Monthly Post for January 2022



  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Glad to hear your back is feeling much better meghan! I hear you on the Keto plan.... I only managed 3 months although I did lose weight that's for sure, but just not realistic for me in the long run. The old standard of eating a variety of foods wisely and no snacking is what does it for me.

    I've been really good about no candy (although I have had sugarless hard candies) and very little alcohol... actually I did have 1 oz of scotch late last night, but it fit into my calories and it's no carb :# The good thing is that huge craving of those items is not as strong as it was say 2 years ago... maybe age?? but a good thing for me.

    I've made it a mission to weigh myself everyday for a while. I know it's not the smartest thing but I'm not in a routine yet, so if anything, by doing that it reminds me I must watch what and when I eat.

    My hubs successfully did a 30 hr fast including all of Wednesday. He plans on next Wed too. Soon I'll introduce the moseley video... baby steps. Although.... what works for him may not work for me, we are motivated differently and he is a little stubborn at doing things his way. So maybe I should just leave him to it. It did give me my opportunity to have a fasting day in the way of 500 cals so that is positive.

    We've had tons of rain and now the sun is shining! I'm out with my dog in a few minutes to enjoy the day. Have a ton of chores today too!!

    Enjoy your Thursday people!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    I have been doing well with fasting. Really only two cycles in, but already have lost some weight. :) I was a bit hungry today, but I think I just didn't drink enough. Had a nice lunch and dinner and now back to fasting. I am also tracking my food for the first time in ages. Look at me on a roll! :o:D
    @Meghan509 Really glad you are feeling better! Your dinner sounds yummy. Enjoy your weekend!
    @mamainthekitchen I hope you are doing well, too!
    @Twistarella How's it going?
    Going to bed early. I am such an old lady! LOL Have a great Friday, y'all! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Working from home today on this chilly Friday. Snow expected here Sunday in to Monday sigh... Got my grocery list all set. Going to head out later to get it all done. Fingers crossed for no shortages.

    Good news - I am down 2.2 lbs since the last time I weighed in!

    Been staying on track and enjoying the foods I am eating. That is important to me. I remember towards the end of Keto I had gotten soooo sick of tuna fish and hard boiled eggs. Blech. Planning to continue to weigh myself once a week on Friday mornings. That works for me.

    Thanks @mamainthekitchen and @KateNkognito I am happy to be a part of this little tiny space on the great big internet with you ladies!

    My back is almost there! Not too much back / kidney pain anymore which is good. Funny thing is the guy is here right now to power wash the deck and front steps. It has been sooo cold that he really couldn't come any earlier. No more slips! Fingers crossed. You guys stay safe too!

    I will stop rambling and get back to work. Hope you both have a good Friday and a nice weekend. I will try and pop in. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    Long day. Bad weather is supposed to get here in a couple of hours and last through tomorrow. I have the pizza ordered, my tv shows ready to watch, and the heating pad under me. Dog is all snuggled in. We are ready to go. :)

    @Meghan509 Glad we all found this little patch of cyber space together. :) Congrats on the loss! Stay warm and safe in the bad weather!

    Have a great weekend! Stay safe! Be healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Congrats on the losses to you both!

    Kate your weekend prep sounds like heaven… especially the heating pad! ;) also great job getting back into the swing of things!!

    We are suppose to have no rain for 3 days which is awesome because inland flooding rivers have been devastating this season and we need land to dry out a bit!

    I’m up & down with the numbers on the scale… I’m sure it’s my own fault weighing each day, but I’ll continue anyway. Got my covid Booster today so that’s awesome! Did some shopping and that’s it! Celebrating my moms 90th bday on Sunday!!

    Also, happy to connect here too!! Have a great weekend!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Failing miserably this weekend!!!! :s:s

    Monday = fast day!!!

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    @mamainthekitchen You are not failing. You are just not fasting this weekend. :) Neither am I. ;) Happy birthday to your mom!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Monday. Rocking and rolling today, so sorry for the short post.

    Things are good here. Had a nice relaxing weekend with a little snow mixed with rain last night in to today. Funny thing is nothing on the ground today. Sunny and not too bad temp wise - 40 degrees F.

    Picked up a new car on Saturday. Happened so fast. Switched from a Honda to a Honda. They wanted my old SUV because there is a huge market for used cars and SUVs so I got a really nice deal on a slightly larger SUV. She is a beauty. :)

    Going to keep this short and sign off now. Have a good day and see you soon..
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Good morning all!

    Hope your Monday went well. Tuesday is running smoothly here, which is good.

    Had some rain and cold weather last night. As a result we had some black ice in spots this morning. The good news is the deck and steps were power washed, so no slipping! Been so nervous about slipping again. Sigh...

    WOE is going well. Looking forward to finishing up some Mediterranean meatloaf for dinner tonight and having Lentils with butternut squash and spicy turkey sausage tomorrow night. :)

    Have a good one and see you soon!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Woah!! Good grief… what a weekend… lasted until yesterday!! With lots of restrictions in place here, there was no party, but getting mother on zoom for a string of visits was worth it! We had a nice lunch and took photos for family.

    I’m currently on operation restart! >:) hopefully I’ll finish the week responsibly!! I stopped weighing :# I’ll weigh mid feb now…. There’ll be no more distractions until then! I’m remembering the very thin line of fasting too much or often leading to disastrous rebounding! Why why why!! Let’s just say the light bulb got replaced!

    Great news about a new suv Meghan! Gotta love a new vehicle!! Hoping your building throws out salted sand mix on your walkways & stairs!! Also… I just bought an acorn squash and am trying to figure out what to do with it!!!! Roasted in half with avo oil or stuff it with something?? Your dinner sounds delish!

    Kate… hope all is well with you this week!

    Today being Wednesday, will mark the second Wednesday the hubs will totally fast. From last night until tomorrow morning. He thinks he’s brilliant, except forgets that it doesn’t give him a pass to have a bowl of ‘blank’ and an extra helping of ‘blank’ etc on the weekend! DUHHHH!!

    I’m cleaning out the kitchen cupboards today then I take my beloved dog to the vet. Check up and a refill of meds. That’s my day!

    Have a good one people!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Good morning!

    @mamainthekitchen Glad you had a nice extended weekend and got to see your Mom and family! I hear you about reset. I am in that mode myself.
    Yes, we are in a cute single family house and we love it. So we are responsible for clear walk ways. :D The landlord had the deck power washed, so that is now fine. Moisture does not build up as easy and so far so good, no slippery surface. Fingers crossed... We also bought some salt to throw down and my guy is really good about shoveling and clearing the pathways and driveway. Hoping that my slip two weeks ago was an isolated incident and all is behind us. Phew.

    Acorn squash is yummy! I like your idea of slicing it and roasting with some EVOO and salt and pepper. I did a little search on Pinterest for acorn squash baked and everything comes up with brown sugar and butter! Not sure if you are eating "real" sugar. I try not too. If I were making it I would look for the Splenda brown sugar in the grocery store. Good stuff and can tastes just like the real thing. Another option would be a Lakanto brown monk fruit sweetener. Might be able to find that too. :)

    Home today with a little bit of snow coming down. Nothing crazy but it is cold and slippery. Looks so pretty out my window. Glad to be here in my sweatshirt, leggings, and slippers.

    Yesterday was a crazy day at work and similar for this morning. Sigh... Trying to stay focused on eating clean and not getting caught up with stress eating and saying meh, who cares, too much going on etc... So far so good. Once again, fingers crossed. One day at a time.

    @KateNkognito hope your week is going well and those kids are behaving themselves. :)

    Going to get back to work now. See you all soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    I think I was kidnapped by aliens! This week has been super busy and has flown by! Kids are remembering how to be in school again. Weather and the full moon have passed.

    @Meghan509 New car! Drive safely! Very exciting. Your meals always sound so yummy. :)

    @mamainthekitchen Glad you got to celebrate a bit! I know what you mean about finding the right balance for fasting. It is a fine line sometimes.

    Off to make copies and use the loo. Have a great end of the week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday!!!

    LOL @KateNkognito I feel like I have been kidnapped too! Silly crazy week at work. Feeling stressed but next week will be better. Positive thoughts!

    Super duper cold today! It is a whopping 13 degrees F right now. Sigh... Got on an extra long sleeve T to hopefully keep some of the cold coming in from my drafty window. It's okay, it is an old house. 1870. <3 The heat is very good, the windows not so much. There's good and bad to everything!

    Going to have some butternut squash soup today with our turkey sandwiches on low carb wraps! Does anyone else buy these wraps? The are the Mission Carb Control wraps, whole wheat, nice bigger size. Taste good with cold cuts and cheese wrapped up and if I am home lightly heated up in the toaster oven! Yum. Found the soup at the grocery store in the premade refrigerated section. Not a bad salt or calorie hit. Need something warm today!!

    Glad you guys like my recipes! I can share what I am making next week!

    I make a few tweaks - omit the corn, double the turkey, use a full can of black beans, make it eight servings and instead of a plain tomato I do a can of fire roasted and a small can of tomato sauce. With the added protein I don't want it to be dry. I make this often. Big hit in our house. :smiley:

    Have a good one and I'll see you soon!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Wow! Ok Meghan your house was built in 1870???? How fantastic!!!!! I love historic houses…I’d be searching census records, finding the history of all the people who lived at the address! My house is from 1965, and we’re second owner, so zero historical stories!! Quite dull!

    Yes I agree with Kate, your dinners Meg always sound good… guessing door dash wouldn’t work across to the West coast! My acorn squash are still sitting on the counter so I better decide what to do with them asap!

    I’m taking a break from logging & weighing this week…. Omg listen to me, I’m back for 2 weeks then I need a break for 1!!! B) Well, I am mindful of the times I’m eating and zero snacks at night which is huge for me. I’ll weigh next Friday! I plan on walking more… and trying remember to log those!

    Glad those kids are getting back to the rhythm of school again kate… must be difficult being a teacher during these crazy times!!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!
    :# off to look up Meghan’s Turkey zuchini dish!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    Yesterday we had 20 adults gone and 15 of them were teachers. We were all scrambling to cover all the classes. This latest version of COVID is hitting the adults hard. The last one got more kids.
    I am chugging along with fasting. Trying to find the right balance for my life and weight loss. Since I don't have a lot of (any) time for breakfast, it means I do 20:1:16:8 ish for my fasting routine, but the 16 is a bit long and I end up eating way too much during the 8. I need to find something I can grab and go for breakfast on feast days.

    @Meghan509 I hope you stayed warm! I have seen those wraps, but didn't know if they were any good. Might have to grab some. :) I have a new mushroom and rice soup recipe that I want to try. It has been quite chilly here, too. Supposed to warm up for a couple of days, then back to cold. I think soup and french bread is the way to go.

    @mamainthekitchen Our house was built in 1952, but it was owned by people that were well known in town, so I hear all sorts of stories about it and then. You have to do what works for you, fasting wise, and that can take some adjustments.

    Off to do laundry and such. Have a great weekend!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry to hear about the teacher shortage, @KateNkognito we've been dealing with similar in my area. Lots of people out sick and lots of short staffed workers. Hang in there, it will get better.
    For breakfast ideas on the go, how about overnight oats? Take half a cup of oats, three quarters of a cup of almond milk, and then toss in stuff you enjoy like raisins, cinnamon, chia seeds, etc. You could make up a batch in small containers for the week. Another thing I liked to make is egg muffins. I ate those a lot on Keto. Basically make 12 mini muffins with eggs, tomato, basil, ham, cheese, etc. Two per day means six breakfasts! Lastly, how about good old fashioned yogurt or cottage cheese with a granola bar or a cheese stick, etc. Hardboiled eggs are easy too but they can be smelly. How about an egg scramble with spinach and shredded cheese? Make a batch up and divvy it up for the week!

    All of these ideas are making me hungry!!!

    @mamainthekitchen Oh, goodie! Glad you liked my turkey zucchini dish! I am going to make it tonight, so I'll let you know how it turns out!
    Yes, our house was build in 1870 and it has a plaque on the outside and everything! It is a rental, but we like it a lot. It will be one year at the end of February that we have been here. We have beautiful hardwood floors, wide beamed upstairs and lots of "old" touches. Trying to get a queen sized mattress up the stairs to where the bedrooms were = good times! LOL

    Yesterday I meal prepped lunches for the majority of the week. I took a jar of Herdez brand Salsa Verde, or "green salsa", a few shakes of cayenne pepper, a cup of water, and 2 1/2 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts. I toss them in the slow cooker on low for six hours. It makes six good sized servings at around 240 calories each. Toss it in the microwave for a few minutes and enjoy. The green salsa is lower carb then a regular tomato salsa. The tomato is fine too. We had it last week. I pair it with roasted brussels sprouts and lunch is set!

    Need to get back to work, as it is busy. Sigh... Going to be traveling Monday AM of next week to Miami, Florida for a work meeting. Returning Thursday PM.

    Weekend was good. Looking forward to this weekend already. :p See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    Another long day, but it wasn't too bad. My younger son tested positive for COVID this morning. Good times. Nobody else has to quarantine, just monitor for symptoms. He just has a sore throat and headache and a little fever. Not too bad at all.

    @Meghan509 Safe travels next week! I have thought about making some scrambled egg cups with ham and cheese and making some biscuits to go with. Or something like that. I need carbs in the morning, if I do eat. Otherwise I get all woozie. I used to make a similar chicken recipe in the crockpot. Good stuff.

    Going to bed early. These kids wear this old gal out. Have a good week, y'all! Stay healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all, I got a ton of gardening done at my house and at the folks sat, sun & today! Both yards are clear of winter debris and my daffodils are sprouting!!!

    Lunch was at the folks today so had to have her homemade cinnamon scones! Plus a homemade soup of just tiny diced onions, lots of fresh minced garlic & chili flakes cooked in butter. Then tosses in a tin of tomatoes diced (the spicy red pepper kind), chicken stock and boils, then just before serving adds a bit of milk and sharp cheddar just till melted! Wow was it yum on a cold day… she made it in ten minutes!

    Your home sounds lovely Meg! I love woodwork trims and the character of old homes!

    Well Kate my only grab & go breakfast item is a quick shake made with almond milk and Kaizer chocolate or vanilla protein powder. That stuff is so filling!! Hope this week is better for you and other teachers are back to work. My son went back to Uni today… he prefers remote online learning because staying in your pjs is way better than driving an hour to school, sit & listen for 3 hrs then drive another hour back home!

    Hope everyone has a good start back to the week! I’m trying to plan out my meals, make lists of each day for groceries to keep me on track.

    Weigh-in is Friday!!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Hi all!

    @KateNkognito sorry about your son's Covid test coming back positive. Sigh... Hope he has mild symptoms.

    @mamainthekitchen lunch at the folks sounds lovely! Cinnamon scones! YUMMY!

    Sorry for the short post. Busy at work. Let me check back another time, when I have a little more time. In the mean time, have a great day and see you soon!