Downsizers Team Chat - MARCH 2023



  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    PW: 194
    CW: 195

    Ugh. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your encouraging words, I'm not going to let you all down and spiral into a sulkfest, I can't deny I'm feeling a little bit sorry for myself, I just won't wallow.
    Probably fair for a week with 3 meals out and yesterday's Great Day Of Endless Appetite that was. Onwards!

    Yes. Onwards and downwards!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    I am struggling today for the first time in a little while. Weight hasn't changed - weigh in day is tomorrow so I was hoping for a good day but I am SO hungry today. I haven't felt satisfied by any of my usual meals/snacks and have just eaten dinner at 3.45 because I was just so hungry. It's not looking good with the rest of the afternoon/evening to go. I'm not sure what's going on with me, maybe because it's time of the month but I have tried to go with it rather than fight it and end up in a binge. Just annoying when I hoped I still had a chance to lose for tomorrow.
    BUT at the very beginning of the week I shot up 3lbs after a few meals out in a row and I managed to get that back down quickly by not panicking and just getting back into it, so I guess I'll count that as my win (and tbf not gaining tomorrow will be a win after those meals out).

    I see so many wins here. You recognized what you need to do to prevent a binge. Working to lose those 3 pounds and knowing that’s a win is a win. You have compassion for yourself which I learned is a big part of dealing with binge eating.

    Weigh Day Thursday

    CW: 152.2
    PW: 153.7

    Nice loss!
    Mama530 wrote: »
    WEDNESDAY 03/29
    - Calories: 1299 (goal 1200-1600)
    - Water: 112 oz
    - Gym: no
    - Walk: no
    - Protein: 82 g (85 goal)
    - Fiber: 16 g (25 goal)
    - THOUGHTS: Vast improvement on Wednesday. I’m feeling a lot better about my choices.

    03/26: 10,130
    03/27: 10,924
    03/28: 6,258
    03/29: 8,026

    Great day. You put in the work and got those calories down.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    As many of you know I will be having my 4th surgery tomorrow so I will say good morning bright and early and then I will not be on the rest of the day since I will be out of it ....I will check in on Saturday from my couch :)

    Best of luck today. ❤️‍🩹
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member

    @Slimmersixties, it has been inspiring to watch you on your journey. It has helped me to start losing weight again. Congratulations!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,201 Member
    As many of you know I will be having my 4th surgery tomorrow so I will say good morning bright and early and then I will not be on the rest of the day since I will be out of it ....I will check in on Saturday from my couch :)

    4th times a charm! Speedy recovery :smiley:

    Thanks :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,201 Member
    Mama530 wrote: »
    As many of you know I will be having my 4th surgery tomorrow so I will say good morning bright and early and then I will not be on the rest of the day since I will be out of it ....I will check in on Saturday from my couch :)

    Sending love! I hope your surgery goes well and you can start to put this all behind you, so you can get outside with the kids and pups!

    Thank you very much :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,201 Member
    As many of you know I will be having my 4th surgery tomorrow so I will say good morning bright and early and then I will not be on the rest of the day since I will be out of it ....I will check in on Saturday from my couch :)

    Best of luck today. ❤️‍🩹

    Thank you Linda
  • Huckleterrie
    Huckleterrie Posts: 145 Member
    Steps: 8,581
    Sleep: 👍👍👍👍👍
    Log food: 👍👍👍👍👍
    Exercise: 👍👍👍

    PW 198
    CW 197.6

    Truthfully, I am a little disappointed. I really thought I would lose a bit more but I didn’t gain. The positive is I have been slowly losing since November when my weight hit 213. Baby steps! The second positive is I am making much better choices. I am eating more fruit and vegetables. Next step is to improve my weekend choices.

    Have a fantastic Friday!

    I love how positive you are! I used to set hard deadlines for when I wanted to be a certain weight. The harder the deadline the more I seemed to gain. This time around I decided to remove the hard stop and just concentrate on being moderate. Even if I lose .1 of a pound it still counts as a win! You just proved this as well, looking back at November compared to now is definitely a win!
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    Friday weigh in

    Pw 181.4
    Cw 181.2

    Really really struggling to lose anything now. I've decided to give up trying to reach my goal of 176lb (100lb loss). I'm settling at 94lb loss and moving to maintenance for a while!

    Welcome to the club! We've been waiting for you!
  • aneedlecraft
    aneedlecraft Posts: 181 Member
    Friday Check In
    PW: 319
    CW: 318
    Slow & steady, but heading in the right direction...
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday
    (late again...oops)
    PW: 227.2
    CW: 226.2

    It's time for me to start thinking about some goals for April?
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    Steps: 8,581
    Sleep: 👍👍👍👍👍
    Log food: 👍👍👍👍👍
    Exercise: 👍👍👍

    PW 198
    CW 197.6

    Truthfully, I am a little disappointed. I really thought I would lose a bit more but I didn’t gain. The positive is I have been slowly losing since November when my weight hit 213. Baby steps! The second positive is I am making much better choices. I am eating more fruit and vegetables. Next step is to improve my weekend choices.

    Have a fantastic Friday!

    Happy Friday Linda! I know how hard it is to trust the process and be happy with modest losses, but I’m glad that you see the positive in slow and consistent loss. With a well planned weekend, you can get a jump start on next week’s success! You’re doing amazing!

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