Fine-tune your plant-based June



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am SO bummed. Doc says his ear looks really good but needs to heal more so we've been sentenced to another week in the wrap. I feel more comfortable leaving him now at least. I was in the office 6 or so hours per day this week then came home to work a few more and it worked out fine. I'm actually getting to some things that I can never get done in the chaos of the office. I just hate that I have to keep him doped up another week.

    Had a power outage in the area most of the morning. I was really grooving on getting work done so that was seriously uncool. It's back on now but I don't care. I've lost my mojo and I'm going to do some cleaning around here. The dog hair is rolling around everywhere.

    Didn't make it to the store or to my salad prepper friend so I will do that tomorrow. I did run to the little grocery near my house and grabbed ezekiel bread and baby spinach because the fridge was looking pretty bare. I have some sweet potatoes so I'll figure out something with baby spinach and sweet potatoes and beans.

    It's a beautiful day at least. Windows are wide open airing out the house. Had a big bowl of steel cut oats with berries and cinnamon this morning. Haven't had lunch yet but will have a late lunch/early dinner after I get the floors swept up and dust.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    Carla, WOOHOO!!! Two more pounds and pants that fit. That's awesome!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Mihani - sorry to hear your pooch has to stay wrapped another week

    Carla - pants that fit comfortably and two pounds gone, that's great!

    Today's plan:

    B - Chickpea Sunflower salad with garlic sauce on 1/2 of a whole wheat tortilla
    L - Veggie dog and a salad
    D - Oatmeal
    and some fruit for a snack somewhere in there
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    edited June 2022
    Today’s plan…

    BREKKY…Yogurt, chopped banana with a sprinkling of grape nuts
    LUNCH…refried bean dip…(tostada won’t work at my desk…I’m the receptionist) …beans, LTO, SALSA, yogurt sitting in for sour cream… air-fried broken corn tortillas and used as dippers.

    Olives stuffed with garlic and jalapenos

    EARLY DINNER…corn and bean salad
    Grapes or watermelon

    Carla…Congrats on clothes fitting…to me, that is the biggest high!

    Mihani, at least your vet isn’t taking chances with your boy…soon you will be back to your regular routine.

    Spring...Love seeing your posts, daily! Yum on the veggie dog....have you ever made the carrot dogs the vegan community talks about? I might try it this summer.

    I’m down five pounds since May 1st. 20 to go.

    My right knee is going to love ❤️ the new me! (Second knee (right) will be replaced January 2023.

    Have a great day, mates.

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Magic - The veggie dog I'm having today is a packaged one (I have 5 left to finish off the pack).
    But I have made the carrot dogs and I think they're very good. This is the recipe I use
    I poke them a couple of times with a fork after the boil so they get a little more marinade in them, then cook them on the grill.
    Glad to hear your knee is doing well.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    Thanks, Spring 🌸…I definitely will try that…I do miss hot dogs 🌭.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    Oh, you all reminded me I've been meaning to try carrot dogs forever! I will do that this summer for sure.

    Magic, WOOHOO on 5 pounds down!

    I remembered reading about a mexican "lasagna" and I am going to try something tonight. I looked up a few recipes and have an idea what I want to do. I will roast the sweet potatoes in small cubes. Saute onions, peppers, sweet corn, black and pinto beans with fajita seasoning. Layer corn tortillas, the cooked veggies and baby spinach in a casserole, cover with enchilada sauce and bake. Can't imagine I can go far wrong with all that goodness.

    I planned to make Spring's cheese sauce, but apparently sesame seeds are on the ever-growing list of things that are hard to come by in the store. I have some toasted sesame seeds on hand so maybe I'll try it with those. I got a jalapeno to add to the cheese sauce. I'll top the lasagna with cheese sauce and chopped green onion when serving up.

    Got up at 4:00 this morning (ridiculous for a Saturday!) and got several hours of work in before getting cleaned up and heading out for errands. Got the few ingredients I still needed to make the mexican lasagna and stopped to pick up my salad stuff. Also plan a big pot of lentil soup this weekend.

    Let's see what else? Oh, broccoli of course. I enjoyed the steamed broccoli last week but I still prefer it sprinkled with coconut aminos and roasted. I could eat that every day no problem. My salad prepper friend gave me a ton of riced cauliflower so I may add some of that to the sauteed veggies for the casserole.

    And tofu to bake, but I will wait until later in the week or next weekend since I don't want to have too much food again.

    Thanks for all the well-wishes for pupper. :)

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    Okay the mexican casserole is good! I may have screwed up a bit because I was so intent on getting the layers done that in retrospect I should have added a little enchilada sauce to each layer. I just poured it all over the top and while it did permeate I wonder if it would have been better if I had added to each layer.

    Here's what I did:

    Roasted the diced sweet potatoes on parchment paper didn't add anything but black pepper. Sauteed diced red onion (1 medium), red pepper (2), zucchini (1 medium), sweet corn (about a cup), garlic, a can each of drained and rinsed black beans and pinto beans, and fajita seasoning. Threw the roasted sweet potatoes in towards the end so they would be mixed in and get some of the fajita seasoning.

    Layer of corn tortillas in a big casserole dish, a layer of the cooked veggies, big handful of baby spinach. I was able to get 3 layers topped with another layer of corn tortillas then poured the enchilada sauce over top.

    Baked covered with foil for 20 minutes at 350. Removed foil, added dollops of the cashew cheese and baked for another 10 or 15 minutes. Let rest for 15 minutes or so before cutting into it.

    Spring, I made the cheese sauce you shared using the toasted sesame seeds that I had. I quite like it! I think you had mentioned cutting back on tomato because it was too "tomato-y" and I definitely think I should have done that because that's mostly what I taste, but it is in the fridge and hopefully the flavors will meld more. It's still good just more tomato-y than cheese-y. I added probably another 1/8 cup water because I wanted a thinner sauce, and a jalapeno pepper since I wanted it a little spicy.

    I used the ninja personal blender for the cashew cheese sauce instead of the big blender and OMG y'all that was SO much easier. Cleanup was a breeze and I actually got all the sauce instead of working so hard to get it out of the bottom of the blender and ending up losing a good bit.

    Served it up with a spoonful of the cashew cheese sauce and some sliced green onion. I did use jar enchilada sauce because I didn't think I would have time or energy to make my own. It does have a tiny bit of oil but next time I will make my own with NO oil.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    edited June 2022
    Good morning,

    I'm chatty this weekend! LOL

    I am not going to make the lentil soup until probably Thursday. This mexican lasagna casserole thing is huge and I will be (happily) eating it for several days. I forgot to mention I roasted 4 sweet potatoes for the casserole but they were on the small side. I'd think 2 large or 3 medium if anyone decides to try it.

    I also roasted the broccoli yesterday so I have that, and I want to use up all this riced cauliflower that my salad prepper friend gave me so I am going to make a "fried rice" like this today which will make good lunches:

    All that plus my salads will be more than enough food for this week. I may try freezing some of the casserole.

    Plan for today...
    B - smoothie
    L - leftover casserole
    D - cauliflower fried rice and salad
    Will get an orange and/or an apple in there somewhere.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,392 Member
    Grats on your 5lbs, Nanc! Awesome!

    Mihani, your casserole sounds yum! I just did a shop but I will have to try it soon.

    How is your 'feast like a king for breakfast and like a pauper for dinner' plan going, Spring? I feel like my downfall with that is that I would eat like a king, and then in the evening eat like a king again! But it totally makes sense to me that it is the better way to eat.

    The usual over here. Working on my projects and walking with the doggos.

    Have a great Sunday!

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Mihani - glad you liked the sauce. I think toasted sesame seeds would add a good flavor to the sauce, especially with the jalapeno. The casserole sounds delicious.
    I made that sauce for the first time in my food processor and it came out too grainy. I usually use my Vitamix, but I had the processor out for something else so I figured I'd save on cleanup of an extra appliance - won't do that again :) I was hoping it would be ok, because, as you said, it's a pain to try to scrape everything out from under the blade. Vitamix really has to design a spatula that will scrape the container clean.
    The cauliflower fried rice looks really good, I'll have to try it soon.

    Carla - I've been doing pretty good with it. I usually try to set up my whole day food in MFP in the AM so I can see which meal is lowest in calories. Then I can just move stuff around to make it work. I have to admit though, I haven't been eating my oatmeal as planned for my dinners. I've still kept dinner as the lowest calorie meal, but it's been pretty hot lately and the idea of eating hot cereal just hasn't been appealing to me.

    Today -
    B - Eggless Egg Salad on half a whole wheat tortilla
    L - Grilled veggies on a whole wheat tortilla (portabella mushroom, zucchini and baby bok choy with a little vegan mayo and roasted garlic.
    D - Smart Dog on a plate with a small salad
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    edited June 2022
    quick fly by today...
    up early …walked lulu at 6:30...will NOW have to go by 5:30. The HEAT IS ON! weathermanf2.gif
    A QUICK trip to sprouts after I got back...made corn and bean salad for my sister and her DH.

    Off to my sister's for coffee and a visit, which was lovely. She just texted me and said the salad was a hit, bring it again...she added macaroni to it with steamed salmon. I am the only one in my family and my real-life friends who is VEGAN.

    Home...I had layered refried beans with LTO, cilantro, and homemade yogurt (I got it to be thick almost Greek-style)...I have this no cooking method down...I use the recipe and method from Vegan Blueberry.
    Air fried corn tortillas as dippers.

    I am making the chunky Gazpacho recipe from One Green Planet (minus the bread and oil) for dinner.

    dessert: cantaloupe
    Have a great evening.midsumsmile.gif

    My work schedule for laughs: (hahaha)

    Friday (which is my Monday)

    Saturday (which is my Friday)

    Off Sunday

    Monday (which is my Monday AND Friday)

    Off Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    edited June 2022
    It’s my MONDAY/FRIDAY! 💖💖💖

    Yogurt, banana, grapenuts
    Lunch and dinner Corn/bean salad with air fried corn tortillas as dippers
    Cantaloupe and grapes 🍇

    Have a great day!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    Your corn/bean salad is right up my alley, Nanc. Your mention of grapes reminded me that I have tried the frozen grapes and they make for a nice little sweet treat. Kind of like a fruit pop.

    Spring, I made the cauliflower "fried rice" when I got home today and it's good! I think I would enjoy it more with a little more in the way of veggies though. Thinking some peas, red pepper, napa cabbage. I put it away in the fridge for dinner tonight.

    Carla, how are your classes going?

    Today was good!
    B - smoothie
    S - broccoli
    L - leftover casserole
    S - fried cauliflower rice and salad

    Got home about 3:30 and the boy was fine today. Going to get back to work now that I've done my cooking.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,211 Member
    edited June 2022
    Magic - sounds like you live in my neck of the woods, I woke up about 6:30 and planned to eat some breakfast and then go for a walk or bike ride by 7:30. But when I opened the door at 7:30, the air was stifling. So no cardio today. BTW - Do you have a recipe for homemade vegan yogurt? I have a few recipes that call for yogurt, but my new grocery store doesn't carry plain vegan yogurt. (Also, love your work schedule :D )
    Mihani - I'll probably try the fried rice next week, and I agree with the more veggies plan. I hate peas but I'm thinking for my stir fry I'll add: red pepper, broccoli, bok choy and scallions. I love that the recipe uses 2Tbsp of miso (I can eat that stuff by the spoonful).
    Glad to hear pup was doing fine today.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    edited June 2022
    Here is the link to the yogurt recipe/directions I use: I use 64 ounces of Westsoy unsweetened...just soybeans and water ... AND one little packet of Cultures for Health, Vegan starter :

    Kate has a few ways of making it...

    I use the soy milk and packet of Cultures for Health...14 hours in 4 pint-size mason jars in the insta pot yogurt setting.

    Then 8 - 12 hours in the fridge if you want it European style.

    If you want it thicker, Greek style...then line the collander with two layers of bounty towels and drain in the fridge. Perfect every time. NO COOKING>

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    Today’s plan

    Yogurt banana grape nuts
    Corn and bean salad with pasta

    The end

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hi all, counting down the days! Three more until his sutures come out, hopefully for real this time.

    It's hot here today, in the upper 90's. Ugh! We lost power at the office so I left around 2:30 and thankfully there is power here so I can get some more work done. It was out all along the main drag before you get to my subdivision so I was worried. It would be even worse for the poor pupper he's too old to deal with that heat anymore. Come to think of it, I am too. LOL

    B - smoothie
    L - leftover casserole (enough for one more lunch left), broccoli
    D - "fried" cauliflower rice, salad, an apple

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,211 Member
    edited June 2022
    Magic - thanks for the yogurt link and instructions. I don't have an insta-pot, but I do have a crockpot so I'm going to try it that way. Probably in the next week or so, I have to get the starter.

    Bad food day today so I won't bore you with the details :)

    See you all tomorrow.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    Our office is part of an intentional shutdown of power and will be out at least until tomorrow evening possibly into Friday. Ugh!!! But, given a choice of having power there or at home I'm happy that I have A/C at the house! So we're all working from home and trying to get people rescheduled for appointments.

    Not sure what my plan is for today but so far I had leftover cauliflower "fried rice" and a diced apple with cinnamon for breakfast. I'm weird, I know. Lunch will likely be the last of the casserole, and dinner a big ol' salad.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    Best part of the shutdown of power, Mihani…you get to be home with your special boy!


    Yogurt grapenuts banana
    Refried bean tostada… corn on the cob
    Lavash pizza with, olives, onions, mushrooms…and bell pepper 🫑

    Have a delicious day everyone!

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,211 Member
    B - eggless egg salad on whole wheat tortilla
    L - Chickpea Sunflower salad with garlic dressing over a bowl on arugula
    D - Stir fry with brown rice and some of my grilled veggies-eggplant, zucchini, mushroom and bok choy
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    Spring, I am in Phoenix, AZ...we walked already...left at 5:40...we were in the shade the entire time...we have I wear a whistle and mini air horn...crazy, eh?


    oatmeal with blueberries
    refried bean tostadas
    ice cold, refreshing gazpacho


    Have a delicious day everyone.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,392 Member
    I'm feeling so good, gals. I am at the point in my weight loss where I'm starting to see the progress. I can feel my progress pretty much a few days within tightening up my diet, but now I can see it too. I'm finally on a roll!

    I just bought a pair of summer pants from cotton flower clothing and I have never put on such a comfortable pair of pants in my life (PJ pants included). They are made out of cotton gauze, and they are so breathable and light weight. I'm going to order at least one more pair to take to Mexico.

    natural yoga pant from


    My natural dyeing classes are good, Mihani. I don't like how they release the content drip-by-drip, so I may not continue until everything has been released.

    smoothie or oatmeal
    'caramel' apple split w/ Joe
    taco salad

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,392 Member
    And I almost forgot! My shoulder is now to the point where I can put on my beloved back closure bras. It's definitely a struggle, but at least it is doable.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    edited June 2022
    Carla, that is so wonderful! Love your post made me smile. :)

    Spring, I looked up that chickpea salad recipe it looks good.

    Nanc, does the noise scare the coyotes away? I hope you never have to test it out!

    We got power back a day early so were able to be in the office today, but I left at 3:00 so I could check on the boy. He was fine today but he has developed a real knack for getting the wrap twisted so that bad ear is out flopping around. I have the cone on him as well so he can't do TOO much damage, but I sure hope we're done with this tomorrow. It's stressing me out. This hot weather is hard on him. Every time we go outside he comes in and it takes him 10 minutes or better to stop panting.

    B - skipped it and had some crackers at the office around 10:00
    L - quinoa with artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers (this was yummy)
    D - will be a veggie stuffed pita, an apple

    I joined the gym that I mentioned. It's pricey but I committed for the initial 90 day program. After that there are other options so we'll see whether I want to continue or if I can afford it. They coach you on fitness, nutrition, habits, and you have two small group strength training classes per week to start with but you can also sign up for yoga, pilates, etc. if you want. They kind of encourage you to start slow and concentrate one area at a time. As an all or nothing kind of person this makes sense to me. After my initial interview the owner suggested we start the lifestyle part with stress management and setting boundaries. Go figure. LOL

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 4,041 Member
    edited June 2022
    Yes, on loud noises scaring the coyotes away. I did use my whistle once already. He just looked at me and went the other way. Lots of peeps walking early with and without dogs. The coyotes are usually solos …they don’t bother us…it’s the pack that would be a problem. I have never seen a pack around our area.

    ❤️ Love your gym philosophy, Mihani…that is so cool. Sounds like a winner if they do all they say they are going to do.

    Major congratulations, Carla. Wow, you have to be so proud of yourself! Keep up the great work!

    One of my very favorite salesmen died suddenly this past Tuesday. Shock to everyone! It will be so sad not seeing him first thing in the morning…he had pet nicknames for me. Teased me about walking so fast with my new knee. Always was so kind and helpful. I’m certainly going to miss him.

    Celebration of life this Sunday at his favorite bar. The place will be packed…he was that well liked.

    Today’s plan…

    Yogurt banana grape nuts
    Corn and bean salad
    Gazpacho…I think it would have been better with V8. I used organic tomato juice, cukes, bell peppers, onion, corn, zucchini… I think that’s it. Oh, and white wine vinegar. Freshly ground pepper. I’m not crazy about how it turned out.
    Another plum

    Have a delicious day, everyone.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,151 Member
    Oh, I'm so sorry about the loss of your co-worker, Nanc. *hugs*

    This is a quick check-in lots to do tonight. The boy got his sutures out and is free of the wrap and cone, no more drugs. WOOHOO!!!! He is the happiest dog I've ever seen right now, and I'm right there with him. I haven't really been upstairs other than to shower for the past 3 weeks, sleeping in the recliner and keeping the stairs blocked because he was doped up but he took his last pill yesterday so he's fine now, and I am going up to clean, change the sheets, etc. so we can sleep upstairs tonight!

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Magic, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope the celebration of life on Sunday helps to console and bring some peace to you and the rest of his family and friends.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,211 Member
    edited June 2022
    Wow, looks like I missed a lot over the last day and a half.
    Mihani - so happy to hear that your boy is now suture, wrap, cone and drug free! WOOHOO
    I hope you enjoy the chickpea salad. It was delicious as written but, when I made it this week, I left out the dill in both the salad and the garlic sauce and replaced them with a pre-packaged seasoning rub in the salad and a vegan ranch mix ( in the garlic sauce. It seems both recipes without the dill make great bases for any number of different flavors. I'm going to go all global with those recipes: Italian, Greek, French, Indian, Mexican and whatever else I can thing of. Hope the gym works out for you, it sounds like a great place.
    Carla - Glad you hear your shoulder is progressing, and congrats on the weight loss progress - seeing it and feeling it in other ways besides the scale is always satisfying. Those pants look awesome, I'll definitely have to check out that website.
    Magic - I'm in South Carolina, it's been in the 90's here for about a week now. I'm originally from NJ so weeks of 90's when it's not even summer yet is a bit scary to me! I may have to look into a treadmill for inside the house. The bike riding isn't bad because you get a breeze due to the speed, but I'm planning to turn my walk into a jog over the summer and am not sure how I'm going to accomplish that in the heat. Even 7:00 in the morning has been very humid and muggy, ugh.
    This turned into a pretty wordy post, I'll have to try not to miss a day again B)