May we all be Healthy and Joyful

Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
Mihani, I might not have posted about Radar! We got him just before the border closed last year. He was my brother's dog, but he would get too aggressive/excited with my niece and nephews running around playing with friends outside and he also was chasing cars down the road. We have less excitement around here and a big back yard and field for him to run around in that is fenced so he won't get run over. He is so fast! He's an Entlebucher Mountain dog and a real snuggler. That sucks about your leftovers!

I didn't have a stellar day yesterday. I had a migraine which stopped me from doing anything active and I ate ...everything... Onward and upward!

Feeling much better today. Not sure what I'll get up to. We've been thinking about getting a battery powered combi tool for the yard for an eco friendly assist on some of the easier tasks. We'd get a weed whacker attachment with strings to trim and keep the other one with blade on for bushes, and get an edger attachment, then go from there as needed. Fewer separate machines to store and not having to deal with oil changes are another plus. So maybe I'll talk to Joe about picking that up in town today.

Meet Radar :) Will add better pics later, this is just what I could find on my pc.




  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    OMG... look at that face!!! He is adorable, Carla. I do remember you mentioning him now because I looked up the breed. I swear my memory lately... can't remember half what I have forgotten. Glad you are recovering from the migraine. Those suck. I have a couple Black and Decker battery operated yard tools. They are very cool, but I don't even do my own yard maintenance anymore. I have a guy who comes over and takes care of it because it's just too much for me. I have no time or energy left after work and taking care of the house. I definitely see a condo in my retirement future. One floor, no yard to deal with, no snow to shovel.

    A friend of mine came today to help me finish clearing up the main floor and clean. I spent about 6 hours on it and she was here for 4 hours. Everything is done! Just waiting for the new living room furniture now. Everything is back ordered right now, but they had said late April or early May for delivery so I hope furniture will be here soon. I love my new kitchen. Seriously. Love. If I had any energy left I'd cook tonight but I will wait until tomorrow. I'm crazy tired and will just have salad with some beans added. I'm at nearly 11,000 steps for the day so far which is really rare. My job is so sedentary that my goal is only 7000 and I sometimes don't even meet that if I don't treadmill or take a walk after work.

    Cooking plans for the week are a big ol' stir-fry (bok choy, snow peas, green onion) and brown rice, balsamic roasted mushrooms, roasted broccoli (of course!), tacos (I enjoyed those a lot... with the baked corn tortillas for shells, pinto beans, stir-fry peppers and onion, salsa), Salads will be lettuce, radish, carrot, daikon, zucchini, punchy mustard dressing. I will spend a few hours tomorrow cooking and the rest working. I'm so far behind on everything at the office and I did not do any work at all today and don't intend to tonight.

    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB
    L - too busy to eat
    D - SO hungry! Going to have a huge salad with beans added, maybe a couple wasa crackers, a pear

    Looking forward to traveling this plant based road with y'all another month. :)

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I'm glad you're enjoying the heck out of your kitchen, Mihani! I've heard that furniture has been back ordered all over North America. Lots of seemingly random items in short supply. Fingers crossed LR furniture arrives soon.

    This weekend was all about, you guessed it, yard work! The perfect weather for me, low 70s with sunshine and a breeze. I worked on a pattern for a camper style bird house in Illustrator, but didn't put much time into it. I bought a book on book binding that I'm going to play around with. I've recently purchased a lot of decorative papers for my cards and paper crafts, so I have a good selection for book covers. I'm going to do a few with watercolor paper and some mixed-media type paper that can be used for anything.

    plan for the day:
    millet oatmeal w/ walnuts and blueberries
    baked tofu with sushi bowl
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    I was wiped out yesterday. My back and knees were sore from the seemingly thousands of trips up and down the stairs doing laundry, cleaning and moving things around on Saturday. Spent yesterday alternating work at my desk and taking breaks to read in bed which was more like naps with a book.

    I did make the stir-fry last night. Started to make the balsamic roasted mushrooms but the mushrooms were really slimy and had some moldy ones in the package. Very disappointing. I ended up throwing them all out. Did make a sheet of roasted broccoli. I truly missed my broccoli last week.

    Carla, you are always so ambitious with your projects and hobbies. I'm envious! I've never been that good at anything artistic so I lose interest because I'm unhappy with the end results.

    B - oats (plain just moistened with hot water... I was in a hurry)
    L - leftover stir-fry with soba noodles (this was really good last night and for lunch, light and refreshing), a handful of cashews
    D - big ol' salad with chickpeas and a simple miso ginger dressing, a pear
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    edited May 2021
    How do you make the miso ginger dressing Mihani? Naps with a book made me smile. Sounds lovely.

    I need to get my food back on track. Too many snacks, not enough greens and beans. There's some tu-no salad and a tabbouleh rerun in my future, once I place my next grocery order. If Safeway keeps offering pickup, we're probably going to continue with that, covid or no. I don't miss shopping and the shoppers have done a really good job at picking out good stuff.

    I get my second covid vaccine tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully I don't get slammed too hard with symptoms.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Carla, good luck with your vaccine. I still feel like maybe I'm a bit more fatigued than usual after the second shot last week, but overall the reactions weren't terrible and didn't last long.

    I can't find my Engine 2 Seven Day Rescue book with the recipe but I found a prior post where I shared the recipe. I love it. Light and tasty, and easy peasy. You don't even need to clean the blender it mixes up nicely with a whisk.

    For about 1/2 cup...
    2 T white miso
    2 T peeled and grated fresh ginger
    2 T pure maple syrup
    1 T rice vinegar
    3 T water
    1 tsp sesame seeds

    I usually use about 1/4 tsp dried ginger rather than fresh because I'm lazy like that and don't always have fresh ginger on hand. I also use less water because I like it thicker. I always have a jar of toasted sesame seeds and use those. If I am planning a whole week of dressing then I make a double batch and leave the sesame seeds out just add a sprinkle to the salad when I serve it up. If you wanted it ETL compliant you could use date sugar dissolved in a bit of hot water rather than maple syrup and use the full amount (or more) of water.

    I made hummus last night and planned to use the Engine 2 Seven Day recipe, but as I mentioned I can't find the book so I used this recipe:

    1 can chickpeas, drained
    2 cloves garlic, chopped
    2 - 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    1 teaspoon Bragg's Liquid Aminos
    3 tablespoons water or vegetable broth

    BUT, I changed it up because I remember the book recipe had dijon so I added a tablespoon of that. I also reserved the aquafaba for liquid rather than using water or broth. I started with about 3 T and kept adding a little more to the food processor until it looked smooth and creamy. I have to say, this is the best batch of no oil hummus I've ever made. I am totally addicted. I think the addition of the bragg's may be the key adding that bit of umami.

    Today was busy, but I left work early to take the boy to the vet. He's good and doc says he's in good shape. Yay!

    B - oats with chia seeds and blueberries
    L - leftover roasted broccoli
    D - will be a big ol' salad topped with the hummus, maybe a pear

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    edited May 2021
    Carla, hope your shot went okay and you don't have much if any side effects.

    Austin and hawksgirl, hope you are well. Miss you!

    I have had a good week, which I almost hate to say out loud. No major fires to put out at work and it has been a little less crazed so I can get some work finished. Shhhh...

    Weather is up and down like crazy. I just turned the furnace back on because it's freezing in here, but last week I had to switch to A/C because the heat was killing the old dog. And to be honest his old(ish) mom. LOL

    I am finding myself craving good food all the time, and happy about that. I took chopped veggies and hummus, along with leftover stir-fry and soba noodles to work today. Ate about half the raw veggies and hummus and all the stir-fry, and had a handful of cashews. Breakfast was leftover roasted broccoli. Dinner is late as I was at the office late, but will be having a big ol' salad with more of the hummus. I don't think it really can be called "hummus" when there's no oil or tahini, but it's darn good stuff.

    I am not eating as much fruit this week though. Need to work on that.

    Meeting up with some friends Friday night at a bar/restaurant we love. Can't wait. I am not really a very social person, but Covid has made me actually miss being around people!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hi there!
    Sorry to have been quiet. I have been eating, well, badly. I have been battling the blues and been stressed out about the end of the school year (2 more weeks of classes!).
    My pants are tighter, so time to buckle down!

    Today went pretty well, in terms of food and exercise. I did a 50 minute outdoor walk with my husband and several hours of yard work. I am sore!
    B - coffee and cashew milk
    L - collards, garbanzo beans & chopped tomatoes; steamed mushrooms, zucchini, broccoli & carrots; chopped mango, guava & apple
    S - apple & mango
    D - apple & mango, cashew milk (salad would have been better but I was beat!)

    Tomorrow -- salad for dinner, more yard work, an outdoor walk, hopefully some yoga (I signed myself up for a challenge to do an hour of yoga this week)

    @Mihani - Thanks for saying I was missed! I felt all warm and fuzzy at that thought!
    Enjoy that restaurant trip!

    @Carla_wfpb - Radar is the cutest! Great name, too. I had a pet rooster as a kid, and he was named Radar.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Austin, nice to see you :) Are you a teacher or is the stress about your kiddos?

    Mihani, great to hear about your upcoming evening out with friends. I haven't been out to a restaurant since before March 2020. I drove through town to drop off some mail at the post office and saw a couple of restaurants have been closed, including one with a cool courtyard that my mom and I used to enjoy going to. This area has a lot of independent businesses rather than chains, and I'm hoping that doesn't shift post-pandemic.

    I'm feeling super tired this morning after yesterday's vaccine and my arm is a little tender. I'm probably going to have to give in and have a nap. I powered through some work that I wanted to get done today so the rest of my day will probably be filled with naps and reading. I just grinned while typing that!

    Not sure what I'll be having for meals...easy things probably. We have some cans of Amy's chili that sound about my speed right now.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hi Austin! I am glad you checked in. Hope the stress gets better. All those steamed veggies sound delicious. Hope you aren't as sore today. I had a pet rooster too, back in high school... how funny! Don't even feel like you shouldn't be here when you aren't 100%. If I felt that way this group would have died years ago. LOL

    Carla, I have been out to a restaurant exactly once since probably December 2019 and that was just a couple months ago to meet a couple friends at the bar for one drink then headed on home. I am SO looking forward to this. We have lost a lot of small independent restaurants too, which makes me so sad. My favorite restaurant is still around though, and that's where we're going. It's not a chain but the owner has two locations in town. I have plans to get together with another friend next Thursday. I hope you are feeling better today. I was really tired for several days after that second shot. I hope you enjoy naps with books!

    B - roasted broccoli and a slice of ezekiel toast with some of my homemade hummus
    L - Dr. McDougall soup and an apple, raw veggies and hummus
    S - got into the pretzels at the office... ugh!
    D - big ol' salad with punchy mustard dressing
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Still feeling that vaccine, though less tired than yesterday. Didn't accomplish much of anything, though I did get a small-ish table I plan to refurbish cleaned and partly sanded. There's still time to take a before shot, so I should do that while I'm thinking about it.

    Hope you're having a great time with your pals tonight, Mihani!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hi all, had a great time tonight. Got stuck at the office late so I didn't have time to get home and let the boy out, so I only stayed a little over an hour, but it was really nice. Felt good to be out with friends. One of the guys said it felt like a decade since we've had a real party, and that's so true. I'm planning to have a party here as soon as all the work on the house is finished. Had two drinks. Will eat a good healthy salad for dinner now that I'm home.

    Carla, I am still somewhat fatigued almost two weeks after that second shot. One of my friends tonight said it was a good two weeks before he started feeling like he was back to usual level of energy, so I guess we're "normal".

    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB, melon
    L - Dr. McDougall soup, an apple, couple wasa crackers
    D - big ol' salad with punchy mustard dressing and chickpeas

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hello, all!
    Quick check-in, as I have to get up early to drive the kiddo to a camping thing early in the morning.

    Mihani, I am so glad you had fun with your friends, and glad you are starting to feel better, even if not 100% yet.

    I had a decent food day today, though I switched out salad for fruit at dinner since I had a Zoom meeting at dinner time and needed to hurry.
    B - coffee and cashew milk
    L - spinach, black beans & chopped tomatoes; steamed mushrooms, zucchini & carrots; chopped butternut, jicama & apple; cashew milk
    S - apple
    D - peaches, blueberries, apple, smidge of PB

    Yawn! Off to get some good sleep!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Austin, love all the fruit! I have a watermelon to cut into today. Yummmm. Hope you got a good night's sleep. And you keep reminding me that I have to get jicama. I only had it that one time and loved it.

    I slept in this morning, had some coffee (which I rarely do), and then had a slice of ezekiel toast and some lentil veggie soup from my freezer stash which was like a late breakfast/early lunch. Tonight I plan to make baked tofu, sauteed onion and greens (have beet greens, collards and kale), and roasted cauliflower and carrots with lemon tahini glaze. That should last several days of dinners. Salads this week will be mixed lettuces, carrot, radish, beet, scallions, english cucumber, chickpeas. Going to make ginger miso dressing again.

    Got a little work done earlier, going to take a nap and then get at more work. I plan to work all day tomorrow although I'm also going to visit my "mom" who was my mom's best friend and has been so wonderful to me all these years since my own mother died. It will be 30 years this June since my mom died, and I have scheduled that day off. Going to have lunch with a friend who was close with her, and plant some daisies since it was her favorite flower (and mine). I used to have a bunch of daisies but the dogs trampled and killed them all. I think I will plant them in the front yard this time. :p
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, including pet moms!

    I had a nice visit with my "mom" and her daughters. Now I have to get back up to my desk and get more work done.

    My dinner last night was SO good. The lemon tahini sauce is super simple just 1/4 cup each tahini, lemon juice, water. Tossed about half of it with cauliflower and carrots before roasting, and will use the rest to drizzle over bowls. Cooked the onion and greens with garlic and a splash of bragg's. Made a pot of farro so I'll make bowls for the next few days with roasted veggies, greens, and baked tofu.

    Forgot I still had a good amount of honeydew left in the fridge already chopped up so I haven't cut into the watermelon yet. Probably tomorrow.

    B - nope
    L - big ol' salad
    D - big ol' bowl, honeydew
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!

    Quiet weekend here with yard work, reading, and watching movies.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Sounds like a really nice weekend, Carla!

    Today was good, really busy. Just wrapped up work I brought home for the evening and heading to bed.

    B - nope
    L - big ol' bowl, half an apple
    D - big ol' salad, honeydew

    I really enjoyed my meals today. I think I'm going to stick with bowls for lunches for a while. Ate the last of the honeydew tonight so I'm looking forward to slicing into the watermelon tomorrow.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Not much new around here. Food is meh, not great but not terrible. I've had my instant pot burn my millet oatmeal a few times now. The first time I thought that I forgot to set it to 'seal', but since then I've been careful to double check and have still had 2 additional burns. It turned out good today, but I stayed close by to futz with the valve.

    There's a large used furniture sale going on this weekend in a huge barn that I'm going to check out. Maybe they have a furniture store? Or they've been hording for 100 years? From the photos it looks like more furniture than in some furniture stores. I need a few pieces for practicing with my new paint gun.

    We might stop at a local nursery to pick up a few plants while we're out with the truck (depending on how 'done' Joe is after furniture shopping, and how much room is left in the truck!) I'll post pics of any plants and furniture we end up with.

    Speaking of photos, here's the (mostly) 'before' shot of the table I'm going to practice with first. It was left in the garage 5 years ago by the previous owners of our home. It was pretty banged up and has been out in our shop this whole time so I'm not too worried about things going awry with it.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hope you stumbled across some good finds in furniture and plants, Carla. Can't wait to see how the table you're working on turns out.

    I am seriously swamped at work. Boss is leaving on vacation next week and I am so happy he's going to be gone for a week so we can do some catching up, but we're scrambling to get some things done before he takes off, and our secretary has been off two days sick. Not her fault but bad timing for me. I'm almost sure she will be off tomorrow and possibly even Friday.

    I ate the last of my farro/roasted veggie/greens bowls today for lunch. I really enjoyed those and plan to do a lot more bowls. I think the sauce is what makes it, and I have been lazy about making sauces in the past. I have Vegan Richa's Everyday Kitchen cookbook and she has a lot of sauces. Some have oil but I can play with the recipes to make them WFPB.

    Got on the scale this morning and I'm down 20 pounds from the first of the year. Woohoo! Of course, I had gained 15 last year so net is only 5. I have been in no way perfect but I have made sure I am eating lots and lots of greens, veggies and beans. It helps even when I'm eating other things that maybe aren't so great. I tried to imprint on my brain how Dr. F says the more greens you eat the more weight you lose. I'm not weighing myself often, maybe every 2 to 3 weeks, because I don't want to get fixated on the number on the scale. I would still like to take off another 20, but I'm not getting worked up about it.

    Geeze, I started this post like an hour ago and got sidetracked.

    B - nope
    L - big ol' bowl, apple
    D - big ol' salad

    I'm too tired to think about doing anything else tonight. I am going to bed early to read and fall asleep.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member

    Hey there!
    I am sleepy but wanted to check in and say hello!
    I am continuing to do lots of yard work, and I am tired and ready to rest!
    I a little bit wish that I had taken "before" pictures to share with you later, but (A) I forgot and (B) I'd have been embarrassed to share them, if I had. Maybe I'll do "after" photos, though! We really had let the yard get out of shape, and the the Big Freeze in February killed so many things. Anyway, Wednesday is our trash pickup day, and I put out 15 of the 30-gallon brown paper leaf trash bags this morning. And then I filled two more working n the yard today. Phew!

    Oh, and I have gotten to plant a couple of new things. More of that soon. The new additions were Mexican heather and hummingbird bush.

    On the negative side, I had a so-so food day.
    B - coffee & cashew milk
    L/S - peanut butter & raisins
    D - steamed greens with black beans and tomatoes; corn and romaine salad; fresh apple; peaches & blueberries
    Better tomorrow!

    Mihani -- like you, I have sometimes logged on, gotten distracted and taken ages to finish a post!
    And thanks for the reminder to Eat More Greens!

    Carla_wfpb - I look forward to hearing ab9ut your plants!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Cute piglet pic, Austin! 15 huge trash bags?? wow!
    I should have taken before pics too Especially down in one corner of our field where we have a grouping of trees. It is next to the neighbors pond (and probably because it is near the neighbors yard is the reason we haven't spent much time there). It had huge branches down, lots of blackberries, and a jungle of tall grass. The after picture would look okay on its own, but would look wildly impressive next to a before picture.

    Mihani, grats on the 20 lbs down! That is awesome. Happy for you that the boss will be away so you can get some catch up work done. Did the secretary come in today?

    I made a run to Home Depot, for the first optional outing in forever. We picked out a garden dump cart (4 wheeled wheel barrow alternative thing), a tall ladder for power washing our barn roof, a heavy duty cabinet for storing tools in the shop, different paints and stains for my projects, and a few plants. Before we went, I made a list of the paints I needed for the projects I already have here at home, and its a good thing I did -- we are not going to go to the furniture sale after all. I have so many projects already on my list!

    Tomorrow we're stopping at our local nursery to get more plants and I have a doctor's appointment but that will be plenty. 2 outings in a row and I feel like I'm good staying at home for another year or so!

    New plants picked up today are Salvia in 3 varieties, some freesias, a barberry bush, columbine, 3 kinds of lavender and a couple of Ajugas aka bugleweed for ground cover. Those are mostly sun lovers, so tomorrow I'll be on the lookout for some shade plants and some partial sun. I am hoping to find a curly leaf hosta variety and some more hellabores, Hakonechloa for along the tree-line, and anything else that looks cool. Maybe a hanging basket if there are any nice ones left after mother's day.

    breakfast - came back too hungry to wait for millet porridge so had peanut butter on ezekiel bread
    lunch - popcorn and a pseudo healthy almond flour mug cake
    dinner - we're making sushi bowls w/ baked tofu