food for the last 3 weekends, then work to lose the water weight by weigh in day. I think this weekend I'm going to make something home-made, instead, to see if that cuts down on the sodium and gets me out of this cycle. I could eat Mexican every day of the week but I need to find a low cal way to get my fix. Does anyone have a good spicy recipe to recommend?

    Mexican Cheese & Chicken stuffed Poblano Peppers it is keto but ohhhh so yummy
  • cabman
    cabman Posts: 81 Member
    Just a quick mid week check in. Currently ontop of things. Cravings and snacking has stopped, exercise is feeling good and sleeping well. Stress in check.

    Scales are currently showing that I am track, and that is self motivating.

    I always struggle 2nd half of the week, with exercise rest day, weekend etc.

    Have a work fishing trip which will involve a little drinking, but also a chance to wind down. So if I can manage moderation, I should be looking good on monday.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Look at this ISH y’all. This is what happens when you start working out. My muscles are in so much pain from my 2 sessions. I can’t move my arms nor sit properly on a dang toilet. I’ve gained 2.2 Lbs since last Saturday and it’s all due to muscle soreness/repair. No need to feel discouraged tho, I knew this would happen and I know it’s gonna come back down soon. Gotta keep at it.

    Today is rest day as Sam doesn’t have school but we do plan on going out for a nice long walk with Jax. For today, ibuprofen and VoltarenActive cream to help with the soreness.

    Blessed day Team 💪🏻❤️👍🏻


    Sunday - 9,657
    Monday - 17,178
    Tuesday - 18,930

    Wednesday - coming 🔜
    Thursday - coming 🔜
    Friday - coming 🔜
    Saturday - coming 🔜
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    check in for Ja 19
    Logging - yes
    steps - 8963

    So, I think I was holding for a few weeks and now I seem to be starting to release weight again. Overall, things are good, but I wish I had more steady work. On the other hand, I am trying to use extra time to do things like read and cook so as to get something out of my day.

    I wish everyone a good day.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I know this is totally un-weight related. I posted it earlier on my wall. I thought I would post it here :) .

    Spent a lot of the day going through cc's and other statements I should have a month ago..... Found out on 1 cc and 2 different bank accounts money was being taken out for things neither my husband nor I, signed up for.... I was able to get the all of the charges reversed, except for one month on one account. It took time, but saved us over $130.00. That is the total, not a monthly amount. It took numerous phone calls, hang ups, and patience....
    Please check your accounts.... I now have alerts on all of our accounts to call us, in case of suspicious charges. My fault for letting the holidays get in the way, but never again will I not spot check.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    363days wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 @ihustle4muscle Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I have been ordering Mexican food for the last 3 weekends, then work to lose the water weight by weigh in day. I think this weekend I'm going to make something home-made, instead, to see if that cuts down on the sodium and gets me out of this cycle. I could eat Mexican every day of the week but I need to find a low cal way to get my fix. Does anyone have a good spicy recipe to recommend?

    I just googled healthy Mexican recipes and also found some on Pinterest. I looked at a couple but beware as some of these are still high in sodium. Some recipes will give the nutritional values and you can see how much sodium they contain. I know the recommended sodium daily is under 2300mg but I aim to be under 2000mg because I am so sensitive to sodium. My dietitian recommended this for me.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    cabman wrote: »
    Just a quick mid week check in. Currently ontop of things. Cravings and snacking has stopped, exercise is feeling good and sleeping well. Stress in check.

    Scales are currently showing that I am track, and that is self motivating.

    I always struggle 2nd half of the week, with exercise rest day, weekend etc.

    Have a work fishing trip which will involve a little drinking, but also a chance to wind down. So if I can manage moderation, I should be looking good on monday.

    It feels so good when the scales are cooperating and we are in control. I weigh in on Friday’s to avoid any weight gain from weekend treats. I have done this since my WW days. I work on a weekly calorie average so I am able to work in my weekend treat. Enjoy your fishing trip. I miss fishing for trout when we go to Newfoundland every summer. Maybe this year we will be fishing again.

    Look at this ISH y’all. This is what happens when you start working out. My muscles are in so much pain from my 2 sessions. I can’t move my arms nor sit properly on a dang toilet. I’ve gained 2.2 Lbs since last Saturday and it’s all due to muscle soreness/repair. No need to feel discouraged tho, I knew this would happen and I know it’s gonna come back down soon. Gotta keep at it.

    Today is rest day as Sam doesn’t have school but we do plan on going out for a nice long walk with Jax. For today, ibuprofen and VoltarenActive cream to help with the soreness.

    Blessed day Team 💪🏻❤️👍🏻


    Sunday - 9,657
    Monday - 17,178
    Tuesday - 18,930

    Wednesday - coming 🔜
    Thursday - coming 🔜
    Friday - coming 🔜
    Saturday - coming 🔜

    This is very insightful. I hope the soreness eases up soon. I haven’t done weights for a long time but I remember working with a trainer and not being able to lift my arms to wash my hair. 😂 Enjoy your walk!

    lelbarou wrote: »
    check in for Ja 19
    Logging - yes
    steps - 8963

    So, I think I was holding for a few weeks and now I seem to be starting to release weight again. Overall, things are good, but I wish I had more steady work. On the other hand, I am trying to use extra time to do things like read and cook so as to get something out of my day.

    I wish everyone a good day.

    That is a relief when the weight starts to move downward again. What are you reading these days? I am switching between a Danielle Steel novel and weight loss help books. How is the walking? I see you have lots of steps. Well done!

    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    I know this is totally un-weight related. I posted it earlier on my wall. I thought I would post it here :) .

    Spent a lot of the day going through cc's and other statements I should have a month ago..... Found out on 1 cc and 2 different bank accounts money was being taken out for things neither my husband nor I, signed up for.... I was able to get the all of the charges reversed, except for one month on one account. It took time, but saved us over $130.00. That is the total, not a monthly amount. It took numerous phone calls, hang ups, and patience....
    Please check your accounts.... I now have alerts on all of our accounts to call us, in case of suspicious charges. My fault for letting the holidays get in the way, but never again will I not spot check.

    Thanks for posting this as it reminded me to call the cable/wireless company. Every month an extra charge shows up on my daughters line for long distance to the states. The same day for the last few months. It’s bizarre as she doesn’t call the states at all.

    Weight = 139.6lbs, which is also exactly what it was last week. Not so good.
    I did do a bit of comfort eating, not like over the holidays but still should have tried harder to avoid it. Focus on for next week.

    Hang in there! Set some goals and focus on them for the week.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    CW :185
    PW: 186.2
    SW: 187.2

    Steps: 14,463

    So happy for the loss. Gives me motivation to stick with my meal plan which is sometimes a lot of cooking. This week has been easy so far since breakfast has been the same for three days and lunch has been for two days. Last nights dinner was Columbian steak with onions and tomatoes. I probably would have never chosen this recipe on my own but it was a hit with everyone in the house including the two kids. Leftovers for lunch today and making a soup for dinner.

    Started the new advanced portion of my current workout and definitely sore this week but mostly in a good way.

    Also got great news today that my kids may be going back to school 4 days next month since they have determined there is very little inflection rate directly from the school even though our numbers are quite high in town.

    Congrats on the loss! I know how hard it is on parents to have the kids home. My daughter is pulling her hair out as she is in school herself. We find out today if they can go back on Monday. Our numbers have dropped over the last week so hopefully. Are you following a particular meal plan? Please tell us about it.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Tuesday’s Check In
    Steps: 2,801 ❌
    Tracked: ✅
    Sleep: ✅
    Water: ✅
    Healthy snacks: ✅

    My steps are low as I spent a good bit of time trying to fight a bill the old apartment management sent us. I couldn’t find the emails from them that said we wouldn’t be charged. Somehow I deleted them and I couldn’t recover them. My daughter saved the day and retrieved them. I was then able to prove that the charge was invalid. It is funny as my stress skyrocketed. I am so glad to be done with them.

    The good news is I finally used my instant pot. I totally for got to put my pepper steak in the slow cooker. I admit I was totally intimidated when I took it out of the box. I read the manual twice and then did the water test. They only thing I did wrong was I didn’t factor in the time for the pot to come to pressure. I also wanted to do a natural release as the recipe said the meat was tender but I ended up doing a quick release. The meat was so tender even though I didn’t do the natural release. Do the instant pot users put the cover and the inner pot in the dishwasher? I washed everything by hand but I was nervous about losing the small parts. Anyway, I put my slow cooker away and I am going to use this for now.

    My weight is coming along nicely. I just need to get through the next few nights without any hiccups. When I made my snack for last night I realized it was all protein and a piece of fruit. I need to add a carb so I am satisfied. Any suggestions?

    Happy Hump Day!
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Week 3 (Tuesday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 96 oz. Water ✔️
    🍽 Under Calories ✔️
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    TUES 1/19: 12,500 (spin) + 7,594 = 20,094
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 576 Member

    PW: 208.7
    CW: 207.6
    LTD: 45.0 pounds (SW 252.6)
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @iradi8 Thanks, you are so right...sometimes I just need to shout and it helps knowing everyone has these moments. I lost 2 today, of the 4, so it's happening....
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 576 Member
    1/19 Steps 14,156
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    iradi8 wrote: »

    PW: 208.7
    CW: 207.6
    LTD: 45.0 pounds (SW 252.6)

    Awesome loss! With 45 pounds gone you must be feeling great. Can you tell us how losing this weight has made a difference for you?
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