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December Damage Control



  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,372 Member
    I couldn’t log in for the last day - some mfp bug! But nice to hear we’re doing all we can to stay focused.

    @SherryRueter - “sit through the suck”. This is so much it. And why oh why is it sooo hard to do even though immediately after not sitting through the suck, I will feel more sucky! Does sugar, salt, whatever taste that good?

    Thanks all for the non Jane Fonda tips! Abs of steel - another one!! Funny how the brain works. Hadn’t done a JF workout in like 40 years and the songs and steps were coming right back!

    I feel a bit more motivated. Doc bumped me to an appt at end of January so that gives me almost an extra three weeks to get my butt in gear. My wish was that I’d get on the scale and feel good about where I was - not have to say something like - “Lookahere doc - this just temp weight gain. I’m really like 120 pounds so whatever whatever
    excuse excuse excuse”. Fingers crossed!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,521 Member
    @honeybadger302 - I overindulged a lot also.
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    4. If you really are NOT hungry and its a time of day trigger then your best bet is to Just sit through the suck. It will feel uncomfortable but, just stop yourself and tell yourself, NO. Start to retrain your mind and make a new habit of NOT giving in.!

    What I find in the Beck method and what I know from own experience is that a craving will pass anyway. The fast and easy solution is to give in, even when knowing that you’ll probably feel bad afterwards. The somehow longer and the harder solution is to sit it out. The more you do this, the easier it gets. It’s like training a muscle.

    Oh gosh I SOOOO need to have this plastered across every thing in my house and at my desk. Sit thru it. It will pass. ITs a harder solution, but its the best solution and it gets easier. OHHHH I need to do this SO much!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,521 Member
    @ceebeeslim302 Wish I knew of the magic way to lose weight. This whole, eat less and eat only when hungry thing is SO hard! Actually, if I can train myself to eat lunch and then STOP eating until DInner at 6pm I would be GOLDEN. I used to do that all the time... I don't know what caused me to go off that plan.

    It almost seems like I had tons of willpower and motivation when I was losing weight and, until I hit 50 I was doing so good. The past couple of years has been so much harder. I let sweets and stuff creep in. But yeah, I agree with the above....Its like training a muscle. Just do it.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,521 Member
    What motivates you to stay on track with your nutrition?
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    What motivates you to stay on track with your nutrition?

    Hey all, merry Christmas!
    Sheryl, I think it is cyclical and motivation is self-prophesizing - if I'm on track with nutrition then I don't want to ruin my progress, then im motivated to stick with it and eat well. It feels good so i continue. Likewise, if I'm eating crappily then it's a downward spiral of unmotivated blahs, its too hard and "why try?"...

    The key is to get yourself and keep yourself almost always on the upward cycle where nutrition and fitness motivation come easily. It feels good so its easy. I try to give myself kindness/grace when I slip (Christmas is a good example) and then also give myself 2 steady days to get back on track and break the bad cycle. It's about habits and knowing you can always get back.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    What motivates you to stay on track with your nutrition?

    I absolutely agree with @k8richly.

    And for me there are two things that really help:

    1. log-in here in MFP. Be really adamant about entering everything and then process what I see in numbers versus how I feel (hungry, deprived or actually pretty ok). It helps me to recognize the difference between hunger, thirst and cravings.
    2. When I completely go off the rails, not by a couple of days, but by a year or more (like it just happened now), I take my Beck book again and that helps me to reset my thinking. It is not a diet book that says what to eat, more an aid as to why you want to lose weight and preparing for what to do when the going gets though. After 6 weeks - doing an thought exercise every day - my mind has a real reset in a good way and I feel motivated again.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,234 Member
    What motivates you to stay on track with your nutrition?
    I agree with @k8richly and @antiopelle. I think being kind to yourself when you slip is especially important. When I slip and then want to get down on myself I try to remind myself of the following:
    If I wouldn't say that negative thing to someone I love, why am I saying it to myself. Focusing instead on the positive things I've done for myself helps to keep me motivated.
    I also like to log the food into the MFP tracker - I find that just putting it in before I eat it and seeing what it's going to do to my calories and macros for the day is often enough to make me pass on it.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,372 Member
    Agree. I also feel most motivated when my efforts meet my expectations. I wondered why did I stick to my 12 week program, three days a week - and didn’t miss one day. Not one. And it’s because I saw, felt the growth and strength and visible muscle.

    And why was I so good in 2020 to get to 112 pounds - a weight I hadn’t seen since HS and a loss of thirty pounds when everyone else seemed to be gaining due to lockdown? I was focused and disciplined. The scale went down and down and that motivated me.

    Now, I’ think I’m working hard on nutrition and the scale goes down one day up another. Got demotivated. I think the training confused me. How can I be working so hard and not losing?!?! Anywho - I know I haven’t been consistent and as diligent.

    This time around I’m going to focus on macros too. Never really did that before and see if that makes a difference and a 14:10 IF.

    @SherryRueter - would you care as much about the sugar issue if you were at your goal weight?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,521 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    What motivates you to stay on track with your nutrition?

    I take my Beck book again and that helps me to reset my thinking. It is not a diet book that says what to eat, more an aid as to why you want to lose weight and preparing for what to do when the going gets though. After 6 weeks - doing an thought exercise every day - my mind has a real reset in a good way and I feel motivated again
    Thanks for recommending the book (well you hinted at what works well for you).

    I found this book "Beck diet solution" in my Internet archive online reading - talking about Cognitive behavioral therapy, etc. I plan to do as the book says. So today is Foundation #1 . Read your advantages list. So, I made an advantages list (about 10 items) and then I downloaded a flashcard app to my phone so I would be able to look at them more often. AND I found an app for my pc to put them on also (which I book marked). This Foundation alone seems golden.

    I also was able to note from ?chapter one that my downward spirals occur from:
    Emotional eating triggers
    Psychological triggers
    Going off Track triggers

    here is the link to the book online for any of you that would like to see it.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,521 Member
    I find that just putting it in before I eat it and seeing what it's going to do to my calories and macros for the day is often enough to make me pass on it.

    I did pay for premium so that I would track (have a reason to do honest tracking). But, once I slip .... I just haven't been doing it. I know that tracking helps keep our WHY in mind. I think it helps our higher brain activate and realize, "this isn't going to help me".

    On the positive side, I have started tracking again today! and I pre-planned my meals on paper.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,521 Member
    @ceebeeslim - my thyroid numbers are getting messed up and I'm sure its related to me eating crappy foods. My LDL is way high (almost to the point that the dr wants to intervene). I think I read somewhere (I think I know) that its related to my sugar intake. Literally I have eaten plain sugar. a .5cup to a cup as a snack. This is just a messed up mind. I used to weigh around 101-103 then a couple years ago i went up to a 104-105 range. This morning... 109 . I'm not headed in the right direction. and I can feel it in my body and in my mind.

    I Like you were saying..."Why is it that in 2020 I was able to.... because I was focused and disciplined. The scale went down and down and that motivated me."

    I've just not had that discipline. I am really hopeful that the stuff in the BECK book will be helpful. It really SO far seems like a pysco therapy session.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    What motivates you to stay on track with your nutrition?

    I take my Beck book again and that helps me to reset my thinking. It is not a diet book that says what to eat, more an aid as to why you want to lose weight and preparing for what to do when the going gets though. After 6 weeks - doing an thought exercise every day - my mind has a real reset in a good way and I feel motivated again
    Thanks for recommending the book (well you hinted at what works well for you).

    I found this book "Beck diet solution" in my Internet archive online reading - talking about Cognitive behavioral therapy, etc. I plan to do as the book says. So today is Foundation #1 . Read your advantages list. So, I made an advantages list (about 10 items) and then I downloaded a flashcard app to my phone so I would be able to look at them more often. AND I found an app for my pc to put them on also (which I book marked). This Foundation alone seems golden.

    I also was able to note from ?chapter one that my downward spirals occur from:
    Emotional eating triggers
    Psychological triggers
    Going off Track triggers

    here is the link to the book online for any of you that would like to see it.

    I hope it works for you, it certainly does for me. The good thing about it is that you don't have to keep on reading it. I do the 6 weeks exercises, and then rely on the flashcards for some time, and then I seem to get in a good flow. For some time anyway... and then I get back to the book :wink:
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    And I wish you all a very very good New Years’ Eve!! Enjoy ☺️
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    There is amazing support and motivation right here! I never make formal new years resolutions and I scoff at all those people that join gyms on Jan 1 and then drop out by Feb 1. But it does feel like a new start and so why not use Jan 1 to turn over a new leaf!? My body, my mind, my family was under a fair bit of stress this year but we've made it through and I'm proud of how we've fared. January/February will still bring some changes and stress and I know it. But its time to look forward and make good healthy plans. Lets get going on setting up new habits and mindsets for 2024. I'm overdue for a refocus.

    There's my little pep talk / rant to finish 2022!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,234 Member
    edited December 2022
    I started a January thread in case anyone wants to get started earlier than I get up, LOL. Feel free to continue to post in this December thread as needed.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,372 Member
    @k8richly. I agree about the support! You all have helped me in so many ways not go off on the rails.

    I’m shedding the sugar belly - down about 5 pounds. I’m looking past and saying no to the egg nog, cake, panettone etc. Like @SherryRueter - I wasn’t feeling myself - too much weight - despite what others were saying. And if I didn’t stop a few days ago, I’d be entering the New Year all disappointed, depressed. Nope to the nope!

    I also was trying to determine what made me so successful and disciplined and discovered something. I do best - and someone here mentioned this - when I think I have a “competitor”, “enemy”, something. So in 2020 it was Covid in a strange way. As a f/t caregiver of my elderly parents, I was going to be certain that if I did get it - I could and would fight it - so I’d have to be in my
    best shape. That was what was driving me.

    Also going to look into the Beck book!

    Positive talk in 2023. We know we can do this. We will do this. We’re “not that heavy” which can make things more difficult but better than the alternative! Time to level up, Pals!!

    Apologies for the self-therapy session. 😂

    Happy New Year to you and yours. 💪🎇
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,521 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim I live your therapy session. 100% resonates with me.

    The beck book so far has helped. I downloaded a couple flash card apps and will put my affirmations on my screen saver/. Sometimes reminding myself is all I need.

    Also, probably will look into pushing lunch back a little so I don’t have as long between dinner and supper. As well as using afternoon caffeine to help bridge the gap

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,521 Member
    I was reviewing my weight logs that I've kept on MFP since 2009.
    2009 - 102
    2010 - 102
    2011 - 102
    2012 - 102
    2013 - 102
    2014 - 102
    2015 - 103
    2016 - 103
    2017 - 103
    2019 - 103
    2020 - 102
    2021 - 108
    2022 - 107

    And within 2022, I we3nt from April 104 to December 108 (and was able to find 104 in Sept. and Nov.)

    So, I don't want the trend to continue to rise, but, Its a mere 5# over the course of how many Years.
    and, in that time I am a hell of a lot stronger.
    now at this point, I wish I would have solid data on waist measurements as well as hip measurements and thighs.

    My goal is still get to 104.
    Planned my food and I am Tracking today. Goal is to maintain a deficit (obviously). and to lose 1# this week (hoping that's easy).

    Do you all keep logs?

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited January 2023
    Deleted post - send it in the January thread.