Starting today 1 September



  • fiveoaks66
    fiveoaks66 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, CanGirl
    I have MFP set at 1625 calories and I am logging my exercise (calling lifting "light calisthenics") and eating almost all of them back.

    I also try to have one "over" day a week to keep my metabolism guessing- I don't know if this is supported by any science, but I have heard that mixing up your calorie intake is helpful.

    I am about 25 lbs over goal weight but would be happy to stay at this weight if I can shrink some. The scale is oh so slowly inching downward- maybe a lb a month. But my jeans fit better, and I think my butt is higher!

    Edit- I am not lifting heavy either- but I do a couple of sets at lighter weights before lifting what seems impossibly heavy for me! Which in the case of the dumbell press, is 10 lbs in each hand. Shoot, I am just glad I am able to do a lunge with any extra weight- that was not the case just a month ago :)
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey Ladies! My name is Katie! I just started my first workout last night! I hope I can join in on your conversations, even though you're a couple workout ahead of me. Feel free to add me too!
  • fiveoaks66
    fiveoaks66 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, Katie, welcome!
    I finished workout A3 today and (laughing at myself) there is a sore spot on my right butt! I'm hoping that means something is lifting...
  • JaneUK
    JaneUK Posts: 102
    Welcome, Katie!
    Busy day for me and I haven't finished work yet :-(.
    B5 tomorrow :-) Looking forward to that!
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,670 Member
    Today I am doing B1. Anyone have any tips for me with any of the exercises. I've reviewed them and watched a couple youtube videos so I "think" I will be able to do them just fine, but if anyone has any real life advice on any of it (even A1), please share =) I think I might have to do the first week over again though because A1 ended up being a learning day for me. I should have done preparations, but I didn't. So it was hard figuring how much weight to use.

    Also, I am really into hiking so while the weather is still awesome (LOVE hiking in the fall) I am only going to lift Tues/Thurs and go for a hike on Sat.
  • fiveoaks66
    fiveoaks66 Posts: 21 Member
    Katie, I think one of the reasons stage 1 is so long is because of the learning curve- I wouldnt worry about it and just be the best lifter you can be every day.
    That's what I am doing, and am pleased with the results so far.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Today I am doing B1. Anyone have any tips for me with any of the exercises. I've reviewed them and watched a couple youtube videos so I "think" I will be able to do them just fine, but if anyone has any real life advice on any of it (even A1), please share =) I think I might have to do the first week over again though because A1 ended up being a learning day for me. I should have done preparations, but I didn't. So it was hard figuring how much weight to use.

    Also, I am really into hiking so while the weather is still awesome (LOVE hiking in the fall) I am only going to lift Tues/Thurs and go for a hike on Sat.

    The first time I did this program, I did workout A on Wednesdays, B on Fridays and a bootcamp class on Sundays. It took a long time to get through but I wasn't in any rush.

    And yes the first time doing a new stage sometimes feels like a waste because it takes a while to figure out the correct weight for yourself...

    Tomorrow morning is 3B. Last Wednesday I did 3A and wore my HRM - 700 calories supposedly burned (yes I did some HIIT including stairs). Dripping sweat at the end and loving it.

    Katie - one piece of advice (or two): Take progress pics before you begin! And every month along the way in the same outfit. You'll be amazed at the changes...Also, make sure you do at least one warm up set for each exercise. You don't want to strain anything!
  • kantz
    Hello ladies!

    I just started the program today. I had started a while back but got side tracked. So far so good!

    I will definitely warm up before I work out again on Tuesday. I did stretch before and after but it didn't even occur to me to warm up. Oh well...

    I am looking forward to catching up with you all!!!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I just started the program today. I had started a while back but got side tracked. So far so good!

    I will definitely warm up before I work out again on Tuesday. I did stretch before and after but it didn't even occur to me to warm up. Oh well...

    I am looking forward to catching up with you all!!!

    The first time around I totally skipped the warm up sets because I just wanted to get through the workout! Now I realize how important it is to do a warm up set! And keep reps slow enough that you feel the muscles contracting. No point just going through the motions, right?

    Today I deadlifted 3 sets of 12 at 80lbs. That's good for me:) Did a warm up set of 45lbs.
  • JaneUK
    JaneUK Posts: 102
    Oh dear, the start of the school year is so busy. I have only just done B5 today. My 3x10 deadlifts were at 26.4kg, plus the barbell, so about 32kg which is about 70lbs. Did not feel too difficult but being so very old I think it's sensible to build up gradually and not injure myself. That's just a bit more than half my body weight, so I still have some way to go. I'm happy to take my time though!
  • ckr60062
    Hey everyone! Just started my first day today! I'm excited and hopeful. Made the spaghetti squash recipe in the book and it's really delicious.

    Quick question:
    Do you do any other workouts besides the 3 recommended in the book (I feel like I'm so used to cardio that it's hard to imagine not doing cardio and getting fit)

  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey Caryn! What I have decided to do was lift for 2 days every week and then dedicate 1 day on the weekend to a run or hiking. I'm going to give it a month or so and see how my weight/body changes and then I might switch it up. Also when it gets colder out I might just switch to lifting 3 days a week. It does feel odd not doing cardio, but I'm giving it a shot and seeing what happens. Really you should do what's best for you and for your schedule.

    Just finished A last night. I decided I'm counting that as A1. It went really well. I'm so happy I finally decided to start lifting.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Oh dear, the start of the school year is so busy. I have only just done B5 today. My 3x10 deadlifts were at 26.4kg, plus the barbell, so about 32kg which is about 70lbs. Did not feel too difficult but being so very old I think it's sensible to build up gradually and not injure myself. That's just a bit more than half my body weight, so I still have some way to go. I'm happy to take my time though!

    Definitely take your time and build up to things. You don't want to get injured. Was able to DL 85# today and happy! May have to get those grip straps now though!

    Caryn - I still do a 20-minutes HIIT session at the end of each session (as well as a 10 minute run on TM for a warm up) so about 30 minutes total. I find that makes a big difference in my weight....(not doing any cardio is NOT good for my frame....)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member

    So I'm thinking I'm going to start this. I've read most of the book, but need to revisit it before starting, I've also done CLX and I started YAYOG (but idk...didn't really take to it)....I loved how I felt when I did CLX, but don't want to repeat it, I feel like I might be brave enough to venture into the gym.

    Any tips you could pass an enthusiastic newbie to this? :-)
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    My tips would be:

    Don't push yourself too hard with weights at start or you might injure yourself.

    Watch youtube videos on each move for proper form.

    Go to gym on off hours if you feel too self-conscious to venture into the man cave.

    Book one training session, show the trainer your program and ask him/her to clarify anything, check form, etc.

    Take "before" pictures

    Eat enough protein

    Print out workout logs from and keep track of strength gains

    Weigh yourself once per month or not at all

    Log your food to make sure you're getting enough food (or too much!)

    Download some motivating tunes and zone out

    Leave it all on the floor and enjoy getting stronger!

    Tomorrow is stage 1, A5. Gotta go read on up on the rep changes...
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Thanks for the tips!

    I am starting off at home, using resistance bands of different grades. I've used them before, and I do find the higher grades quite hard work!

    Then I'm going to venture into the gym - it s a Uni gym, so I'm not sure when (if) there'll be much down time, so I'm hoping I can find someone helpful in there!

    Defo to the before pix and measurements and the protein too!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    You go Becka! :)

    Today was Stage 1, A5
    Nice to do only 10 reps and able to add some weight...Did my 3 sets of back squats at 65#.

    My big NSV today though was I do 10 reps of a flight of stairs at my gym, and I haven't been able to break the 5:00 min mark but today I did at 4:55. Felt awesome! My cardios getting better!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Deadlift 95# today on 6B. Yay! But the grip is getting rough. Will need to start using the Progryps I have. Looking forward to the last 2 workouts of stage 1!!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I did workouts A & B at home last week....

    I need to join the gym!! One more week at home and then I'll relocate :-)
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Anyone still around???? :)

    Did workout 7A today - nice to be in the final stretch of stage 1. Had a great burn - 630 calories with a warm up and 25 minutes of HIIT after. Looking forward to changing it up but I want to continue to get better at back squat (which isn't in the program again until later unfortunately!) I think I will add to workout A or B in stage 2. I used to hate squats but now I have some muscle! LOL