Juicy July!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021
    Today's Menu!

    coffee with nutpods plain creamer...almost finished with the carton...going black again groooansmileyf.gif
    uncooked oatmeal with frozen blueberries and homemade almond milk
    mashed potatoes with baby spinach...one of my dad's favorites...who knew he was such a trend setter back in the day!
    Forager unsweetened cashew plain yogurt with strawberries and banana

    Make your day as deeeeeeeeeeee licious as mine...later, mates!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Your meals sound great, Magic! I made potatoes yesterday too. Baked two sweet potatoes and 5 small yukon gold.

    Today was good...
    B - ezekiel english muffin with a smidge of PB, a peach
    L - whole wheat wrap with a couple slices of the tofu and lots of lettuce
    D - baked potato, a couple more slices of tofu, some of the cooked greens

    The watermelon I got was very disappointing. I ended up throwing it out. No flavor at all. :( Strange because all the other melons I have had so far this summer have been amazingly good.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Busy busy week at work! I am going to have to go to the office Sunday for a while. I really hate that. I don't mind working on weekends so much when I can work from home.

    I am going to go full on Dr. Fuhrman 6 week plan. I can't seem to budge my weight lately and want to get things moving in the right direction. I usually have some wine or beer on Friday or Saturday evening, and sometimes my food choices throughout the week are less than ideal. I do seem to fall into the snack crackers and pretzels and blue corn chips too often! Have plans to meet friends tomorrow for dinner and cocktails, then I will do my shopping and cooking Saturday so I am ready to dive in Sunday. If other social events come up after tomorrow then I'll just have to stay the course regardless.

    B - wrap with lettuce, veggies and miso ginger dressing
    L - big ol' salad
    S - pretzels (sigh...)
    D - some red lentil cauliflower curry from the freezer with brown rice, a peach

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021
    Morning my sweet peas! traylersmiley.gif

    Weekend gone...back to work today! Good luck with the Fuhrman 6 week, Mihani! I spied your lettuce wrap...yum! Anything lettuce cuppy is a fav of mine!

    For me, I am trying no bread or tortillas for awhile...see if that works. Also, upping my veggie intake.

    Coffee...WITH nutpods...can't help it...I love it so...can't I have ONE indulgence! lovecoffee.gif

    oatmeal, blueberries, almond milk
    left overs: rice and variety of veggies...
    left overs: rice and broccoli
    carrots and homemade hummus with loads of cilantro!
    Kite Hill Plain yogurt with added strawberry jam

    My hummus recipe I use tahini, but naturally no oil. I found a fabulous recipe ... but what I have learned is you do get a better product when you peel the garbanzo beans. Takes about ten more minutes...but worth it in my book. Next goal will be to use dry beans and cook in the insta pot.

    I actually double the lemon juice to tahini ratio. So, 1/4 cup tahini and 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice. Everything else is the same. And then I added a bunch of cilantro at the end and processed that. Oh, and I also add ice cold water to thin, if necessary

    Wishing y'all a fab day. people_squirt.gif

    Mihani, you sure work a lot, but I know the feeling...bills don't pay themselves. Enjoy your time with your friends.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021
    Getting off work soon...did great today, food wise. NOW, the trick is to go home and have my dessert and be done with it.

    I do need to roast some sweet potatoes...Lulu is a huge fan...she will eat her dog food if I give her sweet potatoes first...hand fed, btw. I buy the bag at Trader Joes...they are small...slice length wise and bake face down in air fryer oven at 400 for 45 min...they get nice and caramelized.


    Peace, out.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Well done sticking to your menu, Magic! I love that you share your veggies with Lulu. My dog is always front and center when I am setting up my salad so I will share some of the veggies. He especially likes carrots and zucchini.

    I have read that tip to peel the chickpeas for a smoother hummus, but I usually don't bother. I use the Engine 2 recipe for hummus. It has no tahini or oil so I really don't know that it is technically even hummus. More like chickpea spread I guess. It is just chickpeas, brown mustard, lemon juice, garlic, water as needed to thin. I reserve the aquafaba and use that in place of water which makes it creamier. I also sometimes add other spices like cumin, paprika, fresh ground black pepper and/or a splash of bragg's. Nothing wrong with tahini though! It's just I like to eat a lot of hummus so I don't add it because I'd go over my nut/seed quota.

    Speaking of, hummus is in my prepping plans today. Also going to make indian lentil cauliflower soup from OSG. It is reminiscent of Isa's red lentil cauliflower curry. I'll share the recipe. Delicious!

    Plan for today is to make the hummus and soup, baked tofu, roasted broccoli, sauteed greens with onions. I got several steamer bags of veggies like broccoli, green beans, greens. When I run out of preps I can just throw one of those in the microwave. They aren't that great compared to cooking fresh veggies, but will do in a pinch. I actually have started to really enjoy veggies for breakfast a la Chef AJ. I have been eating leftover greens or broccoli for breakfast fairly often, along with a little fruit like cantaloupe and/or blueberries. Sometimes I even eat salad for breakfast.

    Also need to do laundry and a little housework before I settle in at my desk to get some work done. I am looking forward to doing the 6 week plan. I've been feeling pretty run down lately and I know I'll feel better after a week or so of cleaning up my diet.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Indian Lentil Cauliflower Soup (Oh She Glows)


    1 tbsp coconut oil
    1 yellow onion diced
    4 cloves garlic minced
    1 tbsp peeled and grated ginger
    2 tbsp curry powder
    1½ tsp ground coriander
    1 tsp ground cumin
    6½ cups vegetable broth
    1 cup dried red lentils rinsed and drained
    1 medium cauliflower chopped into bite sized florets
    1 medium sweet potato, peeled and diced
    2 large handfuls baby spinach
    ¾ tsp salt
    black pepper to taste


    In a large Dutch oven or soup pot over medium, heat a splash of veggie broth (in place of coconut oil) and add the onion and garlic and saute for about 5 minutes.
    Stir in the ginger, curry powder, coriander and cumin and saute for another 2 minutes.
    Add the vegetable broth and lentils and bring it to a boil.
    Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
    Add the cauliflower and sweet potato, cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
    Add the salt and pepper to taste.
    Turn off the heat, add the spinach and stir until wilted.
    Serve into individual bowls.
    Garnish with fresh cilantro (optional)

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021
    Great post, Mihani...loads of info. You're so good...I think I might try veggies for breakfast when I go on vacation...I might be getting a ten day (my weekends book ended around my four days off) in late August. It has to be approved. I finally am back on a good oatmeal routine for work...it's easy...and easy to eat at my desk.

    Yesterday there was a retirement CAKE at work. HOLY COW! Is that all these people can do ... is frickin CAKE! I made fresh pico and brought chips (the chips were for the workers)...I used fresh carrot sticks! I guess the cake was necessary ... it was huge and had to feed a lot of people...but there is ALWAYS CAKE. Lord! whatever.gif


    coffee with nutpods...(so, I just ordered Chef AJs sampler of California Balsamics...for salad dressings. Embarrassed to tell you all, that I have Follow YOur Heart ranch in the fridge. Will ditch it as soon as the balsamics arrive...they already shipped it). Yowzers.

    So, since I am ditching the salad dressing, I'm keeping the nutpods. LOL Maybe one day I will give it up...for now. IT STAYS!

    oatmeal the usual
    veggie burger salad (so no bun...LTO chopped with chopped veggie burger)
    steamed rice and veggies...mostly broc
    no dessert
    (two juices in there...I froze a bunch of juices from squeezed.com...will use at work for break time...easy and they do keep me from feeling snacky)


    I will forgo the details...let's just stay I cant even be trusted with things that seem innocent enough...I threw it all out this morning.

    That's it. Having the last of my coffee. Making Lulu sweet potatoes. I have never seen someone so happy to get a little tree of broccoli. I love how she takes it from my hand in the kitchen, and marches off to her bed to cherish and enjoy. What a riot!

    I guess our little pups do follow what we model. gstarstamper.gif

    Have a great day...zen out when you do your food prep, Mihani...it makes it more enjoyable. That's what I do when making batches of almond milk. I get into this very peaceful place.

    Later, dollies! grouphugg.gif

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    That's awesome you avoided the cake AND brought a healthy dish to share with co-workers. You are on a roll, Magic! Funny that Lulu takes her veggies away to eat at leisure. My boy barely even chews. At 12 years old he has finally started to slow down a bit on his eating which is good because he was often choking himself bolting his food and it was scary sometimes.

    I do find lately that after a few days of allowing junk into my diet that I start seriously craving the whole foods. I'm still on my broccoli kick. I put it on a baking sheet, sprinkle with coconut aminos and no salt seasoning. Bake at 400 for 30 to 40 minutes. It gets so sweet and kind of caramelized. I like it better than blue corn chips which is really saying something! I will eat broccoli for breakfast lunch or dinner.

    One of the weirdest things from Dr. Greger's How Not to Die book that has stuck with me is adding a sprinkle of dry mustard to cooked frozen broccoli. https://nutritionfacts.org/2016/02/09/how-to-cook-broccoli/ I just mix a little spicy brown mustard into broccoli that I have cooked from frozen. Since frozen veggies don't have much flavor it makes it much tastier anyway.

    Didn't get as much done today as I should have. A fair amount of work work but not much housework and cooking. I didn't make the soup but did get the hummus and tofu done. I have to go to the office tomorrow but will get there early and only stay 4 or 5 hours so I can get laundry and the rest of my cooking done.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Mihani wrote: »

    I do find lately that after a few days of allowing junk into my diet that I start seriously craving the whole foods. I'm still on my broccoli kick. I put it on a baking sheet, sprinkle with coconut aminos and no salt seasoning. Bake at 400 for 30 to 40 minutes. It gets so sweet and kind of caramelized. I like it better than blue corn chips which is really saying something! I will eat broccoli for breakfast lunch or dinner.

    Making this tomorrow morning. Just under 1 1/2 hours to go. I am going to really try and just go home, be with LULU ... feed her... then watch tv. NOTHING TO EAT FOR ME.

    I just need to do this once to make it a habit. ONCE...

    My goal is no eating after work Fri/Sat. Since I get off at seven, it would give me a jump start into feeling better when I wake up the next morning.

    I will tuck the frozen broccoli trick away to use...once I get frozen broc in the house.

    Good job on what you did prep, MIhani. Don't work too hard tomorrow.

    Later! <3

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited August 2021
    I did better last night, after work, than I had done the night before. Progress not perfection.

    What is crazy, I slept so well! moonsmiley2.gif moonsmiley2.gif Best in a long, long time!

    I expect to have a great Sunday at work.
    Menu will be very similar to yesterday's!

    Later, sweet peas! peapodsmiles.gifpeapodsmiles.gif
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Yay for a good night's sleep Magic. I generally sleep well but there are nights here and there and it makes me so tired (and hungry) the next day.

    Went to the office for 4 hours then stopped at the grocery to pick up a couple things I forgot. My salad prepper friend gave me cabbage this week and I think I'd prefer to cook it up with onions and blackeyed peas than eat it in the salads. I'm just going to use hummus and a little balsamic for salad dressing this week so I don't have to make a dressing. Plan today is to make the soup, cabbage and blackeyed peas, and a big skillet full of greens with onions and mushrooms. I have green and purple kale and dandelion greens!

    Got fresh blueberries and raspberries for my oatmeal this week.

    Still have some work I should get done today but doubt I will do it. I have to finish a load of laundry and get the cooking done and then I'll probably veg out for the evening. Might look for a new book to read.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    So...menu is...

    coffee with nutpods
    squeezed.com juice: jicama, turmeric, ginger, carrot, apple, lime
    carrots and hummus
    oatmeal, blueberries, almond milk
    component salad (my California Balsamics arrive tomorrow afternoon) two more days of FYH ranch! >:)

    Wishing you sweet things a lovely day!