Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating

hicim705 Posts: 5,862 Member

In contemplating what Pre-Challenge Activities to explore for the 2023 Spring 5% Challenge a suggestion was made to explore EMOTIONS and their relationship with food … in chatting a little further and doing a little research, we came up with the title: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating.

There are lots of articles written about this topic. One article which I will reference here (you can all read the full article yourself) discusses the fact that you can (and should) honor your hunger, enjoy what you eat and recognize when you are full.. It explains differences between physical hunger and emotional hunger.

Toward the end of the article, it discusses the HALT technique which is explored and explained. Please visit:

Another interesting site ~ Food Insight discusses mindful eating and also gives you information on HOW to eat mindfully. It also offers a fact sheet called the ‘Mindful Eating Fact Sheet’ that you can download (or print to put into a prominent place where you can reference if often).

> > > > Of course, any and all of these recommendations NEVER, EVER supersede recommendations from your healthcare provider. We are all individuals and are all at different stages of life (and health) which sometimes dictate what we can and can't eat. If you are under a physician's care and a meal plan has been recommended for your specific needs, please continue following your doctor's orders! < < < <

📓Your assignment: COUNTDOWN ACTIVITY #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating

For this Pre-Challenge Activity ~ read the articles to help you to determine what your relationship with food really is.

?? ~ Are you a mindful eater or more of an emotional eater? If you are more of an emotional eater, consider trying the HALT Technique.

Consider visiting the second website and download (or print) the Mindful Eating Fact Sheet and become familiar with its contents.

For the duration of this Challenge, consider displaying the fact sheet in a prominent place: in your kitchen-on the refrigerator, for instance. Or, perhaps in the bathroom - near the mirror so you will see it when you get ready in the morning. Consider putting it in the bedroom on your dresser or taped to your closet door so that you will see it as a reminder of where you want to see yourself in the near future.

Use this pre-challenge activity to explore to take control of the emotional aspect of eating and transform that into mindful eating. Consider how you will practice eating mindfully vs. emotionally. If you have a day where emotional eating becomes the focus of your day, don’t beat yourself up, instead - acknowledge it and strive to restart for your very next meal.

Feel free to add your comments to this thread outlining your mindful eating vs. emotional eating plan and incorporate that to set yourself up for a successful 2023 Spring 5% Challenge (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

PLEASE NOTE: The Seasonal 5% Challenge Teams are very active. You will be expected to participate to the best of your ability.

ALL challenge weeks run from Saturday through Friday - you will be expected to record your exercise and Living the Good Life points based on weekly Challenge Themes. You are expected to record these points daily or at least as often as you can during the week but no later than 11:59 pm each Friday (your local time). In addition, you are expected to weigh in one time per week by 11:59 pm every Saturday (your local time). Your individual team leaders and/or team mates will help to answer any and all questions about where to record your points.

🔮Our individual Spring 5% Challenge Teams are currently being set up.

✉️You will be invited to your individual team soon, in enough time to get to know your team leaders and team mates. Until then, get to know some of the Challengers that will be participating right along with you.

📢Announcements will be made when invitations to your individual teams are sent. Please visit this team, the 2023 SPRING 5% COMMUNITY TEAM often as this will be the best source for up-to-date information.

Previous Pre-Challenge Activites (consider reading/participating in one or all of them):
** Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT! ℹ️🔠
Here is the link:ℹ️#latest

** Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #2: SET SOME GOALS!
Here is the link:

**Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #3: Meal Plan
Here is the link:

**Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #4: Exercise Plan

Heidi (hicim705)
Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)


  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 5,072 Member

    Mindless Eating
    1. Eating pass full and ignoring your body’s signals ✔️
    2. Eating when emotions tell us to eat ✔️
    3. Eating alone at random times and places ✔️
    4. Eating foods that are emotionally comforting. ✔️✔️
    5. Eating and multitasking ✔️✔️
    6. Considering a meal an end product - not sure what this means, maybe it will be in the articles

    Mindful Eating

    1. Listening to your body and stopping when full
    2. Eating when our body’s tell us to eat

    3. Eating with others at set times and places
    4. Eating foods that are nutritionally healthy
    5. When eating, engaging your senses
    6. Considering where food comes from

    Bold - Areas to work on this challenge

    Copying Articles to find this weekend:

    Another interesting site ~ Food Insight discusses mindful eating and also gives you information on HOW to eat mindfully. It also offers a fact sheet called the ‘Mindful Eating Fact Sheet’ that you can download (or print to put into a prominent place where you can reference if often).
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 13,026 Member
    ?? ~ Are you a mindful eater or more of an emotional eater?

    I have worked hard in the past at being a mindful eater and most of the time, while I don't necessarily follow all the steps mentioned, I do pay attention to my hunger and try not to overeat. I usually weigh and measure most food so I know how much I am consuming.
    I didn't ever consider myself an emotional eater but I realize that I can be prone to mindless snacking at times maybe when I am bored, not feeling great or especially when I'm overtired, especially if I can't sleep and get up to have some Chamomile tea.
    I can be prone to overeating sometimes when we're eating out so there are a couple of areas that need my attention.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,079 Member
    H – Am I Hungry?

    A – Am I Angry?

    L – Am I Lonely?

    T – Am I Tired?

    This is very similar to another book I read, actually entitled Are You Hungry? and this book talked about knowing the difference between being hungry and being thirsty. Most peopel are regimented with their foods, they have them at the same time every day hungry or not. Most follow clean your plate, there's too many hungry ones out there who would appreciate that food. A lot of it is how we were raised. As kids my brothers and I knew when it was time to come home and eat no matter how hard we were playing. Dinner was always at the same time. Except Sunday ... Sunday was a bit earlier. I have learnt to use the "speed bump" in eating. What is the speed bump? that is where you take half your food and put it aside and enjoy the half you have on your plate. I have used this especially with take out food. Some take out foods are over run with fries and what not. I would put half away for another day. I already had dinner today, and yet I still feel hungry, so am H A L T? hard to say as I never questioned this before.


    Turn Off or Silence Your Devices

    Taking a break from your devices can help minimize distractions. Those videos, texts, tweets, emails, and posts will still be there once you’ve finished. Take time to relax and enjoy your food without all the interruptions.

    I am usually ON my device when I am eating, it's my social time, to read posts, watch a movie, or read.

    Take a Moment To Clear Your Head

    Appreciate the food that’s in front of you. It takes a lot to prepare and produce the food you’re about to eat. Slow down your pace and be intentional. You may consider pausing for a moment of gratitude.

    Most times I say a prayer of thanks to the Creator for the food He has provided - however, once in a while when out, I might forget because I am not used to praying in public.

    Check In With Your Hunger

    Consider how long it’s been since you last ate. Are you feeling hunger pangs, or a slight headache? Are there other bodily signals you might be noticing? Are you drinking enough water?

    My meals have been set to every 4 hours but I am slowly changing that, I was following a program where you ate 400 cal 4 x a day. Now I no longer follow that but I usually have my dinner by 4 - now I am trying to switch it to later. It will take time to change that. I usually drink about 4 starbucks mugs which is 16 ounces of water through out the day with herbal tea.

    Use Your Senses

    Mindful eating involves all five senses, so take note of the appearance, aromas, textures, flavors, and sounds of your food. You may notice more about the food than you ever have before!

    Hmmm, sometimes I am so hungry I woolf down my food and inhale faster then you can say dinner is ready, that might be an old habit from growing up poor - in my family you ate on time or someone else got your meal!! I ate on time unless it was chicken and dumplings and I always passed on that!!

    Name the Flavors

    As you eat your meal or snack, consider the five basic tastes and determine which ones you’re experiencing. The five basic tastes are umami (savory), bitter, sweet, salty, and sour. Sometimes foods contain more than one—can you tell the difference?

    I am not usually a savory person - usually it's sweet and sour but that seems to be changing too, must be old age LOL I do NOT like hot and spicey, nothing will set off my stomach reflex faster - but I do like an occassional samosas.

    Notice the Texture

    Is your food crunchy or creamy? Dry or moist? Paying attention to the texture of each bite you take may help make your eating experience feel more intentional. Maybe you’ll discover that you prefer crunchy and dry over creamy and moist.

    I don't like too much creamy so it has to have a crunch to it to a degree - You can keep the cream corn, yuk !!! But I do like creamy sauces and the crunch is most likely the breaded air fried foods.

    Set Down the Fork

    In between bites, place your utensils down on your plate; or, simply place your hands down to help slow your pace. Mindful eating is an experience, not a race! This habit may help prevent overeating, too.
    In Summary

    Not a bad idea, but I prefer meals that I can eat with my hands, course something like soup would be hard to do, so depending on the meal, maybe I need to put it down some.

    Some really good information on those links. Thanks for posting them.

    Mindful eating is all about awareness while eating. Available research shows that mindful eating can help decrease behaviors such as binge eating, emotional eating and external eating, while there is limited research on how mindfulness alone impacts weight management. Overall, mindful eating can help us have a more positive experience with food.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,405 Member
    Are you a mindful eater or more of an emotional eater?
    I'm primarily a mindful eater - which has kept me on maintenance for so many years. However, I do indulge my inner emotional eater occasionally, but it's always intentional and always, always kept at a minimum. It's become a habit not to give in to someone's attempt to seduce me into "just taste my new dessert," and that took time. The more you learn to graciously refuse, the better at it you become!
  • paceka2
    paceka2 Posts: 1,110 Member
    COUNTDOWN ACTIVITY #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating

    I would consider myself to be a mindful eater. I very seldom have snacks during my day and if I do, it's either some fruit, hummus, or something with protein. I'm not a big fan of desserts so that one is easy for me to refuse. I have a bible study group and someone is always bringing some kind of treat which I rarely accept. My biggest issue is getting up during the night and having something to eat while I wait to feel tired enough to go back to bed. That is a habit I will be working on during this Challenge.
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,908 Member
    Ah well in reviewing the mindless eating..sadly a lot of it fits. The eating alone..not a choice..but am I really alone with 4 pairs of brown eyes begging me to share..yes I am ..that is not family or human interaction. That sadly is not available. or even reading as I slurp soup. Better than staring across an empty table. So not begging for "poor Me' points , more of a , need to tweek and adjust as fits your situation. I do tend to eat fast so I can move on to something I wanna do..need to stop to enjoy food, flavor , texture, taste . Trying to change a life time of grab and go eating..
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,615 Member
    COUNTDOWN ACTIVITY #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating

    In the past, I'd of said "I am a mindful eater." But, lately? Way more emotional eater. I've been so frustrated at the way the medical community has been dissing things. "See this Dr, that Dr" type of thing. This has been going on for TWO YEARS, but it's finally come to a head. Hopefully, next Friday that'll part of it will end.

    Do I benefit when I eat emotionally? Oh, course NOT!! Have I gone overboard? No not really. Do I see any improvements over the years of being on Sparks (Did you know you can still google Sparkpeople emotional eating" and it'll give you a number of articles?) Of course, as Heidi has shown us there is more up to date info. If we are struggling there's so much info. Please remember your teammates also care very much so and are here to help you.

    I can and do limit the junk, it's rare I'll bring a bag of anything out to the "crunching station." I remember reading and sort of giggling years ago "Oftentimes when people think they are hungry, they aren't, they are thirsty." But after I started to drink mostly water, I realized "Oh hey, it was RIGHT!!" Now that is the first question I ask myself "Do I need water?" Quite often I do, I am limited on fluids, but it's an interesting question.

    Do I need to work on this? OH MY YES!!! Can I just "sweep it under the table?" No, plus I do not like to sweep. :p
    I've noticed a change also that when hungry I am not craving sweets hardly ever. HUGE HINT to self!! ADDRESS my emotions, they are okay to have, it's healthy to have them. Not every moment of every day will be a STELLAR DAY. That's okay also.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,309 Member
    Mindful eating VS Emotional eating?

    I'd consider myself more of a mindful eater.
  • amyrob117
    amyrob117 Posts: 90 Member
    I am definitely an emotional eater. I usually feel overwhelmed with life and don’t want to invest the energy to actually enjoy my meal. I’m too concerned about making sure everyone else is fed and cared for. I like the mindful eating guide. I never thought about thinking of the individual flavors or textures. This will help me be more mindful.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I'm am emotional eater but trying to move toward mindful. I know my eating is also usually way too fast, but circumstances often dictate limited time. It's an ongoing struggle. Try to drink alot of fluids and load up on high fiber to compensate but that causes it's own issue.
  • diannemt
    diannemt Posts: 2,699 Member
    I am an emotional eater but trying to stop it. I eat too fast--hubby tries to slow me down. I am trying to drink water when I want emotional comfort--a flavored water does work sometimes. Also pushing to just NOT snack/eat outside of meal times.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    COUNTDOWN ACTIVITY #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating

    When I started my healthy journey I was very mindful of what I was eating. The past year I have not been and it shows on the scale and in the measurements. My goal is to start being more mindful of what goes past my lips.
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 3,443 Member
    I'm a mindful eater, emotional occasionally. I do every so often give in to cravings but it takes 2-6 meals to eat what I brought. I've learn to stop when my tummy says it is full
  • Chubbynomore10
    Chubbynomore10 Posts: 1,212 Member
    I used to be a mindless I am mindful.
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 6,235 Member
    bump up