Awesome April



  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,293 Member
    Gosh @honeybadger302. The photo is awesome.I just let out a growl! 🤣

    @Antiopelle - enjoy your time away! We petitoes will be eagerly waiting to hear how it went!

    @mandycat_florida What an inspiration you are!! “Methuselah’s grandmother” - hahaha!

    @Cora0477 - glad to hear you’re feeling better. Keeping up the exercise does help I think.

    All good here. 1.8 pounds away from a milestone weight! Part of the loss is stress but it is what it is! I know I lost some muscle and maybe I need some kind of help but I kinda prefer me slimmer than the tighter but more “bootylicious” look I was after my 3 month strength training program. Is that weird?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,952 Member
    I'll keep the question simple. Is $300 a month reasonable?

    I'm contemplating a nutrition/mindset/recomposition coach. Is $300 a month reasonable?
    She'd like a 12 week commitment up front ($900 total).

    It would cover meal plans, that adjust to help rebalance hormones, change meal timings (like "a snack here, because it will help this and that).
    I think I would get a lot out of it.
    Just was curious to get all of your opinions.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,293 Member
    @SherryRueter - I hesitated to respond because I’m one of those analyze it to death before moving forward kind of folks as opposed to “go for it”. So my questions below are in no particular order just what I would think through.

    1) you researched her - recommendations, reviews, results, qualifications?
    2) researched this type of professional - I’m not sure whether this person is a registered dietician, has a sports background (you mention “recomposition” - as in body recomposition? And if so - is this in line with this type of professional’s pricing?
    3) is the upfront money to keep you accountable
    4) any chance to refund money if not happy

    If you’re considering this you must feel you can’t do this on your own. I paid this for a training program years ago that was considered pricey at the time but I learned so much and felt so much better and reached and surpassed my goals that I would have paid more - because that was worth it TO ME.

    As we’ve always discussed, others may give you an eye roll - just bought a professional Pilates reformer for nothing - and my family just shook their heads. But it’s worth it TO ME!

    Is this affordable to you? Need the help? Think she could be a valuable resource?

    Can you articulate your specific goals when you’re done with her, and does she and you think she can get you there?

    Sorry for the length!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,993 Member
    edited April 2023
    I'll keep the question simple. Is $300 a month reasonable?

    I'm contemplating a nutrition/mindset/recomposition coach. Is $300 a month reasonable?
    She'd like a 12 week commitment up front ($900 total).

    It would cover meal plans, that adjust to help rebalance hormones, change meal timings (like "a snack here, because it will help this and that).
    I think I would get a lot out of it.
    Just was curious to get all of your opinions.

    Well, I definitely think there can be benefits. I've recently signed up for/applied to two different groups/services that come to a fair bit more. One is a business collective (similar to a mastermind group) that will fall under my business costs at $400/month, and also signed up for a coaching and app with a trainer in the motorcycle racing community for $110/month but isn't as extensive as what you're looking at receiving. His normal rates for that service were $200/month pre-app, this was a pre-sale significantly reduced rate.

    If you can afford it, and do not feel like you can do it as effectively on your own, then the cost may very well be worth it. Just do your research beforehand, and then all you can do is give it a shot. I would personally prefer to have something I have a window to cancel in though - so if there's a 30 day cancellation of future services, I'd think it may be worth it for you, just make sure that what you're receiving is what you expected when you signed up.
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 160 (Jan 2023)
    End of month GW: 152.6

    4/6: 153.3
    4/13: 155.2
    4/20: 152.4
    4/27: 152.0
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,952 Member
    Thanks Ladies!!! That all helps a TON.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    49yrs old 5'3"
    GW : 125lbs

    No change on the scale (swapping out fat for muscle I think/hope) but kicking *kitten* in fitness - feeling better injury-wise, back to running a bit, playing soccer and ball hockey and doing weights 1-2 times per week. Signed up for a June 4th 10km run! Just gotta keep my expectations incheck and pace my training. NO INJURIES!

    @SherryRueter - I agree with @HoneyBadger302 on this:
    "If you can afford it, and do not feel like you can do it as effectively on your own, then the cost may very well be worth it."

    You sound like a very fitness-and-health-savvy person and know your way around a gym, amd could probably figure out what you should do to meet your goals but that doesn't mean you can get your own plan actually executed. Sometimes putting money down on something brings accountability, even if you could do it yourself!

    @CeeBeeSlim - sorry you are stressed. it sounds like you might need a hug, even if everything is good on the scale. *hug*!!! And wtg on your goals!

    My middle child turns 15 today! She's my athlete - competitive, fast and kicking *kitten* (can't imagine where she gets all this 😆). She also eats whatever, whenever and how much she wants. I remember that age and stage. 🙄
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,952 Member
    @k8richly - Yeah, I know what I should be doing...just having issues DOING it. I make plans and goals and then fail to execute. Lack of....(what is the right word)... discipline. I easily give up/in on my self with food.

    I am sitting at 2# down for April. Given my size that's not horrible. I just had wanted to be down 4# instead. But 2 is good. Its evidentaly more sustainable.

    I do know my way aroudn a gym. I know macros and what % works well with me. I do wonder if eating X vs Y would make much of a difference. Or pushing my first meal from this time to that tiem would do much. ALL are experiments I could test and see what works best. Try to look at it like a puzzle, a computer glitch to fix (I'm an IT programmer by trade, so when software has a bug, I get into debugging the code and finding solutions to it). This would be similar.

    I am going to a free online Binge course this week on FB. and am looking forward to that. Hopeful it has some mindset solutions.

    I also am thinking of my menu for this next week. Like what would happen if I put the same Breakfast and lunch all week. Swap up the snacks a little. And have the same dinner each night. It would bring consistency. Could be a little boring but, also..... would be very easy to stay focused on (Not quite the word i'm looking for) . It would be always reliable. I would know what Im having and when. Perhaps it would bring me more peace of mind. I really JUST dont want to continue to gain weight and the last 4# came on in a blink. (okay, they came on in Feb with my fathers passing).

    I also think that maybe I do way to much cardio and need to swap it for minutes of strength training and then walking or meditation. so less cardio (we read this all the time). Maybe that would help my hunger hormones as well. and if I swap it for meditation or a walking meditation type thing (like educational podcast or just for fun drama ) that might be beneficial as well.

    Ive rambled on a lot.

    @k8richly - Hope the birthday party was good. I remember that age and stage as well. I wonder how that stage goes away.....