Downsizers Team Chat - MARCH 2023



  • MyChoiceisaGoodLife
    MyChoiceisaGoodLife Posts: 54 Member
    Penny @ MyChoiceisaGoodLife

    Sunday Weigh In Day

    PW: 158
    CW: 158

  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    You all did amazing this week!
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    JaysFan82 wrote: »
    My 5km race is one week from today. It felt like it was taking forever to get here and now it feels so close.

    The new lighter you will fly 5km! Good luck
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,763 Member
    Weigh in day Sunday
    PW: 134 pounds
    CW: 134 pounds
  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    Oh my goodness, I can't believe my name is all over the leader board for this past week! :o
    That never even occurred to me.
    I was just reading the posts by our group members and the winners were posted and I was reading it not even thinking my name would be there and then I kept seeing my name and I was like... what?!?!?!?
    This is the pick me up I needed today <3 to help me get back on track after disastrous eating choices yesterday!
    So glad I joined this challenge! :)
    I've always found the weekly weigh ins helpful, especially when you have to post it where others see it.
    Also, I love the interaction with so many of you in this group and in my newsfeed! :)<3

    Awesome work! Awesome week!
  • aactuallyaash
    aactuallyaash Posts: 309 Member


    Thanks for all you do!
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    Jpedno wrote: »
    3/19 10519
    3/20 8261
    3/21 8646
    3/22 11321
    3/23 10377
    3/24 7035
    3/25 9605

    Woo hoo! First time in forever I have hit my goal every day!

    Great job!!
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    Oh my goodness, I can't believe my name is all over the leader board for this past week! :o
    That never even occurred to me.
    I was just reading the posts by our group members and the winners were posted and I was reading it not even thinking my name would be there and then I kept seeing my name and I was like... what?!?!?!?
    This is the pick me up I needed today <3 to help me get back on track after disastrous eating choices yesterday!
    So glad I joined this challenge! :)
    I've always found the weekly weigh ins helpful, especially when you have to post it where others see it.
    Also, I love the interaction with so many of you in this group and in my newsfeed! :)<3

    You deserve it! Great job!
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member

    3/19 5026
    3/20 5580
    3/21 5176
    3/22. 5092
    3/23. 5704
    3/24. 5461
    3/25. 5594

    Tomorrow is my Dr appointment!!!
  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 214 Member

    Here ya go, Megan:

    3/20 Mon 8,451
    3/21 Tue 8,415
    3/22 Wed 4,374
    3/23 Thu 9,263
    3/24 Fri 8,117
    3/25 Sat 8,066
    3/26 Sun 9,170

  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 214 Member

    Hi Linda, Happy Sunday. Here are my numbers:

    User Name: rwillems
    Weigh-in Day: Sunday
    PW: 280.2 lbs
    CW: 277.4 lbs (Down 2.8 lbs)

    Have a great week!
  • indefenceofsprouts
    indefenceofsprouts Posts: 26 Member

    My steps:
    3/19 8,840
    3/20 10,711
    3/21 10,480
    3/22 13,062
    3/23 9,908 (this one I want to claim as hitting 10k target because I was STORMING around the house before bed so I could hit target and my watch refused to register a single step. So annoying! But there's no way I didn't get to 10k lol.
    3/24 11,349
    3/25 6,081
    3/26 6,146
  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    rwillems wrote: »

    Hi Linda, Happy Sunday. Here are my numbers:

    User Name: rwillems
    Weigh-in Day: Sunday
    PW: 280.2 lbs
    CW: 277.4 lbs (Down 2.8 lbs)

    Have a great week!

    Nice loss!
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    PW: 222.2
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Sunday
    PW: 194.4
    CW: 193

    Nice loss!
    Mama530 wrote: »
    SATURDAY 03/25
    - Calories: 2122 (goal 1200-1600)
    - Water: 84 oz
    - Gym: no
    - Walk: no
    - Protein: 110g (85 goal)
    - Fiber: 12 g (25 goal)
    - THOUGHTS: every time I get close to a goal, I seem to take two steps beck. The excitement I felt last week seems to have drained out of my body. My mood is horrible today. I’m sure the gobs of nutritionally void foods I’ve eaten the last couple of days has something to do with it. My goal today is to turn my mood around and turn this trend back around.

    03/19: 12,094
    03/20: 23,417
    03/21: 12,021
    03/22: 13.180
    03/23: 19,388
    03/24: 10,260
    03/25: 10,388

    Do you find the weekends harder than weekdays? I know for myself my husband being home makes a big difference as we eat differently. For myself, I think I need to make eating more structured on the weekends. Hope your Monday is better.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    Oh my goodness, I can't believe my name is all over the leader board for this past week! :o
    That never even occurred to me.
    I was just reading the posts by our group members and the winners were posted and I was reading it not even thinking my name would be there and then I kept seeing my name and I was like... what?!?!?!?
    This is the pick me up I needed today <3 to help me get back on track after disastrous eating choices yesterday!
    So glad I joined this challenge! :)
    I've always found the weekly weigh ins helpful, especially when you have to post it where others see it.
    Also, I love the interaction with so many of you in this group and in my newsfeed! :)<3

    You had a great week and have really been putting in the work. Yesterday is past so go back to making good choices and finish the week out strong.

    pauladner wrote: »
    Weigh In Day: Sunday , Marh 25th
    PW (Previous Weight): 150.5 lb
    CW (Current Weight): 151.5 lb

    The past 2 weeks have been very stressful, and last week I didn't sleep well.

    Last week I let myself enjoy a bow of apple crisp with vanilla icecream, but it was a bad choice eating too much peanuts in front the tv. Although I went down hill about my food choices, I logged my food intake and was conscious where it was getting me. 🙄

    For a couple of days I was thinking, "Well I can fast for a day and keep my weight loss intacted." However, I decided to go easy on myself. I don't have to win every time.

    Sometimes people don't know how much we can struggle just to keep the same weight week after week. Right?

    This team has great people sharing their victories and struggles. You all help me accepting life's ups and downs and keeping going.

    Thank you for charing, and I let's rock this week! ❤

    Great job logging. Sometimes it is so easy when we totally go off track to just not log. Here’s to a great week.
    rwillems wrote: »

    Hi Linda, Happy Sunday. Here are my numbers:

    User Name: rwillems
    Weigh-in Day: Sunday
    PW: 280.2 lbs
    CW: 277.4 lbs (Down 2.8 lbs)

    Have a great week!

    Congrats on the loss!

    My steps:
    3/19 8,840
    3/20 10,711
    3/21 10,480
    3/22 13,062
    3/23 9,908 (this one I want to claim as hitting 10k target because I was STORMING around the house before bed so I could hit target and my watch refused to register a single step. So annoying! But there's no way I didn't get to 10k lol.
    3/24 11,349
    3/25 6,081
    3/26 6,146

    I find this with my Apple Watch. With my old Fitbit I would get steps when I wasn’t even walking.

This discussion has been closed.