Getting Started with Intermittent Fasting

Good Morning,
I am just getting started with intermittent fasting. I prepared over the past two weeks with practicing a more low carb diet and doing two 36 hour juice fasts at the start of the week. Today, August 1st is my first day of following a 16/8 fast with my eating window between 8am and 4pm, however I have read some articles that specify a 14 hour fasting window is more beneficial and safer for women. I want to get the most benefit from my fasting but also don't want to do anything to cause hormonal imbalance. I have tried many diets over the years and have struggled with something that I'm able to maintain long term. Cutting out food groups is a no for me. I love food and do not want to limit myself to anything but do want to make healthy choices and stay away from processed low quality foods that have no nutritional benefits. I work 9am to 5 pm and do rely emotionally and physically on being able to start my day with egg bites and coffee so for now I am not going to mess with that. I feel like most of my unhealthy eating habits happen at night so fasting during those hours will hopefully curb that and also help me have time during my home hours for other things other than food. Is anyone else doing something similar? I would love to share food ideas and any other insights you have to help me get off to a good start.