May we all be Healthy and Joyful



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    I haven't been feeling well the past couple days and suspect a sinus infection so I'm going to urgent care today. Have grocery delivery coming and going to do some cooking. Plan is roasted broccoli, oh she glows red lentil kale soup, baked tofu. Variety of greens sauteed with onion, mushrooms and red peppers. Going to use fajita seasoning on the greens and add pinto beans. The greens concoction will make yummy tacos topped with raw chopped red cabbage and salsa. Need to try the baked corn tortilla taco shells again and see if I can get them right. Will make plenty of good meals for the week and will make sure I freeze some right away so food won't go to waste like last week. Oh, and a pot of farro so I can make bowls for lunches with some of the veggies and tofu.

    Salads this week will be mixed lettuces, red cabbage, zucchini, radish, carrot, red and yellow pepper, english cucumber. Going to make the Clean Food Dirty Girl Lemon Tahini Dressing. I forgot about that recipe and it is so good. I use less dates and add whole peppercorns after it is blended. I'll use that to top my bowls and salads.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Great menu and exercise plans, Austin! I wonder if coffee deters slugs as well. They are a problem around here for us. Let me know how that goes for you.

    Mihani, hope you get a chance to relax a bit this weekend. I feel the same way about soups. Once I'm eating them, I wonder why I don't have them all of the time! I will pick up ingredients next shop for the red lentil kale soup.

    The US/Canada border will remain closed through at least June 21, and it sounds like probably until 75% of Canadians have been vaccinated. We might try to meet up with my family for my niece's 13th birthday and Father's Day at the 'Peace Arch' Park which lies on the border and is available to both sides.

    It is a foggy morning here, but once it clears a bit I'll be out getting some yard work done. Here's a pic of once of our Iris plants. Peonies are getting close but they can be sneaky. Big bids but still closed pretty tight.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Oh my goodness, guys! I forgot to tell you what happened on Thursday! I saw this table I wanted to pick up as part of my new refurbishing obsession on FB Marketplace. Joe agreed to go with me in the early afternoon where it isn't too bad for him to be away from his desk. We picked it up, i love it, but then on the way home we stopped at a little market place to pick up a few things and then our truck wouldn't start. The cell service there was very spotty and we couldn't just get a cab/uber home after a tow because we had the table in the bed. We had to get a double rescue from my FIL and his wife - he brought his 2 seater truck for the table, and then she brought her car to bring me home. All things considered, it went from a 1 hour trip to a 4 hour ordeal. We don't know what's up with the truck. It is in the shop and they won't get a chance to look until after memorial day weekend.

    Here's the table that is at the root of it all (pic from original seller). The center is a lazy susan!


    And while we were there, the guy asked "Do you like knobs?" and showed me these babies, 10 for $5! super stoked to have scooped these as well


  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    edited May 2021
    Sorry I didn't see your post until after I posted, Mihani...either posted around the same time or I didn't refresh the page that was already open. I hope you get on meds and start feeling better ASAP. You don't need to be feeling under the weather on top of being so busy. Take care. Glad you are going in. *hugs*
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Totally LOVE that table, Carla, and the knobs are so cute! And the irises look beautiful. So sorry about your truck though. Hope it isn't anything too spendy. I have to admit I am glad to know that loveseat is from the original seller's pic. LOL

    Hawksgirl and Susannah, hope all is well with you! Check in when you can.

    Doc says I don't have a sinus or ear infection and whatever I have is viral rather than bacterial. I just know I feel like crud. Hopefully it will run its course soon, and I will follow up with my regular doc this week to make sure nothing else is wrong. I got a few hours of work in this morning before I went to the urgent care, and think I will take a nice long nap before I try to get to more. I am putting off cooking and laundry until tomorrow. Planned to go to the office tomorrow but I think I will work from home instead.

    B - nope
    L - ezekiel toast with avocado and black pepper, an orange
    D - will be a big ol' salad and I'll add some chickpeas... I will get the lemon tahini dressing made before I nap so it's ready to go

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Yes, make sure you take a nice nap and get some rest!

    I have to say, I don't want to come off as elitist or anything, but I didn't want you to think that was my couch, so I HAD to mention it was the seller's pic. The table must have been given to him, he was a young guy, early 20s and here he was with that table and those rose knobs. the table I can figure out, but not those knobs!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    We all had some pretty funky furniture when we were in our 20's with the hand me downs from friends and family. Speaking of furniture, it's on back order everywhere. I bought my new living room furniture in March and still haven't heard a peep from them about delivery. A friend of mine said she just found out her new furniture is delayed until October!!! I don't use my living room much but still disappointed.

    I took a 4 hour nap. Got up and had an orange and will get back to sleep soon. Oranges are one of the fruits I'm leery about buying in quantity because you just don't know if they are going to be wonderful or meh. There's not much in between. But I bought a big bag of them and thankfully it's a good batch. Sweet and juicy. Figured I could use the extra vitamin C.

    I don't remember what everyone else here takes as far as supplements. I don't take very many. Vitamin D, B12, a vegan collagen supplement (biotin), DHA+EPA (algae based). Also started popping elderberry gummies when covid started. I've been better about remembering to take them every day lately. I used to average 4 or 5 days a week.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Funny, those are the supplements I take, too! To a 'T' minus the gummies. I did find frozen gooseberries aka amla in the Indian grocery store we stopped at (where our truck broke down). Excited to have all of the whole food goodness from them without worrying about contaminants in the powder form.

    We planted 3 currant bushes a few years ago and they are flourishing! Now I just have to figure out how to consume them. SO many currants. They were small little things when we got them and now they have spread into a massive hedge type formation with what looks like millions of currants.

    Our cherry trees are all loaded. The cherries are a little bigger than pea sized, so still a way to go. The Asian Pears really loved the pruning we did this year. We are going to have to remove some of the pears because those branches aren't going to be able to handle the load they have on them. Love those. Salivating just thinking about them. No joy on the peaches, which isn't surprising. We didn't treat them for curly leaf disease. Oh and the figs are looking good! I love the way they look/grow on the tree. I'll take a pic the next time I'm out there with my phone. Our kiwi vine is looking great, unfortunately it is a male and needs a female for us to get fruit. We haven't gotten around to replacing the female in about 3 years running now. LOL Oops.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    All that fresh fruit sounds wonderful, Carla! How do you use it all up? I try to be cautious about supplements and not take more than I need. Sounds like you feel the same way. I think it was Magic who first mentioned the elderberry gummies to help boost immune system and respiratory health when Covid started. Dosage is four a day but I only take one. Studies are contradictory of course, but I figure a low dose can't hurt.

    I didn't get to cooking today. Just didn't feel well enough for several hours of prepping and cooking. I will have to get it done over the next couple evenings and I'll keep it simple. Just a big batch of cooked greens with onions, mushrooms, beans, spices. The tofu can wait until next week but I will need to get the broccoli roasted.

    So I just sat at my desk all day trying to catch up some work. Made a tiny little dent in the backlog. And took a couple naps. Definitely going to bed early tonight too. Maybe turned a corner though. Certainly feel better than I have the past few days.

    B - oats with blueberries, chia seeds, a few walnut halves
    L - skipped it (breakfast was late)
    D - big ol' salad with chickpeas added

    Not feeling too hungry.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    We have a rainy day here, so I get a guilt-free break from yard work!

    I haven't gotten a lot done so far today, but I did get in a nice long chat with my cousin over the phone. Her son eats vegan and is into some of the healthier options so we can chat about food. He has influenced her to eat less meat and dairy and she notices feeling better. Slowly she is starting to prefer healthier options, like meatless chili.

    Mihani, I know at some point you posted about sub-par oranges. We've had really good luck here with Mandarins. Juicy and super flavorful. Hope you're feeling better today!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Carla, I love the mandarins too, but I wanted real oranges this week and it's always hit or miss. I really lucked out and happily enjoying these. Hope you enjoyed your day off from yard work. That's very cool about your cousin moving to more healthful foods.

    I managed to get my cooking done and can't say I'd win any awards tonight. I swear my brain just isn't fully engaged today. Had to toss some of the roasted broccoli that was a little beyond well done. Then I was struggling to clean up the baking sheet because I didn't line it well enough. The coconut aminos got under the parchment paper and grew into big burned blobs in the corners of the pan. Yum, right? So while I was cleaning the baking sheet my pot of greens, beans, mushrooms and onion got neglected and a bit burned. It's fine other than the layer at the bottom of the pot, but yeesh. This is why I should cook on weekends. When I'm in a hurry and tired after work things don't go so well! At least I didn't do anything awful to the farro.

    Even with the mishaps, I have enough good food for bowls the rest of the week for lunches. That's what counts. It all tastes fine.

    B - oats with blueberries, chia seeds, a few walnut halves, sprinkle of cinnamon
    L - big ol' salad with chickpeas added
    D - big ol' bowl, a few bites of the broccoli, an orange and a few bites of the cantaloupe I cut up for tomorrow

    Now just to finish a load of laundry, send out some work emails, then bedtime. This was a super busy day. I totally forgot I'm going out with a friend tomorrow evening too, so I'm not going to get any work done tomorrow evening either.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hello! I will be back soon. We leave June 2 for Seattle and then June 6 for Japan. It has been a very hectic spring. Won’t go into all the details but between sorting my stuff out 4 - 5 times and parting with stuff I feel so much lighter. We have nice renters for our house. We were only allowed 2 dogs. 😢😱😭 but I have a dear friend with brain and lung mets who lost her elderly dog. She asked for Buster the YORKIE until she passes away and then her husband and I will figure out how to get Buster to Japan. So Buster has a job being a hospice companion for 6 - 12 months.

    Eating plan is to continue vegetarian diet with 3 days of fish or eggs. I think it will be easy in Japan.
    Buster and my friend, Debbie. hwlnejx6zyl0.jpeg

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Missed you Bisky! For some reason I had thought you already left for Japan. I know you will miss Buster, but what a great solution for both him and your friend.

    This is a quick hi... gotta run to meet a friend for dinner.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Donna! Nice to hear from you. I'm glad you found a solution for Buster that will also be nice for your friend. Safe travels!

    How was your dinner out, Mihani?

    I'm making up another batch of tu-no salad to have ready to go in the fridge. I got too hungry yesterday waiting for dinner and had nothing ready so I ended up having an Ezekiel english muffin with peanut butter. Not the end of the world, but there are better options for me.

    Another rainy day and I can't say I'm upset about it since I can get some things done inside the house. It's supposed to get into the low 80s this coming week which means I'll be up and out early before the heat is too much for me. The Friday after this one, Joe and I are meeting up with my FIL and his wife for a nice dinner a restaurant! First time. I think a celebratory drink might be in order.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    edited May 2021
    Another loooong day at the office. I used to always get there between 7 and 7:30, but after Covid the traffic has been much lighter so I started going in between 7:30 and 8. I am supposed to leave at 4:00 but it is so rare that I actually get out of there at 4:00 I'll continue to go in later. Once traffic starts getting bad again I will have to go back to earlier though. I hate sitting in traffic which is the main reason I decided to go in early in the mornings and leave earlier many years ago.

    I have been doing great sticking to my prepped foods and fruits this week. I admit my greens and beans concoction is not up to my usual standards but it's edible. I will do a better job of prepping this weekend.

    I did eat a tofu appetizer at the restaurant on Tuesday. It was delicious but I didn't eat all of it. I had one glass of wine. Felt good about that. Moderation isn't my strong suit so any time I am able to not go overboard when I'm out it makes me happy. I'm all or nothing generally, and don't do moderation well. >:)

    But at some point I hope to be at my ultimate goal and have that leeway to indulge in some not so great foods now and again, like holidays and parties, and I am going to have to learn moderation sooner or later. I'm 57... I guess that would be later than sooner. It's not so much lacking moderation in one go as that attitude of "I blew it yesterday may as well continue today".

    I really like the Ezkiel english muffins, Carla. One of those with a little PB isn't bad at all. I like them with a smidge of PB and thin slices of apple. Nom nom. I've yet to try the tu-no salad. I need to do that.

    Glad you have a dinner out to look forward to! I was amazed how energized I felt after going out with my friend. It made me realize that even I, one of the most anti-social people I know, need some human interaction outside work and family. LOL

    Oh, and I seem to be over whatever the heck was wrong with me. I wouldn't say I am 100% but a lot closer to normal than not. I really wonder if it has all been related to allergies. Absolutely miserable this spring.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Made a huge salad all from our garden this afternoon. I have Tikka Masala in the Instant Pot for this evening. All set up for a good weekend! Oh, and I made a creamy dill dressing too, which should keep me eating greens. I have rhubarb like crazy but the only thing I can think of to make with it is an apple rhubarb crumble or pie. Maybe I'll just harvest and freeze it for when we have company over.

    Glad you're feeling better, Mihani.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend! (Is that how you say it here in the US? LOL ) in Canada we just call it a 'long weekend' for short for all holiday weekends but I think someone told me that isn't a 'thing' here! In any case, hope everyone has a fun and healthy holiday!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hi all! I got through another week without blowing my lid at work. Success! I am going to work quite a bit this weekend but staying home tomorrow.

    Carla, a huge salad all from your garden sounds perfect!

    B - blueberries and cantaloupe with chia seeds and a couple walnut halves
    L - Dr. McDougall soup, an apple
    S - pretzels (just a small handful but ugh... can't seem to avoid them sometimes)
    D - will be a big ol' salad with chickpeas added, last of the cantaloupe but I have another one ready to cut into tomorrow
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    What a treat! Went out to eat for breakfast. We each ordered what we felt like, someone else made it, and then someone else did the dishes! Amazeballs.

    Now for some yard work to work it off!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    I swear I posted earlier but it's gone. Glad you enjoyed your breakfast out Carla... I was out to dinner again tonight. That's 3 times in the past 2 weeks. Unheard of for me even pre-pandemic! It was a lot of fun. I ordered an eggplant dish with potatoes and sweet peppers in a brown sauce which the server assured me was vegan although I'm always leery. I remember one restaurant years ago where the server said something was vegetarian and then found out later it had chicken broth in it. I guess he figured not having actual chunks of meat made it vegetarian?

    Had fruit for breakfast and skipped lunch since I knew I would be eating a heavier dinner than usual and had a glass of wine.

    Heading to the office tomorrow but enjoyed my day off today. Didn't get a lot accomplished other than a little cooking and napping.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member

    Popping in to say hello. I have not been around since this group is totally WFPB and I am not there. Using processed vegan foods along with Whole Foods.

    Wishing you a healthy journey.

    Hugs, Lulu's Mom