Downsizers - April 2021 Team Chat



  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @AlphaEliJoe Happy birthday! I hope you had a great day and sure you will reach two-terville shortly.

    @rlaskey2 your family day sounds like a lot of fun and great job on taking half your meal home.

    @Tazaria87 Great loss your dedication and consistency are inspiring.

    @red1185 please take TheresaM787's advice. I have found that you need to set non scale goals or you get too wrapped up in the scale. Take pride in all your accomplishments and remember water weight can mask fat loss on the scale.

    @lindamtuck2018 glad your hip feels better and I feel you on the neuropathy. It always felt like electric shocks or being hit by a baseball bat to me. Your Cobb salad sounds yummy and the organization skills you have to preplan meals and pre log is incredible.

    @rwood566 If the pork loin is a homemade recipe you can enter it in the recipe builder function otherwise you could enter it in the user database. Not sure how to do it but sure there are threads explaining how to.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 Heres to saying goodbye to that grapefruit and a rapid recovery.

    Have been reading the second chapter in "Atomic Habits: on self identity. It is amazing the power that words have. Will work on his suggestions. I always research and daily read topics on skills that I am working to improve whether it is weight loss, exercise form, a college class or something that interests me. They fuel my enthusiasm and when I learn a skill, make me feel that I have some sort of control over my outcomes.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member

    Steps 4/24 14,683
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @AlphaEliJoe great loss. Bust that door off it's hinges.

    @Beautyofdreams it was store bought but not on the list properly. Thanks for the info. I'll try to figure it out.

    Check in for 4/24
    Steps - 10576 oh my aching feet
    Calories - 1600 and change. I must be figuring them wrong somehow. I used to fight to be under 2k.
    Exercise - 4 mile walk this morning. Got light headed a couple times but got thru it. Going to the wild animal park tomorrow.

    Since so many here are reading 'Atomic Habits' I might as well join the book club. I'll look for it in the store.

    Have a wonderful sunday.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    :star:WEEK FIVE CHALLENGE is up! This week you will give up something that has been causing you to struggle and replace it with something that will help you move closer to your goals. Let's finish April strong!! B)
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I was back from vacation on Tuesday but just logging in today and looking at an extra 2.8 pounds. It is really difficult (for me) to not go over calories when you eat out every meal. I know a lot of this will be sugar and gluten. We were in Hood River, my son's new home, and it was such a joy to see how happy he is. One of our adventures was determining the best pizza place AND the best Mexican food restaurant so I guess I just explained the reason for the extra pounds! I hope everyone has a great week.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Weigh in day - Sunday
    PW 119.6
    CW 119.6

    Congratulations on your son's new home. Yes, dining out for more than one meal a day is EXTREMELY difficult for me too, even if I split my portion, it's still challenging. Well done 363, under three pounds when eating out for every meal is actually really impressive! Restaurants cook with more butter and salt, than home cooks. We know those two ingredients are responsible for some weight gain. The good news is that you were able to enjoy your time with your son and see how happy he is in his new home. You built some happy memories. More good news, now that you're home you get to return to your routine. The weight will come off, you'll be left with those happy family time memories.

    Wow, over 10,500 steps! Way to go 🎉🎉🎉
    Yes, I listened to the audiobook, Atomic Habits, and found it really insightful. I actually borrowed it a few times from my library, just to have another listen. I was introduced also to Half Size Me (podcast) and have been binging episodes.

    Stellar walk! I really need to choose a smart watch.

    I'm glad you like what you're reading so far in Atomic Habits. Half Size Me (podcast) also has some terrific realistic suggestions. I do that also, I love to research about what I'm currently working on.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post April 22
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 84oz
    Steps 2079
    Exercise Rest Day

    My husband surprised us yesterday by getting off work early and going with me to pick our son up from school. He's been working some late nights trying to get a project done so it was really nice. On the way home he wanted to surprise the kids by picking up ice cream from the local shop that just opened for the season.

    I've been thinking a lot lately about how life will be when I get to maintenance. I'm less than 20 pounds from goal now. In the past year I've always put such a strict ban on things like that. In the past, having some ice cream with my family would have sent me into a spiral. I would have thought about having more and more until I caved and ate everything in sight for awhile. I would have viewed the ice cream as 'cheating' and had a 'well I've already messed up, might as well....' attitude. But I've slowly learned that, for me, it's ok for ice cream or other treats to be a part of my life now, every now and then.

    Long story short, I decided to enjoy some ice cream with the rest of my family. I got myself a kiddie portion of vanilla with hot fudge on it. The portion sizes at the local shop are huge so the kiddie was plenty for me. When we got home, it felt nice and it felt normal to sit at the counter with my family and enjoy a treat we don't have very often. When it was gone, I felt satisfied. I picked up all the containers, washed out the leftover ice cream my kids didn't eat (instead of eating it, like it the past), and we went about our day no problem.

    Since my husband had the afternoon and evening off, I used yesterday as my rest day to hang out with him instead of spending our time on the treadmill. Today is grocery shopping day so steps won't be a problem, and it's suppose to be nice this weekend so I'm hoping to get outside for some walks.

    I love this post and the changes you are feeling about participating, but in a healthy way, with the family for the special treat. It is very motivating.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 Great weight loss! I'm so glad you are getting your appointment for the MRI, though it is a month away, I'm sure that makes you feel hopeful. It will just be the beginning and prayers for you that you find a solution to your pain.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @healthygirlintransit 3.65 %
    2nd @lindamtuck2018 3.28%
    3rd @jimboden3 2.50 %

    1st @heathygirlintransit 8.0 Lbs
    2nd @lindamtuck2018 7.2 Lbs
    3rd @jimboden3 5.3 Lbs



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember that even if your team doesn’t rank the highest in weight loss for the week you can still be the Green Percentage winner by having the most losses in your team! So keep it up!! B)

  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    edited April 2021
    Daily Post April 24
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 84oz
    Steps 11865
    Exercise 65min walk around the lake

    Yesterday ended up being a high step count day! Just before lunch I got the lawn mowed. As we were finishing up lunch my mom texted about walking so we went for a walk outside. When we got home, I had a snack and then decided to shampoo the carpet in the basement at the bottom of the steps. After that, I was ready to just sit haha. We got the kids off to bed, watched a couple episodes of a show and went to bed ourselves.

    Today I think we might walk again. It's going to be nice outside so my parents want to set up corn hole too. Should be a great day to just hang out outside.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    I love reading everyone’s post about meeting with friends and family. They give me so much hope.

    Shake things up to break your plateau. Making a change in your exercise or diet may do it.

    Awesome loss and steps! At the beginning of the May challenge can you post your progress pictures again? It would be great motivation for the new people starting this month. Also, it will help the rest of us.

    Nice stepping!

    Great workout! Which fitness watch are you considering?

    Nice loss! You have a really good loss falling in the 1 to 2 pound weight. At your weight it is ok to lose a little more. A change in exercise will help. What’s your calorie deficit? Happy belated birthday! 🥳

    I always describe it as someone repeatedly stabbing me with a knife. I have to get Atomic Habits. Maybe someone will get it for Mother’s Day for me.

    Sounds like a good vacation. Those vacation pounds will disappear fast.

    Do you weigh your food? It gives a more accurate calorie count. When searching for things putting usda in front of it will give an accurate calories count. At least that was the recommendation given to me.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Saturday’s check in
    ✅Steps 9,058

    I was so caught up in my bad mood yesterday I walked further that I intended. So that and groceries really raised my steps. It was rough on the way back and the grocery shopping with the pain. I sucked it up and got through it. We ended up having Firehouse subs yesterday I got a medium but it was still huge. It was the first time we had it and it was really good. Of course I had another jump in water weight but it will drop over the next few days. I see drinking extra water in my future. I have to go to a different supermarket today as they didn’t have my Nestea water drops. The drops really increase my water intake.

    I broke the rules yesterday and visited my granddaughters outside for 10 minutes. We stayed 6 ft apart, wore masks and no hugs. It made me feel so much better. I am going to do a short walk today in a few very soon.

    Have a super Sunday!
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 12,762

    Wondering how many days I can keep up my step streaking, 11 days so far. Kids go back to school tomorrow. Yesterday we went to the beach for a few hours since it was so unseasonably nice here and then did my lower body workout. 4 weeks of this program almost complete. Had the rest of my leftover homemade pasta for dinner and back to skinnytaste dinners starting tonight. We went over to a neighbors house for drinks and s’mores over the fire. We do this a lot in the warm weather months. Luckily in warm weather I prefer the lighter seltzer drinks that are only 100 calories. Last night I had two high noon cans which are
    Vodka and flavored seltzer.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Username: Beautyofdreams
    Weigh-In Day: Sunday
    PW: 150.0
    CW: 146.8
    LTD: 76.6
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    edited April 2021
    A BIG CONGRATS to @lindamtuck2018 , @jimboden3 and @TheresaM787 for coming in 1st 2nd 3rd for our AHHHHHmazing team ....well done you 3 :):):)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    Another reminder for those people I still need steps from :

    @Piqueaboo - 4/24
    @888Angie888 - 4/22-4/24
    @azkunk - 4/19-4/24
    @Z1ORtza- 4/21-4/24
    @lcfa5317 -4/23-4/24
    @red1185 - 4/24
    @missysave0612 -4/22-4/24
    @transparentenigma -4/18-4/24
    @bluetail6- 4/24

    I will be zeroing out the steps that I do not have by 4/26 evening ...Thanks for your cooperation :)
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Awesome loss and steps! At the beginning of the May challenge can you post your progress pictures again? It would be great motivation for the new people starting this month. Also, it will help the rest of us.

    Absolutely! I've been thinking lately that I should get out a picture of me at my heaviest and put it up next to my current picture. I'll get it done and post when the May board opens!
This discussion has been closed.