Why do people hate keto when it works so well?



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited March 2018
    A lot of folks feel threatened, too, even if they don't realize it. They don't want to have to give up their favorite indulgence, or think, "I couldn't live without pizza/pasta/soda/chocolate/dessert/potatoes..." or whatever their secret addiction is. They feel judged for their choice to indulge when someone else chooses NOT TO INDULGE...not because they are actually being judged...but rather because SOCIETY HAS TAUGHT THEM THAT BEING DIFFERENT IS WRONG, AND THAT IF YOU DON'T DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD, YOU'RE WRONG, PERIOD, END OF DISCUSSION.

    To me, it's crazy.

    P.S. I think I had a doctor tell me that if people give me trouble about my food choices, I should just tell them I'm focusing on a whole foods based approach while limiting the "whites." Even though that's WAY oversimplifying things, it generally prevents the knee-jerk reaction of, "OMG, ALL THE FATS...you're going to die!!!"
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,611 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    They feel judged for their choice to indulge when someone else chooses NOT TO INDULGE...

    When you are a priest you have a certain licence to observe some food program that involves abstaining from something they love. They figure it is probably religious in some way, and they should not ask too many questions lest they find out I expect them to be doing it as well.

    I think I get less grief about my diet than some people do at work anyway. On the MFP general forum, there are none of these layers.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    I'm always confused by why someone cares so much what others are eating. I don't berate vegans about their B12 levels and tell them they are unhealthy and can't sustain that. I just let them figure out for themselves if it agrees with them. I feel you can't say keto without a disclaimer that this works for me and I'm not suggesting you try it! Also I'm celiac and you can't respond to a question about a gluten free diet without providing a signed affidavit from a physician showing you've had the full medical work up. Despite thousands of posts saying these multitudes of awful things happen to you when you eat gluten 1500 people have to chime in to say less than 1% of people need to be gluten free. Gluten isn't unhealthy blah blah blah. I am diagnosed but even if I wasn't I'm an adult I know when something repeatedly makes me sick not to eat it even if the internet says it's ok or just my imagination! lol

    So true. We seem to have to put in the disclaimer that keto may or may not be a good fit for everyone, but those who espouse moderation as the best way to go don't need to do the same, even though that way of dieting is no more effective, and it may or may not ( ;) ) be better for their health. There are a few who add that disclaimer for moderation, but not many.

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Hi I'm just a little worried that this discussion may end up as something that we will have a problem about. As I understand it, the ground rules here are that we make no negative comment about the sometimes negative comments on the main MFP forums. That may not seem fair but it stems from a whole lot of issues in the past and I'm sure if I'm wrong then one of the Moderators of this forum will correct me. Sorry to sound like a pain in the posterior or even worse a Miss Goody Two Shoes! :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I could be wrong, but I think that was more in the LCD group about 4 or so years ago. I think as long as we are not specifically picking on people or making sweeping generalizations we are okay. Even then, sweeping generalizations are often permitted like on ketovangelists or militant vegans or superior clean eaters (not my terms - I have just seen them written).

    If I am wrong, please correct me. :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It is very hard for people to accept low-carb. There was a time when I, myself, was anti-Atkins and low-carb. I was convinced it was dangerous and baloney. Now, I am at the far, far extreme fringe of low-carb and Atkins looks like a carb-binge.

    It is tough, but we need to accept that people are on their own journey and they may be on different parts of the path from the point we have reached. Maybe they will find their way here, maybe not. We need to be comfortable with our own choices and confident in them.

    I no longer bother to argue or discuss diet with anyone. Just in the last week, I had someone tell me that if I didn't eat carbs my pancreas would get permanent damage and I would develop diabetes. I just smiled and nodded. There's no need to argue.