Shape Shifters Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • Bumbinella
    Bumbinella Posts: 90 Member

    Sunday weigh-ins

    PW: 168.6
    CW: 168.0

    Hope you all had a lovely Christmas! Thanks for sharing your pictures. I love those ☺️🎄
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,340 Member
    edited December 2022
    leni1us wrote: »
    Sorry everyone. With mom in the hospital everything else has been put on hold. I think I'm going to bow out the rest of December, if that's okay. I really do love being a part of this team but my focus is on getting mom well and comforting my 95 year old dad.

    I love hopping on when I can and reading all of your inspirational stories and hearing about what's going on in your life but, if it is okay, I'm going to take a break and pick things up again with January group.

    @leni1us I've asked the MODS to move you to the Support Team. Take care of your family and I'll be praying for your Mom and Dad...also take care of yourself. I know first-hand how draining caregiving can be. When you're ready to return, just send me an IM or pop in the chat and let me know and I'll get you moved back to active status. Take care!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,444 Member



    Team Results
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  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,243 Member
    Let's take advantage of this final week of 2022 to plan and set up a few small (but effective!) habits to track in January 2023. The new Habit Tracker is ready for you!
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,392 Member
    Thank you @jugar filled mine out for January!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,340 Member
    edited December 2022
    Monday weigh-in
    PW: 303.0
    CW: 304.5

    Yesterday, ate something a little higher in fat content and of course my tummy said "excuse me, what?!" so I spent the afternoon feeling irritable and yucky...because of that I started my 16 hr fast early and that, along with the tummy ache, around 10:30 I was up and made a sandwich, breaking my fast...not the best day. Feel much better today...time to get to work OBVIOUSLY!

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,340 Member
    WTG Shape Shifters and all of last week's winners and honorable mentions!! WTG @izzyred9400 @nancyinmo and @alleykat69 !! Rock it ladies!!
    Jessica :smiley:
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 526 Member
    I totally have lost track of time yall and forgot to weigh in this morning. I will be back on track next week. This holiday stuff has had me so messed up lately
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 213 Member
    CW: 199 (last Friday)

    Happy holiday season!
    So sorry to be late checking in. Have been enjoying celebrating Christmas this past week. Was able to fit in a minimum amount of exercise the past couple days, but ate way too much. I'm looking forward to building back some healthier ways and getting back on track in time for the new year!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,340 Member
    I totally have lost track of time yall and forgot to weigh in this morning. I will be back on track next week. This holiday stuff has had me so messed up lately

    @Armygirlarmyof1 Go ahead and weigh in tomorrow morning and report worries...happens all the time. Let me know. I've done it myself once in a while, especially if I'm rushing to get ready for work...

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,340 Member

    @kodakslim WELCOME TO OUR TEAM! We're glad you found us! On behalf of the team and our two wonderful Motivators @PatriceFitnessPal and @angmarie28 WELCOME!! I'm Jessica, your team Captain! I've been here with the Shape Shifters for five years! I hope you will find the team to be as helpful and supportive as I have found them to be. Take a few minutes...go back to page one of this chat thread and read our FAQ file which details many of the questions you may have. If you have questions not represented there, please post your question and one of us will get back to you.

    Also, take a minute and introduce yourself and tell us what your goals are for January and beyond! Jump right in on the discussions and make yourself at home.

    Good luck in January!
    Jessica :blush:
  • kodakslim
    kodakslim Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone

    Thank you for having me :)

    SW: 161 lbs
    GW: 142 lbs

    I was with MFP back in 2019, after I had my son and had some excess weight to lose. I believe I started at 184 lbs and got down to 133 lbs. I remember feeling good at my new weight, but it soon crept back on and I’m up to 161 lbs.

    My goals for January: track my food daily, and get out for a short walk everyday. This is what helped me last time.

    My weigh-in day is Friday. I’m looking forward to chatting with/supporting you all :)
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,340 Member

    Step Enthusiasts!! Now taking registration for January's Step Challenge! Reply back with your first name (for the chart), your favorite place to walk AND your daily step goal and that will get you registered!

    How will you challenge yourself in January?!! Are you an indoor walker? Treadmill walker? Outdoor walker? How do you stay motivated? Do you enjoy step challenges with Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, etc?

    Be sure to post your steps in the January chat thread every few days in the format:

    01/05: 4868 steps
    01/06: 8058 steps
    01/07: 10615 steps

    Hope to see you there!
    Jessica :blush:
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,684 Member
    Hi SS... You have another new member joining your team ...Please welcome @messycreator :)
  • messycreator
    messycreator Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I just signed up for my first ever fitness pal group and then was assigned to Shape Shifters for the January Challenge. Glad to be here! Am I supposed to sign up for a step challenge? I already found the weigh in sheet and the habit tracker? Anything else I should know? Do we share our logged meals or anything?
  • kodakslim
    kodakslim Posts: 90 Member

    Step Enthusiasts!! Now taking registration for January's Step Challenge! Reply back with your first name (for the chart), your favorite place to walk AND your daily step goal and that will get you registered!

    How will you challenge yourself in January?!! Are you an indoor walker? Treadmill walker? Outdoor walker? How do you stay motivated? Do you enjoy step challenges with Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, etc?

    Be sure to post your steps in the January chat thread every few days in the format:

    01/05: 4868 steps
    01/06: 8058 steps
    01/07: 10615 steps

    Hope to see you there!
    Jessica :blush:

    Hi @jessicakrall8

    Could I please join the step challenge?

    MFP Name: Kodakslim
    First Name: April

    I wouldn’t call it my favourite place to walk, but i feel comfortable walking round my block. It takes me around 30 minutes.

    Daily step goal: 5000

    I know it’s not much, but admittedly, I’ve been very inactive for a long time, so I’m starting small.

    I’ve dug out my Fitbit again, charged it up and it’s ready to go!

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,392 Member
    12/23 8,307
    12/24 10,326
    12/25 9,370

    Please add me to January step challenge. I really don't have a favorite place to walk since in SE Wisconsin it's winter, ice, snow, rain, cold - I usually get my steps in walking around the house, riding my recumbent bike and workouts - I bowl in a league on Tuesdays
    I have a fitbit and usually do challenges with a couple of friends
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,684 Member
    Another new member joining your wonderful team ...Please welcome @brttny7979 :)
This discussion has been closed.