What's on your mind today?



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    cnorman100 wrote: »
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    back again ... I have been lazy for logging. So I am out of the Winner's Circle already - but still working towards Championship. Caught up on my reading here - see that we are more into food and Food Macro/Micro fine-tuning than books at the moment (just as well - I need to get my nose out of books and back to doing less sedentary activities when not "at work")

    Great to see you back @KCJen !! I answered the PM you sent me!

    Sorry, did I crash the book club?

    As the entry right under yours mentioned, there was no true "book club" in place, so nothing to crash!

    This thread is for WHATEVER people want to share or ask about ... and we already seem to have shifted a bit from food logging to fitbits (or equivalents) to target heartrate zone research.

    Follow the flow, or add your own question / challenge being faced / victory or insight just achieved.
  • Winner_in_Life
    Winner_in_Life Posts: 955 Member
    Oh... This "Heart rate zone training" seems to be a complicated thing... and for a younger folk
    this is the statistics for my last run
    Peak 69%
    Perform 28%
    Cardio 1%
    Fat Burn 1%
    Easy 1%
    Sure not so good from the point of science, but I can sustain this and hopefully improve this :)
  • fractaltiger
    fractaltiger Posts: 122 Member
    Oh... This "Heart rate zone training" seems to be a complicated thing... and for a younger folk
    this is the statistics for my last run
    Peak 69%
    Perform 28%
    Cardio 1%
    Fat Burn 1%
    Easy 1%
    Sure not so good from the point of science, but I can sustain this and hopefully improve this :)

    LOL, it is a bit complicated. When I did it I was using Polar heart rate monitors/watches. Their software could do a lot of the setting up for you but I know several who use coaches to help them through this kind of training. If you aren't careful, it can turn into "work" instead of "fun". I prefer the fun at this stage of my life.
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    KCJen wrote: »
    I was curious if anyone watches their heart rate and tries to stay in certain heart rate zones like fat burning, cardio, etc when exercising? I am thinking the fat burn zone is where I need to work up to. I am still learning about the heart rate zones so I would like to hear from everyone since there is a wealth of information in the UAC group and the UAC members! :)

    I have worked out to heart rate zones and it does work. You need a good base to start from though (several weeks or months of non targeted light cardio) to get the most from it. The base needed varies by person, fitness level, and age, etc.

    If you want to do this some fitness/heart rate monitors do it better than others. Things like measuring fitness level, having alarms that tell you when you are below or over the targeted range, etc. It is worth the research while you build your base and maybe talking to a pro.

    I got a Fitbit Inspire 2 this past weekend, and I just found out how it will track the heart rate zones like resting, fat burning, cardio, and peak for when I am on my treadmill. I understand that to lose weight I need to get my heart rate up as well, and this will help me build up speed, intensity, and length of time on the treadmill. :)

    Thank you for your posts on this @fractaltiger and thanks for the article you posted @Winner_in_Life
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    edited March 2021
    I prefer the fun at this stage of my life.

    This should be the Quote of the Day!! Love this. I just turned 50, and I agree. I need more "fun".
  • Winner_in_Life
    Winner_in_Life Posts: 955 Member
    KCJen wrote: »
    I prefer the fun at this stage of my life.

    This should be the Quote of the Day!! Love this. I just turned 50, and I agree. I need more "fun".

    I like this too :)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,136 Member
    Question thrown at me by fellow member: Reward yourself with a non-food reward, got me thinking. She suggested: bath (don't have one), magazine (don't read them), lipstick (don't wear makeup any more, masked all the time) ... so how do I reward myself? My rewards were always activities, coffee with friends, but everything is closed. I have never been a shopper ... I have a small apartment, try to keep stuff to a minimum.
    I have come up with: flowers and little plants for my balcony, CD's (love music, don't like everything streamed, still have a CD player), perfume (expensive!). Art (far too expensive for me at the moment), a second-hand book (I get mostly e-books, but get fed up with all the screen-time but my bookshelves bulge already). I have too many clothes, shoes, bags. Another pair of earrings? Got loads, but they don't take up much room.
    How do you reward yourself? Do you? Don't say 'A nice walk', because that's what I am rewarding myself for!
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Like you @Chinkiri, I live in a small space. Furthermore, I do think I live minimally (at least compared to my relatives).

    New art is my reward for 2021 and my focus is local, BIPOC art created by women...which, ironically, tends to be cheaper despite being so evocative and purdy 😩 I have my eye - and wallet - on my first numbered piece.

    Other treats for me are:
    * spa days
    * plant acquisition (or successful propagation)
    * clothes' sales shopping (I snagged a brand new $105 cropped camo jacket for $4.99 yesterday. Was it a mistake?! Who cares? I ran out of the store like I stole it lol)
    * DIY projects or thrifting
    * Education (new language, skills, etc)

    It all depends on what calls you 🤷🏿‍♀️
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,054 Member
    @Chinkiri - I like costume jewelry so I’ve used rings as my major milestone awards thus far . I also use new clothes as rewards as they enforce behaviors when I get to get rid of something that no longer fits in favor something that does. I know you said you have tons of clothes but maybe a reward would be refreshing some pieces?

    Re: art - What if instead of rewarding yourself with art you rewarded yourself with signing up for a class or workshop to make the art?

    I also love mugs. Lol. So mugs that say passive aggressive things that I can use while I’m working that make me laugh and feel better about dealing with someone of the people I have to deal with daily at work.
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,136 Member
    Brilliant, @MaltedTea, we have things in common! French thrift stores are not really a thing, but I used to love them in England, and as for Brussels, Belgium, it's vintage paradise! Spa days etc. will have to wait post lockdown. I do buy art, have several artist friends and acquaintances. I need to buy a drill though, to get stuff on the walls! I feel inspired to buy myself more pictures as a reward now!
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    @Chinkiri I reward myself with new workout clothes but I've kind of reached the max on that space wise too. I've also done some where I upgraded things I already had, like new bedding, blankets, pretty bowls. Fresh cut flowers are a favorite but those are already on your list! What about fancy soaps, lotions or something like that? I get a seasonal box from Margot Elena - all her packaging is so pretty. It will change but often has a perfume, lip balm, stationary, lotion, and shower gel. I don't know if you are interested in any of those things, but they make me feel pampered!
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,136 Member
    @Bovaryoo Little tray baskets in my shower have now yet again collapsed. Time to put a DIY person on my wish list to do all the other stupid things I cannot do myself ...
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,136 Member
    @fractaltiger Brilliant!
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    @Chinikiri I think I will make fabric as my reward! I started quilting again when coronavirus hit, and I love it. It is very calming to me, which is what I need right now since I have too much stress currently. I have some weight to lose, so I think I will also use a new piece of clothing as future rewards as well. I have used nail polish in the past too.