August 13



  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,522 Member

    ~ ~ 8/13/2021~ ~ ~

    Exercise for at least 20 minutes .................................... ✅ ... 180 + min.
    Stay within my calorie budget for the day ...................... ✅ ... I am
    Keep track of everything I ate and drank ....................... ✅ .... I did

    STEPS.......... 23,800 + ........ 150 m Walking (3=40min).... 30 m house cleaning .....

    adding another 30 min. walk... is working out... so keeping it at 150 m. total walking
    daily during week days... weekend I will change to 2or3-45 min = 90-120 each day

    Documenting My CONSISTANCY = For personal ACCOUNTABILITY
    (if there is a P=instead of number its a Pass Day)

  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    All the best to you for your event @biketheworld

    There's still so many "firsts" for you and your family @lesdarts180. Sending you warm thoughts!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @RangerRickL; you certainly made Friday the 13th positive!!

    A "not so late" entry...

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? YES | Sprints (10), Walk (30) TOTAL: 40
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? YES | Base + 115
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? YES |

    Bonus: Did I meet my protein macro for the day (40%)? NO | 13%
    Pass Days Used: (AUG06)
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    8/13/2021 (written on 8/14)

    Exercise? Yes, barely.
    Stuck in court all day again, back to back hearings, but used the stairs once to get there from my office and back - the elevator the rest of the time since I always seemed to be running late. Did use the stairs to get down to the first floor and out at the end of the day. Rode the bus, so got my short walks there. And walked the dog. On the other hand, I was so danged sleepy last night that I nearly dropped my phone off the balcony about 4 times so I went to bed early. Woke up a couple of times during the night to listen to the rain, and slept through until Sienna got in my face this morning around 8. It was still sprinkling, but I took her out and she got her rowdy on with Valentine (her "boyfren"), Dexter and Chestnut (two much smaller dogs who don't really understand how to play with the big dogs) while I stood there with the other humans and tried not to get bowled over. Depending on the weather, I'll either get out for a ride or maybe I'll take the dog for a long walk on the path - the wash is a river again, although not yet running as full as it was a couple of weeks ago. Now, I have to get ready to go to the dentist. So not my favorite thing to do, but it's been a few years since I've cried through the appointment, now I just white-knuckle it. :anguished::cold_sweat::fearful::confounded: Hahahah!

    Tracking? Yep

    Within budget? Nope.

    Another pass day. And my weight is up. I'm on the back step of my cha cha... I'll move forward again.

    Happy belated @RangerRickL! I hope you had a most frabjous day!
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,205 Member
    It’s Friday the 13th and it’s my 71st birthday.
    Happily I had a 3 yes day!

    Happy birthday to you @RangerRickL 🌟
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,856 Member
    Yes for 3.
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,664 Member
    Exercise yes
    Caleries yes
  • victorious55
    victorious55 Posts: 3,328 Member
    August 13, 2021

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Kitchen Closed? Yes
    Going "nuts" with nuts today? No (11 days-free )
    (I go "nuts" with nuts most times, trying to continue a good habit this month. Counting the number of "nuts" free days.) I am still learning a lot about myself in this area!

    Lots of freggies today? Yes

    Pass day 2/3 (this is for accountability to myself and my records).
  • JTreasures
    JTreasures Posts: 856 Member
    Yes x 3
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    February 10/3
    March 12/3
    April 10/3
    May 8/3
    June 6/3
    July 8/3

    3x yes

  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    @RangerRickL I'm sorry I missed that Friday was your birthday! I hope you had a wonderful birthday with family/friends! 🎈🎁🎂🎉🥳

    @LazyBlondeChef is everything ok with you?
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    @LazyBlondeChef is everything ok with you?

    everything is good ... those pass days were due to my little mini vacation :D
  • oh_jackie
    oh_jackie Posts: 429 Member
    AUG 13
    Exercise ✅ [5 min stair climbing + 1 h strength training + 1:25 h walk]
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    @LazyBlondeChef Good to know!!! I just knew that wasn't like you! ;) I hope you enjoyed your "down time"!
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    pass day #2