January - Nutritarian New Year!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    I've only used my Instant Pot once, Bisky. I hope to get more acquainted with it once the kitchen remodel is done. How did your doc appointment go?

    No raisins and PB today Austin?

    Doing okay here... so busy I will skip a meal here and there, but also grabbing a handful of skinny pop or crackers here and there. Need to find some balance.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,032 Member
    Austin Thank you. My anemia seems to have corrected itself for what ever reason. I have to be careful of dried fruits to.

    Well we were notified of our next adventure. We are being sent to Misawa Japan for 2 years!!!!! Misawa is a very rural mountain area in northern Japan. Beautiful places to hike and walk dogs! Close to places I want to cross off our bucket list: NZ, Australia, Thailand and Vietnam. Lots of Ramen, Tofu and miso soup in my future! This is close to our base. https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3658.html

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,032 Member
    Mihani - I have another appointment this Tuesday. No clear answer on anemia but I have been stable. Kitchen remodel sounds exciting!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Wow, wow, wow Bisky!! That's very exciting going to Japan for 2 years. I'm not really much of a traveler but Japan is one place I'd love to visit.

    Still swamped with work here, and spent a good portion of the weekend clearing out my kitchen so the remodel can start. That was a chore.

    I'm planning to eat mostly salads, Dr. McDougall soups, fruit, and ready to drink plant based shakes for the time the kitchen is out of commission. Just want to keep things simple.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    Hi Mihani!
    I had a couple of PB and raisins days last week. I'd love to just have no raisins in the pantry for a bit, but my son eats them. It may sound silly, but I put a bright sticker on the top of them, just a reminder to stop and think, and that has worked well.
    I did get a little container for vitamins. Thanks for the idea!
    I hope the kitchen work is going smoothly. It sure sounds exciting.

    Looking for a February thread name -- Frisky in February?

    Bisky -A huge wow to getting to go to Japan for 2 years! What an adventure! The pictures at that liunk look spectacular!
    I am glad the anemia has been stable.
