Week long Challenge Sept 2- Sept 8 Give 110%



  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Day one (9/2.) Lifting: Increased sets of 10 to sets of 11. Found out exactly how much ground I've lost since being injured. Starting back a ways again.

    Day two (9/3.) Started well, doubled walking at work. Due to long day and a longer commute with the wife getting ill, I didn't make it to the gym. In training the rest of this work week, so I'll have to improvise. Have to put day two into the "not quite" column.

    Day three. (9/4.) Lifting sets of 11 minimum on machines I generally use. Added two Machines I have been avoiding. Treadmill finish.

    Day four (9/5.) vocalizations of anguish and cheer following rain delay. (Day off except walking during breaks.)

    Day five (9/6.) Longer walk at lunch, lifting this evening at gym, added two new devices. 45 minutes lifting, 25 min treadmill.

    Day six (9/7) Early morning walk, beautiful, easy to moderate walk in sand. Some cardio, but a lot of stopping for photography. Enjoyed petroglyphs, wildlife, hot air balloons; Beautiful sights all. (Edited for brevity.)

    Day 7 (9/8) Lifting Day again. 50 minutes of lifting Free Weights and cable machines. Only one resistance machine for fly work. I kept reps as high as I could. Probably too high for the switch to Free Weights since by the end of the time I was shaking like a leaf. Still, while sore from yesterday and today, I'm feeling GREAT!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Here’s how my week ended up...

    09/02 – Almost 20 minutes of yoga, followed by a 45-minute ‘ghost chasing’ walk.

    09/03 – Almost 20 minutes of yoga, 40 minutes of Zumba.

    09/04 – 15 minutes of yoga, 1.25 mile walk, and tons of bowling!

    09/05 – 10 minutes of yoga, 1.5 mile walk.

    09/06 - 40 minutes of Zumba and 10 of core-based yoga.

    09/07 - 15 minutes of yoga and 30 of Zumba.

    09/08 – Gave myself a break today. I wanted to go for a long walk this evening, but my body is telling me that it needs a little time to relax – and that’s ok!

    So so happy for everyone this week, great job on pushing yourselves and being persistent!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Fantastic effort by everyone this week! Go us guys!