Downsizers - April 2021 Team Chat



  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 4/26: 7,835

    I have been way off plan since Friday-no tracking, not much exercise, drinking beer and eating all the things sweet, savory, crunchy and salty. The scale jumped up over 10 pounds! Holy Moly!
    Back on track as of today. Started out at the gym and my food is pre-logged for the day. Fingers crossed that the damage is quickly reversed.🤞

    Happy Tuesday!
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post April 26
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 111oz
    Steps 10311
    Exercise 65min walk around the lake

    I got my wish for outside exercise! My dad texted in the afternoon that him and my mom were planning on walking after they got off work. After my nieces got picked up we met out there and I brought my daughter in the stroller. My son said he was too tired from school to walk so he stayed home with my husband. It was gorgeous outside, just a touch humid, but I'll take it over the cold.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 I got my delivery for this week - the per serving calories are: 580, 740 and 850!!! I am definitely going to have to "play" with this to make sure I'm not tempted to overeat. It already serves 6 because it is meant for 2, but I'm going to have to break it into more meals or the scales will not be my friend. An online quarter auction sounds like such fun! I had not heard of those before. Hope you have fun.
    @rwood566 great job using your willpower!
    @rlaskey2 good luck with snack cut-back. I agree with your statement "I don't want to spend another day feeling uncomfortable"
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @888Angie888 - Sounds like you had fun over the weekend! Glad you are back to the gym and tracking. I can really let myself go when I don't track.
    @Tazaria87 It's been nice weather here, too, and it is so good for enjoying life in the sunshine!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,869 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 - I would like to keep weighing while recovering from surgery ....I just want to know where I am with my weight...if I gain oh well ...if I lose awesome-sauce...I had excused myself from the step challenge but I think I will just lower my steps to 2000 instead of 15,000....I know I will be out of it tomorrow to post steps but I will try my best to get up Thursday and do them then ........Thanks for being an awesome captain ...I am so happy to be your counterpart :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 - I would like to keep weighing while recovering from surgery ....I just want to know where I am with my weight...if I gain oh well ...if I lose awesome-sauce...I had excused myself from the step challenge but I think I will just lower my steps to 2000 instead of 15,000....I know I will be out of it tomorrow to post steps but I will try my best to get up Thursday and do them then ........Thanks for being an awesome captain ...I am so happy to be your counterpart :)

    Awe Megan you made me blush. You are pretty awesome yourself!
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Y’all are awesome, and so incredibly supportive. I appreciate all the kind words and motivation. I’m usually on here much more, especially to document my steps, but lately I’ve just been in a mental funk that I can’t seem to shake. I started using BetterHelp (the zoom therapy thing)...hopefully it helps! It can’t hurt, right?

    What I will say, is that, I was finally able to spend some time with people I haven’t seen since the start of the pandemic. That was so much fun, and so needed. I got to cook, which I love (but I haven’t been in the mood recently), and we got to just hang out with wine, have awesome conversation, and really have a small sense of normalcy.

    I’ve been dealing with change in my life - which I am NOT good, a sense of normalcy was really welcome.

    @Bluetail6 I can’t thank you enough for recommending this group. Everyone here is awesome.
    @TheresaM787 and @Beautyofdreams thanks for the support. NSVs are a great idea - I always forget about them!
    @azkunk when the scale goes the opposite direction, even a little bit...isn’t it so frustrating? Ugh.... I try to tell myself that it’s not a big deal, but I still find that I get annoyed.
    @lindamtuck2018 ”break up the routine” that’s a good idea. Taking the dog on a neighborhood walk seemed to help awhile back. Maybe I’ll try that. Also, congratulations on your LTD! That’s awesome!!

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 i apologize for not updating my steps everyday....the last few days to a week, I just haven’t been feeling great (mentally). I am uploading them for the past few days now.
    4/23: 4,164
    4/24: 5,761
    4/25: 2,374
    4/26: 7,984
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,869 Member
    red1185 wrote: »
    Y’all are awesome, and so incredibly supportive. I appreciate all the kind words and motivation. I’m usually on here much more, especially to document my steps, but lately I’ve just been in a mental funk that I can’t seem to shake. I started using BetterHelp (the zoom therapy thing)...hopefully it helps! It can’t hurt, right?

    What I will say, is that, I was finally able to spend some time with people I haven’t seen since the start of the pandemic. That was so much fun, and so needed. I got to cook, which I love (but I haven’t been in the mood recently), and we got to just hang out with wine, have awesome conversation, and really have a small sense of normalcy.

    I’ve been dealing with change in my life - which I am NOT good, a sense of normalcy was really welcome.

    @Bluetail6 I can’t thank you enough for recommending this group. Everyone here is awesome.
    @TheresaM787 and @Beautyofdreams thanks for the support. NSVs are a great idea - I always forget about them!
    @azkunk when the scale goes the opposite direction, even a little bit...isn’t it so frustrating? Ugh.... I try to tell myself that it’s not a big deal, but I still find that I get annoyed.
    @lindamtuck2018 ”break up the routine” that’s a good idea. Taking the dog on a neighborhood walk seemed to help awhile back. Maybe I’ll try that. Also, congratulations on your LTD! That’s awesome!!

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 i apologize for not updating my steps everyday....the last few days to a week, I just haven’t been feeling great (mentally). I am uploading them for the past few days now.
    4/23: 4,164
    4/24: 5,761
    4/25: 2,374
    4/26: 7,984

    I too have been in a funk lately so I can totally relate ....Thank you for posting your steps ...(they won't count this week since I already posted the results but it will count for the entire month :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    I am crossing my fingers that I actually win. Bookstore shopping is so much fun. I need some pointers on beating urges.

    Those 10 pounds will disappear fast now that you are back on plan.

    Love that you exercise with your parents.

    I never heard of betterhelp. I hope you find it helpful.

    Awesome loss! Hope your daughter is feeling better. Have a safe trip home.

  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Congratulations on the high numbers 🥳🎉👏👏
    @888Angie888 - 110,898 steps
    @Rlaskey2- 94,431 steps
    @iradi8- 82,185 steps
    @Piqueaboo - 70,339 steps

    Well done everyone who pledged 🤩👏👏👏

    Way to go Linda!!! You hit 3 out of 4 goals 👏👏👏. I hope the sleep app works. Something has to help. Fingers crossed for you

    Love wandering through a book store. Did you find anything? That’s hilarious that you we’re running out the clock 🤣

    I wore my husband’s Apple Watch (it’s a 3, I feel like he’s had it forever). It’s much larger than the little step trackers. He is convinced that I’ll be wanting one by the end of the week. I really liked the simplicity of the little step trackers- they just kept zeroing out throughput the day. We shall see.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Peloton 35 minutes, 9 miles, moderate effort
    Steps 8,200 - went on three short walks, borrowing husband’s Apple Watch (3).

    You are so dedicated- even post op, you’re still planning on getting in steps 🤩

    I hope BetterHelp is a comfort and provides some reassurance. I’m sorry you’ve been in a funk.
    That’s terrific that you had a great time and cooked.
    That was an impressive increase in steps on 4/26. Nicely done 👏👏👏👏
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Oh my goodness! I hope she’s ok. You’re right, life is never boring. Congratulations on your weight loss very impressive 👏👏

    Congratulations on hitting all five of your goals 🎉🎉 love that you meet up with your folks for walks. You’re creating beautiful memories.
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    04/27 steps=6,870

    Spent almost all day at the hospital with my daughter. I was hoping she would get discharged today, but no. I leave tomorrow morning, so I’m hoping one of her roommates can pick her up.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,916 Member
    You are very welcome. It is great that you got to spend time with friends. I'm ok with certain change... I found out over the weekend I need to make an unplanned trip out of State in a couple of weeks. Not that I mind, but I've spent most of the day playing phone tag changing various appts, some of which I've had set up since January. That is not the kind of change I care for, lol!! I agree, this is a fantastic and positive group😊🧡!!
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    That’s good, it sounds like she’s doing better. Hopefully she’ll be discharged early tomorrow. then she’ll get some good rest. Have a safe trip home.
    By the way, you still got A LOT of steps in. 👏👏
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    Hope and pray all goes well tomorrow and a speedy recovery too!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @888Angie888 I'm sorry about your slip. The main thing was that you caught it instead of giving up. congrats. those lbs will disappear with your renewed drive. at least you enjoyed your weekend.

    @TheresaM787 Congrats on becoming the team motivator. i'm positive you'll be great.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 good luck tomorrow. try not to stress to badly and i hope you warm up.

    @lcfa5317 very nice weight loss. my hat's off to you with all that emergency stress that jumped on you. i'm hoping your daughter is released soon and has a good recovery.

    @363days great planning for the large meals. way to see the potholes ahead and see the path safely thru. i hope they taste delish.

    i think that funk a couple of you wrote about is contagious. i've been feeling that all day and have been fighting a headache most of it.

    check-in for 4/27:
    steps - 7636.
    calories - squeaked under my 1800. when i make something from scratch i'm always nervous when i log it. did i actually get the amount i'm logging?
    exercise - a small 1.35 mile walk this morning in the breaking skies. i didn't get rained on, though. bummer. tomorrow i'm going to SeaWorld with my daughter. it's only been about 25 years.

    my bookstore trip was to buy atomic habits. i also looked at many cookbooks but thankfully i didn't buy another one. lol. I have a self-imposed deadline for eating which is 10pm. i used to eat until midnight while watching the late night shows. i am able to run out the clock by using my old habits against themselves. i was very lazy when i was super heavy and would actually call my family out to get me food instead of getting it myself. now i just sit on the couch and wait for 10 to get here instead of listening to my desire for snacks.

    have a great HUMP day, everyone. Just remember it's not LUMP day so don't sit on the couch like a lump of coal.
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