Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,794 Member
    @SunshineFlGirl No you are onboard!
  • SunshineFlGirl
    SunshineFlGirl Posts: 200 Member
    Ceriusly1 wrote: »
    @SunshineFlGirl No you are onboard!

  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    This 3rd day January is almost done. Our weather (near STL) went up to 68-70 today. I spent hours outside and did work in the woods. Now the weather is dropping and will go down to 37 tonight and gusty winds. South of us are tornadoes and north of us snow. Crazy weather.

    Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

    Word tomorrow is ENTHUSIASM.


    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a rainy, foggy, dark day. It was also TOPS and weigh day. Down 1.25 lbs. That makes 9 lbs in 2 weeks!

    I also called the organization that is taking over the kitchen where I work. Hate when the letter didn't give an extension. Will call back tomorrow when I have more time to figure it out. Work went well.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Novembergail how did you do that picture that was so cool a few days ago? You said you learned a new trick on your phone.
    @Cseguin2 ,, certainly hope work works out for you!! (The English language is so strange! LOLOL). If it doesn't hon, you are such a GOOD WORKER and will soon have your certificate there are so many places needing the help. That's a great piece of paper to have!!! You are so valuable. Something WILL work out for you. Perhaps something you've not even thought of working at such and such a type of place. Often times we are surprised by the surprises.

    I had the 2 MRI's today, it can be a day or 2 before it hits my portal or I'll get a call from my Dr's office. We'll see!! Other than that I am working on Strength training for 23. On the PS4L team we've chosen "Healthier Me in 23!"
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,438 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are doing well this morning. Today is going to be a good day. I have to go grocery shopping today. That is something that I like doing so that is good. I may have to have my fiance go shopping and then I will work. I have to get some more work going. I need to make more money for the wedding. I am not sure we are going to have enough.

    @TEXASTITCHER - Those look so cute. I love them.
    @LindieMaeP - I did some laundry yesterday too. I need to do some exercise everyday and I am just not getting there some days. My physical went well. They are sending me for my annual blood work. I did not even think about the blood work when I ate yesterday morning.
    @NovemberGail - The weather is crazy. Normal for us though these past couple of years.
    @CSEGUIN2 - It was foggy and rainy here too.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I hope everything is ok. 2 MRI's does not sound pleasant. Hopefully it will tell you what is wrong though.

    Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a great day.

  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 700 Member
    Good morning, it is a nice cool morning today. -12C and still very dark out there. Puppy is busily chewing a toy at my feet. I love how he has decided to be as close to me as possible in the morning after his food.

    My plan for the day is almost complete, just waiting for hubby to get up in an hour or so to confirm what the dinner plan is. I have work today and will be out most of the morning. Then I must go get more dog and cat food. Hubby and I also have our last travel vaccine this afternoon. Talk about getting it in last minute.

    @bookieNJ Temps area all perspective, this week is mild for winter. This time of year anything from 0 to -15C is on the warm side.

    @cormierannie say hi back to the birds

    @dmsl977 hope you are feeling better

    @NovemberGail up the weather has been weird this year, it's been yoyoing for us, up and down.

    @CSEGUIN2 amazing weight loss? what are you doing?

    @Dianedoessmiles1 I hope that yu get the results of your MRI's soon.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,576 Member
    It’s 33 feels like 27 with a high of 47 for today. Insight Timer Quote: We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.—Iris Murdoch Axe Sharpening: Motivation is the desire to change, discipline is the decision to act, and momentum is the continuous actions. Continuous action leads to change.—Jenny Young 1st Phorm Advisor/Registered Dietitian I AM: All the good in my life comes to me as a result of my willingness to find happiness in each moment. Action for Happiness: Write a list of things you feel grateful for and why. Fitness quote for today: Be Strong when you are weak, Brave when you are scared, And Humble when you are victorious.—courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational quote for today: Be in a ridiculously good mood for absolutely no reason today.—unknown Closed all ring (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 13,412 steps yesterday. Training plan for today: Active Recovery 30 min on Assault Runner and 15 min full body stretching in the gym after work.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,333 Member
    Good morning everyone.
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,354 Member
    Do you still show me as unclaimed?

    Nope - you are a member of the Red Hots now!

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,737 Member
    good morning everyone! it is a cloudy day here today, with rain on and off. my daughter says hi to all. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i got my strength training workout done earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! i will definitely be doing some dancing later on. i just have a bit of housework to do today and i will be caught up. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,942 Member
    @dmsl977 -hope you are feeling better soon! Great news on soda free!
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks for the positivity. I am feeling better overall. I believe I was just struggling with some Oklahoma allergies. This wind really is something else. I'm still soda free! I've been leaning heavily on my Cirkul water bottle and Crystal Lite. Though the way my work day is going, maybe it should be vodka. JK...sorta :)
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain ,, THANKS!!! I do see the results are in, but they are SUPER WAY over my head. Hopefully you'll have what you need at the wedding (Person to marry you both, witness, loved ones, some food if it's desired) anything else "is a nice add on" but, the most important are each other love for life. Awww SWEET!! It's such a nice love story.
    @Majork29 ,,,WOOHOO on that last vaccine being done so you can take off!!! ENJOY!! ENJOY!! Will you be able to post your stats to your team? If you are leaving before Saturday please let your WL and CL (some teams call them baggage handler and Captain instead of Weigh in Leader and Challenge Leader). Likely you'll be asked to weigh in ahead of time (Rarely LOL But, I've seen it, does anyone want to drag their scale with them, but again I've SEEN IT! Though I've not done that!). TY TY TY TY for the well wishes!
    @Patti241,, HI Patti!! How did the day go?
    @Hicim705 and @SunshineFlgirl,,, OH you 2 will have SO MUCH FUN being on the same team!!
    @Cormierannie,,, WOOHOO on the exercise. Hey if you get BORED or do not have enough housework I am SURE someone here will "allow" you to do theirs!! LOL Mine is caught up nicely though a little bit more decluttering to do until I am down to the barely enough. I'll LOVE THAT!
    @BookieNJ ,,, HI!! Love seeing you with us!! Any good books lately?
    @Dms1977 ,,, Have you tried a netti pot for your allergies? I am allergic to ,,, hmmm MY SWEET KITTY CAT!! I had thought it was grass or trees, but Noooo LOL It's SWEET IZZY!! of course I am KEEPING HER!! And likely getting another too. I do of course notice the allergy, but if I at someone else house and they have a cat, LOL I notice it that much more. With a netti pot the first few times I did it OUCHERS MEGA TIME!! But it got easier as my sinuses got cleaned out. GREAT JOB on being soda FREE!! AND drinking water!! I too drank Crystal light ,, eventually I went to regular water. At this point I have gone back to diet soda the bubbles help me swallow food easier without choking. NICE JOB INDEED!!

    Now that this is caught up as is the chat on Positively Strong 4 Life (I am the CL/Captain) there, I'm going to use the time to get in some necessary Exercise!!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a busy, foggy, rainy day with a hint of sun in the late afternoon. Got up at 6 am to take the garbage out for pickup for my client and ourselves. Also did a few things online then went back to bed till 9 am. Went to the clinic and got antibiotics for my tooth and also had the doctor check my wrist. My wrist is healing really well but have to keep it wrapped at work until my last day. Yes it is my last day on the 15th. Found out from the girl I work with during the week that part of the deal for the organization to get the contract was that they couldn't hire the original staff to work there. Whatever....I can still apply with the organization to work in another one of their kitchens if I choose. So I have decided that I will continue to pray and look into all my other options of opportunities. During work we had an incident with a resident. He seemed fine when I served him but based on what he said my pulled pork was nasty and caused him to slam his dishes and break 2 plastic glasses. Later on he tried to come back in and apologize I cut him short and told him I didn't want to hear it tonight and would be better off trying tomorrow. This is not the first time he disrespected me or our dishes. He was told last time that if he ever did it again he would not be let off the hook so easily and wouldn't be welcome in the dinning room. Unfortunately I am a kind heart and by tomorrow I will accept his apology and I will let him in the dinning room. Afterall it's their home and they may be stressed knowing that things are going to be changing soon.

    Here's me on my walk today. I talked myself into going and enjoyed every minute of it. 30k0wkwl8acn.jpg

    My weight loss is from less eating lol and having infections. When your mouth hurts from a cavity your waiting to have filled it definitely helps you not eat. Plus a lot of the weight loss the other week was most likely water.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Here is a story of my experience in Colorado skiing. I am old enough to be not AS embarrassed and can share this.

    So we are in CO and invited to go skiing ~
    I decided not to take the skiing instruction because I had done skiing in my backyard (HA). Little did I know that their bunny hill required that I go up on a ski lift. I freaked out and couldn't get off the ski lift and begged them to let me ride the lift down. HORRIBLE. Finally I shimmied off and then panicked. Now the real test was getting down the bunny hill. After totally embarrassing my friend, I took off down the hill, totally out of control and couldn't snowplow and stopped myself by sliding down on my butt. No one was injured. After that I found a quiet place outside, picked up a book and began to read. Later when our group headed back to the house, my face began to blister. Worst sunburn I ever had. Are you sure you want me on a ski trip in Colorado?

    Billie news: As I am cleaning a cottage, that little imp managed to dig another hole towards China. Some people fill in potholes; I fill in Billie holes.

    @Dianedoessmiles1: The iPhone has an app in the camera that says Pano for panorama. (I finally got that figured out.). You click it on and then move in about a 160 degree angle and presto! the photo is ready.

    Rather than leaving a comment on everyone's post, I am just going to say a prayer for your intentions tonight.

    Words for tomorrow: Harmony and Gratitude


  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Cseguin2 ,,, So sorry about the clause about working where you are, that's usually a condition though in a contract and isn't at all unusual though it doesn't seem fair looking at it from this angle. I have NO DOUBT though as you apply at other places someone will so HAPPILY grab you up quickly!! Workers are hard to come by, but very good workers like yourself well that's getting to be a rarity!! I know I'd hire you a HEART BEAT!! SO SORRY about your tooth!! Grrr that they make dentists so hard to see unless you are a regular (And that takes time). I hope the med does help. We can all relate from having a "toothache" somewhat because what you are going through is worse.
    Know we care. It'll all work out in the end at this point it's a rough but you are tough! Even when we are tough we are also soft, you are being very kind tomorrow. I know I'd make him have a meal out of the dining hall unless rewarding his behavior that way he'd take as a WIN. It's different no doubt per client. You know what's best. It shows your character, indeed whoever hires you next is getting a TRUE GEM! GOLD!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,642 Member
    Good evening everyone, was a nice day today even got out for a nice little walk and came back and did some mushrooms for freezing - it's so much better then letting them go in the fridge lol I like that I have frozen ones I can use. No major cooking today, maybe tomorrow I have another spaghetti squash, much larger then the last one so should make a good layered baked dish, decided on the sauce, alfredo or mushroom.. well I do love mushrooms !!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I hope you get your results soon. We found out when the RC is and will be Jun 30/23 - JUL 2/23 = so long weekend that weekend. Looking forward to it, want to get a hair do and new dress maybe. I looked at Penningtons, man nothing there I would want to buy, so disappointing, but it's ok I have other choices - and options.
    @Tabatha_Cain hope you can get your blood work in ok. And you can make some money for your wedding, watch how the time just flys by eh !!
    @Majork29 hope your vaccines went ok and you have little side effects.
    @CSEGUIN2 I am not surprised the resident acted out - no doubt they feel the stress that the staff is feeling and that would affect them. Not surprised that the contract included not hiring the current staff, that requirement safeguards all so that there is no conflict with old and new and perhaps the new contractor does have other kitchens you can work in. Where did you take your walk ? Is that the Detroit River area?
    @everyone, have a good evening and continue with your plans for the start of the 5% Winter challenge, I know I have my plans in place !! I will continue with the Dash diet and make sure my fiber meets the daily amount i need. It should be ok.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,438 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is going to be a good day. We have a lot of things to get done. I feel a little better this morning and I am working on getting some money for the wedding. I need to take some photos of some stuff and get some stuff sold. I literally don't need all these things I am selling for the wedding and it is good that someone is getting a use for them. I am really trying to sell this manual treadmill I have but for some reason a lot of people don't realize manual means not electrical. That there is no plug in and you have to make it go. How do people not know that. If they google manual treadmill they would know it isn't powered by electricity.

    @majork29 - It is nice when the puppy chooses you to be the best bud in the morning. I have one of my dogs that cuddles up to me when we are sitting at the computer.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I hope we have everything. I am trying so hard to get everything done.
    @CSEGUIN2 - You are so nice. I am sure they are just as frustrated as you are at the change over.
    @NovemberGail - That sounds horrible. Not sure I would ever want to go skiing. My fiance likes to ski. So maybe we will end up going.
    @LindieMaeP - Nice that you got a walk in. I need to get some walking in. Although it is dark outside in the morning and not a good idea to walk in the dark in my neighborhood. I am doing my blood work on Saturday

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a great and wonderful day.

  • tslose
    tslose Posts: 420 Member
    Good morning all and Happy Thursday! Yesterday wasn’t too productive and today I will be in the car for 7.5 hours but going to my happy place - the beach. I love to walk when I go to the beach so I will make up for the last couple days. Wishing ever a happy day.