Airport Lounge Discussion



  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,448 Member
    @LindieMaeP,,I long as ya keep trying ..keep moving..focus and're a winnah!! We can do this..Just look how far we have come and there are miles left to travel!!
    I am stuck in a clichés kinda mood for some reason..To be your best- do your bestdon't worry about the rest! How many would love to be able to do what you do everyday and can't..count your blessings. Thus is my mind circling today!!
    I think I need a break and a off I go.
    Oh no...yep one more!!

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,642 Member
    @KatieCondy1 are you sure those aren't the golden arches on that there poster tryign to bleed through??? LOLOLOL I so agree with it but then I saw that and thought - golden arches. You know I am not far from MickyDees and I could go for a walk to there and back but am not interested. I just did a walk to safeway, they had the medium sized frozen pizza on sale for 2.99 and Gene and I like that brand, plus I always add more - well not coleslaw that goes on the side LOL I also got some sweet potato fries I can do in the air fryer because I was thinking chili fries for dinner - well there's a part of me that is still a junk food junkie so I try to do it healthier and get the same results. ( I am Irish, does that count ?? ) lol I also picked up a much larger spaghetti squash to do another casserole this one will have bacon bits in it - I will cook that one next week when it can bake longer.
    For the new challenge in the new year I want to add some new goals and do so in a way that won't cramp my current style - can't have a gurl cramped ya know ... I am looking forward to the new challenge and what can be accomplished.
    I had what I thought was an amazing thing to blog about last night while going to sleep and then this morning I canna remember a thing about it.. it has aluded me ... it will come back again, I just did not want to get up and write it all down... such is the life at times.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    BUSY BUSY CHAT!!! @Katiecondy1 ,,, LOL IMPRESSED by the "WINNAH!" very much so!!
    Bit by bit, we'll get therah!!
    @Lindiemaep ,,,, Today another friend down the street is out. They're telling her not til Tuesday!! YO!! LOL on the iphone we know I feel about them. Ahhhh love my Samsung though. That's okay it's why variety is the spice of life. We will go soon to look at kitties again. Monday I'll be busy , Tuesday I have a Dr appointment followed by 2 MRIs so maybe Weds or Thurs we can. THe movie is a great one! Thought of it as I've been reading, of course have a little bit left before Tuesday. Awwww Izzy LOL POOR IZZY kitty!! I had my GGS here on Weds so she's STILL tired. They did play some together she's so jealous of him when he's here, yet she's willing to share my lap with him. There are so many kitties needing a home, I hope you both get one.

    SORRY to not give everyone a personal reply. This woman is also quite tired. It's been a cloudy dreary day, with foolish temps near 50 and that'll continue until Thurs. WOW we've only had one SMALL SNOW STORM of 4"s. ONE!! I may have to relocate to MinnieSNOWDA!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,942 Member
    @LindieMaeP - snow angels sound awesome! So great your area is clean
    @Tabatha_Cain -i hope you were able to have a great Christmas and now New Year’s Eve. Our ice melted and now we have a week of 40s/50s.then the week of the 9th we are supposed to have rain/snow
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,942 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx for all the help explaining how to find your invite and I hope you feel better soon. Please keep resting and doing whatever you can!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Bookienj ,, aww hon TY TY TY TY!!! I need to just accept that some things I can not change, but I can keep on doing my best for that day to do what I can do. I am always grateful for all I can do. So many can not do as much, sure it's way less then I could, but i can still do stuff!! Each day I thank God for 3 things I am grateful for. THat helps my attitude a lot. I hope you'll enjoy 23!! We have no clue what it'll bring yet, how we react to things is how well we'll also do. I love the below. It's SO TRUE!!
  • tslose
    tslose Posts: 420 Member
    Happy New Year to all!
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,576 Member
    It’s 38 feels like 38 with a high of 64 for today. Insight Timer Quote: Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.—Germany Kent I AM: I choose to be happy by choosing to be grateful. Axe Sharpening: Your life is a direct reflection of your perspective. Choose wisely.—Hannah Jones 1sr Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Find three things to look forward to this year. Fitness quote for today: The pain motivates me.—courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational quote for today: Calm heart. Lift soul. Positive thoughts.—unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 14,032 steps yesterday.
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 700 Member
    Good morning and Happy New Year's!! I'm coming to terms with the sound of 2023. Not sure how it isn't 1999, but time marches forward no matter how we feel. I have done a reset of my account. I ended the year with a net gain in weight. I was upset with myself last week but now I am determined that this is the year that I finally make permanent changes.

    Today I weigh in at 288, that is the highest I have been in a few years. I want to be around 125-135 on paper that means just over 1 pound a week, which should be completely doable.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,333 Member
    Good morning
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,642 Member
    Good morning everyone, I hope you all got through the night safe and sound and are enjoying or have enjoyed a nice breakfast - I'll be having mine shortly. It's a wonderful day in the neighbourhood so much to look forward to and to accomplish on this next challenge that we take 1 week at a time and see what we can do. There is no such thing as failure when one is learning new things to help them along. I am starting this challenge at 207.4 or course on Saturday I will put the official start weight - it's up from where I wanted to be but at least it is a start and I can go from there. I want to reach 199 on this challenge we will see how it goes and how my body will respond, well my mind too cause sometimes my mind fools me !! I always feel that weight will fluctuate and it has since I weigh in on WED and SAT too. I like to see how I am doing mid week. I will be focusing in on fiber - seems I have not been getting enough, and you would think it would be easy to get in each meal - nada !!! I will also be doing resistance training, firming up muscles slowly and go from there. I wish you all well with your plans for this challenge - you can do what you aim to do!! Have a wonderful day all !!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @tslose ,, GOOD day!! WELCOME to the chat!! How was your day?
    @Macrat12,, HI Sarah!! What did you do today?
    @Majork29,,, what I do now is to just set a very reasonable goal for myself per challenge. The 8 weeks wrapping my head around it is just easier. Since my body is such a brat (but it's the only 1 I have and so I do love and cherish it, but it IS A BRAT! LOL) with smaller goals if I need to reset I can.
    @Patti241 did you watch the ball drop? I did not. I was up, but LOLOL didn't watch. It's a new year, but that's about it in my wee mind. We'll see what it brings.
    @LIndiemaep,,, Awwwww CUTE GIF!! TY TY TY TY!! I find fiber to NOT be at all easy, but we know my view towards freggies which has something to do with that! Keep in mind also fiber is in whole bread (weirdly for a junk food person I LOVE a very fiber bread!) cereal (ALSO usually LOVE) and I think I'll go back to some of them. Yeah adding that to my phone grocery list (TY TY TY TY!) One day at a time. I too am adding ST more so. I want my body to behave better so I have to treat it accordingly (NOT the freggie though).
    LOL If anyone is watching the Packers game this is something to to see. Its now the 4th quarter and it's 3 Vikings and 34 Packers. Ohhhh I have a friend from Wisconsin who though she lives on the other side of the city I CAN HEAR HER!! (Lolol). BUT I DID SO EARLIER when the Pats played the Dolphins. Hmmm maybe ,, nah ,, am I sorry @Catwmncat? NOPE!
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,448 Member
    edited January 2023
    A New Year.. A New Challenge..every day is a chance at a new success. Today has been a quiet one. As the days begin part of my years promise to me is to start each day finding a reason to give thanks..then at the end of the day check to see if I did in fact get thru the day with that foremost in my mind. I love the idea of writing down daily at least one good thing that happened that day, put in a jar ..then at years end review . Now to find a spot to put that jar so I don't loose it.
    Headed in to make some supper for the crew..wishing each and everyone an awesome year .

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,642 Member
    edited January 2023
    @Dianedoessmiles1 hahahaha it should have said LINDIE not DIANE but I am ok with it saying DIANE!! Fiber 1 cerial gives a lot of fiber and I add it to my yogurt every morning along with flax seed, cinnamon, and of course blueberries - 1 serving is 1/3 cup that is 11 fiber but I don't use a full serving as I only need 5 fiber per meal. Peas are next on the venue to give fiber but I do the summer peas or baby peas and then pears if you like fruit give a good amount of fiber so sometimes it comes from veggies and sometimes fruit. I've bought them for individual serving sizes in packages but have not been able to find them lately so a small box will last me a month and it costs me 7.00 a box !! Gone up in price indeed ! WHO DAT !?!? I don't do footie too violent for my taste , I stay away from violent sports. Still looking for a good fiber bread, but really only need 5 grams a meal so should be ok. See my blog if you have time and are feeling up to it. I went out today with a couple from my KH and we had a good time and discussed many spirtiual things!
    @katiecondy1 nice idea to do that. I give thanks many times a day, there is so much I am thankful for. Good food, good times, good friends, yup all is good and I am thankful for them. I hope you blog at the end of the year what you learnt about your jar contents!!
    I am having a light dinner tonight, just a slice of pizza and coleslaw - I went out for lunch and had fish and chips so still full from that ! I gave the recliner to my sister and she came and got it while I was out. I hope she is happy with it. I know her son Michael liked it. I rearranged the living room this morning and got the 50+ y.o. envovled, he was not happy but did some vaccumming and I washed the floor after the carpet was rolled up, it's being trashed time for it to go and he needs to figure out what is going to the dump so I can pay the fee - I might get my sister to take it, it's amazing what she can pack in her car! Anyway I asked him where he wanted the couch and he put it right back where it was !! Then he put the coffee hutch and ice chests back too same place... ok he's not ready for change... but at least I got the floor washed eh !! I still have to get some steps in so I will do that after dinner.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!
    Happy New Year!

    Yesterday was a very long day. Prepared my taco dip for my friends New Year's. Had to work in the afternoon and then partied till Midnight with friends, Hubby and Son. Hehe he got to see his Mom actually have fun and party. The looks he gave me were definitely the best. It was great seeing him actually socializing with people he didn't know. I hope I can give him more opportunities like that maybe he'll make some friends he can hang out with eventually. Granted he was the youngest one there. Most are older than me.

    Anyways today I obviously slept in. Sent my Son home so he could get ready for a gathering he was going to with other family members. Then got ready for work. I am not used to a coworker who doesn't do their job. As my weekday coworker has definitely been stepping up. The weekend one moves slow, she doesn't get half of what the weekday one does. My friend/manager got a text from me about what she will find when she gets to work in the morning. Dishes that should have been done before we left. I would have done them but I was doing other cleaning and don't quite feel comfortable getting my wrist that wet yet. Today is the first day I showered with out it covered and definitely wasn't the best feeling. The skin is still very new and very pink. I even keep it wrapped most of the time so I don't damage it.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Good Evening, All! The first day of the New Year is almost at an end. The warm weather in this part of the world has been a gift. Billie and I have been taking an hour walk each day. She's been staying out of trouble.

    Glad to see so many on the chat!

    Tomorrow's word is FAITH.

    And I learned a new trick with my phone camera:

  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 700 Member
    Good morning, I got my Christmas tree taken apart yesterday and a few other things done. Of course, not as much done as I wanted but a good start. I got out for a walk with Farley yesterday, he is really starting to love his walks. Which is good.

    Today is my last day off until I leave for Mexico on the 14th. I work straight through until the evening of the 13th. So, I have decided that I will putter around the house today, take the puppy for another walk and the work on finishing the afghan that I am doing for a friend. It is almost completed. The bonus is that if I am working on the afghan while watching TV I can't eat!! (snack).
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,354 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good Morning, 2023 Winter 5% Challengers!! Happy, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! For those of you that are lucky enough (like me) to get an 'extra' day off because the holiday was on a Sunday but is observed today, enjoy your day off to the fullest!!

    I'm trying to 'find' three new Red Hots Team Members that have not yet picked up their invitations. Hoping that posting here might help to find these MFP members that are not yet on my MFP friends list:
    🔴🌡️RED HOTS🌡️🔴 Passengers (Team Members):
    @hollatee ~ Your Boarding Pass is still waiting for you, unclaimed!!
    @SassieFit ~ Your Boarding Pass is still waiting for you, unclaimed!!
    @SunshineFlGirl ~ Your Boarding Pass is still waiting for you, unclaimed!!


    Heidi (hicim705), Captain
    2023 Winter 5% Challenge ~ 🔴🌡️RED HOTS🌡️🔴

    Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)
    Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges ~ Bloggers!!
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,576 Member
    It’s 46 feels like 46 with a high of 66 today. Insight Timer Quote: To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.—Jiddu Krishnamurti IAM: I give myself permission to feel safe when building lasting and meaningful relationships. Axe Sharpening: Have the slightest bit of belief in yourself. You’d be amazed what you can accomplish. Belief mixed with consistency leads to your ultimate potential. Be great today, do some uncomfortable stuff, and watch yourself grow.—Dale Beatty 1st Phorm Elite Athlete. Action for Happiness: Make time today to do something kind for yourself. Fitness quote for today: If you’re willing to do the WORK you can have anything.—gymaholic Motivational quote for today: Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.—unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 14,739 steps yesterday. Training plan for today: Full body “GBC” Day 1 in the gym this afternoon.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,333 Member
    Good morning everyone