Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • gardenergal24
    gardenergal24 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi @ThursLins, I was a member of the Shooting Stars for spring & summer of 2021, that was a really fun team. Still trying to get used to this MFP platform. I'm hoping by the end of the winter 5% challenge we'll all feel a lot more comfortable with it. Can't wait to get my team assignment and get on the runway!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,633 Member
    Good morning everyone - I sure hope you all are safe and sound and enjoying some relaxing time, or doing things you've been wanting to do but did not have the time. I don't make NYR - what I do make is a plan of action and then I action the plan. This year it will be to focus on fitness - 60 min of exercise a day and to incorporate some form of strength training to firm up my posture and to help strengthen my muscles. Health muscle burns calories - so I need them to be as healthy as they can be at my age. I also need to respect my limitations, and not sweat the small stuff. We are expecting another major snowstorm tonight into tomorrow ( shhhhh dont' tell @Dianedoessmiles1 ) lol 😂
    To all those who have migrated over from Spark, allow yourself the time to get to know the program. MFP has some wonderful features that Spark did not have, although I know Spark had some wonderful features MFP does not have. To all those who have always been on MFP do share your experiences and knowledge, any lil tricks and tips for this program will help immensely. Finally, don't be afraid of making a mistake - mistakes helps to teach - at least they do for me.
    Lets all get ready to 5% it !!!! Bring on the challenge Winter !!
  • debulaclark
    debulaclark Posts: 229 Member
    Hi everyone!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    @Catnurse1,, awww the poor dog!! I imagine its pretty windy at times!! UGH on the 40s and rain, yeah this weekend same thing. AARRGGHH!! BUT YET!! LOL I have cataract surgery at 8:20 AM so I need to be there by 7:45 so I'm glad it's NOT going to SNOW all weekend though it's so pretty!!! It's so strange when in Alaska it's RAINING and is for us, well it USED to be weird, but turning into a normal here in Jan. Sadly so.
    @Thurslins ,, Please look at the Shape Shifters to see some previous SS!!! Barb is on there as a leader (Ladyluk1)
    Here's the link to make that easier for you. I see some very familiar names there so likely you will too!
    If you'd rather join the Shape Shifters, and had asked for another team (Including Any Team ,,option) PLEASE DO JOIN the Shape Shifters (There IS ROOM) but also on the other choice, go in and post that you've asked for the Shape Shifters instead. OH NO DOUBT they'll LOVE having you back!
    @Gardenergal24,, Awww Joni, you've If I recall have asked for the Positively Strong 4 Life team,,, we'd understand if you'd rather be back with the team members you got to know after you were on the Dawggies (LOL For those of you who do not know I was the CL of the Dawggies, and or the ML when Joni was on the team). Really though we want the VERY BEST for you to be the happiest you can be. IF you decide to join @Thurslins on the Shape Shifters ,,, please go back onto the PS4L team (if you did join us??) and note that you'd rather be on the Shape Shifter team. They do need members, and we are set, though I'd cry FUREVER (LOLOL Just teasing her now, she knows that).
    @Lindiemaep ,.,, MOVING ON UP I AM!! LOLOLOL!!! WELL hey, we KNOW I LOVE SNOW!! How much does BC get a year? Love your post!! Indeed a favorite of mine is "PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION!" because we can't be perfect, but we can make progress. WOOHOO FIRST BATCH of invites will be sent tomorrow!! (Thursday) PLEASE BE PATIENCE if you do not get one on Thursday. In order for the teams to have the same amount of members, they are sent out in batches. This way ALL 8 teams have a chance to win the challenge.
    @debulaclark , HI Debbie!! How are you? Glad the holidays are OVAH? I do not even celebrate, but LOL I FEEL so much stress GONE since they are. It's just in the air when everyone is a running around, so happy people are more relaxed now.
    @EVERYONE you'll see this several times if you are a regular on the chat, but since not everyone is a regular, this will help them find their team invite.
    Please go to Community/Groups/immediately under the GROUPS you'll see your INVITE!
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,724 Member
    happy wednesday everyone! it is a mostly cloudy day here today. i went for a long walk this afternoon and i feel great. i will be doing some dancing after supper today. my daughter is at her part time job today. she really enjoys her job! both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! have an amazing day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,622 Member
    Welcome to any new members! As CL of the Fit Force team, I'm looking forward to getting those invites out soon and welcoming new and returning members to our great team for the winter challenge!

    @luv2dns2 - Keep an eye on your groups page tomorrow which is where you should find your invitation to your team!

    @CSEGUIN2 - I pretty much expect to gain about 4-5 pounds over Christmas because I'm eating more baking (the only time I do much baking) and usually chocolate, but I know that once I stop eating the extra sugar, most of that weight will disappear again. It's already gone down a couple of pounds from our visit to our daughter's place where I was eating more carbs - especially white flour/pasta. Getting back to a more normal diet aside from the sweets has helped.

    The new furnace has been installed - not too bad staying warm while the heat was off with the help of a small electric heater here. The new thermostat is Wi-Fi compatible so hubby is figuring that out with one of the installers at the moment but basically they're finished. Nothing on my agenda today so I should dig in to my new book - a biography of Ruth Bader Ginsburg that our son and his GF gave me for Christmas and maybe pick up my knitting work at one of my UF projects! I got my workout in this morning before the installers arrived with the furnace so the rest of the day is mine.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone! I actually know the day of the week during winter break which is off for me. Hubby has off til the new year-younger daughter is away until then. So it’s just fun days here!
    @catnurse1 -Aw sorry about the weather!
  • gardenergal24
    gardenergal24 Posts: 588 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1, I definitely want to be on the Positively Strong 4 Life team that I signed up for! I was just welcoming one of my former Stars teammates to this winter challenge. Sorry for any confusion.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    @Cormierannie ,,, So good to have a job one enjoys. May your D do this for the rest of her life, may all who work enjoy what it is they do. Life is short enough, stressful enough without working a job one is very unhappy with. Enjoy the rest of the night.
    @Retired_Sue, indeed the weight will be right back off. love how that works!! YEAH YEAH on the new furnace!! That'll be super nice to have. With prices going up on every thing, nice to have some savings there also, though the upfront cost may be a little ouchers. YEAH YEAH WE ARE ALL SO HAPPY to be welcoming our teams back!! WOOHOO TO Every single one of you!! TY TY TY for picking your team of choice, and BEST TO US ALL! Of course this feed (On Sparks was called thread) will continue to be active through the entire challenge.
    @Bookienj, WOOHOO ENJOY the rest of the VACATION!! AND so cool H and D also do. That's a lovely family time!!! PRECIOUS Indeed!!
    @gardenergal24 ,,, SMILING JONI!! When I saw you signed up for the PS4L team, I DID ABSOULTELY SMILE SO MUCH!! At one point you had me considering joining the flower gardeners here!! I freak when seeing worms, that's a huge draw back. Did you know when you live in a 55 plus high rise, and you SCREAM when you see a WORM, well that's the talk for QUITE A BIT!! They either sympathize with you, or LAUGH SO HARD extra Depends are needed!! LOLOLOL HAPPY to have ya back!!
    We are so happy that many of you who had been on Sparks, are back with members you knew more for this upcoming challenge. We absolutely did though getting to know so many others during the fall. HOW SPECIAL is it that all of us have team choice!!! All we ask as AOL's is that you ENJOY THE FLIGHTS!! As you can get to know your teammates, work towards your goals as you can. Most of all, feel and be supportive of each other. GOOOOOO TO ALL 5% MEMBERS!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    The snow is gone as it rained all day. But more snow and freezing rain is coming tonight. Ran some errands to get ready for the end of the month. Cleaned some more n the kitchen and the living room. We also had Hubby's friend visit for several hours. Usually he drops in and out with in minutes. I am hoping that some of what he said sinks in to Hubby's thick head. I know I am not perfect but things can definitely be better. Tomorrow I am working on the bedroom. I am turning it into storage and maybe my exercise room not sure yet. Either way I need my space in the kitchen for studying. Trying to get everything in order for the New Year. Less stress happier me. Also have to work for about an hour and so tomorrow.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Morning campers.
    I’ve not been active on this column recently but am getting geared up for the 5% challenge.
    Feeling rather pleased with myself this morning.
    Woke to the alarm and had my weekly pill that I have to sit and do nothing for about an hour afterwards. Usually means I skip the exercise. Looked at the exercise bike And it stared back at me accusingly so my day is now runny an hour behind but the exercise is nearly done.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,558 Member
    It's 34 with a high of 53 for today. Axe Sharpening: Lifting heavy weights is mental, and if doubt creeps in, you'll let it win. Attach the bar like you own it and push through those barriers.~~~Nick Weite 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy Final Thursday of 2021. Fitness quote for today: Don't let your doubt sabotage your actions.~~~~courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational quote for today: Less doubt, more faith.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 11,700 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is 3 rounds circuit then 3 rounds core circuit after work.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to everyone here❤️ May 2022 bring you more joy, happiness, good health and love.

    Apologies for MIA for a while. I was getting the spins now and then and I went back to see my Doc as I couldn't understand why and the maneuvers that I was taught didn't work. All is well now😅😅😅 We finally found out another position of my head that causes my spinnings and now I am good again. However, can't say the same about my weight. But, I will try my best to lose weight and get to my GW in 2022...that would be my 2022 resolution.

    Take care and stay safe❤️
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,622 Member
    Just stopping by to say hello to everyone! I hope that you are having a great day and watching out for those team invitations that have now gone out - at least mine have!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - The furnace is a rental so no big upfront cost and they handle all the servicing and yearly maintenance. Not a bad deal at all.
    I'm going to make a kind of tiramisu dessert for hubby and I for New Year's - not that we need it - but I have ladyfingers here that he bought that need to be used and that seems to be the best way to do it. Found a pretty simple recipe to use - don't really want to fuss too much. Just remembered I didn't take the cream cheese out of the fridge so I'll have to let that warm up a bit before I can make it.

    Enjoy your day!
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,724 Member
    happy thursday everyone! it is a mild day here today with the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. my daughter says hi to all! both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing later on this afternoon. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone! Day before New Year’s Eve. Hubby, 16 yo and I went to the mall. Hubby and I walked 13,000 steps and grabbed 5 guys. Would have been Red Robin but line was long to get in. I have been masking like crazy but forgot one today-it was in my other coat 🥲. @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx! Today we went to the mall-16 yo went off with a friend, so hubby and I walked and walked. We got 13,000 steps just there and did some fun Pokémon go.
    @CSEGUIN2 -sounds like a really productive day! Hope you get everything done that you wanted to.
    @Lessennan -lol about the bike staring back at you-glad you got the exercise in!
    @jadepearl -Aw happy to see you back again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    @Retired_Sue -thx for heads up about invite! I will start looking.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 or @Retired_Sue - can you send me a refresher course on how to see any groups that I have been invited to and just need to hit join? Thinking for this challenge and another I am doing
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @bookieNJ i need that refresher course too
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,696 Member
    If you scroll up, there's a screen shot. But I haven't received an invite yet.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member