Santa Sprint 2021 Challenge!



  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Starting weight 10/31/21 - 258.6
    December weight 12/1/21 - 251.0
    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 245.0

    Other goals for each day:
    Stay under 100g carbs: 31g
    Get at least 2,500 steps: 5,256
    Eat over 1,000 cals: 1,065 (just barely made it)
    Drink 85 oz water: 135.2 oz
    Down 8.4 lbs for Dec to 242.6 lbs
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Day 21 - 178.6

    So back below 180, so that makes me happy! I knew it was a little glitch. I've decided to hold off on the maintenance until my doctor's appointment. Went and got my blood work today. My appointment is in two weeks. Then I'll go from there.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I failed to log over the weekend, but I'm not letting that cause me to drop out for the month, like I have in the past.


    Logged: yes.
    Net carbs: 36 g.
    Protein: 119 g.
    Movement: weights
    Journaling: yes
    Sleep: good

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Happy Wednesday all!

    I was sort of off the grid 12/10-12/17 with a trip south to visit my sister. We walked, hiked or biked everyday and food was on point while there. I got back in the home workout groove on Sunday but food I'm now struggling with due to work stress. I think I've reached an ag and place in my career where everyone annoys me and I would love to retire. Alas, I've got a ways to go LOL.

    That being said, I am rebooting my mind and spirit this morning. I have a lunch workout on my work calendar (every Mon/Wed for the next year). Today will be cardio since my triceps and lats are still a bit sore from Monday strength class. I wanted to add indoor bike to my routine but hubby discovered it has a flat back tire. Too cold to walk outside so will look for a walking video until the bike gets fixed.

    Take care everyone, stay healthy and safe!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Way to go Mary! You are doing so awesome!

    Day 22 - 178.8 - Looks like I am going to be hanging around here for awhile. That's good! I'm happy here...for now! :)
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Starting weight 10/31/21 - 258.6
    December weight 12/1/21 - 251.0
    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 245.0

    Other goals for each day:
    Stay under 100g carbs: 28g
    Get at least 2,500 steps: 3,406
    Eat over 1,000 cals: 1,063
    Drink 85 oz water: 118.3 oz
    Down 9.2 lbs for Dec to 241.8 lbs
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Thank you.
    Is there anyway you could put in at least a weekly accounting of your weights? It would be easier to see your progress all together!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Starting Weight 8/26/21 - 214
    December Week 1 Weight 12/1/21 - 186.6
    Week 2 - 183.6
    Week 3 - 178.8
    Current Weight 12/22/21 - 178.8

    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 179 (Or lower!) Made it!!! :)
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    WOW! 3 lbs then 5lbs. Really impressive!!!!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Starting Weight 8/26/21 - 214
    December Week 1 Weight 12/1/21 - 186.6
    Week 2 - 183.6
    Week 3 - 178.8
    Week 4 - 178.8
    Current Weight 12/23/21 - 179.2

    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 179 (Or lower!) Made it!!! :) So just try to stay below 180

    Thanks @swimmom_1 ! I love Keto! I have lost 35 lbs so far, without exercise. Was hoping to lose 40 by the end of this month, but I don't think it will happen. Which is okay. My final goal is to get down to 150 or below and remain there! I have a feeling that the next 30 will be harder to achieve as quickly. May have to start exercising!
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Starting weight 10/31/21 - 258.6
    December weight 12/1/21 - 251.0
    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 245.0

    Other goals for each day:
    Stay under 100g carbs: 64g
    Get at least 2,500 steps: 8,987
    Eat over 1,000 cals: 1,318
    Drink 85 oz water: 135.2 oz
    Down 9.2 lbs for Dec to 241.8 lbs
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Starting Weight 8/26/21 - 214
    December Week 1 Weight 12/1/21 - 186.6
    Week 2 - 183.6
    Week 3 - 178.8
    Week 4 - 178.8
    Current Weight 12/24/21 - 178.0

    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 179 (Or lower!) Made it!!! :) So just try to stay below 180

    At first, the scale jumped to 177.6 which got me excited, then it ended at 178. LOL! Still excited because it's the lowest I've been in ages!

    I won't be logging in here tomorrow. Sunday will probably be back up in the 180s. But it will come down again. Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate this joyous season! Happy Holidays to all the others!
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Starting weight 10/31/21 - 258.6
    December weight 12/1/21 - 251.0
    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 245.0

    Other goals for each day:
    Stay under 100g carbs: 40g
    Get at least 2,500 steps: 12,088
    Eat over 1,000 cals: 1,207
    Drink 85 oz water: 118.3 oz
    Down 9 lbs for Dec to 242 lbs

    Merry Christmas Eve!!
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Starting weight 10/31/21 - 258.6
    December weight 12/1/21 - 251.0
    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 245.0

    Other goals for each day:
    Stay under 100g carbs: 73g
    Get at least 2,500 steps: 9,397
    Eat over 1,000 cals: 1,128
    Drink 85 oz water: 135.2 oz
    Down 9 lbs for Dec to 242 lbs

    Merry Christmas!!
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Starting weight 10/31/21 - 258.6
    December weight 12/1/21 - 251.0
    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 245.0

    Other goals for each day:
    Stay under 100g carbs: 97g
    Get at least 2,500 steps: 9,494
    Eat over 1,000 cals: 1,677
    Drink 85 oz water: 118.3 oz

    This morning I saw a 2 pound jump on the scale. It says 244.0, I know I didn't over eat (even if I went over 1350 I always had exercise cals to cover and still was under) so I did not actually gain that weight, but I did have a lot of carbs and sodium the last 2 days. I'll go back to watching those numbers better and should see it drop back down soon.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Starting Weight 8/26/21 - 214
    December Week 1 Weight 12/1/21 - 186.6
    Week 2 - 183.6
    Week 3 - 178.8
    Week 4 - 178.8
    Current Weight 12/26/21 - 179.2

    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 179 (Or lower!) Made it!!! :) So just try to stay below 180

    Well, Christmas dinner was pretty high in carbs. I didn't even attempt to log it. Today, a little gain. We will see what happens over the next couple of days. But today back on track. Less than 15 grams of carbs.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hi! I'm Mary from Pennsylvania.
    Back again! Will post weight on Sundays. Sticking with what has been working for me since 5/14/21. 1000-1200 calories/day,
    Net Carbs 15 +/- 3 grams(some days actually less), 70+ oz water/day, only 2 meals/day on non work days (I work 4 days/week) and exercise on my non work days (as I work long days).
    UGW-122 lbs
    Down 89.4 lbs of 133 lb goal to lose.

    Oct goal was 10 lbs Almost made it!, loss -9.6 lbs :-(
    Nov goal was 5 lbs Made it, loss -5.6 lbs! :-)
    Dec goal is 5 lbs, loss so far -10.6 lbs! :-)
    My Nov/Dec/Jan goal is 15 lbs. I've exceeded that, 16.2 lbs so far! :-)

    9/14/20-255 lbs Highest weight twice :-(
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212.0 lbs
    9/1/21-200.0 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    11/1/21-181.8 lbs
    12/1/21-176.2 lbs

    12/5/21-171.8 lbs. I'm wearing size 10 jeans but yesterday I tried on a brand new pair of 8's, (with tags on) l found in my closet. I zipped them right up without any trouble. Only reason I won't wear them yet is my flabby stomach hangs over the waist really bad. Need to start doing abdominal crunches! Also as of yesterday I am no longer Obese on the BMI scale (even though as a RN, I don't really think it's a super tool. My sons who are very fit, are sometimes classified as Obese and one only has 4-6% body fat. We seem to be solidly built people. I've always weighed more than people think). So I'm now Overweight! Can't wait though to hit the Normal anyway! About 26-28 lbs to go for that.

    12/12/21-170.8 lbs Was at a work Christmas bowling party last night. They had snacks and were to have some Keto friendly ones. They had pizza, french fries and BREADED chicken nuggets. I didn't have any. Glad I took some of my own to munch. I had a hard boiled egg, colby jack string cheese, pecans and water.
    I expected a bigger drop today. Was hoping for 160 something but will take it. I did 242 minutes on my Elliptical for 17 miles today.

    Couldn't wait for my regular weigh-in day on Sunday. I just had to share...
    12/14/21-169.4 lbs! Finally under 170! But now all I think about is the next goal for the scale of under 150! Down 85.6 lbs total, 12.4 lbs already of my 15 lb goal for November, December & January. I had a later start for my Elliptical today so only did 140 minutes for 11 miles.
    12/19/21-169.6 lbs
    12/21/21-168.2 lbs

    12/26/21-165.6 lbs I had NO ACTUAL GAIN over Thanksgiving or Christmas but a LOSS over BOTH! I behaved yesterday (pretty much). I had prime rib, roasted broccoli, cauliflower and pepper medley and a spring mix salad with strawberries, feta and nuts in it with no dressing on it. I did have a piece of Pumpkin cheesecake but stayed under my daily calories. I did my Elliptical yesterday 180 minutes for 11.3 miles and today 240 minutes for 16 miles. 90 lbs is just AROUND THE CORNER and 100 lb loss is just AROUND THE BEND! Going to keep on as I have been. No coasting or slowing down! I'm wearing my size 8 jeans today and a medium flannel shirt I haven't worn since 2014!

    October loss-9.6 lbs of 10 lb goal
    November loss-5.6 lbs of 5 lb goal
    December loss-10.6 lbs of 5 lb goal
    Nov/Dec/Jan goal-15 lbs, lost 16.2 lbs so far!
    Total loss-89.4 lbs of 133 lb goal.

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Jumping in at the end here, in preparation for the New Year weightloss resolution.

    This year I'll have a weight-loss buddy for support which is nice. The struggle has been too real for far too long and I'm ready to break out!
    I'm planning on going keto for it's many manifestations of wellness in my body and mind.
    First challenge is to figure out my new scale ... once I stopped weighing in daily, I mentally checked out and have been eating all the things and losing ground ever since. So, much as I dread New Year's Day, I will have a weight number from which to begin.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Starting Weight 8/26/21 - 214
    December Week 1 Weight 12/1/21 - 186.6
    Week 2 - 183.6
    Week 3 - 178.8
    Week 4 - 178.8
    Current Weight 12/27/21 - 179.4

    End of year Goal 12/31/21 - 179 (Or lower!) Made it!!! :) So just try to stay below 180

    Another slight gain, but still under 180!! If I make it to Friday staying under, this is definitely a win for me! For now, it appears I'm in maintenance mode. I'm completely fine with that! Next year, new goals.

    Welcome @elize7 ! That's awesome you have a partner to help each other over the hurdles. I agree about weighing daily. It's helped me stay on track this time. Makes me mindful of what I put in my mouth. Last time I did this, I weighed once a week and didn't do as good as this time.

    Mary, awesome job on the loss over the holidays!! You are my inspiration! WTG!!!