Shrinking Assets - January 2021 Team Chat



  • squeakmnm41
    squeakmnm41 Posts: 29 Member
    A suggestion. Maybe create a spreadsheet where we can log weights in individually.
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    There is a new function on our spreadsheet that will calculate your total loss for celebration purposes. We are missing few highest weights. If you don't mind sharing, please post or message me your highest weight.


    My highest weight was 214

    Mine of all time 265
    When I began the 3rd journey 9 years ago I was 256. When I decided to join mfp I was 205 been a yo yo since!! Lowest in 9 years was 160. Currently 180....goal is 150 for now.....when I get there I wanna keep going!!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Ok, we have you as a Sunday weigh in... I’ll get your day changed to Saturday.
    Tracking. Iweigh on Saturdays.

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    A suggestion. Maybe create a spreadsheet where we can log weights in individually.

    This was attempted several years ago. With 200+ people having access to a spreadsheet, it is a full time job correcting where someone messes up the formulas. This is why only captains and mods have access.

    First of a new year always has a few hiccups... it will get smoother.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    A suggestion. Maybe create a spreadsheet where we can log weights in individually.

    This was attempted several years ago. With 200+ people having access to a spreadsheet, it is a full time job correcting where someone messes up the formulas. This is why only captains and mods have access.

    First of a new year always has a few hiccups... it will get smoother.

    As Beka noted.... the 1st week is always crazy... let alone the first week of a new year. Plus we have over 30 members this month. Sorry on the ones I missed and needed reposted. Gotta remember though, we do this because we love the group and want us all to do and be better. We are not paid for this. I for one work 2 jobs, so sometimes I am not as present as Id like to be.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday:
    PW: 152.0
    CW: 153.4

    Well, this is not the way to go. But I'm having stomach issues and not sure WTH is going on w/my digestive system- I feel bloated and upset; hopefully, this works itself out - I have been consistent with my workouts and tracking what I'm eating-maybe too many veggies-my stomach doesn't take kindly to having too much fiber intake.


    No apologies!!! Take care of yourself!!!! Try some magnesium citrate. It works wonders for me for occasional bloat and to get things moving again. I like the gummies because I’m a child and can’t take a real vitamin
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Weigh in Wednesday:
    PW: 152.0
    CW: 153.4

    Well, this is not the way to go. But I'm having stomach issues and not sure WTH is going on w/my digestive system- I feel bloated and upset; hopefully, this works itself out - I have been consistent with my workouts and tracking what I'm eating-maybe too many veggies-my stomach doesn't take kindly to having too much fiber intake.


    No apologies!!! Take care of yourself!!!! Try some magnesium citrate. It works wonders for me for occasional bloat and to get things moving again. I like the gummies because I’m a child and can’t take a real vitamin

    I 2nd the gummies and you can usually find them on Amazon for a BOGO deal. The taste is kinda tart to me but def help with some bloating.
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    Weigh In Wednesday:

    CW: 236.2

    This is my first weigh in for the new year. I'm actually happy with it. I expected worse after the holiday eating! So yay for me. LOL.

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    boehle wrote: »
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Weigh in Wednesday:
    PW: 152.0
    CW: 153.4

    Well, this is not the way to go. But I'm having stomach issues and not sure WTH is going on w/my digestive system- I feel bloated and upset; hopefully, this works itself out - I have been consistent with my workouts and tracking what I'm eating-maybe too many veggies-my stomach doesn't take kindly to having too much fiber intake.


    No apologies!!! Take care of yourself!!!! Try some magnesium citrate. It works wonders for me for occasional bloat and to get things moving again. I like the gummies because I’m a child and can’t take a real vitamin

    I 2nd the gummies and you can usually find them on Amazon for a BOGO deal. The taste is kinda tart to me but def help with some bloating.

    Thanks b/c I have not heard of those before!! Interesting....and thank you for the support-it means alot 😘
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    There is a new function on our spreadsheet that will calculate your total loss for celebration purposes. We are missing few highest weights. If you don't mind sharing, please post or message me your highest weight.


    Highest weight 176 lbs. Not good for a 5'2" person.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Good morning crew!!!

    @hipari alluded to Yesterday’s train wreck above. She is absolutely right, this is not the forum to air political beliefs, grievances, or anything else. Please keep your political thoughts to those forums.

    However, it is very fair to say “I had a stressful day today and binged.” Considering probably +75% of us are in the US, we will understand.

    Let’s all just keep it nice!!!

    Thank you!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    So far I've been on-track with my calories this week! I want to weigh myself early, but I told myself I'd limit myself to once a week so I didn't worry too much about the daily flux. Staying strong, and reading all your guys posts for inspiration! <3

    I totally support your choice to weigh once a week. I’m the other extreme. I weigh every day. I’ve been on the journey for a while and have embraced the fluctuations.

    Yep, I’m a nerd and have a spreadsheet for that, too!!!! My goal for myself was to be under 170 for the week by my Saturday weigh in... I was 169.8 this am. Yay me!!!

    The bottom line is, do what makes YOU feel comfortable!! You got this and we are here to cheer you on!!!

  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 352 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    Well, the past two days have been a dumpster fire. Tuesday was a lot of random snacking, but I decided to excuse that and Wednesday as getting rid of last of the Christmas chocolate. Thought I was done with the munchies for the day/week on Wednesday night, until my husband bought a giant chocolate bar for some reason and half an hour later the news exploded. I stress ate almost the entire chocolate bar. Not good. Also didn't make it to bed until 2AM as I doomscrolled all possible news outlets and was way too wound up to sleep. Great start to the workday today.

    (just to make sure: I have no intention of discussing politics here, this is merely about my stupid reaction to said politics and events)

    We are on the same track, from the Christmas candy to the doomscrolling after bedtime. My son moved to DC in September so once I heard the news I was naturally very concerned. Fortunately he doesn’t live very near the Capitol, but he does live near some hotels and I worried things would get tense after curfew. Basically, my productivity for the day went out the window after lunch. So I got up this morning to another one pound gain and this is just not acceptable. Plus, we are going to Houston to celebrate my daughter’s birthday this weekend so that’s basically three days of eating out and around 9 hours sitting in the car over the weekend. I’ve just gotta keep stable over the weekend and my January 1 will start on Monday.

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    Yesterday I kept on track, thankfully, but mentally and emotionally exhausted from yesterday-too much☹ I watched it too much....shame on me so tuning it out today to keep my sanity.
    I was soooooo exhausted I debated on cancelling my barre class @ 2AM b/c it was 4 hours before my class; otherwise, I'm charged $15 for cancelling less than 4 hours.....BUT I WENT!!!
    That makes 6 days in a row for barre😘
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