Monthly Post for July 2022



  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,542 Member
    @Meghan509 I report back on the 3rd and students start the 12th. Glad today is an easy day for you! Happy fasting!

    Ran around doing errands for my mother-in-law this morning. Going to take a nice shower and do my nails this afternoon. Have a lovely week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday went well. Same fasting schedule planned for today as yesterday. Last night's dinner through today's lunch. Lasted until around 1pm yesterday. Today will be less since I have a call at 1pm and need to make sure I eat lunch before. :)

    Not a whole lot happening here. Work is quiet since my main manager is on vacation. I will take it!

    Still feeling better and better each day and the coughing has finally been less and less. My last goal is to get my resting heart rate back down to normal. It has been a little elevated since Covid and I read it is an unfortunate side affect. Fun, fun, fun. If it does not go back to normal soon, I will reach out to a GP to see if they can help. Issue is I don't currently have a General Practitioner. My old Doctor retired and then his replacement moved on to a different location shortly after which stinks. Sigh...

    Hope your errands went well, @KateNkognito and you are enjoying the last couple of weeks before school picks up again!

    @melodiousmermaid hope you are making some fabulous low calorie desserts.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,542 Member
    Glad work is nice and quiet this week, Meghan. It took my heart rate a few weeks to go back to normal. Also, don't freak out if you start losing a lot of hair in a few weeks. I lost a lot and my hairdresser and my chiropractor told me is is becoming a much more common after affect. High dose B vitamins will help with a lot of the long COVID.

    Mermaid, I hope you are enjoying your new recipes!

    Starting a new quilt and I have a training tomorrow. It is FINALLY cooler today! Supposed to be nice and rainy the next few days. Have a lovely day all!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,542 Member
    We'll, it turns out that training was yesterday! Thankfully the other teacher on my grade level was also there and texted me before, knowing I am always early and I drove quite quickly and they started a few minutes late, so I didn't miss much. So, I guess I have an extra day to do stuff. :D
    I haven't been fasting and I can feel it. My digestion is weird and it makes my back hurt and I just feel gross. Back on the wagon for me!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    Last day in office, and then tomorrow work from home. :) All in all it has been a good week!

    I was supposed to have Jury Duty today but I pushed back March since I was out last week with Covid. Didn't want to be out again or having to sit all day in a court room with a mask on. Sigh... Fingers crossed that there is a blizzard that day in March, and they cancel jurors! LOL

    Thank you for the heads up regarding hair loss and Covid. I did not know that! Jeez, this Covid stuff is nasty. :( Glad you made it to your training @KateNkognito LOL. Way to go to your colleague texting you when she didn't see you. Phew! Hope you have a nice productive day today!

    Just finished a Fairlife Nutrition low carb shake. I was just really hungry and miserable yesterday before eating lunch at 12:30pm, so need to listen to my body for now and be kind to it. Fasting will be there when I am ready for it.

    Have a good day and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,542 Member
    @Meghan509 Glad you were able to put off the jury duty. I don't mind it, if it doesn't interfere with something important. Kind of interesting sometimes. Also, there are days when I get part way through a fast and realize it just isn't going to happen. That is one of my favorite things about fasting. You can always pick up after the next meal. Or not. Whatever works best for you.

    Happy Friday! I don't have a lot to do today. Mostly laundry and making sure the house and my car are ready to be ignored for a month. Have a good weekend, all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Friday woo hoo!

    I am working remotely today and I had a yearly MD appt this morning that I was able to do before work. Grateful for the flexibility that working remotely provides. Today I am planning to hit the grocery store during my lunch hour. :)

    @KateNkognito yes I agree on jury duty. It can be interesting! I was picked for a case around ten years back and I found it interesting and it was nice to get away from the office for a week! LOL

    Yesterday I had the shake mid AM and it was fine. I am going to see how I feel next week and what I do.

    Weekend weather is supposed to be nice here. Currently sunny and 81 degrees F. Might have a passing shower or two today but if it means a good weekend I don't mind!

    See you guys soon. Hope you have a nice one! I will probably be back here on Monday AM and will start the new monthly thread. :) August 1 on Monday! *screams*

    Have a good one!!
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    Good morning, hope everyone's weekend is off to a good start.

    Fasting went pretty well for me this last week. I had a great success with a low-cal frozen dessert, so I'll be on to another frozen project this week: a reasonable-calorie frozen yogurt with a high-ish protein count and tasty add-ins. I'm hoping this will move somewhat in the direction of being a replacement for the premium ice cream that costs way too much and is harder to fit in the calorie budget. Going for cherry with dark chocolate first since cherries are on sale now. Here's to hoping it turns out.

    Wow, school starts really early for you @KateNkognito ! We're not due to start until another... three and a half weeks, I think? I suppose it's about time to start thinking about it though!

    It is hard to believe a month has already almost passed. Some days seem like they absolutely crawl by, but then all of a sudden boom, we're at the month's end.