Shape Shifters Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    November Step Challenge Results

    Week 1 - @Pupowl with 115,707 steps!
    Week 2 - @Pupowl with 106,829 steps!
    Week 3 - @Pupowl with 105,510 steps!
    Week 4 - @Pupowl with 103,668 steps!
    Week 5 - @Pupowl with 102,481 steps!

    Overall Top 3

    1. @Pupowl with 534,195 steps!!!
    2. @izzyred9400 with 412,471 steps!!
    3. @Frankwbrown with 400,555 steps!

    All together, we hit 3.4 million steps! Fantastic effort! Who will unseat our reigning champ, Pupowl, this month?!! Will it be you?! Steps it up during the holidays and let's see!

    Thanks to all who participated!

    Jessica :smile:
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    leni1us wrote: »
    @jessicakrall8 I'm so sorry I'm missing steps and my Friday weigh in. We had a family emergency with my mom (she's 90). She fell and broke her hip and had to have surgery. She is recovering in the hospital now but will need to go to a Skilled nursing facility for rehab. I haven't really thought of much else.

    I know it's late but here is my weigh in and steps.

    @leni1us Sorry to hear about your mom. Hope her recovery goes quickly...glad you could be there to support her! No worries, I updated your NWI to LWI and caught up your steps. Got you down for December's challenge...are you keeping the same daily goal or want to update it?


    @jessicakrall8 Thanks for the good thoughts. With everything going on, I haven't jumped online for a few days. Mom is doing better but she is still in the hospital. It's hard because she has dementia and doesn't really know what's going on or why she's in the hospital. She just wants to go home.

    Although my walking has been sporadic, I do want to stay in the Step challenge with the same step goal.
    Sorry this is a day late.

    PW: 161.2
    CW: 158.4

    12/5 6,274
    12/6 17,844
    12/7 2,983
    12/8 8,702
    12/9 10,417
  • Bumbinella
    Bumbinella Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Shape Shifters,

    thank you again for having me in your group. I always need a buddy and someone who holds me accountable on my journey and am really glad to have found that in this group ☺️
    I’m a 34yo woman from Vienna and finally got married to the love of my life this year (after 2 postponements due to Covid). I somehow managed to lose quite a bit of weight before the wedding and felt fabulous that day. Unfortunately I also managed to gain it all back since May 🙈
    Right now I’m trying to lose the weight slowly - and hopefully finally keep it off for more than a few months. So, thanks in advance for holding me accountable and making this weight loss thing happen for all of us as a team ☺️❤️

    Regarding the nickname, there actually is a story behind it. My best friend gave me the name and it’s derived from the Swedish word Bumbibjörn (as in „Adventures of the Gummi Bears“ 😉).

    I’ve been trying to stay within my calorie limit all week and have actually not slipped once. My first weigh in is tomorrow and I really hope I‘ve lost at least a bit of weight.

    Congratulations to you all, I‘ve seen a lot of great wins reading through your posts ☺️👍💪💪💪
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    The December Week 2 Group Challenge is ready and will begin Sunday, Dec 11th. Join the team for Holiday Survival Planning. Here's your link:

    Hope to see you!
    Jessica :blush:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    Missing 5 weigh-ins from this week (incl today):

    Please report in ASAP and thanks! Steppers, please look at the December chart and post your steps in this chat thread to help me catch up the stats. Thanks!

  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    PW: 223
    CW: 224.5
  • TexanMom8152
    TexanMom8152 Posts: 76 Member
    I spent today doing Christmas decorations. Originally, I had planned to only decorate the house in west Texas and play scrooge at our main house. We were not going to spend very much time at our home in Keller, but plans change. Jason will be home from Tech on Wednesday, we will head back to Lubbock on Saturday and come back on Christmas day. I figured it would be a nice surprise for him - he already has heard my "bah-humbug" speech. I still didn't go all out as I have in years past, but I do have the tree up and stockings hung.

    @SavageMrsMoose - Coming up on three years that we lost our Buddy - we had a Christmas ornament made of him holding a squirrel in his mouth which I saw today. Hang in there and you will know when the time is right.

    @izzyred9400 Loved your pictures.

    @pupowl Awesome job!

  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member

    PW 135.8
    CW. 135.6
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,813 Member
    Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! Looks like our team is doing pretty good this week. <3
  • Bumbinella
    Bumbinella Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all! It’s my first weigh in today. Have only lost a tiny bit, but I’m trying to convince myself that’s the right way. Hopefully I will keep the weight off in the long run if I’m losing it slooooowly 🐌


    PW: 170.4
    CW: 169.8

    Have a great Sunday everyone! ☺️
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,813 Member
    edited December 2022
    So I have decided to add some more indoor walking. While it may look like I am fairly active with my 14.000 step goal, it doesn't feel like it at all. I have from the moment I wake up, until bedtime to get those steps in. It isn't really a challenge for me. I step every time I have to wait for something: while brushing my teeth, when I walk Tinus outside, when I am boiling water for my tea, when I preheat the oven, etc. It is pretty easy to rack up a decent amount of steps that way, and when I am a little low for the hour of the day, I just step some in my livingroom. I feel like it does nothing for my fitness though.
    I am also very much in lazy winter mode and I just want to be indoors, drinking tea, have a blanket and Tinus on my lap and do nothing. Not working out, sweating my butt off and having to shower daily with the abysmal enery prices. I am kind of over doing things I don't want to do, so I won't. But because I do want to do something more, I will start doing more intentional step sessions with some upbeat music. I like Flower Power radio for this. You can just listen in their browser: Most songs are pretty happy and fast, so it is nice to step to. I think this will be better for getting my heart rate up, and hopefully my resting heart rate down. When I started eating less and healthier in October, my RHR already dropped +/-12 points without excercise, but it is still not great I think.
    Currently I am doing 3 sets of 30 minutes of energetic stepping. One in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. I plan to hit my 14.000 steps within my active hours (7:00-19:00) so the last 30 minute slot will be extra steps as well. I should end up with around 17.500+ steps that way.
    There are 'better' ways to work out for sure, but this is all I am currently up to doing. No need to leave the house, no need to change clothes, no need to get super sweaty, no need to pay any money. But I do benefit from getting my heart rate up, having fun with some music, decreasing my screen time and probably burning some more calories.
    I know this is a wall of text, but I just wanted to write it out for myself. I wish I had the *whatever it is* to go for walks outside (I miss taking pictures), but I can't bring myself to do it lately. Though if there is snow, I will make an exception!
    Happy Sunday everyone <3
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @SavageMrsMoose Glad you found a cause and that it's on Buddy from me please...what will they do for the larynx, medications of some sort?? Thank you for your kindness...

    Unfortunately, his condition not treatable. He's starting physical therapy Monday - it sounds ridiculous to me but apparently it really helps - and he's taking thyroid medication for hypothyroidism which may slow the progress. He may be limited to wet food if he starts getting pneumonia from aspirating food.

    But- he's not in any pain- seems happy and alert so we just will enjoy our time as we can!
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @leni1us Sorry about your mom. I hope she recovers well, but I imagine the dementia really complicates things.

    @Bumbinella Congrats on your wedding! Finally! I'm sure it was worth the weight. Covid was so challenging for major life events that we all really need to celebrate. Vienna is a great city! Love a sacher torte (maybe why I'm always trying to lose weight -ha! ha!

    @TexanMom8152 Thanks for the kind words. I feel your pain about the decorating. We have a place in Texas and in Colorado. Almost finished decorating for the holidays in Colorado- our son comes home tonight! But I still put out a few yard things at the in Houston. Maybe it's a Texas thing? Our weather is so not Christmasy that you just crave a little winter decor?

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,337 Member
    12/7 5,505
    12/8 5,581
    12/9 5,512
    12/10 9,268
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    edited December 2022
    @leni1us Sorry about your mom. I hope she recovers well, but I imagine the dementia really complicates things.

    Thanks @SavageMrsMoose. It is hard seeing your mom deteriorate over the years. Dementia is a terrible disease. Our goal is to make sure she feels loved and cared for even if she doesn't always know who we are.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,594 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Fri 12/9: 9,128
    Sat 12/10: 10,686
  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member
    12/4 10,044
    12/5 8,192
    12/6 9,170
    12/7 7,425
    12/8 7,617
    12/9 7,791
    12/10 9,597
    I know my steps are low this week and I don't expect to improve for the next 2 weeks because work will be brutal and taking my fur baby to PT 3 times a week does not help with the issue.
    In the other hand, I finished week 1 of a workout course I am taking and even though my weight did not change much...or at all, and today I tried a dress that was tight in September, could barely zip it up, and now is a bit lose, something I did not expect at all. Small wins right?

    Hope you all have a great week
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,379 Member



    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    12/4 10,044
    12/5 8,192
    12/6 9,170
    12/7 7,425
    12/8 7,617
    12/9 7,791
    12/10 9,597

    Hey @Nataliewr0403 your steps recorded. I'm assuming this is your request to sign up for the Dec step challenge. I need to know what you want your daily step goal to be, as remember, this doesn't automatically roll must re-sign up each month. Let me know.
This discussion has been closed.