A Seinfeld September...

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member


Pop quiz: what’s the most important ingredient in building a new habit?

To me, it’s repetition. There is no habit without repetitions. You need to practice over and over again the habit you want to create before it will ever run on autopilot. Yes, cues and rewards are important, but they are supporting characters. They trigger and reinforce the repetitions. The repetitions reign supreme.

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld knows the power of repetition. When asked by an up-and-coming comic what advice he had, Jerry told him to focus on writing more jokes. Write at least one joke every day and don’t break that daily chain. Don’t worry whether a joke is funny or not, that will come later. Just concentrate on the repetitions of daily joke writing.

Let’s follow Jerry‘s lead and have a “Seinfeld September”. Pick a small habit to focus on this month. Something so ridiculously easy that you can do it everyday. The goal this month is to simply not to break the chain. Use a calendar, a tracker, your phone, a journal, or whatever works for you to mark your daily progress, but please use some visual aide. We want to watch our habits grow!

My focus this month will be on a daily 2 minute deep breathing session. I’ll be using a calendar to chart my progress. I can do this and so can you!

Please Read: How to Stop Procrastinating on Your Goals by Using the “Seinfeld Strategy” (James Clear)

Looking forward to hearing what you’ll be working on this month!

🌷Denise & 🌸Maddie
@themedalist & @MadisonMolly2017


  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,881 Member
    Julie. Hang in there. You have a great start going. I don’t do a lot of homework either. 🤣🤣🤣😵‍💫🤣🤣🤣
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,977 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello @jamcnewman I'm glad to see you're staying with us 🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼

    I only joined this group in July and have been silently working on my tiny habits routine. I started off with a big list, full of good intentions, but whittled it back to the basics. I haven't got it set in place yet but that's partly because summertime is less scheduled for me. Starting next week, I'll need to make all the little things more habitual because I'll have more teaching hours. The better sleeping habits have still not been conquered but I do feel more rested.

    I've yet to read the Seinfeld article nor have I decided on a thing to focus on doing this month. However, one thing I'll work on is not getting that gritted teeth feeling whenever I hear something I dislike - like Seinfeld! I really don't like him and, I think because the whole of the US seems to love him, have developed a silly abhorrence towards even reading his name 😬 I almost didn't want to click on this month's discussion 🤣 So, yes, this is a silly thing that I need to eliminate from my head...along with all the other things that cause me to squirm.

    I'll read the article and pop in later with a 'thing' to work on.

    Have a great Friday everyone 💕