Monthly Post for June 2023

Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
Happy June. :)


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning,
    Plugging along here too. I have my good moments and bad moments. It is fine. Just takes time...
    Glad you are getting stuff done too, Kate. Been having some nice weather here so spending a lot of time outside on the patio and in the yard. :)
    Hope you have a good day! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Today is rainy and dark. I think I will read and sew until my hair appointment this afternoon.
    @Meghan509 Our yard and garden are lovely this year. My husband has a goal to be able to have his entire meal out of the backyard. He planted grapes, so he will have to wait a few years, but he's well on his way with veggies and, soon, eggs from the chickens.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Surface cleaned most of my house yesterday. Today will finish the rest and catch up on laundry and bedding. Also might clean out the fridge, if I feel adventurous.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Hit a little plateau in the weight loss. I looked at my log and I think I need to watch carbs on fast days. And drink more water.
    Didn't get to the fridge yesterday, and I still have to finish the laundry. There was a LOT of laundry built up from the last month of school. :o
    Have a great week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    I am back. Back at work today (remote) and hanging in. That is all I can do...

    Slowly feeling a little better and less teary at the drop of a hat. Sigh.

    It was nice to unplug and unwind the last week or so. Time flies. My family is hanging in as well.

    Hope you are having a good summer so far @KateNkognito. I agree with you on carbs. They can make you retain a little. I am planning to get myself on a CICO regiment very soon. Simple 1500 for now with a short fast from over night to breakfast - 12 to 13 hours or so. Baby steps.

    My nephew down in FL had his last day of school the other day. He won three awards: Honor Roll - All A's, Citizenship Award, and Top Reader in his Class. I am so proud of him! He is a good kid too.

    Have a good Monday and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    *hugs* Meghan. It is hard. Glad you had time to unwind. Congrats to your nephew! That's awesome! Readers are leaders. :)
    Didn't get much done yesterday, so I am in uncomfortable pants until I get a move on today. Although, I did go to the store this morning.
    Fasting today. Planned out what we are having for dinner this week. Also got some healthy stuff for lunches. Look at me, being responsible and grown up. :o
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Back in person at work and it is going well. Traffic was typical but I arrived early / on time without any issues.

    Thank you, @KateNkognito! I love this: Readers are leaders! <3 Hope your fast goes well!

    Typical work stuff happening here. Nothing exciting. :) Hope you have a good day. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Silly me, I went to start laundry this morning and the fabric softener dispenser has been kinda gross for a while, and I have time on my hands, so I took it out and cleaned it. Not my best life choice. Between the softener fumes and some mildew, I couldn't breathe. Benadryl to the rescue! But now I am sleepy. This is what I get for cleaning things! :D
    Glad traffic was good and you are having a chill day at the office, @Meghan509!
    Going to go switch laundry and take a nap.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Walked the dog this morning and Holy Humidity, Batman! I *finally* finished all the laundry, I just have to fold it all today. :o
    Hope today is a good one! Be healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    So sorry I did not have a chance to check in yesterday. Crazy day! Got stuck in traffic and then late for a 9:00am call as a result and then felt like I was shot out of a cannon all day long. Sigh. Good news is the day went by fast. Today's Thursday and jeans day WHOOT!

    Here it is Holy Smoke, Batman! The east coast is crazy hazy due to the Canadian wild fires. Yesterday it was just a little hazy in the AM. Took a pic and sent it to my guy and then in the PM it almost turned like an orange yellow sky. UGH. I wore a mask to and from the car so I wouldn't breathe that stuff in. Smelled smoky too. Never had that happen before in this area. They said the air quality was the worse it has been since the 80's. YIKES.

    Too funny regarding the dryer and cleaning, @KateNkognito LOL! Yes, feels a little humid here today too. Currently 60 F and hazy which is a low temp for us this time of year. So strange.

    I hope you have a good Thursday! Resting or productive - all good!

    Have a good one and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    @Meghan509 I saw the pictures of the east coast! That is just crazy! I hope today is more peaceful for you.
    Here the weather has straightened out. Not sure what I will get to today. Might just chill out.
    Have a lovely Friday Eve!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Friday is here! I am home today. Partly sunny and 61 degrees F but some rain expected today. Saturday and Sunday are expected to be warmer and sunny and I am planning to spend as much time as possible outdoors!

    Have a dentist appointment scheduled for this afternoon and I wish I didn't have to go, sigh... Just a cleaning but not in the mood. This is one that had been scheduled and rescheduled a bunch of times due to my travel to and from FL. Today's the day, need to suck it up!

    Not much else happening here. Hoping for a quiet day at work. Low key...

    Hope you have a nice relaxing day, @KateNkognito and don't have to clean anything today. :smiley: You deserve a break!

    The nice news of the week is Jet Blue refunded me for the trip I was to take the week of June 19 to Florida. It is obviously cancelled due to my Dad's passing. They asked me to send through a copy of my Dad's death certificate and they credited me back my $300 to my form of payment. That is nice of them to do. We do plan to travel with them again later this year at some point but for now I will gladly take the money back. :)

    Hope you have a great Friday and a nice weekend! See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    I am having trouble getting going today. There are things I need to do, but I'm just laying here, browsing the internet.
    @Meghan509, that is really nice that you got your money back. I have heard good things about Jet Blue. Also, I feel you about the dentist. I really need to make an appointment for a cleaning, but I just don't want to.
    The next few days are going to be busy. We have tickets to a musical, I want to go to wine and coloring right after, there is a big Main Street Market, and then on Monday, I have an appointment with my chiropractor to discuss ALL my physical and mental health stuff. And I think my husband's brother and his wife are going to be here next week.
    I guess that means I better get a move on. Have a great weekend!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Monday is back. Grumble grumble.

    At least we had a nice weekend and good weather. We were able to sit outside in the yard both days. Today is cloudy and a little meh but that's okay.

    Been a busy day at work. I am remote today. Hope your weekend was nice, @KateNkognito and sometimes relaxing and surfing the 'net is the best way! LOL Good luck with the MD appt. I love chiropractors too. Enjoy the company coming by too.

    Have a good day and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Whoops! I missed yesterday! Chiropractor appointment went well. I have a starting point and some new supplements.
    Glad you enjoyed your weekend, @Meghan509! Our weather has been so nice, too. Except we were all outside last night and the bugs were enjoying the weather, too.
    Off to do stuff. Have a lovely week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    One of those emotional mornings today. Got teary on the way to work, sitting in traffic. Sigh. I am dreading Father's Day this Sunday. :'( I guess they say time will heal...

    Traffic was not too bad and I made it in early which is nice. Figures on the day when most of my folks are traveling I am EARLY. LOL

    Good, glad you got set up at the Chiropractor today, @KateNkognito that should help you feel better. :) Got to love the bugs. LOL We use that Backyard spray which I think is by the brand Cutter. We spray it around the patio area and areas we like to hang out via our garden hose. It helps keep the lovely mosquitos at bay. We also use citronella candles, the big giant ones from Wal-Mart or BJ's for night time when it gets buggy.

    Not much else going on here, which is fine by me. Hope you have a good day!! See you soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning,

    Happy Wednesday. I am tired and don't really feel like being in the office today. Dealing with stupid women stuff too. UGH. Zzzzz... There is a "Team Building" event after work or from 4:00pm to 7:00pm where the group is cooking a meal and eating it. Sounds cute but told them a week or so ago that I am going to pass. Just not in the mood. :(

    Sorry to be Debbie Downer. Just one of those days...

    Hope you have a good day. See you soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Not too bad here. Better than yesterday, after reading what I wrote. Sigh...

    Quiet day in the office with a lot of folks working remotely. Except my boss of course. LOL But, she is easy. :)

    Hope you have a good day and a nice Friday Eve! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    @Meghan509 I am glad today is going better. :) I am not a people person, so everyone knows better than to expect me at a group event. LOL
    I haven't been doing well with fasting the last couple of days because of family in town. I feel awful today. Going to avoid them as long as possible and then just have a bit of dinner tonight.
    Have a lovely Friday Eve!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Yes, today is going well too, thanks @KateNkognito. Just need to get through my first Father's Day without my Dad. I can do it. :'(

    Had my six month skin cancer screening today and she removed two more "atypical" moles UGH. Fingers crossed that they are no big deal and we caught the bad stuff before it could get worse.

    Not much else going on here. Some heavy rain happening. Good day to be home working remotely and not dealing with stupid traffic. LOL

    Hope you have a nice visit with family Kate! Stay strong and hang in there with the icky feeling. <3

    Have a great weekend. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Have a good weekend. Meghan, hugs for you.
    Feeling better today. Will get back to fasting regularly next week. Going to do my best until then.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning,

    Happy Monday.

    Hope you and your family had a nice Father's Day @KateNkognito! Mine was okay. I submitted a little tribute post on my Facebook / Instagram and that made me feel like I was wishing my Dad well on Father's Day in some little way... :(

    We had nice weather all weekend which was awesome. I really like spending time outside whenever possible. Sunday was so nice that I actually put my bathing suit on and loaded up on the SPF. Right now we are sitting at 70 degrees F and sunny. I like it.

    Home today, working remotely. In office usual days this week - Tuesday through Thursday. My goal is to quit being lazy and get my summer clothing all pulled out and organized and my winter clothing all put away. Sigh...

    I can't believe how quickly June is going. This week I should have been down in Florida visiting my Dad. :( UGH. Got to keep my chin up. They say the "first" holidays are always tough: birthday, Father's Day, etc. etc. Then it gets a little easier as time goes on.

    Hope you have a great day today. Glad you are feeling a little better. Hopefully you can get back to fasting. :) See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Hugs to you, Meghan.
    June is slipping by. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Annual checkup that I haven't done in 6 years. Oops! I'm only supposed to go every 3 years, but I missed 2020, apparently. Going to ask a few questions and hopefully get an answer about small surgery I need.
    Have a lovely week! It is supposed to get HOT here.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning,

    @KateNkognito I agree that June is totally flying by. I can't believe we are at the 20th day of the month, sigh... I say that because I love the warm weather and don't want it to go by too fast!

    Good luck with your MD appointment! Hope all goes well. You are reminding me that I need to pick a new primary care physician and need to make an appointment with that person and sometime this year... Been slacking in that regard since my old MD retired a few years back and I then the lady who replaced him left. I didn't care much for her anyway. LOL I am not a 100% slacker though, I do the health screening once a year that my office suggests with blood work and all that fun stuff and then I get incentive money for it. :)

    I am working in the office today and came in to a fridge that is not working. This is the same fridge I called service on back in March and they couldn't find anything wrong. Come on man! LOL Lights are all off and the ice all melted. Hopefully they can fix it when they come tomorrow afternoon.

    I hope you have a good one. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    @Meghan509 I have the same problem with doctors retiring. I had a nurse midwife, who was awesome, then the OB/GYN that she worked with, who was ok, then some other dude that I didn't particularly care for, now someone new. Where's menopause when you need it? Then I can just go to the pharmacy clinic when I need to.
    I hope you get the fridge fixed, or someone just decides to buy a new one. :)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    LOLOL I know what you mean @KateNkognito all these doctors who have the nerve to retire! My OB/GYN decided to take like three months off in the spring which meant when I booked my appointment for end of June, she was fully booked until early August. Sigh... If I had known, I would have booked my yearly appointment when I was there last June! Argh. Nice lady though. She is a real sweetheart. Funny as heck too. I told her the only thing I don't like about going there is having to hop on the scale! She said yeah everybody says that. LOLOL

    Busy day here. Fridge repair person should be here in a few hours. Oh boy!

    Seems like I have been back and forth today with email after email after email! Quarter close is almost here so Finance is asking all kinds of questions about invoices and stuff. Fun, fun, fun!

    Hope you have a great day. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    It is a dark and stormy day here. I love it!
    @Meghan509 I hope they can fix or replace the fridge!
    Have a lovely day folks! I am off to do laundry and watch the rain.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Yes, we had the appliances technician here yesterday and after paying our $700 plus, our fridge is now fixed! Crazy. These two fridges (one upstairs and one down) were purchased in 2011-2012 time frame. Both being higher end stainless steel with ice makers and stuff and this is the second time something big has gone wrong. Thankfully they had the parts and it was able to be fixed quickly.

    We are sitting here at 60 degrees F and mostly cloudy. Strange cool weather for this time of year. I am in a light sweater and jeans today and I feel fine. Weekend weather is going to be hit or miss with rain showers expected.

    @KateNkognito hope you enjoyed the rain! I know what you mean about being home when it is dark and stormy! Makes we want to relax on the couch and watch a movie! LOL Might be some movies on tap for the weekend if the weather is going to be iffy.

    Not a whole lot else going on here which is okay by me. Hoping to have a relaxing and low stress Thursday!

    Have a good day and see you soon.

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,663 Member
    Not that I don't love the visiting family, but after almost two weeks, I am not sad that they are all leaving tomorrow. Fasting, laundry, and relaxing will follow.
    Enjoy your weekend, @Meghan509! It is supposed to get super hot and stay that way for a good long while. Summer has arrived.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Good morning!

    Wow, two weeks is quite a lot of time @KateNkognito! You are a good family member! :) Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend!

    Looking like our weekend is going to be a quiet and relaxing one as well. We have on and off thunder storms expected all weekend but honestly we need the rain.

    I am working remotely today. I really do like having Mondays and Fridays at home. I guess I can thank the pandemic for that. LOL Planning to hit the grocery store during lunch today because why not!

    Hope you have a nice Friday and a good weekend! See you soon.