Super Strong Squatters - September check in and chat



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    Everyone is doing some amazing lifts!

    Today I did my second MadCow-

    Front squats (cause I suck at squatting without doing them sometimes and it's "light" squat day) 85x5, OHP 70x5, Dead 232x5, Assisted pullups 3x8, and 3 45 second planks. I suck so bad at planks. Someday I'll be better. \o/

    Zanyzana what kind of new car?!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Zanyzana - I'm doing the Scooby progressive pull up plan too! The first time took me a long time to recover. It's going soooooo slowly, but I'm trying to be patient. Would love to hear how it goes for you. My hubs calls it my "jumping off the chair" exercises.

    Can we talk rows? I've watched Rippetoe's video on proper pendlay row form and my interpretation of that is to stay with a very flat back, parallel to the ground, arms hanging straight down, and lift the weight up to my body. However, this form is keeping me stuck at a lower weight b/c when I add weight, my shoulder start moving up as I lift, so I'm half-upright at the top of the lift rather than parallel. I know my arms can lift more, and I dont feel very challenged by my current 65-70 lbs. I see folks with similar weights to me on other lifts with much higher row weights. What am I doing wrong?
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Taking a break from lifting and everything else for the next two weeks as hubby and I are going to Utah to visit our son. Going camping and hiking. Should be interesting since I don't really camp and hike, LOL.
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member

    Zanyzana what kind of new car?!

    It's a Suzuki SX4 - 2WD because the All Wheel Drive option was $3000 extra which I equate to a holiday. Holiday trumps capacity to drive up rugged roads!!

    It's metallic blue and oh so pretty. I will get a pic soon :)
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Can we talk rows? I've watched Rippetoe's video on proper pendlay row form and my interpretation of that is to stay with a very flat back, parallel to the ground, arms hanging straight down, and lift the weight up to my body. However, this form is keeping me stuck at a lower weight b/c when I add weight, my shoulder start moving up as I lift, so I'm half-upright at the top of the lift rather than parallel. I know my arms can lift more, and I dont feel very challenged by my current 65-70 lbs. I see folks with similar weights to me on other lifts with much higher row weights. What am I doing wrong?

    The Pendlay row is an Olympic style lift that's supposed to be explosive. As for form, it's basically an inverted bench press (sort of) except you're pulling very rapidly rather than pushing, obviously. So it's basically an inverted explosive bench press if that makes any sense at all. Imagine your upper body as a bench, basically, and then pull the weight on up and drop it back down. Straight up, straight down. Like the bench.

    Rather than the other style rows where you stand FAR more upright and work different muscles. The thing is to pull to your chest and to stay parallel the entire time.

    You see in this video how the bar goes straight up and down, and fairly quickly too. He also shows the other style row for comparison:

    Basically the point is to do it with good form, and if you find the weight so heavy that it forces you to stand more upright to gain momentum or pull the bar all the way to your body, then deload until you can do it correctly. It may also bother your lower back (it does mine) so I never go very high in weight to begin with, and only increase it by like 2.5 pounds a week or as I'm comfortable, because it's so core intensive (you use your legs and much of your core for stabilization). It's certainly not just about the arms. The row is designed to work the upper back muscles, mostly. So it doesn't really matter if you believe your arms could yank more weight up since there's far more muscles involved here, obviously. It's a full body lift, really.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    yes, you don't have to keep your back totally flat though - there should be an arch in the lower back, and you are 'allowed' to come up something like 10-15 degrees (it would be impossible not to 'bounce' a little given the explosiveness). However this is a useful check for me, as I suspect I've been coming up a little high! thanks Dani..
    I look up while I'm doing them, and my feet are a fair way behind the bar, so that when pulling it is coming more towards stomach than the boobage. just from the observation of that video..
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I really struggle to get the pendlay rows, end up just doing barbell rows a lot - basically I am either squatted way low or I end up with my head lower than my hips to do it and either way I can't then get the sort of power and explosion to do the lift.

    Rubbish work out yesterday. No squat racks available as I went in my lunch I therefore had no time to wait. So I grabbed a little bar that is weighted to 20kgs and worked with that. 6*5 squats, 5*5 & 1*4 bench press at 20kg, then I grabbed 2 12kg dumbells and used them for my rows 5*5 at 24kg in total. Also got in 10 bulgarian squats at 16kg.

    All a bit rushed but at least I got it in. Early mornings all the way in future.

    Also, the funniest thing. Normally in the mornings in the changing room everyone is rushing too much to worry about hiding behind towels to get dressed etc. At lunch time all the ladies were doing their very best to keep all body parts under wraps - seemed a bit horrified at my walking in to the shower in the buff lol - sorry ladies I don't have time for modesty!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I really struggle to get the pendlay rows, end up just doing barbell rows a lot - basically I am either squatted way low or I end up with my head lower than my hips to do it and either way I can't then get the sort of power and explosion to do the lift.

    are you standing too close to the bar? I'm probably toes 6" behind the bar..
    Also, the funniest thing. Normally in the mornings in the changing room everyone is rushing too much to worry about hiding behind towels to get dressed etc. At lunch time all the ladies were doing their very best to keep all body parts under wraps - seemed a bit horrified at my walking in to the shower in the buff lol - sorry ladies I don't have time for modesty!

  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I don't think I am too close, possibly I am but I don't know how I would pick it up without falling over to be honest. I am long legged, short body with a high waist and I am beginning to think I may have t rex arms lol. I wonder if it is just that I am not a good shape to be able to do this?
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I did workout B last night.

    Squats: 167.5lbs 5x5
    OHP: 72.5lbs (4-4-3)
    Deadlifts: 200lbs 1x5

    I was ravenous when I left the gym yesterday.

    Hi chunkmunk! Glad to see you're still around and kicking. I was wondering where you had gone!
    Can we talk rows? I've watched Rippetoe's video on proper pendlay row form and my interpretation of that is to stay with a very flat back, parallel to the ground, arms hanging straight down, and lift the weight up to my body. However, this form is keeping me stuck at a lower weight b/c when I add weight, my shoulder start moving up as I lift, so I'm half-upright at the top of the lift rather than parallel. I know my arms can lift more, and I dont feel very challenged by my current 65-70 lbs. I see folks with similar weights to me on other lifts with much higher row weights. What am I doing wrong?

    I have found that really focusing on keeping abs, bum, and legs tight through the lift helps. Like dani said, it gives you more support.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Roxy, what height is the bar at? I have to stick it on a couple of weights to take it to the right height - you need it as though you have 20kg weights on each end, and I sure ain't close to lifting 60kg for rows yet! have a look next time and try raising the bar to that height. bet it will make a zillion times more difference!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I have 10kg plates on it, not sure how much bigger the 20s would be, I will give it a shot but I think it is only an inch or two higher. Worth a go though thanks
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Never post in these threads and I have no idea why! Anyway, doing my usual every other month deload week when I lift lighter and do some different things - Kettlebells, TRX, etc. Looking forward to getting back on schedule & hitting it hard next week. Don't know what weights I'm going to start back up at as I'll probably deload some lifts e.g. Deadlift to work on form.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Speaking of form I have a deal on 3 chiro sessions courtesy of groupon that will hopefully help with my terribly twisted pelvis and improve my form but I have had most of my life time being twisted so maybe 3 sessions won't scratch the surface so much. We shall see!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    So all in a tizz after scrambling my brain on squats with lots of lovely advice and some less welcome unsolicited at the gym. 3x5ish might have been 6 at 30kg. Bench second attempt at 40kg worse. 3x3 and a roll of shame and weights rolling round the room on the attempt at rep 4 of the first set. Redid pendlay rows at 45kg these felt solid so chuffed with those. One guy did ask if I was going to compete.. I had to confess I'm not even at novice weight!

    Then did 3x8 kettlebell swings, probably chose too heavy a bell, my pelvic floor was struggling! Swapped in sets of 8 attempts at pushups with those. Then 3x6 35kg assisted pullups and swapped in with 3x20 hyperextensions (unweighted). Gave myself a pass on the HIIT!
  • grandevampire
    @roxylola....I dunno if you have already been to chiropractors, but personally, my experience with it has been slightly violent. I originally went when I was younger for mild scoliosis, and they cracked every joint everywhere, and ever since, I often just feel uncomfortable and have to crack, whereas I had never had that issue before. Maybe I just went to a bad one, I don't know.

    @zanyzana, I am also training for pull-ups! But they take SO much out of me that I need loads more recovery if I incorporate them into my lifting days. I took a bit of a break recently, but I discovered that out of nowhere I could do a chin up alllllmost from the bottom (the first 5-10 cm still give me a hard time).

    Yay, so where there's a will, there's a way! My friend found out for me that I could get a trial pass to a big gym chain here for free, so I am sorted during my visit! Also, I "converted" her to try out SL, so we did Workout A together last night. It's really fun lifting with someone else! (although it took about 3x longer than my typical workout, what with the chatting and explaining)

    Squats 5x5 @ 73lbs (33kg) <- yep, I have to work in lbs here. I thought Canada was supposed to be in metric!!!! GRRRRR!!!!

    Bench 5x5 @ 55lbs (25kg) Deloaded, second attempt. First attempt after deloading, I actually failed to complete. So I think it's coming back. I realized that my grip hasn't been consistent, the last few sessions I suspect I had too close a grip. After watching some Rippetoe, I moved out a little and I feel I have more power.

    Pendlay rows 5x5 @ 70lbs (31.8kg) Slightly less than my last failed attempt (32.5kg), but in lbs, I couldn't get the equivalent without actually increasing past my failed weight.
  • grandevampire
    Then 3x6 35kg assisted pullups
    lwoodroff, dumb question, but I keep seeing posts about assisted pullups...not having ever used such a machine, what does the 35kg mean? Does it mean it takes off 35kg from your bodyweight, or is it the inverse (i.e. makes you "weigh" 35kg)?
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Then 3x6 35kg assisted pullups
    lwoodroff, dumb question, but I keep seeing posts about assisted pullups...not having ever used such a machine, what does the 35kg mean? Does it mean it takes off 35kg from your bodyweight, or is it the inverse (i.e. makes you "weigh" 35kg)?

    It takes 35kg off your body weight.
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I couldn't do my squats today because there were 2 gentlemen using it the entire time. But I did my deadlifts with 30 lb barbells, still not comfortable doing these with the bar.

    I did bench at 65 for 3 reps, then I went down to 60 for the last 2. I'm finally seeing improvement there.

    I also did some extra things like a mile jog, planks and lat pulldown.

    I love reading about everybody's hard work so keep it up!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Which in my case is not quite half.. sigh.. there is a platform you stand on and the weights counterbalance it.