Shape Shifters Team Chat - MARCH 2023



  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    CasandraW wrote: »
    Hi everyone, checking in. I'm back from my birthday weekend away. We had a good time, walked lots, ate lots too though..

    It’s so important to take time to pause, refresh, and reset. I’m glad you had a good time. That experience can give you resilience and ‘reserve’ energy to get through the difficult times.
    I'm having a hard time getting back into my routine…. I do best with routine, I eat the same things for lunch most days, no snacks and a protein with a vegetable for dinner. Right now I want to snack, and not of nutritional foods of course. Candies, cookies, chips etc. Will power and water are the current attack plan.

    It takes a little time to get back into the rhythm of our routines. It might be a good time to refine what’s working, etc. After giving yourself some grace, I hope you’re settling back into a more comfortable and healthy approach. You deserve to treat yourself well and your body will appreciate the protein and nutrient rich vegetables. The extra water is a great idea!
    I think it's because I feel like my plate is full again and I'm having a hard time making room for good nutrition and exercise. I'm going to ramble through what's filling my plate - feel free to skip.

    😊 I’m adding some reactions to the issues you outlined and hope you feel more grounded after some time to settle back into your routine. Good for you for seeking help from the professionals trained on these areas!
    1. my teeth - (for those that know my story with my middle child) the stress caused some serious tooth grinding and clenching….I have managed to crack at least one tooth, maybe two now….The tooth is complicated to root canal so I need to wait for a specific specialist. My original appoint was May 15th, I've managed to get one for Friday this week instead. This tooth has been sore for more than a month already.

    I also grind my teeth while sleeping. Originally, I tried a small over-the-counter ‘wing’ to bite. However, the dentist found some wearing down of my front teeth, too, and warned me it could lead to a crack. So, I bought a mouth guard I could shape to my teeth and I’m working on a bedtime routine to address the underlying stress so I’m not just treating the symptoms. If the problem persists, I might have to pay the dentist for a more professionally-formed guard. I don’t like the idea of clenching plastic at night because I’m sure I end up ingesting some small amounts of material but, for now, that’s my solution. Did the oral surgeon/ specialist consider the option of an implant instead of a crown? I decided to try one for a tooth that had some old fillings caused by too many childhood sweets and I’m very happy with the new tooth.
    2. My thyroid - I had thyroiditis 2.5 years ago that caused a big spike in hormones being released that caused a very fast heart rate, massive head aches and shaking that lasted a couple weeks. Now I've had pain around my thyroid for the past couple months and I'm waiting to get a doctors appointment…There is a huge family Doctor shortage where I live. I know it's not thyroiditis again, but I'm at risk of developing an underactive thyroid now.

    Stress reaks havoc on our auto-immune system, doesn’t it?! I’m sorry you’re dealing with a thyroid problem. My sister was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease a few years ago and it took awhile before she could adjust the treatment medication so that it worked for her. She’s a nurse in the office of a general practitioner and they’ve also been struggling with staff shortages. The health care system in the United States really needs to make some changes. In my work, we’re dealing with terrible shortages of teachers and mental health clinicians. We could really learn from other countries where the system works better @Pupowl but our citizens are so divided on this topic. Our daily pays an extra annual fee so our doctors can keep their patient case load lower but it’s expensive. Personally, I think congress members should be required to use the system of care they approve for Medicaid and Medicare programs. That should encourage improvement!
    3. My middle child is back in hospital again, she hasn't actually told me…. I want to respect her privacy…. I've texted with her a couple times, but she keeps it short and very direct answers only, not interested in engaging. I'm ok with that, that is her choice and I can respect that. I hope that she can find a way to help herself and accept the help she is offered.

    It’s so hard to see our children suffer but you are keeping the lines of communication open and making sure your child is safe — these are the short term priorities. I’m sure it means a lot even if it’s difficult for your child to express it. They feel safest lashing out at those who love them. I hope it becomes easier and improves with time.
    4. We are designing a new house (YAY!!) it is stressful though…My parents need help, and it is difficult to merge our two families together. I'm not building a house with a granny suite, I don't want a house that is essentially 2 houses. Now we have to figure out ways to design the house that works for everyone.

    It’s so true — a renovation can be so exciting and stressful. Even positive change is hard. We are facing some inter-generational changes, too. I’ll post more on that later because this is already a ridiculously long post (sorry!) but I hope the fun of designing and building your new house outweigh the difficulties! We just renovated two bathrooms and I’m happy with the results but I had to expend a lot of time and energy to ensure our two sons had a chance to provide their input. My husband is very decisive, which can be a good trait in many situations, but it can be stressful to negotiate changes when he has a certain vision in mind. I stood firm on integrating the various wishes the four of us shared for the hallway bathroom decisions and I gave my husband full decision making on the master bathroom to ease any tension. Whew! 😅 I’m glad that’s over. Now, we’re on to yard improvements — 🤔
    Hopefully writing it out will help me find some more room on my plate for nutrition and exercise.

    I hope so, too! Wishing you and your family all the best!
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 526 Member
    @CassandraW, I'm sorry to hear everything you're going thru. I can empathize with you when it comes to a thyroid, or it's support glands, the parathyroid. Mine is the parathyroid issue. Mine will fail to process calcium and vitamin D causing it to build up in excess. Thus when it does, headaches, extreme mood swings and depression, and extreme tiredness and aches and pains are also increased among other things. On Monday, I do a dexa scan to check my bone density. When the parathyroid issue flares I lose bone density. I've been dealing with this for the last 18 months. I get being frustrated 😠. So, if you ever need an ear to bend, I'm here. Hugs that your test will come out for the better.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    The March Week 4 Group Challenge is open and will begin on Sunday, Mar 19th. Hope you'll join us for a round of Fitness Bingo this week! Here's your link:

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member

    We're missing 5 weigh-ins for the week (incl today):
    @walela617 x2
    @bbaldree64 x2

    Please report in as soon as possible. Thanks all!

    Steppers, take a look at last week and this week and report your steps in the chatroom. Let's get caught up. Thanks!
  • ac204
    ac204 Posts: 147 Member
    CW: 182.4
    PW: 182.6

    Steps Goal 7k/daily

    3/9 - 8317
    3/10 - 2967
    3/11 - 2815
    3/12 - 2897
    3/13 - 5648
    3/14 - 3607
    3/15 - 8229
    3/16 - 6511
    3/17 - 8802
    3/18 - 7012
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Card for today. Happy Sunday everyone <3

  • Bumbinella
    Bumbinella Posts: 90 Member
    Sunday weigh ins
    PW 164.7
    CW 164.2
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Good morning y'all and Happy Sunday! I just finished a little over a mile walk and it's gonna be a great day...planning to do a little cooking today and run a few errands. Picked up some cat food that was on sale and need to arrange to drop it off at the shelter where I found Betty...trying to support them as they're such a caring rescue! Betty has been playing like mad this morning with a new mouse she got for St. Paddy's's so fun to watch how she creates situations with her toys to make it more difficult to get to or catch! I love my little love bug so much!

    Hope you're all having a wonderful day today!!

    I posted the link to our group challenge and I'd love to see some of you pop in and participate...this week we're doing a Fitness Bingo because it was requested last I made a card and got it up and running. You're welcome to adjust due to any physical accommodations that you need, so come in and see what you can accomplish between now and next Saturday! It's all about being more active, right?!

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,446 Member
    3/15 8,197
    3/16 6,444
    3/17 4,572
    3/18 3,578
    Been really cold with highs only in 20s snow and very windy - so over the winter in WI
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Fri 3/17: 16,053
    Sat 3/18: 12,584
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    Last week, I started attending a soccer training session for women on Sunday afternoons. This week’s session was canceled because the field is not available but there is a pickup game every Sunday evening with the co-ed master’s league so I’ll still get some exercise. It’s really cold today (for our area) but it’s not expected to get any colder tonight so that’s good news at least.

    The pickup games are informal winter and summer matches without any referees. We just show up at 7pm and mix up all the players. The idea is to just have fun and get to know one another. Some of the more experienced men can get a little serious and rough for the masters level league so the pickup games are also expected to help players become more friendly with one another and less competitive during the more formal spring and fall team sessions.

    My husband and I attended two parties last night and I exceeded my calorie intake. So, I really can’t let the cold weather deter me from playing soccer tonight! I’ll also try to participate in the fitness bingo challenge @jessicakrall8 posted this week. Right now, I just want to take a nap so wish me luck or send some positive energy my way please!

    I’m trying to get motivated to gather some items we no longer use and donate them. I’ll sign off now to make sure I don’t procrastinate any more. I hope you all have a good weekend!
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 296 Member
    edited March 2023
    Sorry....thought today was Saturday. I'm a day behind.

    Weigh in: Sunday
    PW: 194.2
    CW: 195.4

    Steps for March 12-18
    Step goal: 5000
    Sunday 2826
    Monday 6777
    Tuesday 6216
    Wednesday 5075
    Thursday 5171
    Friday 6963
    Saturday 7525
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,528 Member



    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS @SavageMrsMoose on 1st place! Great week! I wish a great week ahead for everyone...

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    Congratulations to the Shape Shifter leaders! Nice work “SavageMrsMoose, @TexanMom8152, and @brttny7979!
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Card for today. Happy Monday everyone <3
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Back from my short trip to NYC and I'm up almost 2 pounds, but to be fair, I think I was pretty dehydrated when I weighed Friday, so I'm not too upset. I'm still under 150 which for me is a huge deal. I took a few days off from exercising too. My treadmill run Friday was brutal.

    Really enjoyed my quick trip and was able to get tickets to Phantom of the Opera- the Broadway Production will end next month after 35 years. My husband and I saw it together in Houston in 1995 so it was kind of romantic to see it again with him.

    @PatriceFitnessPal love the tshirt!

    Poor IU lost last night, but the Houston Cougars are still alive!


    3/17 15,536 thanks to torture on the treadmill

    3/18 4,328

    3/19 7,565

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Congratulations to the Shape Shifter leaders! Nice work “SavageMrsMoose, @TexanMom8152, and @brttny7979!

    Sorry @brttny7979 and @TexanMom8152, but in my rush, I missed your names on the winners' list...CONGRATS!!!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @vanzeem15 You signed up for the Step Challenge but haven't posted ANY of the last 3 weeks of step tallies. I sent a message last week, but didn't get a response. If I don't hear from you soon, I'll assume you've just changed your mind and are not walking this month. Hope all is well!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Monday Weigh-in
    CW: 305.0
    PW: 305.6
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal Thank you for responses, I really appreciated reading it. It's been a wild ride, I'm sure with some second hand trauma thrown in.
    My daughter is set up with all the resources possible in our area to set her up with life long support. She has so much more support than many people with mental health illness, I sometimes feel guilty for it. This is all government and non-profit covered. I called the Childrens Aid society who have in turn placed her in foster care. Typically the Children's Aid Society doesn't do this, but agreed due to the trauma her living at home has caused towards her sisters. The catch is that it is voluntary, and if she decides to come back home before age 18 there is nothing I can do about it. I doubt this will happen as she has labelled me as "bad" and my husband as "worst person ever". This is all part of her illness, she sees everything in black and white with no in between, and has very little emotional regulation. Mix this in with the narcissistic and manipulative behaviours. It's tough. Tough for her to feel this way all the time and tough for those that interact with her.

    My tooth is mostly better since the root canal, I have another appointment tomorrow with a dentist I used to work with to check the balance of my bite. My mouth guard is a custom made one at the dentist, I don't find that there are pieces coming off of it so much as I am leaving dents in the material where I bit hard. My experience from being a dental hygienist is to forgo the store bought night guard and go with a professional one if possible. They tend to fit much better, treat you TMJ more kindly and discourage grinding more. Consistent use of nightguards general reduces the behaviour even when you don't wear it.

    @Armygirlarmyof1 Thank you for the well wishes, I hope your scan goes well. Losing bone density is a scary thing.

    Sorry for the super long post.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Wanted to ask yall's opinion on something... now that Fitbit is getting rid of all of their challenges, I doubt I will upgrade to a 5th one, although the time they made the announcement, I was starting to consider it. Now I'm wondering if I should look into a Garmin or an Apple watch. Has anyone recently switched from Fitbit (last couple of years) to one of those other brands? I would love to hear your positive/negative experiences, in order to help me make up my mind about them.

    My main reason for using a watch is to track my steps and I LOVE the that as LOVE, LOVE, L - O - V - E them! lol I'm going to do a little research, but would love some help if you have some thoughts to share.

  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member
    I love my Apple Watch but switched from Fitbit more than a couple years ago.
    Apple tracks your steps well, you might see them show up as less if you switch. My dad switched last year and Fitbit definitely counted more arm movements as steps.
    I prefer Apple because it wasn’t all about steps, more overall wellness. There are still challenges and you can compete with others as well.
    If it’s all about steps Apple might not be the right fit.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,446 Member
    edited March 2023
    @jessicakrall8 My main reason for using a watch is to track my steps
    I bought a Vivomove 3 Garmin watch - its a nice fit; sometimes finicky when I try to track workouts but overall I'm happy with it I just don't have any friends b/c they're all with Fitbit I gave up on it
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 590 Member
    edited March 2023
    I'm so sorry to hear of sweet Petey's passing, Patrice! He looks like such a "lovey" dog! It's always tough to let them go when it's time, but I'm sure you will experience "signs" to show you he's not really gone and he will always live in your heart! I let my last cat go at age 18 and my current cat will be turning 18 in June. She seems okay now, but it usually starts suddenly, so one never knows. I hope his memory will be a blessing always! <3
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 526 Member
    I'll find out Wednesday or Thursday myvscan results
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited March 2023
    Thank you for your supportive comments @Walela617! Everyone has been so kind and thoughtful, which has been a great comfort to us. 🙏🏼 We were very involved in raising funds and engaging the community in making improvements to our nearby dog park.

    Petey’s name is on a plaque at the park and he was well-known for his friendly disposition and treat-seeking behavior! People joked about him being the ‘doggy mayor,’ a local rock star 🤩, etc. — so endearing and supportive! He’s pretty well memorialized among your neighbors in Boston, too, but I’ve droned on long enough — 😬

    Here are some photos from local Facebook pages and a ‘feel good’ local newspaper story about a dog mural in our neighborhood for anyone interested:

    Not sure if this one is an open group or you have to join so I’ll just try it out —
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    @brttny7979 - Your mental health is equally important for overall wellbeing! I’m so glad you enjoyed your vacation!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    Thinking of you @Armygirlarmyof1 and hoping your results bring good news!
This discussion has been closed.