LC Boot Camp: Active August 2022



  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,594 Member
    @taylok23 you're doing great! I've been working on NEAT as well in my household chores.

    My food is really good this week but I have no energy to be active. Scale is actually moving in the right direction. Meeting a friend either tomorrow or Sunday morning for a 20 mile bike ride.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Thanks @tishsmith101! The scale is slowly creeping down. I took some measurements this week and increased my bicep measurement by 1/4”, decreased waist and thigh by 1/4” each and 1/2” in the hips. So the progress is small but still progress. I have to remember I can’t outrun my fork so that is my focus this month. Believe me the internal struggle is real with trying to justify a snack when I’m not hungry. Especially with my saboteur waiting in the wings to offer up goodies!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited August 2022
    Another pretty good day yesterday, although today may be more challenging.

    Goal for August: (1) log daily; (2) under 70 g net carbs; (3) at least 30 g fiber; (4) at least 100 g protein; (5) close my Apple watch rings daily; and (6) work out at least 5x per week.

    (1) Yes (3 of 4 for the week, still fun)
    (2) Yes (higher than yesterday, but 68 g net carbs, 3 of 4)
    (3) No (around 25 g, 2 of 4)
    (4) Yes (way over, more like 160 g)
    (5) Yes (3 of 4 for the week)
    (6) Yes (3 of 4 (pilates plus walking))

  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    Got over 8 miles walking yesterday. Thank goodness because I ate too many carbs and needed to burn them.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    So busy yesterday. Literally gone until 5, and then on my feet until 8 dealing with stuff. No "exercise" but ended up with almost 8k steps anyway
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    As I suspected, not the best day yesterday, but I am still easing back into all this. Busy/draining work day, and didn't get sufficient activity in. Also, didn't eat all that much, just under 1200 cals, which was not planned.

    Goal for August: (1) log daily; (2) under 70 g net carbs; (3) at least 30 g fiber; (4) at least 100 g protein; (5) close my Apple watch rings daily; and (6) work out at least 5x per week.

    (1) Yes (4 of 5 for the week)
    (2) Yes (53 g net carbs, 4 of 5)
    (3) No (only 21 g, 3 of 5)
    (4) No (not far off, 97 g, 4 of 5)
    (5) No -- low on the calories bit (3 of 5)
    (6) No (had planned to, but was exhausted and hungry when I got home, so just read and made dinner, even though I know a work out or even just a walk outside would have energized me)
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited August 2022
    Not an excuse, but part of my stress yesterday evening was that my older (18) cat didn't seem to be doing so well, and he was worse this morning, so I had to take him to the emergency vet (he's staying at least overnight). I'm at work now, but am having trouble concentrating. I also had a chocolate chip cookie which I will log.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,911 Member
    HELLO 👋
    The last two days have gone well.
    Daily, I have logged 10K steps, morning yoga, and ST with hand weights and bands. My calorie intake has been a little high so tomorrow I’ll add extra veggies and high protein.

    Today I worked at our train club, raking pine needles and ballast. Hard Labor 🏋️‍♀️

    @lemurcat2 thanks for the ‘welcome’
    great finish to your day on Wednesday and week’s measurements
    Best wishes identifying your digestive troubles

    @taylok23 great evening goals
    Those late night snacks can quickly derail a good day

    @lemurcat2 sending prayers all is well for your fur baby and stay at the vet

    💗 Karen 🐆

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited August 2022
    Glad to be back and Thank you @baconslave for this thread. Great support here!
    Mary from Pennsylvania 65 now, Heaviest weight 255 lbs twice. :-(

    UGW-122 lbs. I was there in 2009/10 and kept it off for 5 years then got lazy.

    My goal is to continue with what seems to work for me. 1000-1200 calories, low carb 15 Net +/- 3(My body seems to not do well with carbs. It doesn't know how to burn them and hangs onto them way too much!), minimum 70 + oz of water, 2 meals/day on my days off(3) and 3 meals on my work days(which are long), exercise on my 3 days off. For challenges my official weigh in day is Sunday. I weigh daily.

    9/14/20 SW-255 lbs
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs Emergency Gallbladder surgery
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs started MFP and Low Carb/1000-1200 calorie while recovering
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212.0 lbs
    9/1/21-200.0 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    11/1/21-181.8 lbs
    12/1/21-176.2 lbs
    1/1/22-168 lbs
    2/1/22-157.4 lbs
    3/1/22-155 lbs 100 lbs lost of 133 lb goal
    4/1/22-156.4 lbs (Lowest weight 4/6 & 4/7-147.6 lbs)
    5/1/22-158.8 lbs
    6/1/22-152.2 lbs
    7/1/22-157.4 lbs
    8/1/22-167.2 lbs

    Been MIA almost all of July on this thread. I've been struggling with my Carb intake from my normal and it shows. :-( Still doing my Elliptical on my off days and started using weight equipment that I have in my basement. My weekly weigh in day is Sunday.
    8/1/22- 167.2 lbs Elliptical 214 minutes for 14.22 miles

    8/7/22- 167.2 lbs Still been doing my Elliptical on my off days. I may have broke it Friday. Got stiff and couldn't move it. 2 of my sons cleaned and oiled it. Worked ok today for my first 2 hours then screeched and got stiff then eased up for my third hour then got stiff again and I stopped even though I still had 30 minutes left in the movie I was watching. THIRTEEN LIVES about the Thai soccer team cave rescue in 2018. Very good and kept my elliptical pace up even though I knew the outcome as I followed it on the news then. Its on Amazon Prime. Done by Ron Howard. I recommend it and it received 5 out of 5 stars.

    I found a local Fitness Equipment Repair company(if they are still in business) to call tomorrow to see if they can fix my Elliptical. A comparable one to mine is now $1200-1600. I'm thinking it's the bearings, bushing or something. It's only used by me. Bought it in 2010 I think. Only been really used regularly the last year. I know I've put 2000+ miles on it since 1/3/22. Conservative as I found out 2 months ago that my I Phone only captures half of my Elliptical or daily steps. I've since added the extra mileage. Charity Miles I started 1/3 and they say I've done almost 2000 miles.

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,594 Member
    @lemurcat2 so sorry about your kitty. Our animals are family.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,911 Member
    @lemurcat2 so sorry to hear your sweet fur baby passed
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    The weekend was pretty decent. Busy but productive. Carbs were a little high but, calories were in check. DH is setting a high bar and I am grateful for his example. It makes me know that I can do it too. Goal is getting the blood sugar numbers down! Will test A1C later this month.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I’ve had a few good days in a row with movement, NEAT and calories in check. Today was more carby than I’d like but still within my calorie goal. I did eat back my exercise gains but was under most days last week. I’m feeling pretty good so hope to make this a streak!

    @lemurcat2 it sounds like you gave your baby a good life. My thoughts are with you.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Last month I had gained 7 lbs from enjoying my summer a little too much. Happy to report that is back off and I'm still enjoying my summer 😜

    Being extra diligent this week as I'll be at the beach next week with family. We'll be biking, kayaking and walking a lot but I do love some fried clams and adult beverages.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Thanks, all. I will definitely miss him, but he did have a good long life.

    Back to focusing on diet and exercise.

    Yesterday I logged (1/1 for week 2). Carbs were net 44 (goal is below net 70, but in general I think I'm going to try for below net 50). Fiber was below 30, and I think I'm going to drop that as a goal for the time being as I focus on the lower carb goal -- so long as I eat lots of veg I don't care so much. Protein was 99 g, so close to my 100 g goal. Exercise wasn't great -- I'd planned to go to the gym but couldn't go at lunch bc work was busy and ended up staying late. I need to get back in the habit of working out first thing in the morning.

    Despite getting home late, I made a delicious stew for dinner with things I happened to have on hand -- some brats I needed to cook, plus onions and garlic and then a lot of kale and chard. I tossed in some potatoes that I also needed to use up, since I had the carbs to spare, but it would have been tasty without them too.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    Thanks. Unfortunately my sweet kitty didn't make it. He was incredibly healthy until recently (but for being hyperthyroid) and the main thing recently is that he was losing weight despite the thyroid being under control -- he had blood tests a few weeks ago and we were trying to tempt him with his favorite foods and treats, but it hadn't seemed to be working. The emergency vet said it looked like advanced lung cancer.

    I'm trying to just appreciate what a wonderful long time we had with him. (My other kitty will miss him, I am sure.)

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing our fur babies is so hard. They are family.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    I am here. I was just ridiculously busy yesterday. And also I'm just crazy anymore. Another busy day on tap. I am getting my exercise in. I got on the scale and I'm not maintaining as well as I'd like apparently. Me having my workout days cut for other people's activities seems to be an issue as well. But I'll make some changes on camping trips and camping season will be over soon so I can focus more on my goals. And hopefully things will settle down just a little.
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    Activity is way up. Lots of steps and lots of miles. Now I just got to get the carbs in check. Not losing but maintaining.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    8/9 I’m trying to kick the week off right so NEAT was pretty good and I’m beating my move goals each day. Food is staying in check. I ate dinner last night a bit early and started getting the niggling in the back of my mind to have a snack. I pushed it aside a couple of times by checking my true hunger and knew I was fine. Man that is hard! I was down 4.8 pounds yesterday from a week ago but had a bounce up this morning likely from higher sodium the night before. Fingers crossed!