A Seinfeld September...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    🍄🍁🍂 SEPTEMBER 🍂🍁🍄

    In September I will ..... write in my journal for 10 minutes every day.
    Week 1 done and dusted. I have 7 links in my chain. Now I don't want to break the chain. 😂

    New September Tracker: I think i need a double page to get all my habits on and leave room for notes as well. I'll change it for October.

    Yep that’s the beauty of trackers! Don’t break the chain!! 🎉
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,338 Member
    Good morning! I already have a change to my September habit… surprise!! Lol.

    I’m going to take the time of day restriction off. My days are so fluid, and I don’t want to feel like I failed if I don’t read until afternoon.

    I have a hair appointment today and will have at least 20 minutes while she colors it, so I’m looking forward to it already! 😊

    @77tes I can certainly understand how you could miss singing. My mom used to sing a lot and had such a pretty voice. It always felt happy and peaceful when she would sing!

    September 15 Minutes Reading:
    Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck
    9/6 📖

    I don’t have a time restriction on my singing habit. I agree you should read when you have the time. My time is in the afternoon, but that’s because my daughters read with me and they enforce that habit. My dog makes sure I walk daily. It’s nice to have habit helpers or maybe habit enforcers. 🤣 My mom also had a lovely singing voice! 😍

    @nebslp I want a love button too, or a laugh button or both.

    @jamcnewman wow what a family of musicians yours is! I wish I could have heard that concert! I’m just finishing listening to Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana White. It is a library book, so it’s going to disappear today. I like the audio book because I can listen while I’m doing housework. She might have some ideas to help you, but she doesn’t talk about how to get your kids stuff out of the house when they are grown. I remember when I was a teen, my grandma had my dad go through the boxes of his stuff that was still in her house. I’m pretty sure is was around 50 at the time. 😫.
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,363 Member
    edited September 2021
    77tes wrote: »
    Good morning! I already have a change to my September habit… surprise!! Lol.

    I’m going to take the time of day restriction off. My days are so fluid, and I don’t want to feel like I failed if I don’t read until afternoon.

    I have a hair appointment today and will have at least 20 minutes while she colors it, so I’m looking forward to it already! 😊

    @77tes I can certainly understand how you could miss singing. My mom used to sing a lot and had such a pretty voice. It always felt happy and peaceful when she would sing!

    September 15 Minutes Reading:
    Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck
    9/6 📖

    I don’t have a time restriction on my singing habit. I agree you should read when you have the time. My time is in the afternoon, but that’s because my daughters read with me and they enforce that habit. My dog makes sure I walk daily. It’s nice to have habit helpers or maybe habit enforcers. 🤣 My mom also had a lovely singing voice! 😍

    @nebslp I want a love button too, or a laugh button or both.

    @jamcnewman wow what a family of musicians yours is! I wish I could have heard that concert! I’m just finishing listening to Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana White. It is a library book, so it’s going to disappear today. I like the audio book because I can listen while I’m doing housework. She might have some ideas to help you, but she doesn’t talk about how to get your kids stuff out of the house when they are grown. I remember when I was a teen, my grandma had my dad go through the boxes of his stuff that was still in her house. I’m pretty sure is was around 50 at the time. 😫.

    @77tes Thanks so much for the book recommendation — I just downloaded it and will begin it tomorrow.

    Age 50?!?! 😳😬🥺😩😭

    Try this video:
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,363 Member
    edited September 2021


    Let me know if it works? The video in the posting above is James and his sister - final tune of the afternoon.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    @jsmcnewman That's a really cool video! Much talent there, and I'm sure you must look forward to their visits.

    @SummerSkier I found it interesting that you mentioned that you've started focusing on breathing while in traffic. I have been in downtown Austin only once and the traffic was crazy! It's a busy place! Since I started meditating and am learning to center myself through my breath at any time or place, I find myself doing that when driving in Omaha. Just by being aware of the tension that busy traffic brings and breathing through it helps lower the tension and makes the trip much more pleasant. Knowing that a quilt shop visit lies ahead helps, too :D

    @TerriRichardson112 Great tracker! Looks like it covers just about everything.

    @77tes I put the decluttering book on my wait list when you first mentioned it and it won't be available for a few more weeks. Must be really popular. Marie Kondo had many of us hooked a year or two ago and I still implement her ideas. My drawers look awesome and I actually enjoy folding clothes!! Thanks for the tip on the new book.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited September 2021
    @jamcnewman <> That has a real Irish Ceildh vibe to it, Julie. I watched the other video. Danny Boy is one of my favourites. She has a lovely voice!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,338 Member
    @jamcnewman that was some concert! Beautiful playing and singing! Thanks for sharing the videos! That reminds me that I haven’t sung yet today - super busy all day long. Danny Boy it is!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,338 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 those tracking grids are awesome!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,338 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 I can’t even imagine finishing decluttering my entire house! Brava!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    @MadisonMolly2017 I can’t even imagine finishing decluttering my entire house! Brava!

    @77tes Thank you! Really, retiring basically made it possible …

    I knew it would surprise me. You weed through things (in my case, over & over, until you just have what you need/love) and then boom, you look around & you love it all that is left.

    I still have Sentimental to finish, but I have made many passes before…this will be more organizing & less pitching :) who knows, I might even put some photo books together!! :)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Wow! There are some talented people on this thread! I just completed a major decluttering and still have the papers to go! I feel so much better with this completed! My 26 year old finally started to declutter his room this past month. He hasn't lived at home in years! But finally he seems ready to fix the room up!

    Congratulations @Rosemarie2972 !!
    I found papers went a little more slowly as the rest, as I had to examine each sheet carefully. However, dealing with all my papers had the largest impact on my piece of mind. I realized how few I still needed, and then organized the rest so they are MUCH easier to find!! I also started completing those “big jobs” because I could easily see what we needed to do & set up a priority system.

    I’m a big believer (now) of doing 10 minutes of Decluttering ever day.

    And yay re: your 26 year old!! Over time, our son (and wife) have weeded through his/their stiff. I think when they saw how much we were doing, and I was able to express my frustration, they made it a higher priority.

    Yay! For having homes that support us - not bring us down?

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    9 days complete with my 10 minutes worth of reading. Yay me!

    WhooHoo @clarity8796 !! Isn’t it fun!!
    Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊❣️

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I posted in the august thread without realizing it because it has been active this month and I just clicked to see the new posts and add my own. It’s really confusing to me to have so many threads now that so much declutter discussion is on the monthly habit page as well as the declutterfest 2021 thread. Call me ditzy but my head is spinning😂🤣
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,671 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    I posted in the august thread without realizing it because it has been active this month and I just clicked to see the new posts and add my own. It’s really confusing to me to have so many threads now that so much declutter discussion is on the monthly habit page as well as the declutterfest 2021 thread. Call me ditzy but my head is spinning😂🤣

    Hahaha 🤣 I've been there! You need to declutter your starred threads 🧹✨
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    I'm here. The 2 min breathing is going well this month and I am glad @themedalist reminded me about that. I also was getting mixed up with decluttering and last month's thread. I suppose when I retire in a few years (ok 2!) that will become my main job.

    I need to figure out some more enjoyable pastimes tho. It seems I spend all my time working, with Bandit, taking care of the kitties or playing on the computer. That's stupid. (see here I am again)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! I’ve read through several days of posts and I think you are all doing great! @jamcnewman, I loved the video of Danny Boy that you shared. You certainly have a very talented family! @nebslp, I really like your daily intention goal. I do something similar. Each day I try to figure out one thing I want to accomplish. The most important thing. Sometimes it’s something that will only take me a minute or two and sometimes longer. And of course I usually accomplish more than one thing a day. But it’s really satisfying to know that I’ll get my “one thing“ done every day. And I’m not talking daily habits here – – I’ve got a bunch of those – – rather things that pop up that are important that I need to attend to and I don’t want to procrastinate on.

    @77tes, I love your daily singing goal! And @clarity8796 way to go on the daily streak!

    I can relate to the decluttering struggles. My husband loves to collect knickknacks he finds at secondhand shops. All of them mean something to him. From my perspective, they just litter his office. If I had to work in his office the clutter would stress me out and make it hard for me to focus. But I don’t work in his office. I work in mine and it’s a knickknack free zone. I’m not going to change him and I don’t want to have stuff drive a wedge between us. As long as it doesn’t spill over and to the rest of the house, which it doesn’t, I can live with that.