Downsizers-July Chat 2021



  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Good Wacky Wednesday my friends! 😁

    Sleep check, get up check, and get your *kitten* moving CHECK!!! 👍😋

    First off, a big thank you to Jill for that wonderful happy dance this morning! You put a great big smile on Lynn and I's face! 😁 I'm honored really, last time someone shook their booty for me (besides my fiancé) I had to pay them 5 bucks for their services. And of course, they weren't anywhere near a classy a lady, as Lady Jill of Nova Scotia!

    I'm little shy to return the favor just yet, but I promise in good time, I'll get some booty shaking, shoulder bouncing, arm swinging groves on in your honor. Just give me a year or so? lol 😊

    In the meantime, I dedicate this morning Cardio to you, my friend! 😊🙃🥳😃

    Not only did I hit a new PR this morning... Former best being 1.6 miles in 30 minutes. I skipped right over 1.7 and landed on 1.8 miles with 12 seconds to go. 🥳🥳🥳

    I kept a stronger Pace.
    I pushed for longer periods
    and I sprinted for dear life...


    Higher average heart rate
    Higher Peak Heart Rate
    12 minutes of Peak to be precise
    Rubber legs, that I wasn't sure would stay under me

    Will I do this anytime soon again? I'm not making any promises... There is no FUN in CARDIO, not even a single letter matches up kay. Cardio is hard! At least 3 letters from hard are in fact in Cardio and those 3 are in the same order... So YES! cARDio is HARD... Obviously. 😋😀

    Thank you once again Jill, this PR is for you! (and a big thank you to all my MFP buds (rosebuds, or arseholes... Or whatever you prefer to go by. lol)


  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    That must have felt strange to walk in after so long. Great steps even though you were commuting.

    Awesome walk so early in the morning. I am sure entertaining kids burns a ton of calories. You must be constantly on the move.

    I am sure that felt good! Well done! I hope the headaches are gone for awhile.

    You have quite the mixed bag of exercise. You certainly won’t get bored. I want to try kayaking. We are going away in 2 weeks and everyone is planning on doing it. I am nervous it will be hard on the back. That’s a great NSV!

    Nice stepping!

    It’s understandable that you are busy with young kids at home. Great steps the last few days!

    Did you go back this week? Keep those steps coming!

    Did you get those steps while camping? Great job!

    Awesome steps! Such a fun way to get steps. I haven’t heard from Theresa either.

    Great job on the exercise! Do you stay in a hotel when travelling for work? When I used to travel I always made sure the hotel had both a gym and pool.

    Pop really adds pounds. Can you switch to diet with caffeine? Make baby steps to decrease it little by little. You got this!

    Congrats on the new PR! Cardio maybe hard but you kick it in the *kitten* every time. Awesome burn!

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    ✅Steps 6,940
    ✅ 8/8 reminders to move

    My steps are pretty good considering I had no walk. I also had to charge my Fitbit in the evening so that doesn’t include all my steps. On top of the reminders to move, anytime I had to get up for something I lapped around the apartment for a few times. It added up. I really enjoyed have my granddaughter over and I spoiled her rotten yesterday.

    I have a very busy day. I have 3 different appointments and I am going for blood work. I am going for a short walk with my friend in a few and then get ready for my day.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    edited July 2021
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    edited July 2021

    1st @amymartin555 -181,879 steps
    2nd @888Angie888 - 107,632 steps
    3rd @rlaskey2 - 84,745 steps
    4th @iradi8 - 78,943 steps
    5th @Tazaria87 - 69,842 steps

    GREAT JOB EVERYONE !!!!!! :):):):)


    @lindamtuck2018 - 7/7
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - 0/7
    @littleflutterby - 7/7
    @Piqueaboo - 3/7
    @888Angie888 -5/7
    @iradi8- 5/7
    @rlaskey2 - 5/7
    @Tazaria87 - 6/7
    @red1185 - 2/7
    @rwood566 - 5/7
    @lmf1012- 0/7
    @Beverly2Hansen 0/7
    @amymartin555 - 7/7
    @MSWarrior7088 -5/7


  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,856 Member
    Good Mornin'!
    @Poobah1972 Great job on the cardio!!!! PR always feel good. Keep rocking it!!

    @lindamtuck2018 Kayaking isn't hard on my back but it is hard on my BUTT I suggest getting a nice foam pad to put under you.

    @lmf1012 Storm rolled in on me here in SC this morning. Glad I was at the gym and not my trainer's garage.

    Went to the gym this morning and it was leg day... I actually leg pressed my highest weight on my last exercise. I can't imagine being that heavy and my legs having to move that much daily. I began my work out with leg extensions and would have ended it on extensions but trainer pushed for the leg press as extra credit. first 4 sets were 55# the last 4 sets were 65#. 280# leg presses 4x12. 155# dead lifts 4x12. 100# landmine lunges 4x10. 25# pulsing squats for 30 sec x4. 50m sled back pedal x4. I need a nap!my legs are toast.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Awesome workout @tahm42 !
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 7/27: 18,947

    Happy Wednesday!
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,856 Member
    @888Angie888 Thanks! You are mighty in the steps.
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Nice to meet you @bestbookie2 and welcome aboard.
    tahm42 wrote: »
    Good Mornin'!
    @Poobah1972 Great job on the cardio!!!! PR always feel good. Keep rocking it!!

    @lindamtuck2018 Kayaking isn't hard on my back but it is hard on my BUTT I suggest getting a nice foam pad to put under you.

    @lmf1012 Storm rolled in on me here in SC this morning. Glad I was at the gym and not my trainer's garage.

    Went to the gym this morning and it was leg day... I actually leg pressed my highest weight on my last exercise. I can't imagine being that heavy and my legs having to move that much daily. I began my work out with leg extensions and would have ended it on extensions but trainer pushed for the leg press as extra credit. first 4 sets were 55# the last 4 sets were 65#. 280# leg presses 4x12. 155# dead lifts 4x12. 100# landmine lunges 4x10. 25# pulsing squats for 30 sec x4. 50m sled back pedal x4. I need a nap!my legs are toast.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Thank you @tahm42 I will do my best! :disappointed:

    Your workout sounds completely awesome! And Go heavy or Go home as they say. Coming down from 500 pounds plus, I have some things going for me, namely back and length strength. You gota lift heavy to keep that muscle on they way down. 👍😎
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    edited July 2021
    Good evening everyone. Hope you all had a good hump day.

    Check in for 7/28:
    Steps - 17120. Almost 15000 on my walk.
    Calories - 1580.
    Exercise - walk in the morning. 7.64 miles in 2 1/2 hours. A new high for me. My feet have been screaming since, but I went to the store a bit later. I found out when I push the cart my steps aren't counted.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 88oz
    Steps 9042
    Exercise Mowing

    Got my lawn mower and the front edged before my neices came over in the early afternoon. Got my kitchen floors cleaned too. Not much else happened yesterday. This weekend we are going camping again for my mom's birthday.
    @lindamtuck2018 I won't have access to a scale Saturday so I'd like to weigh in tomorrow
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    lmf1012 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    7/27 steps 5,483

    Only managed a 20 minute walk before the rain storm set in here.

    Was planning on commuting to the office today but this cold is still lingering and have not slept well for over a week. Just too run down to dress up and drive in today.

    A short walk is still a good walk. I hope you feel better today!

    tahm42 wrote: »
    Good Mornin'!
    @Poobah1972 Great job on the cardio!!!! PR always feel good. Keep rocking it!!

    @lindamtuck2018 Kayaking isn't hard on my back but it is hard on my BUTT I suggest getting a nice foam pad to put under you.

    @lmf1012 Storm rolled in on me here in SC this morning. Glad I was at the gym and not my trainer's garage.

    Went to the gym this morning and it was leg day... I actually leg pressed my highest weight on my last exercise. I can't imagine being that heavy and my legs having to move that much daily. I began my work out with leg extensions and would have ended it on extensions but trainer pushed for the leg press as extra credit. first 4 sets were 55# the last 4 sets were 65#. 280# leg presses 4x12. 155# dead lifts 4x12. 100# landmine lunges 4x10. 25# pulsing squats for 30 sec x4. 50m sled back pedal x4. I need a nap!my legs are toast.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Great workout! I think my legs would be toast too. I have been given a no on the kayaking by my physiotherapist. I will tell the rest of my family to take cushions.

    Steps 7/27: 18,947

    Happy Wednesday!

    Awesome steps!

    rwood566 wrote: »
    Good evening everyone. Hope you all had a good hump day.

    Check in for 7/28:
    Steps - 17120. Almost 15000 on my walk.
    Calories - 1580.
    Exercise - walk in the morning. 7.64 miles in 2 1/2 hours. A new high for me. My feet have been screaming since, but I went to the store a bit later. I found out when I push the cart my steps aren't counted.

    Fantastic walk and steps! Congrats on a new high! That’s over 12km you walked! I am not sure if I should be congratulating you or asking if you are crazy! 😂 You should have soaked those tootsies. Yes, the Fitbit won’t count steps I’d you are pushing a cart, stroller, etc.

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 88oz
    Steps 9042
    Exercise Mowing

    Got my lawn mower and the front edged before my neices came over in the early afternoon. Got my kitchen floors cleaned too. Not much else happened yesterday. This weekend we are going camping again for my mom's birthday.
    @lindamtuck2018 I won't have access to a scale Saturday so I'd like to weigh in tomorrow

    You are always are so busy! It is frustrating when we are short on steps. Weighing in on Friday is no problem!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    ✅Steps 11,179
    ✅ 8/8 reminders to move

    Yup, that’s my steps! I was on the move yesterday getting to all my appointments. I walked to the first 2, took an Uber to get my blood work, walk to my next appointment and took an Uber home from there. I also went for a short walk with my friend. I had a great physiotherapy appointment yesterday and I am hoping that the things she showed me yesterday can keep the pain at a reasonable level. 🤞 I did have a minor binge in the middle of the night. It was totally my own doing as I did not eat properly all day.

    I have my 3 month appointment with the dietitian this morning. I love these as he always has great tips. If it stops raining I will go out for a walk otherwise it will be inside hallway walking.

    Happy Thursday!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    ✅Steps 11,179
    ✅ 8/8 reminders to move

    Yup, that’s my steps! I was on the move yesterday getting to all my appointments. I walked to the first 2, took an Uber to get my blood work, walk to my next appointment and took an Uber home from there. I also went for a short walk with my friend. I had a great physiotherapy appointment yesterday and I am hoping that the things she showed me yesterday can keep the pain at a reasonable level. 🤞 I did have a minor binge in the middle of the night. It was totally my own doing as I did not eat properly all day.

    I have my 3 month appointment with the dietitian this morning. I love these as he always has great tips. If it stops raining I will go out for a walk otherwise it will be inside hallway walking.

    Happy Thursday!

    Had a superb day of winning! A true Charlie Sheen can do day! way to work it. lol
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