This March I Will...



  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,707 Member
    Who am I? Good question I have many hats that I wear through the day but who am I?

    I love music so I play guitar but will keep my day job.

    I am mom so I keep supporting and nurturing.

    I am a wife you are my friend.

    I want to be organized this months goal, put away laundry when done.

    I want to organize mail, sort and dispose when not important.

    I want to be healthy as I can for me, exercise and track.
  • Jana_2020
    Jana_2020 Posts: 1,253 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 I got a laugh out of: "I am a person who regularly indulges my inner child". Good for you!! Life is more fun that way!
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,072 Member
    So, I’m sitting watching TV, and suddenly I notice that it’s after 9 pm, and I haven’t eaten 2 of the items I logged for after dinner.

    I still have loads of calories left, but then, I realise that I’m not actually hungry, and I am now a person who refrains from eating after 9 pm.

    Identity-based habits are a powerful force for behaviour modification. I have deleted the two items. I don’t need them.

    Amazing xox
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,072 Member
    edited March 2022
    2nd, 3rd and 4th report
    All habits on point except for standing while eating this one my friends is so habitual and has been something I hve been doing for years that it's a tough 1 for me to break. I am a stay at home muma who is about to go back to work in a few weeks so I'm hoping that cos I won't be handling food as often than this will be hopefully much easier to achieve. In the mean time I will try hard and continue to be a person who sits while eating. Chewing gum wen prepping food, & prepping dinner in advance helps so I will ensure I do that tomz.xo
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,126 Member
    edited March 2022

    Calories 🍀🍀🍀
    Sodium 🍀🍀😘
    Sat Fat 🍀🍀😘
    Fiber 🍀🍀🍀
    Tracked to gram: 🍀🍀🍀
    Steps: 🍀🍀🍀
    Freggies: 🍀🍀🍀

    identity habits: 🍀🍀🍀
    shorten calls/online posting times (as needed)
    My time is valuable.
    Setting clear boundaries - finally💪🏻

    24.2 BMI < 24.9 🍀🍀🍀

    In my Maintenance Range? YES 🍀🍀🍀

    Continuing my FEB Identity-Based Goals for now. + “I am a person who does not like to feel full.”
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,363 Member

    I am a person who regularly indulges my inner child

    🔹consolidate current habits
    🔹Explore Identity-based Habit setting
    🔹Solid Habits 2/31

    Investigating positive Identity-based habits.
    Who am I?
    I am a person who values the health and fitness of my mind body and spirit.

    The body needs adequate time each day to digest the food we eat.

    One of the things that many of us (myself included) struggle with is late night snacking on food that we do not need. I have noticed the insidious midnight munchies creeping back again lately.
    March I will…
    I am a person who refrains from eating after 9pm to assist efficient overnight digestion of food
    Me: 3 ~|~ LNS: 0 ~|~ (Streak: 7)

    🦄 Terri
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,363 Member

    I am a person who regularly indulges my inner child

    🔹consolidate current habits
    🔹Explore Identity-based Habit setting
    🔹Solid Habits 2/31

    Investigating positive Identity-based habits.
    Who am I?
    I am a person who values the health and fitness of my mind body and spirit.

    The body needs adequate time each day to digest the food we eat.

    One of the things that many of us (myself included) struggle with is late night snacking on food that we do not need. I have noticed the insidious midnight munchies creeping back again lately.
    March I will…
    I am a person who refrains from eating after 9pm to assist efficient overnight digestion of food
    Me: 4 ~|~ LNS: 0 ~|~ (Streak: 8)

    🦄 Terri

  • Jana_2020
    Jana_2020 Posts: 1,253 Member
    Off the rails yesterday in all areas but back in control today!

    Week 1 Mar 1-6:🚶‍♀️💪🚶‍♀️🍀
    Week 1 Mar 1-6:🙏🙏🙏☘
  • Jana_2020
    Jana_2020 Posts: 1,253 Member
    Welcome @biketheworld!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited March 2022
    I know I’m a little late to join, but I’ve been lurking, mulling this habits issue over. @MadisonMolly2017 alerted me to this wonderful group and I’m sold. As I debated what habit to build, I decided to focus on something that has become a real problem but is more of a mental health issue than physical health.

    Since my retirement last September I have fallen into the terrible habit of wasting way too much time on my iPad. A daughter told me “so what, you’re retired, you can waste all the time you want.” But I hate that feeling at the end of the day when I realize I accomplished so little. There are so many projects I’ve ignored. Vacation in February helped recharge me and I want to snap out of this bad habit.

    So - “I am a person who appreciates time to relax each day, but also wants to be productive and not waste time. Therefore, I will:
    1. Set a timer so that within 1.5 hours of first sip of coffee, I am done sitting. I will then get up and do my stretching.
    2. I will put time limits on my iPad for certain apps so that I cannot waste hours accomplishing nothing.
    3. I will keep a to-do list for easy reference.

    Welcome @biketheworld! You will love this group! I go MIA once in awhile but always come back!

    I LOVE THIS! I have been doing the same thing since I retired! I wonder if you'd mind if I copied your plan for myself this month? I didn't even realize how much this bothers me until I read this!

  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,273 Member
    @PackerFanInGB - I’d be honored for you to copy it. And I won’t tell my Bear fan hubby!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hello Friends!

    Checking in for this week. I have done really well paying attention to my hunger signals this week. My goal is to only eat when I'm actually hungry and only until I've had enough. I'm trying to be more aware of how much I actually eat as a fix for boredom, emotions, celebrating and out of habit. Being more mindful of these habits is, I believe, the key to me losing weight and getting healthier.

    I think I'm going to add a couple more for this month. I'm going to shoot for some form of intentional activity every day in March (even if it's just 5 minutes--just make sure it's daily) and I also want to be aware of how much time I waste online or watching TV every day since I have retired.

    I am a person who only eats until she has had enough.
    • Make a 24-hour plan in the morning
    • Ask myself "Am I really hungry?" before I eat.
    • Pay attention to my hunger signals as I eat..."Have I had enough?"
    March 1-4: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    March 5-11:

    I am becoming a person who gets exercise every day.
    • Set an alarm on my phone for 3:00 pm to put on my walking shoes.
    • Alarm at 3:15--out the door for a walk. If rain, go downstairs for DVD or Body Groove dance.
    March 1-4: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    March 5-11:

    I am a retired person who enjoys morning coffee time but limits the amount of time wasted watching TV.
    • I will set an alarm for 1.5 hours of coffee time.
    • I will set be showered and dressed by the time Tim gets back from walking the dog.
    March 5-11:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @PackerFanInGB - I’d be honored for you to copy it. And I won’t tell my Bear fan hubby!

    HAHAHA!!! NOT THE BEARS!!! 😊🤣😂💚💛

    Thank you! I took the idea and tweaked it for myself. This is exactly something I've been struggling with myself. I'm so used to being online all day at work, it's been really hard to wean myself from it.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hello Everyone!

    "I am a person who is reliable. If I say I will do something, I will do it." Even if it takes me awhile!

    Maddie asked if I could write a post about my experience with VR and some considerations if you are interested in exploring this new technology. So happy to hear @TerriRichardson112, @BMcC9, and @PackerFanInGB are also interested in VR!

    Into the World of Virtual Reality (VR) Fitness

    I received an Oculus VR headset for Christmas and I’m completely hooked. I use it daily and in two months I’ve seen noticeable improvements in my body and fitness. The arthritis in my left shoulder that I’ve had for 15+ years is almost gone. My upper body, arms and torso are now getting a daily workout, something that wasn’t happening with my treadmill and elliptical. I am getting a much more high intensity workout than I did just walking on the treadmill, but that’s also because I’m mildly handicapped and can’t walk quickly. The high intensity workout has reduced my blood pressure. And the intensity just torches calories! I’ve upped my food intake to compensate because I want to maintain my weight.

    Borrowing from Jeff Foxworthy, you might enjoy VR fitness if:

    1. Music has to be part of your workout. You can’t imagine exercising without your playlist.
    2. You enjoy dancing for exercise
    3. You don’t suffer from vertigo
    4. You wish exercising was more fun
    5. You are a leg-based exerciser who hasn’t found a good workout you enjoy for your upper body
    6. You’re someone who likes to try new things and frequently they become part of your daily routine.

    Headset Considerations:


    Think of the VR headset as a computer that gets strapped to your face. Because that’s what it is. A computer with goggles for a screen that will give you a 360° perspective in whatever VR app you are using. I have an Oculus Quest 2. It weighs about 1 pound. Oculus is the industry leader, but it’s rumored that Apple is developing their own headset, though I don’t know what the timetable for that is.

    In addition to the headset, as with other computers, you’ll need software/apps. Many are free or under $10. $20-$30 is also a common price point. My favorite fitness app, Supernatural, is only available by subscription and that runs $15-$19 a month. I know. That’s a lot. But my thinking has evolved on this. There is not a single streaming service that I subscribe to (Netflix, Apple TV, Prime, Hulu) that gives me more unadulterated joy than I get from Supernatural. Plus it’s great for my health. It isn’t that Supernatural costs too much. My other subscriptions are too expensive for what I get from them.

    Every day Supernatural releases 2 new WODs (workout of the day) varying in the level of intensity, music style, virtual coach, and length. Some workouts are only 8 or 9 minutes. The “monster“ workouts are about 30 minutes and Wow! They are hard. Today’s WOD was a collection of smooth jazz from the 60s and I loved it! One of the selections was Quincy Jones “Soul Bossa Nova” which we all know better as the theme from Austin Powers. The background imagery was set in China, so as I’m smashing targets right and left to Austin Powers this is what I saw:


    Supernatural also gives me really good data on my heart rate and performance (power, speed, and accuracy) in hitting targets. I can see I’m improving and that’s also motivating. From this morning‘s workout:


    If you’re interested in learning more about Supernatural, this is a great article. Lots of videos online too.

    Non Subscription Options

    There are lots of non subscription fitness VR programs as well. I’ve purchased BeatSaber and Power Beats VR and both were under $30. There are lots of other fitness apps too. BeatSaber offers a multiplayer option so now about once a week my daughter and I play it together. We appear as avatars and it’s fun to catch up, chat, and exercise together.

    The Downside

    Virtual reality headsets are expensive. Mine was $300. It might be hard to know if you’ll like it or not. Not everyone wants a computer strapped to their head. If you know someone who has one or if your kids do, maybe borrow it and try it out? Not sure if it’s possible to test drive one at a brick and mortar gaming store like Game Spot or Best Buy. It might be.

    But for me, it’s been a great purchase! I look forward to being whisked away to a breathtakingly beautiful site every day where I get a great workout to music I love. And I’ve learned that I love to box and smash things! :p

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I'm thrilled to see @PackerFanInGB and @77tes are back this month! Welcome back! We've missed you!
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,072 Member
    edited March 2022
    5th report, all below done except for standing wen eating and got in a bit of a worry ing loop yesterday. Xo

    I am a woman that challenges herself wen workouts become easy.

    I am a mother who makes my toddler laugh everyday.

    I am a person who always sits down to eat her meals.

    I am a woman who does not feel the need to over explain herself.

    I am a soul that takes care of her wellbeing by doing self development, journaling, mediatating, reading, praying and practising gratitude.

    I am a person that distracts herself from worrying.

    I am a person who pretracks her food and does intentional exersice on the weekend.

    I am a person who takes progess measurments fortnightly.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Identity-based habit for March (scaled waaaaay back from 3 unrelated identities in Feb 🙄) :
    I am a person who keeps a tidy kitchen. Level of tidiness permitted to vary at first, so long as I SHOW UP and at LEAST "sort / stack dishes and put food items back in pantry / cupboards ... "

    Monthly report: (Documenting consistency (if there is a P=instead of 🍽 its a Pass Day; if there is a ✈ I am overseas and [currently assuming] unable to report)
    UAC: 🍽-🍽-🍽-🍽-🍽-8-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈-✈
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,126 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    "I am a person who is reliable. If I say I will do something, I will do it." Even if it takes me awhile!

    Maddie asked if I could write a post about my experience with VR and some considerations if you are interested in exploring this new technology. So happy to hear @TerriRichardson112, @BMcC9, and @PackerFanInGB are also interested in VR!

    Into the World of Virtual Reality (VR) Fitness

    I received an Oculus VR headset for Christmas and I’m completely hooked. I use it daily and in two months I’ve seen noticeable improvements in my body and fitness. The arthritis in my left shoulder that I’ve had for 15+ years is almost gone. My upper body, arms and torso are now getting a daily workout, something that wasn’t happening with my treadmill and elliptical. I am getting a much more high intensity workout than I did just walking on the treadmill, but that’s also because I’m mildly handicapped and can’t walk quickly. The high intensity workout has reduced my blood pressure. And the intensity just torches calories! I’ve upped my food intake to compensate because I want to maintain my weight.

    Borrowing from Jeff Foxworthy, you might enjoy VR fitness if:

    1. Music has to be part of your workout. You can’t imagine exercising without your playlist.
    2. You enjoy dancing for exercise
    3. You don’t suffer from vertigo
    4. You wish exercising was more fun
    5. You are a leg-based exerciser who hasn’t found a good workout you enjoy for your upper body
    6. You’re someone who likes to try new things and frequently they become part of your daily routine.

    Headset Considerations:


    Think of the VR headset as a computer that gets strapped to your face. Because that’s what it is. A computer with goggles for a screen that will give you a 360° perspective in whatever VR app you are using. I have an Oculus Quest 2. It weighs about 1 pound. Oculus is the industry leader, but it’s rumored that Apple is developing their own headset, though I don’t know what the timetable for that is.

    In addition to the headset, as with other computers, you’ll need software/apps. Many are free or under $10. $20-$30 is also a common price point. My favorite fitness app, Supernatural, is only available by subscription and that runs $15-$19 a month. I know. That’s a lot. But my thinking has evolved on this. There is not a single streaming service that I subscribe to (Netflix, Apple TV, Prime, Hulu) that gives me more unadulterated joy than I get from Supernatural. Plus it’s great for my health. It isn’t that Supernatural costs too much. My other subscriptions are too expensive for what I get from them.

    Every day Supernatural releases 2 new WODs (workout of the day) varying in the level of intensity, music style, virtual coach, and length. Some workouts are only 8 or 9 minutes. The “monster“ workouts are about 30 minutes and Wow! They are hard. Today’s WOD was a collection of smooth jazz from the 60s and I loved it! One of the selections was Quincy Jones “Soul Bossa Nova” which we all know better as the theme from Austin Powers. The background imagery was set in China, so as I’m smashing targets right and left to Austin Powers this is what I saw:


    Supernatural also gives me really good data on my heart rate and performance (power, speed, and accuracy) in hitting targets. I can see I’m improving and that’s also motivating. From this morning‘s workout:


    If you’re interested in learning more about Supernatural, this is a great article. Lots of videos online too.

    Non Subscription Options

    There are lots of non subscription fitness VR programs as well. I’ve purchased BeatSaber and Power Beats VR and both were under $30. There are lots of other fitness apps too. BeatSaber offers a multiplayer option so now about once a week my daughter and I play it together. We appear as avatars and it’s fun to catch up, chat, and exercise together.

    The Downside

    Virtual reality headsets are expensive. Mine was $300. It might be hard to know if you’ll like it or not. Not everyone wants a computer strapped to their head. If you know someone who has one or if your kids do, maybe borrow it and try it out? Not sure if it’s possible to test drive one at a brick and mortar gaming store like Game Spot or Best Buy. It might be.

    But for me, it’s been a great purchase! I look forward to being whisked away to a breathtakingly beautiful site every day where I get a great workout to music I love. And I’ve learned that I love to box and smash things! :p

    Thank you so much!
    This sounds like exactly what I need/would love!
    Copied & saved!
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am a person who appreciates time to relax each day, but also wants to be productive and not waste time. Therefore, I will:
    Set a timer so that within 1.5 hours of first sip of coffee, I am done sitting. I will then get up and do my stretching.

    I will put time limits on my iPad for certain apps so that I cannot waste hours accomplishing nothing.

    I will keep a to-do list for easy reference.

    Done, done, and done.

    @themedalist - thanks for sharing that information. Upper body workouts are definitely where I am lacking and I can see that a VR system would be a great deal of fun and very motivating, it would probably be a good balance for all the walking/running/biking I do. I’m not ready to take the plunge yet, but you’ve planted a seed and this might be a great winter option for me. And when I think about it, $300 seems like a lot, but good grief I probably spend 3x that every summer buying new bike stuff and signing up for rides.