Downsizers Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 214 Member

    Good Evening Megan. Sorry for the late entry.

    Sun 01/29 9,526 steps
    Mon 01/30 8,382 steps
    Tue 01/31 9,697 steps
    Wed 02/01 8,711 steps
    Thu 02/02 8,848 steps
    Fri 02/03 8,577 steps
    Sat 02/04 8,341 steps

    Until next week --- enjoy life.

  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member

    Here is my friendly reminder of the people's steps I need for February week 1 ...Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday evening 1/7 so that I can post the results on Wednesday morning ...Thank you for your cooperation

    @888Angie888 2/3 & 2/4
    @aactuallyaash 1/29 - 2/4
    @Slimmersixties 2/4
    @rwillems 1/29 - 2/4
    @LennieKat 1/29 - 2/4
    @Bluetail6 2/2 - 2/4
    @rwood566 1/29 -2/4

    Hi Megan

    2/4 5007

  • justlog2day
    justlog2day Posts: 44 Member

    Hi Megan, here is this week's weigh in info

    User: justlog2day
    Weigh-in Day: Monday
    PW: 147.0 lbs
    CW: 144.6 lbs
  • jimboden3
    jimboden3 Posts: 318 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Monday (Feb 6, 2023)
    PW: 232.9
    CW: 234.2
    SW: 240

    No surprise on the weight gain - it all happened yesterday as we hosted my father in laws 90th birthday party for family and friends and it seems like most of the pot luck options were less than healthy. I did eat plenty of veggies and fruit but that only gets me so far with all of the other options. Oh well - new week ahead.
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member

    Excuse for me the month of Feb. I'm gonna take a break from weighing in and just focus on exercise and eating right. I was developing an unhealthy obsession with the scale
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    @Slimmersixties and @363days and @FindingSamMon
    I sent you friend requests. No pressure to accept them though.

    I have been gaining and losing the same pounds for almost 20 years so I'm just so tired of the merry go round. Would prefer to be on a slide and get to the bottom, lol! Healthy eating is my biggest struggle as I hate cooking so that leads to buying more processed food than I would like.

    I don't log my food anymore as I found it very time consuming and frustrating, although I do know it is very beneficial. To hold myself accountable and to see where I am making bad choices, I write out everything I eat and drink then I post it in my newsfeed for all my MFP friends to see and I have posted many times that I am open to accepting consequences (e.g., no junkfood tomorrow, pre-plan your meals for tomorrow, eat a fruit or vegetable at every meal, do 20 extra minutes of exercise, do 20 wall push ups) when my MFP friends read unhealthy choices as surprisingly consequences actually motivate me as I know if I don't want a consequence I need to make better eating choices. I do know where I am going wrong most of the time but struggle with willpower and self-control and I don't like a lot of healthy foods or cooking so ultimately I know what I need to do but I don't do it enough or consistently.

    I agree that the group can help us stay on track. Knowing I have to weigh in weekly and post it does motivate me.
    When I don't want to exercise I literally have to just force myself back to it and after a certain number of days I get back into the routine of doing it. I find having a walking partner is helpful as on days when I don't initiate a walk, my walking partner might call and ask about walking so I make myself go then. I also find I enjoy my walks more if I have someone to walk with and if I explore new trails.

    I need to find a swimming buddy. An exercise partner is a great idea.

    rwillems wrote: »

    Hi, Linda. Here are my weigh in numbers:

    User: rwillems
    Weigh-in Day: Sunday
    PW: 276.4 lbs
    CW: 277.4 lbs (Up 1.0 lbs. Yikes! )

    Any particular struggles last week?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member

    Hi Megan, here is this week's weigh in info

    User: justlog2day
    Weigh-in Day: Monday
    PW: 147.0 lbs
    CW: 144.6 lbs

    Fantastic loss! What helps you the most with weight loss?
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Monday (Feb 6, 2023)
    PW: 232.9
    CW: 234.2
    SW: 240

    No surprise on the weight gain - it all happened yesterday as we hosted my father in laws 90th birthday party for family and friends and it seems like most of the pot luck options were less than healthy. I did eat plenty of veggies and fruit but that only gets me so far with all of the other options. Oh well - new week ahead.

    Happy birthday to your father-in-law.

    JaysFan82 wrote: »

    Excuse for me the month of Feb. I'm gonna take a break from weighing in and just focus on exercise and eating right. I was developing an unhealthy obsession with the scale

    It is easy to get obsessed with the scales.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    Steps: 5,460
    Sleep: ✔️
    Log food: ❌

    Good morning! The next couple of days are busy with appointments. I have 5 in 3 days. One I am excited for as I meet the doctor running the mindfulness for pain management. It is for 9 weeks and I hope to use some things I learn towards weight loss. Off to log my food so there are no more ❌ this week.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    Congratulations @JaysFan82 @pauladner @NanElisaP
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    2/3: 11,067
    2/4: 6,421
    2/5: 3,665
  • justlog2day
    justlog2day Posts: 44 Member

    Hi Megan, here is this week's weigh in info

    User: justlog2day
    Weigh-in Day: Monday
    PW: 147.0 lbs
    CW: 144.6 lbs

    Fantastic loss! What helps you the most with weight loss?

    Thanks. Keeping the routine 'evening snacks' out of the house along with diligent calorie tracking.
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,873 Member
    Home from vacation and have had the after vacation blues. I hate that it happens but it does.
    Been walking and riding bike finally got back in my exercise room last night. Weights have been difficult to motivate for a while now. I don't understand it but it is what it is. Could be my SAD but I don't know. It wasn't hard to motivate while I was away but wow it is now I am at home. I upped my calories thinking it maybe the issue so we will see. Hopefully the scale will not be the only thing that goes up. Vacation pictures are in the spoiler if anyone wants to take a look and if you see a rock formation that looks like a hand gesture, just know that was the next thing I saw after bumping my head on the cave ceiling.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 825 Member

    I didn't see your request (strange) so I sent one to you :)
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 825 Member
    2/5 - 7,833


    I went over my cals by less than 100. I'm okay with that considering I was at a family birthday celebration. I'm trying to be more understanding with myself and consider my entire week rather than focusing on one or two slightly higher cal days or not hitting the Garmin step goal (I hit the goal I set for myself here though). I'm usually under, I don't eat back exercise calories unless I'll be way under with my net cals and I have been meeting all of my goals 95% of the time.

    In the past, I would take one or two days of going over as a shameful failure and go into binge mode giving up on my goals for a while. I'm happy with my progress thus far and happy with myself in general lately.
  • rachjolly
    rachjolly Posts: 203 Member
    edited February 2023
    SW (Jan 1st) - 233.4lbs
    PW (Feb 5th) - 224.8lbs
    CW - 223.6lbs

    Started slimfast today. I quite like that I don’t have to meal plan for breakfast and lunch. Takes away some of the “chore” side of dieting.

    For this weeks challenge:
    * meat free dinner
    * 68oz water
    * 7 hours sleep
    * Cooked at home
    * Journaled

    Off to a good start 👍

  • aneedlecraft
    aneedlecraft Posts: 181 Member

    I posted a check-in on the 4th; perhaps it was missed? No weight change last week.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »

    Username: Bluetail6
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    SW (9/1/20): 194
    PW: 165
    CW: 165.4🙃

    I'm trying not to get frustrated... I think more water, more movement, and less stress is going to be key.

    Hey your doing great 30lb down !!! We all have little setbacks :) you can do this!

    Thank you so much!! I'm just so busy with going in a completely new direction careerwise, possibly, that I haven't found balance yet. I'll find it. Sooner, rather than later would be best!! 😉😀
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member

    I posted a check-in on the 4th; perhaps it was missed? No weight change last week.

    It was entered. Sorry for the confusion.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    tahm42 wrote: »
    Home from vacation and have had the after vacation blues. I hate that it happens but it does.
    Been walking and riding bike finally got back in my exercise room last night. Weights have been difficult to motivate for a while now. I don't understand it but it is what it is. Could be my SAD but I don't know. It wasn't hard to motivate while I was away but wow it is now I am at home. I upped my calories thinking it maybe the issue so we will see. Hopefully the scale will not be the only thing that goes up. Vacation pictures are in the spoiler if anyone wants to take a look and if you see a rock formation that looks like a hand gesture, just know that was the next thing I saw after bumping my head on the cave ceiling.
    Have a great day everyone!

    Nice pictures. I have been struggling with motivation to exercise lately also. Do you use a sun lamp for your SAD? I take vitamin D and it helps some what.
This discussion has been closed.