Shape Shifters Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,416 Member
    edited December 2022
    Here’s my weekly weigh-in report:

    Name: PatriceFitnessPal
    Weigh-in day: Thursday

    SW: 168
    PW: 130.3
    CW: 130.9

    LTD: 37.1

    I’ve been injured and find it hard to eat within my calorie target without any exercise. I finally started to exercise again today. My muscles are really tight so I’m trying to stretch after my workouts this week. Today, I eased back with only 30 minutes of exercise but lots of stretching. I used the foam roller and stretched for at least an hour but I have a long way to go in regaining my flexibility. Well, we have to start somewhere—

    Best wishes, Shape Shifters!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,854 Member
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 213 Member
    PW: 196.6
    CW: 196.4

    Happy Friday everyone!

    December has been off to a good start for me. Last weekend we had a nice visit with friends in town. While they were here, they came to my community wind ensemble concert, which was our first concert back since COVID. We're a group of amateur musicians who love getting together to play music and it was so wonderful to be back performing!

    That left me in a really good mindset for this week as my food intake was good, I logged everyday and I got up early to exercise every weekday morning. I tried to mix things up with some bike and rowing workouts and I also did a couple HIIT workouts in with weights, which I hadn't done much of since September...feeling sore today from all of that. I could really use a good stretching session!

    December feels a bit daunting to set and stick with goals with it being so busy getting ready for Christmas, with so many celebrations that involve food and with travelling. My goals up to Christmas will be to to log my food everyday aiming for calorie deficits, continue with a mix of weekday morning workouts and to build some strength back up by adding in one or two weight sessions.
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 213 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal I'm sorry to hear you've been injured. I hope you are on the way to recovery. I have a foam roller and LOVE it too! I could use a good stretching session as well.
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 213 Member
    @nancyinmo Way to go!!! That is some really awesome and well deserved progress!! And you sharing your progress is very inspiring to me!
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 213 Member
    @jessicakrall8 still thinking of you and your loss, hope you are doing okay
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 213 Member
    @JenHul Great idea to listen to your books on your treadmill. I love indulging in a good Netflix series while I exercise on my indoor bike or rower or a podcast while I'm out walking.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,779 Member
    December week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday, December 9
    PW: 231.4
    CW: 230.8 ( lost 0.6 lbs; 0.26%)
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,779 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Tue 12/6: 4,403
    Wed 12/7: 5,665
    Thu 12/8: 14,132
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 359 Member
    PW 196.5
    CW 197.0

    I’m feeling the holiday stress eating begin. If I can just maintain thru the holidays I will consider that a success!

    My knee has improved incrementally over the past few weeks. A couple of days ago, while at the gym, my knee gave a big painful *pop*. It seems better so I guess it didn’t cause harm.

    I met with my PT today for an evaluation session. The Achilles tendon is much improved so we will focus more on the knee going forward. Part of the game plan will probably involve getting a steroid shot in my knee even though it seems to be improving.

    I’m hoping to start walking again in a few days, even if only for five minutes, to see how I hold up. My other big test will be to see how I feel after a big shopping trip. I need to go soon, but I’m going to try to clean out my fridge tomorrow before I go. Oh, and I have what I think is cedar fever (allergies) since I’m all stuffy and sneezing. Tis the season here in Texas!
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member

    Friday weigh in

    PW: 166.4
    CW: 164.8*

    Loss 1.6

    *weighed in this evening instead of first thing so this could potentially be a high number. But it’s a loss so I’ll take it! It’s been a really rough week
  • KHill875
    KHill875 Posts: 156 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 143.0
    CW: 142.8

    12/6- 12,838
    12/7- 13,380
    12/8- 14,644
    12/9- 13,593

    Finally, I got back into the gym three days this week because no one stayed home from school sick.
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 582 Member
    @pupowl Way to go!!
    @izzyred9400 that all looks so nice and tasty!
    @KHill875 happy to hear there were no sick days at your house. It throws the schedule off so much when the little are sick.
  • nancyinmiami
    nancyinmiami Posts: 156 Member
    PW: 188.8
    CW: 187.6

    So-so week. Went out to dinner with friends a few times, which threw me off a little. But still feeling positive. Traveling to DC next week for early family Christmas, so I’ll do my best to stay strong lol.
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member

    That looks lovely! What a nice way to celebrate Christmas!

    @Pupowl Congratulations on your continued progress! Way to go! It's not easy, especially this time of year!

    And hello to all the new members!

    So update on me...

    We came back from a wonderful Thanksgiving island escape with the kids and their significant others, but when we picked up the dogs at the kennel, Buddy's back legs weren't working right. Buddy is our almost 13 year old golden retriever with cancer. After a vet consultation and x-rays, we were sent to a neurologist is Ft. Collins- and 8 hour drive. After 3 days of tests, including a spinal tap, it turns out he has GOLPP a progressive neurological disease where he is slowly becoming paralyzed. Also- another cancerous tumor has to be removed.

    On the upside, he is in no pain and has a good appetite, although hes lost 13 pounds since September. But this explains his weird illness back in October where he was up all night drooling and breathing heavily. His larynx is completely paralyzed so he probably had food stuck in his throat.

    So... it isn't time to say goodbye, but that may be coming sooner rather than later. Still thinking of you @jessicakrall8 .... Again, I'm so sorry.

    On the upside- our son arrives home tomorrow evening for 3 weeks! He's in Las Vegas tonight to watch the IU v. Arizona State Basketball game with friends. Yea Christmas break! And go Hoosiers!

    Everyone have a great holiday!


  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,340 Member
    @SavageMrsMoose Glad you found a cause and that it's on Buddy from me please...what will they do for the larynx, medications of some sort?? Thank you for your kindness...
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