Shape Shifters Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 325 Member

    July Step Challenge Results

    Wk 1 - @jessicakrall8 with 94,022 steps!
    Wk 2 - @Izzyred9400 with 91,689 steps!
    Wk 3 - @frankwbrown with 79,402 steps!
    Wk 4 - @izzyred9400 with 92,041 steps!

    Top 3 Walkers
    1. @frankwbrown with 335,055 steps!!!
    2. @jessicakrall8 with 333,261 steps!!
    3. @izzyred9400 with 317,115 steps!

    As a team, we walked 2.4+ million steps!!
    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who participated!! What will the results be like for August?!!

    Awesome Job All!!!! woohoo!!!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    edited August 2023
    That is a good idea. But my skillset includes Google spreadsheet, and I have two tips for you both:
    1. You can populate the cells initially with what is called the null value. That is an empty cell (as opposed to one containing a blank). You can test this out by deleting the zero in one of the cells. You'll see that doing so does not affect the summing across the cells. A null cell is treated as a zero for arithmetic summation. This way, you'd be able to distinguish between a cell with no value yet (the null value) and one whose value was set to zero.
    2. Using conditional formatting, there's a way to automatically change the color of a cell based on its value. You could use conditional formatting to make cells with the null value a different color. So initially, all cells would be that color. But when a value is entered in each cell, its color would would change back to the default color. So, as days/weeks go by, it would be readily apparent which cells had no recorded value yet. I can walk you through this if you'd like.

    Hi @frankwbrown and thanks for the information. I never had a lot of experience with Google's version of a spreadsheet...I'm an Excel person myself, so it took some getting used to...

    In regards to #1 above...I'm aware of this, but empty cells scream that I have more work to do...I think it's my brush with OCD actually...

    In #2...these spreadsheets have to be rapidly copied from month to month and the MODS prefer we don't make a lot of changes...I try to do nothing more than change a few colors (as in this case), fix a broken formula and/or delete or insert a few lines at the most and that seems to keep everyone happy.

    I'm going to stick with my plan of purple #3 because it tells us at a glance that the cell was filled as zero on purpose and we don't have to chase down any further information. It can also easily be changed back to white fill and no one will be upset with us lowly Captains.

    Thanks for your willingness to show us though...that was very kind. You're always such a wealth of information...I appreciate you Frank! Congrats on beating me (barely) in the step challenge in July! :blush:

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    Only missing one weigh-in this week:


    Stats begin early tomorrow morning, so please report in ASAP. Thanks!

    Steppers...take a look at the chart and post a list of your steps WITH DATES please. Thanks!

  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    @jessicakrall8 , do we have a new challenge for the week? Unfortunately, because of the crazy weather here in my corner of 3world, I just couldn't keep up with it so it got abandoned by the wayside.

    And in other news, I was wondering if anyone else is using the Galaxy watch as well? I upgraded my phone this week and got a galaxy watch 5 as well. I am liking it so far. I just wanna know what others opinions of it are as well. It does sync with my phone and mfp through the Samsung health app.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    The August Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Aug 6th. Please join us for PFW + 1 Challenge. You'll have to stop by to figure it out!!! Acronyms are tricky things!

    Here's your link:

    Hope to see you in the chat thread!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    @Cyncia85 Make sure you pop in on this week's group challenge...special thanks to you for your input and for planting the seed of the idea for part of it. Hope you'll have time to take part...
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    edited August 2023
    8/4 4,130
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    @jessicakrall8 , do we have a new challenge for the week? Unfortunately, because of the crazy weather here in my corner of 3world, I just couldn't keep up with it so it got abandoned by the wayside.

    And in other news, I was wondering if anyone else is using the Galaxy watch as well? I upgraded my phone this week and got a galaxy watch 5 as well. I am liking it so far. I just wanna know what others opinions of it are as well. It does sync with my phone and mfp through the Samsung health app.

    @Armygirlarmyof1 I do a new weekly group challenge every week, always starting on Sunday. The link was posted right after you posted this message. Come join us...
  • bearchested
    bearchested Posts: 221 Member
    @bearchested - That sounds like an awesome journey, I've often thought going across Iowa or Nebraska would be a great cycle but century temps would be very challenging. Great adventure! Thanks for sharing. Are you on Zwift? If so if you'll send me your username I'll add you as a friend (I'm Merwanjee-Framjee). I'm rebuilding my training kit - and hopefully will have it working soon so I'm actually using my subscription again. I've only ever done one 100 mile ride and it was on the trainer, lol, mad respect!

    Cool, I just added you on Zwift. It seems crazy but the 100 mile day felt like one of the easiest of the week.
  • Sbus12
    Sbus12 Posts: 191 Member
    edited August 2023
    @izzyred9400 you inspired me with your weights spreadsheet you shared and hearing how you’re going for it and on week 2! That’s so awesome! Yesterday was raining all day here so I wasnt able to go out and get my steps. (I did go out around bedtime to get a decent amount in once it was dry out) My teenagers have a large set of free weights so I decided either go to the gym or use those. I chose the latter and did 4 arm exercises (12reps each) and then squats and lunges. My son and husband were my informal coaches and peanut gallery. Holy cow am I feeling it today!!! Honestly my legs were jello last night with stairs.

    8/4 12,379
    8/5 7,105

    NSV—1st real and complete workout with free weights in over a year!!

  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @nancyinmo so sorry about the storm. Hope it’s not too much damage. This weather everywhere!!!

    @Pupowl love the picture of Tinus with the hydrangeas in the background!

    I’m catching up on reading posts while drinking morning coffee. I’m really enjoying hearing what everyone is up to around the world.

    I’m in Houston today, but flying to Denver this evening with my daughter to help her move. My mom’s knee surgery went well as did my daughter’s first wedding dress fitting. I’m getting my frequent flyer miles in these days!

    I’m doing pretty good with my maintenance so far. Up a pound this morning, but still under my goal
    weight. Also been doing well with my running and biking mileage, but mostly indoors. It’s just so hot outside.

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!

  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @bearchested Congrats on finishing the Ragbrai!!! (May not have spelled that correctly though) Very impressive!!! I was following my cousin on Strava and she said it was definitely hotter than usual. But not as hot as Houston lol!!! Hope your Covid recovery goes quickly !!!
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,443 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Fri 8/4: 11,629
    Sat 8/5: 12,056
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,312 Member
    Wk 2 - Sun, Aug 6th
    PW: 172.2
    CW: 171.6
    Gain/Loss: -0.6 :)

    HW: 182.2
    SW: 178.8 (started with beg May 2023)
    Month 1, May 2023 - End wt = 176.0: loss 2.8
    Month 2, Jun 2023 - End wt = 175.0: loss 1.0
    Month 3, Jul 2023 - End Wt = 172.2: loss 2.8
    Month 4, Aug 2023 - Gain/Loss MTD = -0.6

    Total since May 1, 2023 = Loss 7.2
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    4470 in steps today. Felt pretty decent. Was mainly done inside
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,329 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • Jlswensen
    Jlswensen Posts: 61 Member
    edited August 2023

    You know - I was super frustrated with the fact for the last month my weight has stayed the same until I measured myself. My goal is to average 4lbs loss per month. Whilst I’ve not been super strict with my diet I have been regularly logging my food and exercising using my training plan. I land under my calorie goal most of the time.

    In the last month, I’ve lost 3 inches from my waist, 3 inches from my hips, 1 inch from my bust and 1/2 inch from my thigh despite a plateau on the weight loss. In thinking about changes, my doc had to change up my asthma medication and the one I’m on now has the potential to cause weight gain - but breathing is important and the one I was on originally wasn’t working.

    I’d like to do the group challenges, but I find the community rooms a little challenging to work with. I don’t login using a computer, but my iPhone.

    My focus for August is to stick to my training plan and fuel appropriately which means meal planning. Likely steel cut oats for breakfast, Turkey sandwiches for lunch, and a varied veg forward dinner. Limit alcohol to two nights a week (wine night and craft beer club).
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    Jlswensen wrote: »

    You know - I was super frustrated with the fact for the last month my weight has stayed the same until I measured myself. My goal is to average 4lbs loss per month. Whilst I’ve not been super strict with my diet I have been regularly logging my food and exercising using my training plan. I land under my calorie goal most of the time.

    In the last month, I’ve lost 3 inches from my waist, 3 inches from my hips, 1 inch from my bust and 1/2 inch from my thigh despite a plateau on the weight loss. In thinking about changes, my doc had to change up my asthma medication and the one I’m on now has the potential to cause weight gain - but breathing is important and the one I was on originally wasn’t working.

    I’d like to do the group challenges, but I find the community rooms a little challenging to work with. I don’t login using a computer, but my iPhone.

    My focus for August is to stick to my training plan and fuel appropriately which means meal planning. Likely steel cut oats for breakfast, Turkey sandwiches for lunch, and a varied veg forward dinner. Limit alcohol to two nights a week (wine night and craft beer club).

    @Jlswensen Wow, that's great on inches lost!!! Sounds like your body is just trying to figure out what's going on...and it might be the medication as well...but you're right...ya gotta breathe! Things will even out...

    I understand about MFP and reading all on your phone...that does make it're doing really well...stick with it...let us know if there's anything we can do to help you along the way. We're here if you need to vent, need suggestions, have questions or just wanna chat...

  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member

    8/4: 8,885
    8/5: 13,689
This discussion has been closed.