Downsizers-July Chat 2021



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    edited July 2021
    Check in for Friday
    ✅Steps 9,010
    ❌Sleep ( 9 minutes short}
    ❌ 6/8 reminders to move

    Those reminders to move are driving me insane. I am having an issue with my Fitbit. It continuously viberates when I am on the phone indicating I have an active call. I missed two of my reminders when I was on a the phone. I just thought it was the Fitbit being stupid. Going to try and fix the Fitbit today.

    Of course, the scale was down today. That’s surprising as I did have shawarma fries for supper with my granddaughter. Glad I got that out of my system. They weren’t that great and they are expensive. Anyways, I had to be holding water yesterday. I did use the salt shaker a couple of times on Wednesday and Thursday. No more salt for me!

    We are off grocery shopping in a few. My oldest granddaughter will be here all days so I am not sure what we will be up to today.

    Happy Saturday!
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    Good morning everyone! Sorry I have been somewhat MIA here as of late. I need to catch up on what is going on with everyone.

    PW: 139

    7/23 steps 5,754

  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good morning or afternoon everyone. I hope you all are having a good weekend.

    Check in for 7/23:
    Steps - 4800. I was short when I went to pick up daughter so I did 2 laps around the store parking lot. I'm not dying on that hill anymore.
    Calories 1336. I ate even meals. Couldn't do it again. 10 calories between high and low counts. Didn't realize it until I put in my dessert. Good part is that i was full after each.
    Exercise - none. I gave my back another day off even though it stopped hurting.

    @Poobah1972 clothing does get expensive for us big people. I have gone from 6x to 2x in shirts. I have sized out of shirts in 4 months.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @Aqualung26 Wishing your little one a happy birthday. Enjoy your celebrations!
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 7/23: 16,999 🤨
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Good Morning... Well Evening now. 😋

    Lynn has left the building.. Party time has arrived.

    So, what did I decide to do with my free time this morning? How's going toe to toe with the heavy bag for a full 15 rounds... 3-minute rounds, with 1 minute rest in between. (Actual boxing regulation timings).

    Surprisingly, it wasn't too bad, then again no one was punching or kicking me back. I just downloaded an app, set the number of rounds and the time per round, and rest time and WAMMO... I Was throwing fists and knees to some pretty good tough guy boxing music. 3 minutes wasn't so long I couldn't put my dukes and fight it out, but I was definitely glad the rounds were over when the bell rang. Whew. 😃👍💪. Also, the rounds individually go by fast enough that it kind of makes an hour sooner than it should. Although I was playing mind games, and thought I would stop at round 10, then 12, but by I was in round 13 I knew I wasn't stopping till it was over.

    I guess I worked my gloves in enough during my first 2 bouts, to actually be able to wear my Gel Hand wraps in my gloves today. So, my hands and wrists were fully protected. But by the 5th round, my index fingers on both hands were completely asleep, and the rest of my fingers were also starting to tingle.. At one point I even paused the fight pulled off my gloves and checked my wrist wraps which were fine. I'm pretty sure it's just squeezing the gel hand wrap into the glove and then beating on the bag which was the problem. I suspect as I loosen up the glove a bit more with use, it will probably get better? Either way, no harm done I just kept on fighting.

    The last 3 rounds were definitely tough... I found myself looking at the clock a little more often. And keeping busy the entire time started to feel like a lot of work. 😰 lol I think I started the last round with 30 knees' just to take a big bite out of the time. But knee's burn energy. 👍🙃

    This is officially my single largest one time burn to date and according to Fitbit I earned 119 zone minutes. It would be nice If I can get some sort of jug of water, I can hang from my rack somewhere with a straw in it.. Cause it was impossible to drink anything. I need a corner person damn it. 😉

    Post workout, I marched right upstairs and heated up my chicken wings..... SO GOOD! *Thanks Baby*

    Okay.... I better get my *kitten* moving again. Going to watch a Show with my bro, have an afternoon nap. Then I still gotta do this morning's dishes (even though I cooked an amazing french toast breakfast for my fiancé... Hows that work you ask? Don't she's too cute to get mad at, I've tried and it I just can't do it. 😜

    Peace Y'all and keep your gloves up! 👊💪👍😎😀

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Congratulations on another decrease in heart rate. You are getting fitter! Great workout! I have lived In Ontario 22 years now and I haven’t got to visit many places. Manitoulin Island is supposed to be beautiful. I would love to go sometime. I hope Lynn enjoys her visit. Do you go to a speciality store to buy lots of the foods you eat such as protein puffs?

    Manitoulin is a laid back kind of place... And it definitively has sights to see, sights I will be healthy enough to go see myself some day zoom when hiking for prolonged periods sounds like fun.

    Popeye's supplement store carries the twin peaks protein puffs and quest chips for a decent enough price. They just had a buy 1 get 50% off sale recently and I loaded up a bit. But I should of really should of loaded up more. They also carry some products we like... But the Joseph's products we get at Paris Natural Foods. Although I believe walmart carries it.

    Then the rest of the stuff, we put in bulk orders at and generally get free shipping and 10% off everything. :)

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    lmf1012 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! Sorry I have been somewhat MIA here as of late. I need to catch up on what is going on with everyone.

    PW: 139

    7/23 steps 5,754

    NIce Loss! :)
    rwood566 wrote: »
    @Poobah1972 clothing does get expensive for us big people. I have gone from 6x to 2x in shirts. I have sized out of shirts in 4 months.

    Yeah, I don't mind wearing baggy... but I'll have to bite the bullet soon i think. :)
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    PW 159.8
    CW 155.4
    Loss w/ MFP since 4/17/20 114.6lbs
    LTD 167.6lbs

    Holy Whoosh! I definitely wanted a loss this week after stalling out last week. I wasn't expecting anything like that though!

    Holy Whoosh is right.. That's awsome. I'd love a woosh, but all this boxing today has my hands a bit swollen, my wrists sore... And my entire upper back and both shoulders sore. lol I just might not lose any weight at all. But Pretty sure I'm still losing fat, so whatever happens. :)

    Great work1

    @red1185 Those cookies look amazing. I have a granddaughter that would be a huge fan. ;)

  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    Well, I was back and now I'll be gone again until next weekend. Family vacation to the mountains with my family minus my son, my brother and his family and my aunt and uncle. Going hiking and white water rafting. My son has his college internship this summer, so he's home with the dogs doing his internship virtually from his computer.

    Please excuse me from my next weigh-in on Wednesday since I won't have a scale until next Sunday. Thanks.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    lmf1012 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! Sorry I have been somewhat MIA here as of late. I need to catch up on what is going on with everyone.

    PW: 139

    7/23 steps 5,754

    Nice loss! You are settling well into the 130’s.

    rwood566 wrote: »
    Good morning or afternoon everyone. I hope you all are having a good weekend.

    Check in for 7/23:
    Steps - 4800. I was short when I went to pick up daughter so I did 2 laps around the store parking lot. I'm not dying on that hill anymore.
    Calories 1336. I ate even meals. Couldn't do it again. 10 calories between high and low counts. Didn't realize it until I put in my dessert. Good part is that i was full after each.
    Exercise - none. I gave my back another day off even though it stopped hurting.

    @Poobah1972 clothing does get expensive for us big people. I have gone from 6x to 2x in shirts. I have sized out of shirts in 4 months.

    Look at the progress you have made! Now you have to find a bigger hill to slay.

    Steps 7/23: 16,999 🤨

    Some pretty awesome steps Angie!

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    PW 159.8
    CW 155.4
    Loss w/ MFP since 4/17/20 114.6lbs
    LTD 167.6lbs

    Holy Whoosh! I definitely wanted a loss this week after stalling out last week. I wasn't expecting anything like that though!

    Yesterday I met my dad for a walk in the morning because he got home from his trip Thursday night. Then I took my grandma to her eye doctor, which took way longer than I expected. For dinner I made a new recipe for a lower calorie Pad Thai that turned out fabulous. Then I went to bed early. The kids went to bed, my husband had plans, and I was tired so, lol.

    Steps 7/23 9825

    Fantastic loss! Gotta love a good whoosh! I am crossing my fingers for one this week for myself. It’s great when we can find low calorie options for foods we like.

    red1185 wrote: »
    PW: 159.0
    CW: 161.8

    7/19: 6,484
    7/20: 3,670
    7/21: 2,546
    7/22: 2,417
    7/23: 11,564

    So many frustrations. It’s such a bummer to see the scale like that, and on top of that I didn’t get my steps in. I definitely took a little too much advantage of those last days of summer. On 7/23, j couldn’t stand it anymore, and jumped on the treadmill for an hour and a half!

    Even though I’m frustrated with numbers, I am still trying to find my NSVs. Here’s what I’ve come up with:

    - When I’ve eaten big, heavy meals - it’s my only meal for the day. I haven’t been eating just to eat, or because “it’s time to eat.”

    - I made myself get on the treadmill to get some movement in. I didn’t give up, quit, or let “vacation brain” take over permanently.

    - My clothes are still fitting better than they have been in the past

    - Next week I get back into “work mode,” so I will be extra motivated to walk throughout the day.

    - Overall, even though things aren’t going super awesome right now, it’s still better than where I was when I started this journey at 179.6 lbs.

    On a side note, I meant to post the Spider-Man cookies I made for my nephew’s 4th birthday! We made little ice cream sandwiches, and these are the handmade tops. So stinkin cute, if I do say so myself! 🙃❤️


    Your NSV’s are awesome. I think we need to do that when the scales don’t cooperate. Your cookies look delicious.

    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    Good Morning... Well Evening now. 😋

    Lynn has left the building.. Party time has arrived.

    So, what did I decide to do with my free time this morning? How's going toe to toe with the heavy bag for a full 15 rounds... 3-minute rounds, with 1 minute rest in between. (Actual boxing regulation timings).

    Surprisingly, it wasn't too bad, then again no one was punching or kicking me back. I just downloaded an app, set the number of rounds and the time per round, and rest time and WAMMO... I Was throwing fists and knees to some pretty good tough guy boxing music. 3 minutes wasn't so long I couldn't put my dukes and fight it out, but I was definitely glad the rounds were over when the bell rang. Whew. 😃👍💪. Also, the rounds individually go by fast enough that it kind of makes an hour sooner than it should. Although I was playing mind games, and thought I would stop at round 10, then 12, but by I was in round 13 I knew I wasn't stopping till it was over.

    I guess I worked my gloves in enough during my first 2 bouts, to actually be able to wear my Gel Hand wraps in my gloves today. So, my hands and wrists were fully protected. But by the 5th round, my index fingers on both hands were completely asleep, and the rest of my fingers were also starting to tingle.. At one point I even paused the fight pulled off my gloves and checked my wrist wraps which were fine. I'm pretty sure it's just squeezing the gel hand wrap into the glove and then beating on the bag which was the problem. I suspect as I loosen up the glove a bit more with use, it will probably get better? Either way, no harm done I just kept on fighting.

    The last 3 rounds were definitely tough... I found myself looking at the clock a little more often. And keeping busy the entire time started to feel like a lot of work. 😰 lol I think I started the last round with 30 knees' just to take a big bite out of the time. But knee's burn energy. 👍🙃

    This is officially my single largest one time burn to date and according to Fitbit I earned 119 zone minutes. It would be nice If I can get some sort of jug of water, I can hang from my rack somewhere with a straw in it.. Cause it was impossible to drink anything. I need a corner person damn it. 😉

    Post workout, I marched right upstairs and heated up my chicken wings..... SO GOOD! *Thanks Baby*

    Okay.... I better get my *kitten* moving again. Going to watch a Show with my bro, have an afternoon nap. Then I still gotta do this morning's dishes (even though I cooked an amazing french toast breakfast for my fiancé... Hows that work you ask? Don't she's too cute to get mad at, I've tried and it I just can't do it. 😜

    Peace Y'all and keep your gloves up! 👊💪👍😎😀


    That’s a pretty crazy burn, Rocky! Sounds like you are enjoying the boxing. You kept going even when it got tough. Well done!

    iradi8 wrote: »
    Well, I was back and now I'll be gone again until next weekend. Family vacation to the mountains with my family minus my son, my brother and his family and my aunt and uncle. Going hiking and white water rafting. My son has his college internship this summer, so he's home with the dogs doing his internship virtually from his computer.

    Please excuse me from my next weigh-in on Wednesday since I won't have a scale until next Sunday. Thanks.

    Enjoy your trip! I can remember the first time I saw the Rocky Mountains. I was amazing! White water rafting sounds so exciting.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Check in for Saturday
    ✅Steps 7,425
    ✅ 8/8 reminders to move

    No walk yesterday. Grocery shopping and going to the dollar store with my granddaughter was enough walking for the day. Unfortunately, my back wasn’t happy yesterday so I had difficulty sleeping last night. Today will be an official rest day. My husband also threatened to tie me to a chair if I go for a walk. He gets cranky when I keep him awake at night.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Greetings Downsizers!

    We are entering the week when new members can sign up for Fat2Fit teams. If you have interested friends or can post this link where they may find it, please invite them to join! Continuing members do NOT have to re-register, so you're all automatically in for August.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good morning everyone. Happy sunday.

    Check in for 7/24:
    Steps - 13526. Big walk finally. Back allowed it.
    Calories - 1630 or so. Had to guess on dessert last night and probably was low. Another underwhelming veggie burger for dinner. I might have to pay the stupid high price for the beyond burger.
    Exercise - 5.75 miles in 1 hr 55 min.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 7/23 12,733
    7/24 13,547

    Uneventful day Friday and yesterday went to the beach and an outdoor showing of jaws last night. Been getting my strength workouts in every other day this week.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    My plan tomorrow is to use my home gym ... I am a complete newbie when it comes to weight lifting ... I will be starting on 10 lbs and working my way up to 150 lbs ... for all you weight lifters how often do you up the weight?
    Thanks in advance :) I will be using the home gym 3 days a week M W F and walking 3 days a weeks Tues. Thurs and Saturday ... I am excited to get back into working out ... it has been too long
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 7/24 12,593
This discussion has been closed.