Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    edited February 2023
    Username: AmbersWay
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 208
    CW: 206.6

    Broke the 2 week plateau 🎉 and the mid week gain.

    What I changed…I started cycling and a bit of pilates. I try to do it early in the day to get it done.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    @Katmary71, so glad you enjoyed your night out. I have a question about sweet potatoes. We found some in the ground that were probably from 2 years ago and they were tiny. We had a good laugh. We can’t get them to grow to more than a small dill pickle size. Enjoy dinner at your parents 🥰

    @txcritter69 I sent you a request, I also would love more friends here. I hope your week goes great. Back on track and some great walks.

    @JenAWhite Is it too late to join the group challenge on stridekick? I need to join. I need anything that makes it fun to keep going.

    @shaunarlr83 wouldn’t it be great to live nearby. I have a great group of friends but everyone is busy with their kids, grandkids and work. So we don’t get together like the old days. It would be fun to have you all to gather with and stay on track. Most of all my local gatherings are centered around food.

    No zeros

    Weeded out some storage boxes
    Working on the steps with purpose
    Started cycling, which is hard but worth it
    Working on making some sweets that are more “plan friendly”.

    Tips: (I’m working on still)

    Weighing my food helps learn portion sizes.
    Walking circles in my kitchen while i cook.
    Creating and pre-logging (if I remember) daily menu to know my calories and stick to it.
    Sticking to the same breakfast and snacks, so I don’t have to think too much. (For a week give or take)

    CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 to those who had a loss at weigh-in yesterday and those who are sticking with it.

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    @JenAWhite thank you much for that!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    P. W. 275
    C. W. 275
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    @megnolia82- I'm hoping your clinic visit goes well. Sorry to see that you have had a rough time.
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    edited February 2023
    @AmbersWay - I haven't really figured all of Stridetrick out, but I just accepted you as a friend and invited you to challenge. I think I put this first challenge for 4 or 5 days. 25 miles. I think miles is slower feeling than steps. We should try out steps maybe next time. There is a chat. I'll try to put the link. I'll watch for you.https://link.stridekick.com/join?groupCode=KXYZZZ
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @txcritter69 I know it is a lot to keep up with, feel free to skip some of the conversations if you find it overwhelming! It's easy to slack off on tracking and then have a hard time getting back at it. I'm in that position since getting back from my work trip. I sent you a request on Stridekick! :D

    @shaunarlr83 I'm glad you didn't give up when your daughter stopped going to the gym. Yay, you! You are doing great. That would be awesome to live close to each other. I get the urge to hang out. Hopefully, you are right and working will help. LOL about the Stridekick app!

    @digger61 @gemwolf110 @txcritter69 Congrats on the losses!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! I would have added "619" (my area code) but it didn't allow me to have such a long username lol. Thank you, it was nice to see her! Your Days of Our Lives Day Players event sounded fun. I used to watch Young and the Restless with my mom. I wish you luck at the family dinner today. Great job resisting those fries!!!

    @AmbersWay Woo hoo congrats on breaking the plateau and gain! You are doing awesome!!! If you find some sweets recipes that are good, please share!

    @megnolia82 Congrats on the loss, I'm sorry you are in a relapse. I hope the visit to the clinic can help.

    Ugh I need to drink more water! I only drank what I drank at the restaurant. The rest was COFFEE (does that make you happy, @19shmoo69?). I drank so much coffee lol. I did have fun with my friend up to the point that I got a call from the vet that was doing the work on Daisy. She has a lot of fluid in her lungs and they aren't sure why. We will do everything to find the cause and correct it. I'm so thankful I got pet insurance for her! If anyone wants a slightly naughty but really easy dinner, I made this last night and made it super easy by using pre-seasoned chicken: https://www.thecookierookie.com/baked-spicy-chicken-tacos/ Both my husband and I really enjoyed it. Just be sure to get as much liquid out of the chicken as possible and follow directions so your tacos aren't soggy.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I skipped breakfast in lieu of a nice lunch, I had a smaller-than-normal portion of dinner, and when I didn't track yesterday I went back and tracked it all today.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    Look at all of these great weight ina coming through!!!! 🎉 Congrats everyone!

    Sitting here waiting on church to start and realizing I should have eaten something I’m starving today. I did a super long workout last night, forgot to start my watch for some of the lifting, didn’t close out my move ring, and then my little brother invited me over for pizza bc he couldn’t stand all of the commotion at moms house, I ate 4 small slices but i’m still feeling great!

    @trooworld - I really need to get back to drinking my water also.

    I’m excited for the added motivation of the Sidekick Challenge, @JenAWhite I did Strava for a bit too but I think it kept logging double workouts and I couldn’t figure that out so I deleted it.

    I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    @trooworld I’ll definitely share any recipe I find. So far I managed to make a no bake by lessening the pb, sugar and milk while it’s still soft and holding together. I have the plain packs of instant oatmeal, so I made them into cookies. I’m also making crepe from Bobs Redmill 1:1 mix by also lessening the recipe ingredients. I’m bad at following recipes, so I just mix a little this and that and 💥 bam it might work. 😂

    @shaunarlr83 enjoy church 😊 and yes the losses this week are looking good.

    @JenAWhite thanks for adding me. I need some more encouragement to keep moving. Today has been a great day, tomorrow I’ll be busy so I won’t have as much of a workout but hopefully I’ll get my steps in.

    @megnolia82 I hope you get to feeling better. Hugs!

    Well my no zeros today

    10k + steps
    45 minute cycling class
    Does washing all my makeup brushes count? 😂 because that was a chore.
    Closed my rings, need to change my goals.
    Washed and folded a bunch of laundry (this needs to be on my list, it makes for a happier me, an accomplishment 😂)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Woooooo! Look at us! #1 in percentage and pounds lost. Way to go, team! And a special thanks to @sleepygirl79 @19shmoo69 @FushiaKat @DrewsAnna for leading the way! Nice job, everyone!

    @laurelfit57 @sleepygirl79 Congrats on the losses!

    @shaunarlr83 I'm glad you didn't feel bad about the pizza...pizza is awesome! :D Sounds like you earned it, too. I'm excited about the Stridekick challenge, too! Do you know if it counts strength training workouts?

    @AmbersWay Although that approach would drive me crazy (I am very much a by-the-recipe person lol), I admire your adventurous spirit! Wow, great no zeros. Look at those steps! I'd say washing your makeup brushes counts because it makes you healthier! :D

    Hi all. I am off today for the President's Day holiday. I hope to get to the beach and walk on the boardwalk today but it may be too cold. We parked in our favorite neighborhood and walked to a coffee shop yesterday. We took Daisy, she doesn't walk far so it wasn't that great of a workout but it was nice.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I drank slightly more water, went for a walk with the dog and the hubs, and tracked everything.

    Join our Stridekick challenge (miles walked/ran)...my username is LibraryGoddess: https://link.stridekick.com/join

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome to the group @amanda32390 and @AustinRuadhain. I'm Jen, a returning Mission Slimpossible who came back last month after a couple year break. I seem to do so much better when I have this team's support! Everyone seems so nice here. And it seems like you can post as little or as much as you want and no one is going to call you out or make you feel bad. We all seem to be fighting the good fight and doing what we can! Great to have you here!
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