TEAM: The Slimsons (December)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215.


  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited November 2021
    Welcome Team Slimsons - New and old members to December Challenge!


    My name is Gloria, 42 yrs old, been on this weight-loss journey since 2004. It's been a long uphill battle but I refuse to give up until I meet my long-time goal of 200lbs.

    Over the past few years, I've been diagnosed with asthma which has overlapped into COPD ergo the oxygen continuously, gastroenteritis, events & hiatal hernia, acid reflux, pulmonary hypertension, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, chronic pain in the back and knees.

    Current Weight: 476.5lbs
    73.2lbs and 50 inches lost overall so far.

    His continued Grace, guidance, and Power are what I need to give me strength as well as acknowledge my faults, and then start making one small change at a time.

    My Plan for Success this month:
    • Surrendering to God in prayer morning & night
    • Abstaining from Fast & Junk Food (except scheduled days)
    • Guidance from my Bariatric Doctor & Personal Trainer
    • Intermittent Fasting Window (16:8, 18:6, 20:4)
    • Start Aquatics 2x every other week when permitted
    • Increase Interval workout from 60mins to 90 mins a day with a least one standing
    • Follow current Whole Food Plant Base with 1600 calories, (Macros 65% Carbs, 15% Fat 20% Protein) allowing 6 days of semi-healthy splurge during (21st & 23rd on a reward trip to Savannah, GA, Christmas, my birthday (12/31 and New Year's day)
    • Increase step count from 7000 to 7500 steps daily
    • Continue drinking lots of water 💧
    • Meditate at least 4x a week to center myself
    • Always find a way to prep my food for the week
    • Keep Zero calorie frozen popsicles on hand
    • Measure every month on the 28th
    • Weigh Every Thursday to Stay on Track
    ‼️USE THE CRISIS HOTLINE 800 273 8255 ‼️

    If interested follow my progress at:

    SIDE NOTE: I'm planning a trip to Savannah, GA for my early birthday gift to myself as a reward for losing 100lbs.🤞🏾🤞🏾 I wanted to wait to go the week of my birthday but couldn't get any of my family members to lead the Kwanzaa celebration and I'm very strict about keeping traditions (you know. . .lead by example🤔🤔); soooooo I'm leaving the 20th and returning the 24th. Since I am shorting myself 2 weeks, I've decided since this is a nonrefundable trip I will still go if I'm short of my goal but will just make sure I work out and restrict myself to my food plan and no treats while I'm there. But really hoping to succeed🙏🏾🙏🏾

    Looking forward to reading everyone's post and knowing we will have a successful month. We're in this together 💪🏾❤
  • jpettigrew77
    jpettigrew77 Posts: 33 Member
    Good Morning all...looking forward to my first challenge on MFP

    My starting weight today 230.5lbs
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    WMEJA wrote: »
    Sunday weigh in
    Pw: 212
    Cw: 207.6
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    We are going to be running a (Optional) Mini-Accountability Challenge (Optional)

    First and foremost is that participation in this challenge is optional. It's up to you as to whether you want to try this. I definitely encourage participation for a couple reasons, one of the being it helps to keep your goals in focus daily but also it's motivating to see others working on the same things and having the same struggles too. It's defintely a reminder that we're not alone and we are a team!

    The Daily Posts Challenge is based on another challenge on MFP called UAC (Ultimate Accountability Challenge). The way UAC works is that the aim is to follow 5 basic rules.

    #1. Track EVERYTHING you eat that has calories.
    #2. Stay inside your allocated daily budget. (you set your own budget)
    #3. Try to do at least 20 minutes of activity a day (anything: walk, run, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.. As long as it gets you active and off the couch)
    #4. Check in daily (tracking yes/no, calories yes/no, exercise yes/no).

    ****End of the week. those who have managed to keep to plan for 6 out of 7 days are recognized in the thread as being part of the weekly "Winners Circle".

    It works on an honor system. Being honest with yourself and others is a key to making things work. Remember, this is a judgement free zone, everyone has good days and bad days, but the way to get to the finish line is by being honest and when we have a bad day, picking ourselves up and carrying on the next day!

    Consistency and new habits have been shown the only long term successful way to change weight. We all want the progress made here to last a lifetime.

    Your posts should look like this:
    Daily Post (Sunday)

    Track: Yes/no
    Calories: Yes/no (were you under)
    Exercise: Yes/no (what type and how long)
    Goals/Day/Comments: (Tell us a brief description about your how your day went or your goals for the day)

    Please post your weight on your scheduled weigh in day, as if you miss weigh-ins, you may be eliminated from the challenge and we don't want to see that happen!!

    Your posts should look like this:
    Week 1
    PW =(previous weight)
    CW=(current weight)

    Please, please setup your posts in that format as it really makes it much easier for us to track your progress for the challenges and the weight loss!!

    We'd like to help you be as successful as possible and if we can help in any way, please let us know. Also, if you have any suggestions for the team or fun ideas to spice things up a bit, please feel free to share them, we look for new ways to help engagement and keep people motivated!!

    Welcome to the Challenge!!
  • Robandy12345
    Robandy12345 Posts: 265 Member
    215 start weigh
  • MotivatedM3
    MotivatedM3 Posts: 100 Member
    @AB0215 I need to change my weigh in to Wednesdays please
  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    Saturday 11/27
    Tracked: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes
    Exercise Yes, a 30 minute walk outside (hadn’t paid attention to exactly how early it got dark and had to cut it short)
    Also went through my clothes again, got rid of about 15 things and took things out of storage tubs that now fit. Could have gotten rid of a lot of other things that are big on me but with working at home and congregation meetings still over zoom as well, I don’t feel as self conscious still wearing them.

    User: KakoHikes
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 203.4
    CW: 202.2
  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    Happy to be joining you guys this month! I was in Team Run Track Minds and now get to be with you guys after that team was dissolved. I’m 34F, 5’4 and started using MFP again at the end of May and feel like I am in it for the long haul this time, learning how to cook healthy meals and create healthy habits. My motivation to start again was some not so good lab results and high blood pressure. Also have pcos. After all the health issues family members have had, I want to try and limit my risk factors as much as I can.

    May 28th 2021 Weight 240lbs (also my highest weight), Ultimate goal weight 170lbs. I’ll reassess once I am there but I’ve been down to 170lbs before, I know it is doable. My weight loss has felt like it has slowed down last month or so but looking back, losing 38lbs in 5 months is quite accomplishment. While I do want to be back in onederlandby end of the year, am trying to not focus on the scale so much as keeping up the momentum on healthy habits.
  • jpettigrew77
    jpettigrew77 Posts: 33 Member
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes - walk 1hr
    Goals/Day/Comments: My goal today was to go for a long walk after work and stick to my diet. Both were successful. Next goal read foe an hour. Stay away from TV. My daily goal is NOT to eat after 730 will see if reading will be a good distraction from after dinner snacking.

    Hope everyone had a great Sunday
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,841 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 218
    CW: 218
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    Hello everyone! I’m excited to join you guys! I’m a 50 y/o mom of two. Both kids are still in high school. I was recently at my heaviest I’ve ever been in my life (250 lbs), today I am 235.8

    Seeing myself in my son’s Senior Night pictures was an eye opener.

    I have started this slowly and I’m finally finding my groove. I’m thrilled to see where this takes me!
  • jpettigrew77
    jpettigrew77 Posts: 33 Member
    Sorry @AB0215 I posted early this morning and did not see your instructions. Here is my weigh-in info

    Week 1
    PW = 230.5
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 525 Member
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes - Under
    Exercise: Yes - I went to the Market for food, and housework.
    Goals/Day/Comments: I'm happy to be back for another month. I'm glad to see new people. I earned 343 extra calories today my all-time high so far. I am not eating back those calories, but it's fun to see it in MFP.

    The short story is I gained a lot of weight with medication changes, and then I ate to "feel good". I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. It's not titled correctly; it's actually an Autoimmune Disease and the arthritis is just something that is part of it.

    My weigh-in day's are Tuesday's and my starting weight for the month is 188.4, my all-time high was 245, I've lost over 50 pounds. My goal weight is 145, and I should reach it by about July of 2022
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Daily Post Sunday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 32 minutes indoor walking
  • walk4today
    walk4today Posts: 1,195 Member
    Daily Post
    Sunday 11/28/21
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: walking
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes: walked 2.11 miles (43 min)

    My goals today were to reach my step goal (12,000), exercise, stay under 1600 calories and remember to post this accurately. I hope I did this right.

    My goals for tomorrow: 12,500 calories, 20+ minutes exercise and plan out our menu for the week
  • SalluR
    SalluR Posts: 180 Member
    Week 1
    Weigh in

    PW :201
    CW :200
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Daily Post Sunday
    Track yes
    Calories yes and over
    Exercise yes walking in the snow ❄
This discussion has been closed.